Archive for the ‘Index Construction / Reporting’ Category

HIMI Index Performance, May 2007

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Performance of the HIMI Indices for May was:

Total Return, May 2007
Index Performance
Ratchet -2.05%
FixFloat -4.70%
Floater -1.20%
OpRet -0.78%
SplitShare -0.09%
Interest -0.39%
PerpetualPremium -2.20%
PerpetualDiscount -5.36%

The Claymore Preferred ETF may be viewed, with caution, as a proxy for the S&P/TSX Preferred Share Index. Caution is required due to tracking error – the ETF will deliver performance according to what it actually holds and how well it is able to do things like reinvest its dividends, which is not the same thing as an index return. I suspect that tracking error this month will be larger than it will be in the future, since it has issued a great many units. Additionally, the fund’s NAV will be reported after MER of 0.45% p.a.

Be that as it may, the NAV on 5/31 was $19.44; the NAV on 4/30 was $19.91. Therefore, NAV Performance for May 2007 for CPD was -2.36%, net of MER (which will be just under 0.04% monthly).

Diversified Preferred Share Trust, DPS.UN is the main competitor of CPD. It doesn’t publish month-end NAVs, but the May 30 NAV was $22.55, while the May 2 NAV was $23.11, so its performance for this four-week period was -2.42%, net of its MER of about 0.04% for the period. The corresponding figures for CPD are $19.48, $19.90, -2.11%. Ouch! I presume that DPS.UN underperformed due to its greater weight in BCE issues, but that’s merely speculation.

It should also be noted that the HIMI Indices are prepared using the closing bids, which can be a very different thing from the closing price. When averaged over a lot of issues the difference should be minimal, but you can’t tell until you rip apart the data.

Caution should also be used in interpreting the differences between the various HIMI Indices. I will suggest that the lousy performance in Ratchet and FixFloat have a lot more to do with nervousness about BCE’s credit than the intrinsic performance of those investment classes – both of those subindices held entirely BCE for the period.

One very interesting thing that happened this month is that a lot of the yieldCurvePremiumLiquidity disappeared, as shown in this graph. I interpret the change in the premium as reflecting a desire by some holders, at least, to get out of the sector in size and quickly; such holders might simply sell their most liquid holdings to adjust portfolio exposures; this will affect the prices of these issues; hence, liquidity will become a lot less expensive. The PerpetualDiscount index is the most liquid of all the sub-indices – it’s dominated by recent issues, apart from anything else – and thus a portion of the decline in this index might be attributed to this factor rather than the intrinsic characteristics of the investment.

Such a hypothesis gains some support from examination of the changes in the yield curve, which I found a little surprising. The long-end hasn’t moved by nearly as much as one might have expected. Note that this graph is of the TAXABLE curve and refers to SPOT YIELDS … therefore, the x-axis shows the yield one might expect on a “stripped dividend”, after tax.

Attribution analysis is tricky and very implementation dependent. I might return to this topic on the weekend.

HIMI Index Rebalancing: May 31, 2007

Friday, June 1st, 2007

There was a lot of activity this month: a huge migration from PerpetualPremium to PerpetualDiscount; a transfer of all the Weston issues to Scraps due to credit concerns; and a transfer of several issues from Scraps due to increased volume.

The changes are:

HIMI Index Rebalancing, May 31, 2007
Ticker From To Because
WN.PR.C PerpetualPremium Scraps Credit
SLF.PR.B PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount  Price 
MFC.PR.B PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price 
POW.PR.D PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
CM.PR.H PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
WN.PR.A PerpetualPremium Scraps Credit
PWF.PR.D Scraps OpRet Volume
LFE.PR.A Scraps SplitShare Volume
FTU.PR.A Scraps SplitShare Volume
BAM.PR.G Scraps FixFloat Volume
WN.PR.B OpRet Scraps Credit
MST.PR.A Interest Scraps Volume
BMO.PR.J PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
ELF.PR.G PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
RY.PR.B PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
CM.PR.I PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
WN.PR.D PerpetualPremium Scraps Credit
GWO.PR.H PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
PWF.PR.K PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
SLF.PR.A PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
WN.PR.E PerpetualDiscount Scraps Credit

SBN.PR.A Closes: A $45-million Issue

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

S Split Corp, discussed on April 30 has closed, with 4.5-million shares outstanding. There was the usual price-pop and heavy volume; the issue closed at 10.42-45, 53×10, on volume of 415,750 shares.

I’d say there’s still a little value left: the curvePrice is $10.79, comprised of :

Price due to base-rate :  10.26
Price due to short-term :  -0.30
Price due to long-term :   0.71
Price due to Interest Income :   0.00
Price to to Cumulative Dividends :   0.00
Price due to SplitShareCorp :  -0.22
Price due to Retractibility :   0.37
Price due to Credit Spread (2) :  -0.13
Price due to Liquidity :   0.21
Price due to Floating Rate :   0.00
Price due to Credit Spread (3) :   0.00
Price due to error :   0.03
Price due to Credit Spread (High) :   0.00
Price due to Credit Spread (Low) :  -0.12

Update: This issue has been added to the HIMI Split-Shares Index.

BAM.PR.T to be redeemed

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

Brookfield has announced:

it intends to redeem its 8.30% Preferred Securities due June 30, 2051 (the “Securities”) (CUSIP No. 112585 849) on July 3, 2007. The Redemption Price will be C$25.00 per Security plus accrued and unpaid interest of C$0.017055 thereon up to but excluding the redemption date, representing a total Redemption Price of C$25.017055 per Security.There are currently 5,000,000 outstanding 8.30% Preferred Securities, which are listed on the TSX under the symbol BAM.PR.T.

Hardly a surprise, but a sad event never-the-less. As the May 15 evaluation of the “Interest Bearing” index shows, this was the last of the Operating-Company Interest-Bearers that made life so well worth living a few years ago. The only Preferred Securities left are split-share corporations.

BAM.PR.N : A Ticking Time-Bomb?

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

The previously announced new issue of BAM 4.75% Perpetuals started trading today under the symbol BAM.PR.N … and I can’t believe my eyes!

I was expecting it to trade in the $24.50 area, simply because that’s where the BAM.PR.M issue promptly slumped to immediately after the new issue was announced … the price level is not a surprise.

The surprise is that it’s now 1:30 pm, only 5,500 shares have traded, and the market is quoted at 24.60-64, 3×7. 3×7? On a new issue? 5,500 shares?

Together with the drop in price being so pre-ordained by the behaviour of BAM.PR.M, what this is telling me is that the underwriters haven’t sold a whole lot of shares. I can’t state that as a definite fact and I’m not the Oracle of Delphi, but that’s my interpretation and I’ll bet anybody who likes an entire dime that I’m right.

I suspect that this one will have an Inventory Blow-Out Sale, just like SLF.PR.D did last fall. Maybe early June, but I won’t bet any money on that part of the prediction. In the mean-time, I urge extreme caution when buying both BAM.PR.N and its twin sister BAM.PR.M … at least until the situation clarifies.

The HIMIPref™ database has been updated with the new issue information – BAM.PR.N has been assigned the securityCode A41223, replacing the preIssue code of P43000. A reorgDataEntry has been processed to reflect the change.

Update: Closed at 24.50-60, 3×19, on volume of 9,400 in a trading range of 24.50-75.

At some point, I’m going to do some research on “First Trading Days”. This must be some kind of record.

tick … tick … tick …

Update: This issue has been added to the PerpetualDiscount Index.

HIMI Preferred Indices : April 30, 2007 Rebalancing

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

A fair amount of movement this month – mainly from PerpetualPremium to PerpetualDiscount.

2007-04-30 Index Rebalancing
Ticker From To Because
LFE.PR.E Scraps Add
ALB.PR.A SplitShares Add
PAY.PR.A Scraps SplitShare Volume
RY.PR.D PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
RY.PR.E PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
BAM.PR.M PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
CIU.PR.A PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
RY.PR.C PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
IAG.PR.A PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
MUH.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
ASC.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
PWF.PR.A Floater Scraps Volume

Index Performance : April 2007

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

All over the map this month!

Index Performance, April 2007
Ratchet -7.65%
FixFloat -9.13%
Floater +0.61%
OpRet -0.14%
SplitShare -0.79%
InterestBearing +0.18%
PerpetualPremium -0.82%
PerpetualDiscount -1.19%

Both the FixFloat and the RatchetRate indices are comprised entirely of BCE issues; BCE has no issues included in any of the other indices. 

The S&P/TSX preferred share index was (before the collapse) 7-8% BCE (which is proxied by FixFloat); the BMO-NB 50 is a little higher, about 10%. Diversified Preferred Fund (DPS.UN) lists its 25 largest positions as of Year-end, which include 6 BCE/Bell issues totalling 9.95% of the portfolio at that time, while the Claymore ETF currently lists 2 of these issues in its holdings, currently comprising 6.86% of the portfolio. MAPF hasn’t held any of these issues for a long time … I can’t even remember holding them, but I’m sure I have at some point or other.

By cracky, you young whippersnappers don’t know nuthin’. I can remember when Bell Canada / BCE was a decent credit!



Split Share Discount

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

On the thread for April 27, Drew asked:

The YTW of split shares and perpetual premium shares seems to have risen over the last month substantially more than that of perpetual discount shares. My impression is that the bond yield curve has not flattened like this. Am I correct and, if so, do you have a theory?

Well, first off, let’s look at the index data: March 30:

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Op. Retract 4.72% 3.04% 85,479 2.16 17 -0.0828% 1,034.0
Split-Share 5.01% 3.14% 158,951 3.31 14 +0.0234% 1,052.8
Perpetual-Premium 5.02% 3.56% 219,123 5.15 53 -0.0031% 1,059.8
Perpetual-Discount 4.53% 4.54% 762,721 15.37 10 -0.0157% 1,066.8

…and for April 27:

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Op. Retract 4.73% 3.22% 84,115 2.38 17 -0.0108% 1,033.0
Split-Share 5.03% 4.29% 179,611 4.02 12 +0.1756% 1,046.1
Perpetual-Premium 5.07% 4.50% 222,579 6.25 54 -0.1567% 1,051.4
Perpetual-Discount 4.57% 4.59% 924,984 16.22 12 -0.0112% 1,056.4

From these indications, we see huge apparent changes in the yield of split shares. There are, as always, details of the analysis that must be understood before we pat ourselves on the back, however.

Consider the April 27 Split Share Index. Well, it looks like one thing that’s going to happen soon is that MUH.PR.A and ASC.PR.A will be moved to the “Scraps” index, on grounds of insufficient averageTradingValue, but never mind that.

One thing we notice is that DFN.PR.A & FFN.PR.A have much higher YTWs than FTN.PR.A, thanks to the recently approved term extensions on the former two issues. Be sure to write a thank-you note to your friendly neighborhood capital unit holder for the gift! Another thing we notice when looking at the index table is that the Split-Share index has been hit a lot harder than the Operating-Retractible index. This effect is due, I think, to a lack of understanding in the marketplace in general as to the nature of a split-share corporation. For example, one commenter on Financial Webring Forum stated that he was “not interested in … split shares that mature at NAV”.

Well, the preferred share component of a split share corp does not mature at NAV, absent default. The last two words are very important, because as I showed in the article Are Floating Prefs Money Market Vehicles?, Split Shares have, historically, been more susceptible to credit downgrades than other classes of share. However, readers who have read Using Credit Ratings When Buying Preferreds and Split Shares will know how to watch for the signs of an imminent downgrade. It seems to me that DBRS has been tightening its standards for Split Share credit ratings in the past year or two; as well, while the nature of a split share makes the rating more volatile, it also makes credit analysis a lot easier! So, while you have to watch them, so what? You have to watch everything in this uncertain world.

Some institutional investors, as well, don’t like Split Shares: one reasonably good reason is that not only are issue sizes relatively small, but they are rarely available as a new issue bought en bloc unless you also buy the Capital Units. One relatively bad reason is that many institutional guys don’t understand them either, another is that buying them might give the impression that they are sub-contracting asset management to the Split-Share’s sponsor, or at least have to explain to clients why that is not a fair characterization.

So in the end, Split Shares become not just a playground for retail, but for a relatively small component of the retail preferred share buying populace at that. This makes them much more susceptible to volatility and what I currently believe is contagion from the continuing woes of BCE.

I’ve uploaded a graph of the yieldCurvePremiumRetractible and the yieldCurvePremiumSplitShareCorp. On April 27, these values stood at -0.44% and +0.40%, respectively, changing from -0.42% and +0.34%, respectively, on March 30. So, yeah, Split Share spreads have widened quite noticeably over the past month. I’ve also uploaded a graph of the core yield curves at year-end, March month-end and now, for your inspection. All these curves and spreads, I hasten to note before I forget, are AFTER TAX.

Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund currently has a relatively high exposure to Split Shares, so I could be accused of talking up my inventory. I could also be accused of putting my money where my mouth is. Take your pick – you have been warned!


BCE, Event Risk and the FixedFloater Index

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

My eagle-eyed readership will have noticed that the FixedFloater index is not doing very well recently.

This is largely due to the fact that it is entirely comprised of BCE issues: BCE has been in the news lately due to speculation that Ontario Teachers might take a run at it … or at least try to pump up the shareholder value … and I don’t mean the PREFERRED shares!

DBRS had this to say today:

DBRS notes that the Company’s largest shareholder, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (OTBP or Teachers), has recently changed its long-standing position from being a more passive shareholder to an active shareholder. This change could place further pressure on the Company and thereby heighten its event risk.

DBRS’s current expectations for BCE include the Company maintaining a stable and conservative balance sheet and the balanced deployment of the Telesat proceeds. Should the Company’s response to recent pressure be outside of DBRS’s expectations, DBRS may reconsider the appropriateness of the Company’s A (low)/“A” ratings.

However, DBRS currently expects that any changes in the Company’s financial policy as outlined above would likely result in one-notch rating change at BCE to BBB (high)/A (low).

Nice, eh? I tell people and tell people : Floating prefs are not money market instruments, no matter how much they quack like those ducks, but nobody ever listens.

A more aggressively pro-shareholder stance by BCE will not lead to another offer for the preferreds – if anything, such an event will be less likely. I bet the old Bell Canada pref holders are now feeling a little blue : they voted to switch to an inferior credit for a trivial consideration and this could be nasty.

How will all this work out? I have no idea. I’d be buying options like crazy if I did. But I did want to ensure that readers understand that the recent decline in the FixedFloater index (down to 1,039.4 today from a peak of 1055.7 on March 15) is not necessarily due to any market disenchantment with FixedFloaters – it is more likely BCE related.

BNS.PR.M Arrives at Market Slightly Discounted

Friday, April 6th, 2007

The Scotia new issue, announced March 21, closed its first day of trading at 24.87-89, on heavy volume of 724,590 shares. There was a tight trading range, 24.85-92.

Updated comparatives are:

Scotia Bank 4.45% Perp New Issue & Comparatives
Price due to base-rate 22.52 22.43 22.64
Price due to short-term -0.25 -0.25 -0.25
Price due to long-term 1.39 1.39 1.39
Price to to Cumulative Dividends 0.00 0.00 0.00
Price due to Liquidity 1.71 1.71 1.72
Price due to error -0.07 -0.07 -0.07
Curve Price (Taxable Curve) 25.30 25.22 25.43
Dividend Rate $1.125 $1.125 $1.125
Quote 4/5 24.87-89 24.97-98 25.15-23
YTW (at bid, after tax) 3.61% 3.58% 3.60%
YTW Date Infinite 2016-5-27 / Infinite Infinite
Credit Rating (DBRS) Pfd-1 Pfd-1 Pfd-1
YTW (Pre-Tax) 4.54% 4.50% 4.51%
YTW Modified Duration (Pre-Tax) 16.36 16.46 16.24
YTW Pseudo-Convexity (Pre-Tax) -35.01 -63.28 -51.92

Update: The issue has been added to the HIMIPref&trade database with the securityCode A41010, replacing the preIssue code of P50012. A reorgDataEntry has been added to the system.

The issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ PerpetualDiscount Index.