September 12, 2006

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Current Yield (at bid) YTW Average Trading Value Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.45% 4.47% 39,089 16.52 1 0.9024% 1,001.2
Fixed-Floater 4.92% 3.95% 317,347 11.49 6 0.1072% 1,007.7
Floater 4.63% -15.40% 85,825 8.04 4 -0.2357% 1,010.2
Op. Retract 4.68% 2.40% 74,431 2.40 18 0.0231% 1,011.5
Split-Share 4.97% 3.75% 53,053 2.73 10 -0.1466% 1,009.7
Interest Bearing 6.82% 5.54% 57,182 2.09 7 -0.0066% 1,017.2
Perpetual-Premium 5.14% 4.27% 179,804 4.28 48 0.0583% 1,022.1
Perpetual-Discount 4.62% 4.64% 313,266 16.16 6 -0.1147% 1,028.8
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
AL.PR.E Floater -1.0822% Giving up most of yesterday’s gains on volume of 560 shares.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
CM.PR.A OpRet 202,370 Nesbitt crossed 200,000 @ $27.23. This issue has a YTW of only 1.11% at the closing bid of 27.17, based on a call at the first opportunity, commencing 2007-10-31 at a price of 25.75. The annual dividend of $1.325 is very rich for a highly rated operating retractible – CGI.PR.C trades at a fat premium paying only $0.975 – but even if the issue survives until just before its retraction date it will only have yielded 3.52%
BAM.PR.B Floater 126,910 Nesbitt executed an internal cross of 87,300 shares at 24.31
TD.PR.O PerpetualPremium 109,200  
PWF.PR.A Scraps 42,300 Desjardins crossed 20,000 @ 25.35, then bought 21,300 from Nesbitt at the same price. This issue is in the “Scraps” index due to its normally low volume, so today is a red-letter day!
GWO.PR.I PerpetualDiscount 37,150  

There were sixteen other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

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