BNA: Ticker Change to PVS

The useless pack of morons in charge of Partners Value Split Corp. have announced:

That’s right – nothing. The dolts calling themselves directors are:

  • John P. Barratt
  • Brian D. Lawson
  • James L.R. Kelly
  • Frank N.C. Lochan *
  • Edward C. Kress *
  • Allen G. Taylor *

The twerps marked with an asterisk are also boneheaded officers of the corporation, joined by the lackadaisical Loretta M. Corso.

None of these idiots ensured that there was anything at all on the company website to indicate a change of ticker. My Lord, but these cretins are lucky that running a single-share Split Corp. doesn’t take any brains.

It was left to Stockwatch to publish the only internet mention I have found of today’s ticker change:

Partners Value Split Corp. has changed its trading symbol to PVS from BNA, according to the Toronto Stock Exchange. The exchange reports the company’s preferred shares will start trading under the new symbol at the open on Friday, July 18, 2014. There will be no change to the Cusip numbers. The company’s Series 1 preferred shares will trade under the symbol PVS.PR.A, its Series 3 preferred shares will trade under PVS.PR.B, its Series 5 preferred shares will trade under PVS.PR.C and its Series 6 preferred shares will trade under PVS.PR.D.

This allows us to construct the following table, which I have checked from data available from the Toronto Stock Exchange, once you know what to look for and pay:

Partners Value Split Corp.
Ticker Changes, 2014-7-19
Series Old

Update, 2014-7-21: They have issued a press release!

Toronto, July 21, 2014: Partners Value Split Corp. (the “Company”) announced today that the Company has changed the ticker symbol of its preferred shares trading on the TSX from BNA to PVS, effective Friday, July 18, 2014. The Company’s ticker symbol is now aligned with its corporate name.

The following table shows the former ticker symbol and new ticker symbol for each series of the Company’s outstanding preferred shares:

Preferred Share Former Ticker Symbol New Ticker Symbol
Series 1 BNA.PR.B PVS.PR.A
Series 3 BNA.PR.C PVS.PR.B
Series 5 BNA.PR.E PVS.PR.C
Series 6 BNA.PR.F PVS.PR.D

The Company owns a portfolio consisting of 53,160,644 Class A Limited Voting Shares of Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (the “Brookfield Shares”) which is expected to yield quarterly dividends that are sufficient to fund quarterly fixed cumulative preferential dividends for the holders of the Company’s preferred shares and to enable the holders of the Company’s capital shares to participate in any capital appreciation of the Brookfield Shares. Brookfield Asset Management is a global alternative asset manager with over US$175 billion in assets under management. For more than 100 years, Brookfield has owned and operated assets on behalf of shareholders and clients with a focus on property, renewable energy, infrastructure and private equity. Brookfield has a range of public and private investment products and services which leverage its expertise and experience. The Brookfield Shares are co-listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “BAM”, the TSX under the symbol “BAM.A” and the NYSE Euronext under the symbol “BAMA”.

* * * *

For further information, please contact: Allen G. Taylor, Chief Financial Officer, at (416) 359-7864

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