The Bank of Canada has announced a new discussion paper by Kimberly Beaton, René Lalonde, and Corinne Luu, A Financial Conditions Index for the United States:
The financial crisis of 2007–09 has highlighted the importance of developments in financial conditions for real economic activity. The authors estimate the effect of current and past shocks to financial variables on U.S. GDP growth by constructing two growth based financial conditions indexes (FCIs) that measure the contribution to quarterly (annualized) GDP growth from financial conditions. One FCI is constructed using a structural vector-error correction model and the other is constructed using a large-scale macroeconomic model. The authors’ results suggest that financial factors subtracted around 5 percentage points from quarterly annualized real GDP growth in the United States in 2008Q4 and 2009Q1 and should subtract another 5 percentage points from growth in 2009Q2. Moreover, to assess the effect of financial shocks in terms of policy interest rate equivalent units, the authors convert the effect of financial developments on growth into the number of basis points by which the federal funds rate has been tightened. The authors show that the tightening of financial conditions since mid-2007 is equivalent to about 300 basis points of tightening in terms of the federal funds rate. Thus, the aggressive monetary easing undertaken by the Federal Reserve over the financial crisis has not been sufficient to offset the tightening of financial conditions. Finally, in a key contribution to the literature, the authors assess the relationship between financial shocks and real activity in the context of the zero lower bound. They find that the effect of the tightening of financial conditions on GDP growth in the current crisis may have been amplified by as much as 40 per cent due to the fact that policy interest rates reached the zero lower bound.
In particular, our MFCI adjusted for the binding lower bound suggests that financial factors subtracted around 5 percentage points from quarterly annualized growth in 2008Q4 and 2009Q1. Moreover, in order to assess the effect of financial shocks in terms of policy interest rate equivalent units, we have converted the effect of financial developments on growth into the number of basis points by which the federal funds rate has been tightened. The results suggest that the net tightening of financial conditions since mid-2007 is equivalent to about 300 basis points of tightening in terms of the federal funds rate, despite the actual 500 basis point decline in the policy rate. Given the ongoing disruptions in financial markets, the degree of tightening of price and non-price credit conditions and the substantial losses in wealth over 2008, and the long transmission lags between a shock to financial conditions and its impact on the real economy, these financial conditions are expected to continue to dampen growth going forward.
BOC invented the MCI or monetary conditions index about 25 years ago to describe monetary conditions in Canada (using short term corporate rates and exchange rates). It was quite popular for a few years but seismic shifts in exchange rates seem to have dimmed its star.
One must then wonder why a US FCI from the same institution will do much better looking forward.
A lot of models have blown up in the last few years!
I like BoC research – generally speaking, it is not as good as that produced by the Fed or the BoE, but I don’t know of a better source in Canada.