Archive for the ‘Index Construction / Reporting’ Category

Strong Opening for LBS.PR.A

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

As readers of my earlier post may have expected, LBS.PR.A had a very strong opening day, with 1,671,290 shares trading and closing at 10.55-59.

There may be more to come, as the following HIMIPref™ analysis indicates:

Curve Price Analysis of LBS.PR.A
Component Taxable Curve Non-taxable Curve
Base-Rate 10.35 10.26
Short-Term 0.13 0.56
Long-Term 0.33 0.01
Split-Share -0.26 -0.32
Retractible 0.34 0.44
Credit Spread (2) -0.08 -0.11
Error -0.01 0.00
Intrinsic Price 10.80 10.84
Liquidity 0.23 0.25
Total Curve Price 11.03 11.09

The estimate for the liquidity value is, as with all new issues, a little dicey – especially for a split-share issue, there is no guarantee that a huge liquidity premium will be sustained in the long run … in fact, there is a strong possibility of the opposite! But with an intrinsic value in the neighborhood of $10.80, it would appear there’s still some value left in the issue.

For those interested in more traditional measures, the pre-tax YTW of this issue is 4.34%, with a modified duration of 5.97, both measurements based on a maturity on 2013-11-29.

The issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ database with a security code of A47800, replacing the pre-issue code of P50004. It has also been added to the SplitShare Index.

Effect of BCE / BC offer on indices

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

As noted earlier in the post BCE to Make Offer for All BCE / BC Preferred Shares, there is a distinct possibility that a large number of preferred share issues will disappear in a few months’ time:

Indices Affected by BCE / BC Plan
Index Number of Issues Currently Included Number of Included Issues Affected Issues
RatchetRate 2 2 BCE.PR.S, BC.PR.E
FixedFloater 7 6 BC.PR.B, BCE.PR.A, BCE.PR.R, BC.PR.C, BCE.PR.Z, BCE.PR.C

Even if the offers don’t succeed totally, sufficient shares may be taken up and cancelled that any given issue may shrivel away and be eliminated from the index on volume considerations.

Should all current constituents of an index suffer such a fate (so that there are no issues in the HIMIPref™ universe that meet the conditions for inclusion), then performance numbers for each of these two indices will be computed from the “FloatingRate” index.

Index Changes Processed 2006-10-10

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

There were two changes (intra-month changes!) in the indices on October 10:

Index Changes 2006-10-10
Issue From To Because
RY.PR.S PerpetualPremium N/A Redeemed
SLF.PR.D N/A PerpetualDiscount New Issue

Index Rebalancing: September 29, 2006

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

The following changes have been made to the composition of the experimental indices:

Ticker From To Because
PWF.PR.D OpRet Scraps Volume
PAY.PR.A SplitShares Scraps Volume
MIC.PR.A PerpetualPremium Scraps Volume
BAM.PR.G Scraps FixedFloater Volume
PWF.PR.A Scraps Floater Volume
FTU.PR.A Scraps SplitShares Volume
BC.PR.E Scraps RatchetRate Volume

BAM.PR.B / Floating-rate Index

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

“You say you dislike floating rate issues. Why then does the system love BAM.PR.B?”

Well! That was a lovely eMail to receive! Don’t I have enough problems spouting my opinions without having to worry about consistency?

HIMIPref™ does love BAM.PR.B. It is ranked as the best single preferred share in the marketplace, so let’s dig into the numbers a little and see what’s what. Very briefly, the issue is currently callable at $25.00 and pays 70% of Canada prime, so the annual dividend is currently $1.05. It’s a member of the “Floaters” index, so let’s compare it with those issues:

Credit (DBRS) Pfd-2(low) Pfd-2(low) Pfd-2(low) Pfd-2(low)
9/26 quote 24.20-27 24.25-38 25.33-46 26.60-74
Dividend 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.50
Average Trading 222,586 97,663 44,673 53,081
Curve Analysis performed for taxable accounts
Price due to Base Rate 22.04 22.05 22.34 23.33
Price due to Short-Term 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.14
Price due to Long-Term 0.70 0.67 0.67 0.90
Price due to Credit Spread (2) -0.91 -0.87 -0.87 -0.98
Price due to Liquidity 0.99 -0.03 -0.41 -0.40
Price due to FloatingRate 3.47 3.30 3.32 3.78
Price due to Credit Spread (low) -0.40 -0.38 -0.38 -0.43
Price due to Error 0.00 0.14 0.19 0.18
Curve Price 25.99 24.98 24.95 26.52
Price Disparity 1.72 0.60 -0.38 -0.08


The key figure here is the Price Disparity which is a major influence on valuation. “Price Disparity is high” implies “HIMIPref™ loves”.

In tracing the source of the price disparity, we find two table rows of note: the Liquidity adjustment and the Floating Rate adjustment – these are both elements of the Yield Curve Calculation. Briefly: the market is now placing a huge premium on liquidity. When the entire HIMIPref™ universe is analyzed, it is found that there is a very definite liquidity effect: issues with high Average Trading Values are generally a lot more expensive than a straightforward analysis of their expected cashflows would indicate. Similarly, Floating Rate issues are far more expensive than their expected cash flows would indicate (which is why I don’t like ’em!). Note that cash flow expectations for floating rate issues are calculated with the view that Prime is what it is and ever shall be, world without end.

So … that’s why HIMIPref™ loves BAM.PR.B! It’s not due to any particular factor – it is based on the idea that, should the market come to value its characteristics in the same manner as the market values those characteristics for all the other preferreds analyzed, then it will go up in price – big time!

Is this guaranteed? Of course not. There may be elements that the market is pricing that are ignored by HIMIPref™, most obviously “Company Specific Effects”, i.e., maybe the market just doesn’t like BAM. I have not been able to define, parameterize and test a formulation of such an effect that leads to better results, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, and certainly doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist right now at this moment for BAM only!

HIMIPref™ is a statistical system. The market is a sometimes illogical beast. All one can do is make lots of small “bets” when the odds are in your favour (rather than making one big bet!) to give the statistics a chance to work. Some trades will work out nicely, others won’t … the idea is to accept that and to keep rolling the slightly-loaded dice!

August 31, 2006 (After Rebalancing)

Friday, September 1st, 2006
Index Current Yield (at bid) YTW Average Trading Value Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.46% 4.48% 37,598 16.54 1 N/A 988.2
Fixed-Floater 4.97% 4.14% 314,544 13.94 6 N/A 997.6
Floater 4.64% -17.11% 71,202 8.06 4 N/A 1,008.6
Op. Retract 4.71% 2.39% 73,364 2.55 18 N/A 1,006.7
SplitShare 4.99 3.74 54,846 2.76 10 N/A 1,005.5
Interest Bearing 6.82% 5.03% 58,842 1.88 7 N/A 1,017.2
Perpetual Premium 5.16% 4.33% 190,187 4.49 48 N/A 1,018.1
Perpetual Discount 4.61% 4.67% 278,857 15.99 6 N/A 1,029.5
Index Changes
Issue From To Because
BC.PR.E Ratchet Scraps Volume
AL.PR.F Floater Scraps Volume
SXT.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
CL.PR.B PerpetualPremium Scraps Volume
CAC.PR.A Scraps SplitShare Volume
MFC.PR.B PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
RY.PR.B PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
SLF.PR.A PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
GWO.PR.H PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
SLF.PR.B PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
CM.PR.H PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
PWF.PR.K PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price

Rebalancing, 2006-08-04

Friday, August 4th, 2006
Index Changes
Issue From To Because
PWF.PR.L   PerpetualPremium New Issue

So, today’s new issue, featured in A sparkling debut for PWF.PR.L!, is now incorporated in the index – and has contributed its little share to the gain in today’s PerpetualPremium index

A design consideration for the indices is the desire to capture the performance of new issues, so it’s nice to see a capture take place.

Rebalancing, 2006-08-01

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006
Index Changes
Issue From To Because
BC.PR.B Ratchet Fixed-Floater Error Correction
BC.PR.E Scraps Ratchet Error Correction


*sigh*. An error is not  a happy thing to admit, but it’s always best to get it over with. As detailed in the post BC.PR.B / BC.PR.E, some of the BC.PR.B fixed/floater issue was exchanged into the BC.PR.E Ratchet Rate issue.

July 31, 2006 (After Rebalancing)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006
Index Current Yield (at bid) YTW Average Trading Value Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.24% 4.25% 91,756 16.95 2 N/A 994.9
Fixed-Floater 5.23% 4.10% 98,940 8.30 5 N/A 1,002.5
Floater 4.60% -15.57% 59,854 4.60 5 N/A 1,003.4
Op. Retract 4.74% 3.05% 78,683 2.75 18 N/A 996.0
SplitShare 5.02 3.64 60,673 2.81 10 N/A 1,001.8
Interest Bearing 6.86% 5.26% 65,738 2.19 7 N/A 1,009.8
Perpetual Premium 5.30% 4.40% 124,309 3.97 41 N/A 1,006.0
Perpetual Discount 4.77% 4.80% 401,377 15.83 13 N/A 1,005.5
Index Changes
Issue From To Because
PWF.PR.A Floater Scraps Volume
CVF.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
MUH.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
BNA.PR.B SplitShare Scraps Volume
BNA.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
NA.PR.L PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
AL.PR.F Scraps Floater Volume

Index Construction

Thursday, July 20th, 2006

The indices reported in the Market Action category are experimental.

 While the definition of the indices and their composition is expected to be fairly stable, the index levels will change once I have the programming in place to compile historical figures.

 There are two requirements for inclusion in a reported index,

  • The Average Trading Value as defined by HIMIPref must exceed $25,000 (a daily moving average, with some adjustments to prevent over-estimation), and
  • The DBRS rating must be Pfd-2(low) or better

 The indices have been defined as:

  • Ratchet : All Ratchet Rate preferred during the period in which they are paying a floating rate
  • FixedFloater : All Fixed-Floaters during their fixed rate period
  • Floating : all Floating Rate issues paying a set percentage of Canadian Prime, during their floating-rate period
  • Operating Retractible : all Retractible issues that have been issued by operating companies and pay dividends
  • SplitShare : All splitShare issues that pay dividends
  • Interest Bearing : All issues that pay interest, regardless of the type of issuer (note that most are currently split shares and all are considered retractible, but “Interest Bearing” trumps)
  • Perpetual : All perpetual issues