I am very relieved to announce that the importation of posts from the Old Server to the New Server has been completed, at least as far as I know. The Partial Importation took place on November 27.
I’ve also been able to upload the various images and post attachments that have accumulated over the years.
I regret that importing the posts for the last two years required me to resurrect the Old Server as the official PrefBlog host for a day; perhaps that wouldn’t have been necessary if I knew what I was doing, but it wouldn’t have been necessary if WordPress’ programmers knew what they were doing either, so I win. I’ve alerted WordPress to the problem, but it doesn’t look like anybody’s very interested.
However, I’ve lost all my links on the right-hand navigation panel. Those will be straightforward, if rather tedious, to recreate and I hope to accomplish this job in bits and pieces over the next little while.
Additionally, Assiduous Readers seeking to point out all my mistakes, absurdities and other shortcomings in the comments will have to re-register. Sorry!
Where is the link to re-register?
Looks like you found it!