There are occasional problems with internet connections while the server is performing its calculations. These derive largely from the fact that the calculations are relatively lengthy and the client-side programme will not get a response from server-side for over five minutes.
This can particularly lead to “Gateway” problems when proxy-servers are involved in the client connection, as many gateways will drop a connection after five minutes by default.
I have adjusted some server settings that appear to have resolved a problem that may be related (perhaps by making the connection more sensitive?), using a suggestion from Denis Pitcher’s Blog. The problem was an error message received by HIMIPref™ from the .NET framework System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
I have changed settings on the IIS administrator server-side: The “Connection time-out” has been changed from 900 seconds to 15; and HTTP keep-alives have been disabled. This matches settings I use when running the server-side locally, but have never before considered necessary when running remotely.
Should any change in behaviour be noted in the next few days, please let me know all the particulars.