There’s a new release of HIMIPref™ available for download at usual place.
If you choose to install this upgrade, please, PLEASE remember to back-up your user data prior to re-installation!
This release continues the recent tradition of being more for my convenience than for users’! Several changes have been made to the Administrative Users’ Computation of Indices, but very little has changed for Institutional users.
There is no absolute necessity for Institutional users to install the new version – any old version that worked yesterday will continue to work today. There is the consideration that, in the unlikely event that (i) You find a bug, and (ii) the effect of this bug is different in the two versions, it will be much easier track down the error if we’re all singing from the same hymnbook.
I can remember two minor fixes! Clicking on a data point in a graph of the “Core Yield Curve” now has a much more explicable error message; and calculation of after-tax performance for individual issues has been fixed up.
I found two more minor bugs (features!) when testing the system:
- When you do a price-variance analysis graph for a very wide (say, 40%) band of prices, the system insists that the point with “x = -0.0000” is outside the graphed area. Don’t click on the error box! Just hit return, or the cursor will cause the system to attempt to redraw the graph and HIMIPref™ will appear frozen, although it isn’t.
- Error #3706 is produced when right-clicking on Average Trading Volume on the report summary and selecting “Liquidity Calculation”. The report box gets produced, but with one line of missing information and it’s annoying.
I’ll look at these bugs tomorrow. It’s not worth putting out a new release just for them, but fixes will be part of the next release.
[…] The two problems noted in the announcement of the previous release have been fixed. […]