PrefLetter Live!

I am very pleased to announce that PrefLetter is now accepting subscriptions (from Ontario residents and those registered with the Quebec securities commission).

Top recommendations for “Best of Class” for each type of preferred share!

You may purchase the previous issue, the next issue, or subscribe for a year. Subscribing for a year gets you the previous issue as a bonus.

PrefLetter is prepared from market conditions at the close of the second Friday of each month and is delivered to subscribers prior to the opening of the TSX on the following Monday. Enjoy!

2 Responses to “PrefLetter Live!”

  1. Drew says:

    Congratulations on the launch. I hope it works well for you.

  2. prefhound says:

    Hooray! A major milestone in liberating retail investors and their advisors from the many challenges of finding and analysing well hidden pref share information.
    Best of luck James.

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