Archive for the ‘Regulation’ Category

Nagel, Tory's Opine on Preferred Shares, Contingent Capital

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Financial Webring Forum brings to my attention a Globe & Mail article titled What happens to rate reset prefs in Basel III?:

John Nagel at Desjardins Securities has been watching the issue closely, trying to get clarity from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. He has a vested interest in the outcome because the Desjardins team invented the structure.

At the moment nothing has been decided, but Mr. Nagel said the last he heard, a contingent capital clause was being considered for all new rate reset issues. As a reminder, contingent capital simply means a security type that will convert to common equity when things get rocky.

As far as he knows, outstanding rate reset issues will be grandfathered under Basel III and will count as Tier 1 capital and equity. Going forward, though, Mr. Nagel thinks prospectuses for these issues could have a section, possibly called the Automatic Exchange Event, that describes how preferred shares are exchanged into common equity.

However, this type of “trigger event” would only happen if OSFI declares the financial institution “non-viable” and Mr. Nagel suspects it’s unlikely that will happen in Canada.

“If a bank or an institution was in trouble, long before it would be declared non-viable they would halt trading and OSFI would say ‘Fine, you’re merging with BMO or RBC,” he said. If a merger occurred, the distressed institution’s preferred shares would then become obligations of the acquirer.

No moral hazard here, no way, not in Canada!

The critical “point of non-viability” at which Mr. Nagel believes conversion will be triggered is in accord with Dickson’s speech in May, most recently referenced in PrefBlog in the post A Structural Model of Contingent Bank Capital. The recent BIS proposals insist on some conversion point, setting the point of non-viability as the floor limit, as discussed in BIS Proposes CoCos: Regulatory Trigger, Infinite Dilution.

As I have discussed, many a time and oft, I think that’s a crazy place to have the conversion trigger. It may help somewhat in paying for a crisis, but it will do nothing to prevent a crisis. S&P agrees.

In order to prevent a crisis, the conversion trigger has to be set much further from the point of bankruptcy; the McDonald CoCos are an academic treatment of a model I have advocated for some time: there is automatic conversion if the common price falls below a pre-set trigger price; the conversion is from par value of the preferreds into common at that pre-set price. I suggest that a sensible place to start thinking about setting the trigger price is one-half the common equity price at the time of issue of the preferreds.

Tory’s published a piece by Blair W Keefe in May, titled Canada Pushes Embedded Contingent Capital:

A number of concerns arise with the use of embedded contingent capital.

First, it is likely that the conversion itself could cause a “run” on the troubled bank: effectively, the conversion means that the bank is on the eve of insolvency and the conversion does not create any additional capital; it merely improves the quality of the capital. As a practical matter, it will likely be essential for the government to immediately provide funding to the bank; however, with the former holders of subordinated debt and preferred shares being converted into holders of common shares, the government could replenish the subordinated debt rather than being required to replenish the Tier 1 capital, which occurred in the financial crisis. Therefore, it should be less likely that the government would suffer a financial loss.

This echoes my point about prevention vs. cure.

Third, the cost of capital could increase significantly for banks, particularly if the new capital instruments are viewed as equity – given their conversions in times of financial difficulty to common share equity – rather than debt instruments. OSFI is sensitive to this concern and is the reason why OSFI is advocating a trigger that occurs on the eve of insolvency (rather than earlier in the process) when the holders of subordinated debt and preferred shares would anticipate incurring losses in any event.

In other words, OSFI thinks you can get something for nothing. Ain’t gonna happen. Either we’ll raise the cost of capital for the banks, or we’ll do this pretend-regulation thing for free and then find out it doesn’t work. One or the other.

Seventh, if the embedded contingent capital proposals are adopted, how will those requirements need to be reflected in the Basel III capital proposals? Similarly, what treatment will rating agencies give to contingent capital? If the triggering event is considered remote, rating agencies may not give “equity” credit treatment for the instruments.

Finally, with any change of this nature, market participants worry about the unexpected consequences: Will hedge funds or other market participants be able to “game” the system? Will the conversion features create more instability for a bank experiencing some financial difficulty? Could the conversion create a death spiral of dilution? and so on.

Ms. Dickson’s beloved “Market Price Conversion” formula will almost definitely create a death spiral. While fixed-price conversion may create multiple equilibria (which the Fed worries about), I see that as being the lesser of a host of evils. Gaming can be reduced if the conversion trigger is based on a long enough period of time: my original and current suggestion is VWAP measured over 20 consecutive trading days. It would be very expensive to game that to any significant extent, and not very profitable. On the other had, if the conversion trigger is a single share trading below the conversion price … yes, that presents more of a problem.

Gensler: Regulate Everything Stupidly!

Monday, October 4th, 2010

The thing about the United States and its institutions, I’ve found, is that the research is excellent. When Congress or a government agency want to know what’s going on or how something works – they hire some really good people, give them a decent budget, a reasonable time-frame and good authority to get answers and the final product is generally good.

Unfortunately, once the regulators and politicians get ahold of this report, they ignore it and pursue their own idiotic agendae; or the agendae of those who appointed them.

And so it is with the Flash Crash. The Flash Crash report was really good, but now Gary Gensler, a political hack who knows which side his bread’s buttered on, has given a ridiculous speech about possible new rules:

Gensler, speaking today at a conference in Washington, said brokers using computer algorithms might need to face limits on price or the size of orders they can execute for clients. He also questioned whether market participants might benefit from “fuller visibility” of exchanges’ order books.

The CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a report last week that a large trader’s attempt to hedge against losses helped set off a chain of events that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 998.50 points on May 6. The trader, who tried to sell 75,000 futures contracts worth $4.1 billion, used an algorithm that gave no regard to price or time.

“The large customer did not execute the trade itself, but used an executing broker,” Gensler said at the Wholesale Markers Brokers’ Association meeting. The event raises questions about whether brokers should “have to adopt certain trading practices when executing a large order,” he said.

Participants in the futures market can only “see up to the tenth offer or bid in an order book,” Gensler said. Liquidity might not have been so “overwhelmed” by a single, large sell order on May 6 if traders had more transparency, he said.

This is insane. The last paragraph is contrary to everything we know about markets. There have been countless studies on the effect of TRACE and of opening access to order books that show that increased tranparency leads to a thinner, more brittle market. Making the order book more accessible will increase the chance that a single dumb order can overwhelm the market, not less.

Additionally, setting the brokers up to police whether portfolio managers’ orders are good enough is just a dumb idea. In the first place, it assumes that brokers are smarter than portfolio managers – a highly dubious assumption – in the second place it adds another layer of red tape to the investment industry, leading to decreased efficiency.

The Flash Crash was caused by a bozo trader taking a huge market impact cost. A few tweaks to the rules seem indicated, but market impact happens every single time an order is executed. Given that there is far more “real money” in the markets than “hot money”, there will, from time to time, be market paroxysms that don’t make much sense. The Flash Crash was unusula only in its size – but Gensler wants to make life safe for the incompetent.

Contingent Capital Update

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

A Reuters columnist suggested Big banks winners from new contingent capital move:

Plans to make hybrid bond investors share the pain when banks run into trouble could polarise the financial sector into big firms that can afford to pay up for capital and smaller players that cannot.

But these plans from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision could reinforce a pattern emerging in the aftermath of the crisis — a two-tier banking market with international banks that investors favour over smaller banks seen as riskier.

“It could polarise the market further in terms of issuer access and could shut out some smaller institutions and give larger firms a competitive advantage,” said one debt capital markets banker at a major international banking group.

I don’t think that this is necessarily the case. Small banks in the US have never been able to issue their own non-equity regulatory capital – it has all been repackaged into CDOs. This was one of the sideswipes of the Panic of 2007 – the CDO market froze up and these smaller banks were unable to issue.

Investors have mixed views on contingent capital. They would have problems with more issues along the lines of bonds sold by British bank Lloyds, which are designed to convert to equity in the early stages of a bank running into difficulties.

“We don’t think there is a large market for them, certainly among institutional bond investors,” said Roger Doig, credit analyst at Schroders. Analysts say that such issues are difficult for credit rating agencies to evaluate and many institutional credit investors are not mandated to hold equity.

Well, we will see. It’s not fair focussing on the poorly structure Lloyds ECN issue as that gave no first-loss protection to holders.

The McDonald CoCos are not only much better structured and better investments, but they will also work better in averting a crisis, rather than helping to clean up.

Stan Maes and William Schoutens provide Contingent Capital: An In-Depth Discussion:

Somewhat paradoxically, funded contingent capital or CoCos may actually increase the systemic risks they are intended to reduce. For example, whereas some banking regulators recorded CoCos as capital, some insurance regulators treated them as debt. Hence, significant amounts of CoCos were held by insurers, creating a risk of contagion from the banking sector to the insurance sector. Also a problem of moral hazard arises. Taking excessive risks (by for example buying additional risky assets) could lead to a triggering of the note and hence the wiping out of a lot of outstanding debt. Banks with contingent debt could therefore be tempted to seek additional risk near the trigger point (taking risk on the back of the CoCo holders and maybe taxpayers as well).

Finally, Hart and Zingales (2010) argue that contingent capital introduces inefficiency as conversion eliminates default, which forces inefficient businesses to restructure and incompetent managers to be replaced.

Allowing CoCos to be held as assets by other financial institutions and risk-weighted as debt is just stupid. I won’t waste time discussing stupidity.

Given the above, it may make a lot of sense to define triggers in terms of market based terms. Note however that a simple market based trigger may not be desirable as short sellers may be tempted to push down the stock price in order to profit from the resulting dilution of the bank’s stock following the conversion triggered by the stock price drop. Such a self-generated decline in shares prices is referred to as a “death spiral”. The above problem can be mitigated by making the trigger dependent on a rolling average stock price (say the average closing price of the stock over the preceding 20 business days, as Duffie (2010) and Goodhart (2010) propose). In fact, Flannery (2009) demonstrates that the incentive for speculative attack is lessened or even eliminated altogether by setting a sufficiently high contractual conversion price, such that the conversion becomes anti-dilutive (raising the price of the share rather than lowering it).

A market based trigger has the additional advantage that it limits the ability of management to engage in balance sheet manipulation. Also, it prevents forbearance on behalf of the regulators, as it eliminates regulatory discretion in deciding when the trigger should be invoked. Some analysts refer to the double trigger as the double disaster (regulatory discretion as well as politics).

My own preference is for the Volume Weighted Average Price over a relatively lengthy period (20 trading days?) to be the trigger.

If the conversion ratio is based on the stock price at the time of the triggering point, the amount of capital to be brought in can be very substantial and will make thecounterparty a major, if not the largest, shareholder. Original shareholders will be diluted. On the one hand, there is a clear potential dilution effect which could affect the bank’s equity price itself. On the other hand, CoCos may as well introduce a floor on the equity price in these situations.

When the conversion ratio is determined at the time of conversion and not at the time of issuance, the conversion is likely to be relatively generous to the holder of the contingent capital instrument. When the debt holders can expect to get out at close to par value, it would reduce the cost of the contingent capital instrument, making it a significantly cheaper form of capital than equity (of course its low coupon would reduce investors’ appetite).

The authors close with:

We close by raising concerns about the pricing of the instruments by highlighting the similarities between CoCos and equity barrier options and credit default swaps. These barrier-like features and the fact that CoCos are fat-tail event claims, in combination with calibration and model risks, imply that these contingent instruments are very hard to value under a particular model. Since CoCos are expected not to be highly liquid instruments (and until real market prices are widely available), the extreme complexity of mark to modeling CoCos will be a big disadvantage that may hamper their success.

Carney: Central Planning = Good

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

PrefBlog’s Department of Thesis Title Suggestions has another offering for aspiring MAs and MBAs: is the period of market ascendence over? I suggest that it is arguable that the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 brought with it a period of free-market ascendency: behind every political and regulatory decision was the knowledge that central planning doesn’t work.

However, the Panic of 2007 has brought with it the knowledge that free markets don’t work either, and 1990 is ancient history, of no relevance to today’s perceptive and hard-nosed bureaucrats. So the pendulum is swinging and the pendulum never swings half way.

In his role as a leading proponent of central planning, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney gave a speech today titled The Economic Consequences of the Reforms:

Consider the jaded attitudes of the bank CEO who recounted: ―My daughter called me from school one day, and said, ‗Dad, what‘s a financial crisis?‘ And, without trying to be funny, I said, ‗This type of thing happens every five to seven years.‘‖

Footnote: J. Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JP Morgan Chase & Company, in testimony to the U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, 13 January 2010

Possibly the most intelligent remark in the whole speech, but it was set up as straw man.

Should we be content with a dreary cycle of upheaval?

Such resignation would be costly. Even after heroic efforts to limit its impact on the real economy, the global financial crisis left a legacy of foregone output, lost jobs, and enormous fiscal deficits. As is typically the case, much of the cost has been borne by countries, businesses, and individuals who did not directly contribute to the fiasco.

This is true to a certain extent. Society is comprised of networks of relationships, some productive, others being a waste of time (do you believe that institutional bond salesmen are prized by employers because of their keen insight into the market and their uncanny ability to discern budding trends in the market? Ha-ha! They have a book of clients who will call them when the client wants to trade, that’s all). Humans form these networks with little more intelligence than an ant-hill; we only survive because recessions come along every now and then to sweep away at least a portion of the unproductive networks, leaving its participants to get new jobs, move, change their lifestyle and basically try again to form links to other networks that may, one hopes, be productive.

A financial crisis is larger than a normal recession, as Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff have written. This has two effects – first, the number of inefficient networks that are swept away simultaneously is larger, and secondly a number of effiicient networks gets caught up in the frenzy and are swept away as well (they’re dependent upon the availability of credit. Trade finance took a beating during the crisis, for instance).

So yeah, financial crises are bad. But the most expensive North American bail-out has been GM (and is continuing to be GM, since they are being restored to health with the aid of electric car subsidies in addition to their usual welfare cheques) and GM was most certainly not an efficient network. The financial crisis was the trigger, not the cause.

Thus, we cannot blame all the pain on faceless bankers; much of it would have occurred anyway.

Carney claims:

By using securitization to diversify the funding sources and reduce credit risks, banks created new exposures. The severing of the relationship between originator and risk holder lowered underwriting and monitoring standards.

There is some doubt about this. The FRBB notes:

The evolving landscape of mortgage lending is also relevant to an ongoing debate in the literature about the direction of causality between reduced underwriting standards and higher house prices. Did lax lending standards shift out the demand curve for new homes and raise house prices, or did higher house prices reduce the chance of future loan losses, thereby encouraging lenders to relax their standards? Economists will debate this issue for some time.

It appears that this inconvenient debate will occur behind closed doors, as far as Carney is concerned.

Carney goes on to state:

In addition, the transfer of risk itself was frequently incomplete, with banks retaining large quantities of supposedly risk-free leveraged super senior tranches of structured products.

This is a clear failure of regulation, but we won’t won’t hear any discussion of this point, either.

These exposures were compounded by the rapid expansion of banks into over-the-counter derivative products. In essence, banks wrote a series of large out-of-the-money options in markets such as those for credit default swaps. As credit standards deteriorated, the tail risks embedded in these strategies became fatter. With pricing and risk management lagging reality, there was a widespread misallocation of capital.

footnote: See A. Haldane, ―The Contribution of the Financial Sector—Miracle or Mirage?‖ Speech delivered at the Future of Finance Conference, London, 14 July 2010.

An interesting viewpoint, since writing a CDS is the same thing as buying a bond, but without the funding risk. I’ll have to check out that reference sometime.

The shortcomings of regulation were similarly exposed. The shadow banking system was not supported, regulated, or monitored in the same fashion as the conventional banking system, despite the fact they were of equal size on the eve of the crisis.

There were also major flaws in the regulation and supervision of banks themselves. Basel II fed procyclicalities, underestimated risks, and permitted excess leverage. Gallingly, on the day before each went under, every bank that failed (or was saved by the state) reported capital that exceeded the Basel II standard by a wide margin.

So part of the problem was that not enough of the system was badly regulated?

In particular, keeping markets continuously open requires policies and infrastructure that reinforce the private generation of liquidity in normal times and facilitate central bank support in times of crisis. The cornerstone is clearing and settlement processes with risk-reducing elements, particularly central clearing counterparties or ―CCPs‖ for repos and OTC derivatives. Properly risk-proofed CCPs act as firewalls against the propagation of default shocks across major market participants. Through centralised clearing, authorities can also require the use of through-the-cycle margins, which would reduce liquidity spirals and their contribution to boom-bust cycles.(footnote)

The second G-20 imperative is to create a system that can withstand the failure of any single financial institution. From Bear Stearns to Hypo Real Estate to Lehman Brothers, markets failed that test.

Footnote: Market resiliency can also be improved through better and more-readily available information. This reduces information asymmetry, facilitates the valuation process and, hence, supports market efficiency and stability. In this regard, priorities are an expansion of the use of trade repositories for OTC derivatives markets and substantial enhancements to continuous disclosure standards for securitization.

This part is breathtaking. In the first paragraph, Carney extolls the virtues of setting up centralized single points of failure; in the second, he decries the system of having single points of failure. I have not seen this contradiction addressed in a scholarly and robust manner; the attitude seems to be that single points of failure are not important as long as they don’t fail; and they won’t fail because they’re new and will be supervised.

It is, however, the footnote that is egregious in either its ignorance or its intellectual dishonesty – one of the two. It has been shown time and time again that increased public information reduces dealer capital allocation, making the market more shallow and brittle (eg, see PrefBlog posts regarding TRACE. Additionally, see the work on what happened when the TSX started making level 2 quotes available back in 1993 or whenever it was. I feel quite certain that, somewhere, there is some investigation on what Bloomberg terminals did to the Eurobond market in the late eighties, but I’ve never seen any.)

Today, after a series of extraordinary, but necessary, measures to keep the system functioning, we are awash in moral hazard. If left unchecked, this will distort private behaviour and inflate public costs.

So, as part of the campaign to eliminate moral hazard, we’re going to have central clearinghouses? So it won’t matter if Bank of America does a $50-billion dollar deal with the Bank of Downtown Beanville, as long as it’s centrally cleared? And this will reduce moral hazard?

There’s another internal contradiction here, but I don’t think it will be discussed any time soon.

Another promising avenue is to embed contingent capital features into debt and preferred shares issued by financial institutions. Contingent capital is a security that converts to capital when a financial institution is in serious trouble, thereby replenishing capital without the use of taxpayer funds. Contingent conversions could be embedded in all future new issues of senior unsecured debt and subordinated securities to create a broader bail-in approach. Its presence would also discipline management, since common shareholders would be incented to act prudently to avoid having their stakes diluted by conversion. Overall, the Bank of Canada believes that contingent capital can reduce moral hazard and increase the efficiency of bank capital structures. We correspondingly welcome the Basel Committee‘s recent public consultation paper on this topic.

Carney’s proposed inclusion of senior debt as a form of contingent capital has been discussed in the post Carney: Ban the bond!. As has been often discussed on PrefBlog, this is simply a mechanism whereby bureaucrats can be given the power of bankruptcy courts, with none of those inconvenient creditors’ rights and committees to worry about. Just like the GM bail-out!

He then reprises the BoC paper on the effects of increased bank capitalization on mortgage rates, which has been discussed in the post BIS Assesses Effects of Increasing Bank Capitalization among others.

First, banks are assumed to fully pass on the costs of higher capital and liquidity requirements to borrowers rather than reducing their current returns on shareholders‘ equity or operating expenses, such as compensation, to adjust to the new rules.

Consider the alternative. If banks were to reduce personnel expenses by only 10 per cent (equal to a 5 per cent reduction in operating expenses), they could lower spreads by an amount that would completely offset the impact of a 2-percentage-point increase in capital requirements.

Second, higher capital and liquidity requirements are assumed to have a permanent effect on lending spreads, and hence on the level of economic output. No allowance is made for the possibility that households and firms may find cheaper alternative sources of financing.

The second point is critical. It seems quite definite that this will happen – if bank mortgages go up 25-50bp in the absence of other changes, then mortgage brokers will do a booming business. But he wants to regulate shadow-banks, too. And it will mean that shadow banks (or unregulated shadow-shadow-banks) will skim the cream off the market, leaving the banks with lower credit quality.

There has been nowhere near enough work done on the knock-on effect of these changes.

However, there are a variety of other potential benefits from higher capital and liquidity standards and the broader range of G-20 reforms.
First, the variability of economic cycles should be reduced by a host of macroprudential measures. Analysis by the Bank of Canada and the Basel group suggests a modest dampening in output volatility can be achieved from the Basel III proposals, as higher capital and liquidity allow banks to smooth the supply of credit over the cycle. For instance, a 2-percentage-point rise in capital ratios lowers the standard deviation of output by about 3 per cent.

So it would seem that we’re going to have another Great Moderation, except that this time irrational exuberance will not occur and we’ll live in the Land of Milk and Honey forever. Well, it’s a nice dream.

Greater competition commonly leads to more innovative and diverse strategies, which would further promote resiliency of the system. Greater competition and safer banks may also contribute to lower expected return on equity (ROE) for financial institutions. This, in turn, could help offset the costs and increase the net benefits discussed earlier.

These gains from competition could be considerable. The financial services sector earns a 50 per cent higher return on equity than the economy-wide average. If greater competition leads to a one-percentage-point decline in the ROE (through a decline in spreads), the estimated cost from a one-percentage point increase in capital would be completely offset.

Do all you bank equity investors hear this properly? What will the desired 1% decline in ROE do to your portfolio?

This was, quite frankly, a very scary speech.

Basel 3: Capital Conservation Buffer Will Improve Preferred Share Quality

Monday, September 13th, 2010

I posted a brief note on Basel 3 when it was announced on the weekend … here are some more thoughts.

The press release states:

. In addition, banks will be required to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5% to withstand future periods of stress bringing the total common equity requirements to 7%.

The Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision also agreed that the capital conservation buffer above the regulatory minimum requirement be calibrated at 2.5% and be met with common equity, after the application of deductions. The purpose of the conservation buffer is to ensure that banks maintain a buffer of capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of financial and economic stress. While banks are allowed to draw on the buffer during such periods of stress, the closer their regulatory capital ratios approach the minimum requirement, the greater the constraints on earnings distributions. This framework will reinforce the objective of sound supervision and bank governance and address the collective action problem that has prevented some banks from curtailing distributions such as discretionary bonuses and high dividends, even in the face of deteriorating capital positions.

  • The capital conservation buffer will be phased in between 1 January 2016 and year end 2018 becoming fully effective on 1 January 2019. It will begin at 0.625% of RWAs on 1 January 2016 and increase each subsequent year by an additional 0.625 percentage points, to reach its final level of 2.5% of RWAs on 1 January 2019. Countries that experience excessive credit growth should consider accelerating the build up of the capital conservation buffer and the countercyclical buffer. National authorities have the discretion to impose shorter transition periods and should do so where appropriate.
  • Banks that already meet the minimum ratio requirement during the transition period but remain below the 7% common equity target (minimum plus conservation buffer) should maintain prudent earnings retention policies with a view to meeting the conservation buffer as soon as reasonably possible.

The American Enterprise Institute, quite rightly, considers this rather vague:

Third, the SFRC believes that both the capital conservation buffer and countercyclical buffer are insufficient to protect against sudden shocks. The proposal also suggests that enforcement of the capital conservation buffer may be unduly lenient. Rather than prohibiting distributions of earnings as the buffer is approached, the GGHS announcement indicates that there will only be some restriction on the size of such payouts. Permitting a payout of capital when a firm’s capital cushion is declining toward a critical threshold makes little economic sense.

I’ve seen a lot of lot of generalities about the constraints to be placed on banks when they are in the buffer zone, but no informed opinions, which makes me feel a little better about not having been able to find a schedule of restrictions on the BIS web-site.

However, it does appear – on the basis of what unfounded, uninformed and entirely speculative inferences I can make from the available documents – that banks will still be paying common dividends while in the buffer zone, although the amount of these dividends may be restricted. Who knows, there might be forced reductions but I think paying a penny will be OK. And if they pay common dividends, they have to pay the preferred dividends. So that’s a good thing, and from the perspective of safety the additional buffer will simply be that much more common equity between preferreds and a harsh environment.

The Globe story on the issue mentioned Eric Helleiner:

Nevertheless, the banker’s argument about the economic impact of new regulations got the authorities’ attention. Financial institutions won’t face higher capital standards until Jan. 1, 2013, a delay that seems “kind of long” and is probably “where some of the political compromises are coming in,” said Eric Helleiner, the Waterloo, Ont.-based Centre for International Governance and Innovation’s chair in political economy, who has written several articles about Basel III.

So I looked him up. Those interested in international bureaucracy may wish to review his publications.

There is euphoria over Basel 3:

Canadian banks said Monday they expect to be able to adopt new Basel III rules for maintaining reserve capital with little trouble, meaning dividend hikes and share buybacks could be on the way once Canada’s banking regulator gives the go-ahead.

“Based on our first read, we’re encouraged by the announcement and feel very comfortable in meeting these standards within the established timelines, given where our capital ratios stand today,” Janice Fukakusa, chief financial officer of Royal Bank of Canada, (RY-T54.601.102.06%) said at the Barclays Financial Services Conference in New York.

Her comments were echoed by other Canadian banks presenting at the conference.

Rod Giles, a spokesman for OSFI, told Reuters in an e-mail that the regulator will soon issue an advisory to the nation’s big banks providing more clarity on its expectations for future capital outlays.

Bank officials with the clout to hire ex-regulators will be in a far better position to judge the effect of the accord on Canadian regulation than any investor scum, so I won’t speculate too much about the final rules. I suspect, however, that OSFI’s ‘more capital is always better’ mind-set will result in a certain extra capital requirement over and above the global minimum. After all, if it tacks another 20bp on the price of Canadian mortgages, who cares?

Update: Within minutes of the “Publish” button being clicked, OSFI issued Interim Capital Expectations for Banks, Bank Holding Companies, Trust and Loan Companies (collectively, Deposit taking institutions or “DTIs”):

In light of the recent international developments providing greater certainty as to the reform of capital rules, until this Advisory is withdrawn or amended, OSFI expects sound capital management by DTIs, as set out in its guidance, but will no longer require the increased conservatism in capital management announced late in 2008.

As part of sound capital management, and in response to the continuing uncertainty caused by regulatory reform, DTIs must be able to demonstrate on request, both continually and prior to any transaction that may negatively impact their capital levels:

  • that they have prudent internal capital targets that incorporate:
    • the impact of the most recent regulatory reform information from the BCBS, GHOS and OSFI;
    • expected market requirements arising from such reforms; and
    • the impact of any such proposed transaction;
  • via an up-to-date capital plan, prepared in accordance with OSFI’s guidance on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Program (ICAAP)7, that they would have sufficient capital to meet their internal capital targets at all times while taking into account:
    • current regulatory requirements and the most recent regulatory reform information from the BCBS, GHOS and OSFI;
    • the full transition period required to implement such reforms;
    • due consideration of possible alternatives related to finalizing such reforms; and
    • due consideration of remote but plausible business scenarios that may adversely affect their ability to comply with current and reformed regulatory rules.

Please note that this Advisory repeals the October 2008 Advisory titled Normal Course Issuer Bids in the Current Environment.

BIS Announces Capital Proposals

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

The Bank for International Settlements has announced:

a substantial strengthening of existing capital requirements and fully endorsed the agreements it reached on 26 July 2010.

The Committee’s package of reforms will increase the minimum common equity requirement from 2% to 4.5%. In addition, banks will be required to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5% to withstand future periods of stress bringing the total common equity requirements to 7%.

Under the agreements reached today, the minimum requirement for common equity, the highest form of loss absorbing capital, will be raised from the current 2% level, before the application of regulatory adjustments, to 4.5% after the application of stricter adjustments. This will be phased in by 1 January 2015. The Tier 1 capital requirement, which includes common equity and other qualifying financial instruments based on stricter criteria, will increase from 4% to 6% over the same period. (Annex 1 summarises the new capital requirements.)

The Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision also agreed that the capital conservation buffer above the regulatory minimum requirement be calibrated at 2.5% and be met with common equity, after the application of deductions. The purpose of the conservation buffer is to ensure that banks maintain a buffer of capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of financial and economic stress. While banks are allowed to draw on the buffer during such periods of stress, the closer their regulatory capital ratios approach the minimum requirement, the greater the constraints on earnings distributions.

A countercyclical buffer within a range of 0% – 2.5% of common equity or other fully loss absorbing capital will be implemented according to national circumstances. The purpose of the countercyclical buffer is to achieve the broader macroprudential goal of protecting the banking sector from periods of excess aggregate credit growth. For any given country, this buffer will only be in effect when there is excess credit growth that is resulting in a system wide build up of risk. The countercyclical buffer, when in effect, would be introduced as an extension of the conservation buffer range.

These capital requirements are supplemented by a non-risk-based leverage ratio that will serve as a backstop to the risk-based measures described above. In July, Governors and Heads of Supervision agreed to test a minimum Tier 1 leverage ratio of 3% during the parallel run period.

Systemically important banks should have loss absorbing capacity beyond the standards announced today and work continues on this issue in the Financial Stability Board and relevant Basel Committee work streams. The Basel Committee and the FSB are developing a well integrated approach to systemically important financial institutions which could include combinations of capital surcharges, contingent capital and bail-in debt. In addition, work is continuing to strengthen resolution regimes.

By “strengthen resolution regimes”, they mean “let regulators pretend they’re bankruptcy judges and eviscerate creditor rights”, but never mind.

The Basel Committee also recently issued a consultative document Proposal to ensure the loss absorbency of regulatory capital at the point of non-viability. Governors and Heads of Supervision endorse the aim to strengthen the loss absorbency of non-common Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital instruments.

The numbers are summarized in the Annex.

US agencies have expressed support:

The U.S. federal banking agencies support the agreement reached at the September 12, 2010, meeting of the G-10 Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS).1 This action, in combination with the agreement reached at the July 26, 2010, meeting of GHOS, sets the stage for key regulatory changes to strengthen the capital and liquidity of internationally active banking organizations in the United States and around the world.

No comments from OSFI so far. Maybe they haven’t been told.

Yalman Onaran of Bloomberg reports:

Of the 24 U.S. banks represented on the KBW Bank Index, seven would fall under the new ratios based on calculations using the revised definitions of capital, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods analyst Frederick Cannon said in a Sept. 10 report. Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc., the nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 lenders, would be among those, Cannon estimates. Bank of America would have to hold off paying dividends or buying back shares until the end of 2013, he said.

European banks are less capitalized than U.S. counterparts and may be required to raise more funds under the new Basel rules. Deutsche Bank AG, Germany’s biggest lender, said today it plans to sell at least 9.8 billion euros ($12.5 billion) of stock. Germany’s 10 biggest banks, including Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank AG, may need about 105 billion euros in fresh capital because of new regulations, the Association of German Banks estimated on Sept. 6.

The committee has yet to agree on revised calculations of risk-weighted assets, which form the denominator of the capital ratios to be determined this weekend. The implementation details of a short-term liquidity ratio will also be decided by the time G-20 leaders meet, members say. A separate long-term liquidity rule will likely be left to next year.

The two liquidity rules would require banks to hold enough cash and easily cashable assets to meet short-term and long-term liabilities. The long-term requirement has been criticized the most by the banking industry, which claims it would force banks to sell $4 trillion of new debt.

The Basel committee has another meeting scheduled for Sept. 21-22 and said it may gather in October to finish its work.

I can’t help feeling that the emphasis on capital misses the point. Banks did not fail due to insufficient capital, although more is always helpful, obviously. The banks failed, or came close to failing, or were crippled in the panic because:

  • They held concentrated portfolios, particularly of CDOs that, while having a face value of X, had exposure to mortgages of many times that amount since they were comprised of subordinated tranches of structured mortgages
  • Interbank (and inter-near-bank in the case of AIG) exposures were not collateralized and the uncollateralized risk was weighted according to the credit rating of the sovereign of the counterparty’s regulator (i.e., when BMO buys RBC paper, that is risk-weighted as if it has bought Canada paper). Interbank exposures should be penalized by the rules, not encouraged!

I don’t have much time for commentary because this is PrefLetter weekend … but discussion of this will form a big part of future posts, never fear!

IIROC Issues Flash Crash Review

Friday, September 10th, 2010

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada has announced its release of the Review of the Market Events of May 6, 2010:

The factors that contributed to the trading patterns are:

  • The existence of large sell imbalances: A number of the securities showed more sell interest beginning at the opening of trading on May 6 and in some cases the ratio of sell volume to buy volume was upwards of 3:1.
  • Electronic trading activity in the securities: High Frequency Traders (“HFT”) and Electronic Liquidity Providers (“ELP”) were trading in a number of the securities reviewed. Although the definitions of the above terms are open to discussion, we are using these terms to identify fast and relatively dominant electronic traders. The review shows that after the sudden sharp decline in the US indices, a number of HFTs and ELPs quickly withdrew from the Canadian market causing a dramatic and rapid decline in available liquidity. This withdrawal was particularly apparent on the buy side putting further pressure on prices. Some HFT entities remained in the market but predominately on the sell side and we noted markedly reduced liquidity. The withdrawal of HFTs and ELPs was particularly apparent in the heavily traded ETFs that were reviewed. IIROC is aware that some of the ELP and HFTs withdrew from the US market due to their concern about significant latencies in their data feeds from the US markets.
  • “Traditional” market makers were not active in the review securities with the exception of the four highly liquid ETFs. IIROC found that market makers were present and fulfilling their obligations on the other securities reviewed including their oddlot and spread goals.
  • The triggering of Stop Loss Orders: In many cases the triggering of Stop Loss Orders was a major contributor to the deeper price declines experienced by a number of the securities reviewed. The analysis suggests that many of the egregious price declines were due to Stop Loss Order activity from Stop Loss “market” Orders as opposed to Stop Loss “limit” Orders.

No data is presented in the report that support any of the conclusions. Trust your regulators! They’re very smart, and beholden to nobody.

Recommendations are:

  • The CSA and IIROC should review the current market wide circuit breaker to determine if the current trigger levels are appropriate and whether an independent Canadian-based circuit breaker level is required.
  • IIROC along with the CSA should investigate whether single stock circuit breakers in the form of temporary trading halts should be implemented in Canada.
  • All marketplaces should adopt volatility controls and the form and the level of these controls should be reviewed to assess to what degree they ought to be harmonized.
  • All IIROC dealers should consider how to effectively manage Stop Loss Orders in the current high-speed, multi-market environment. IIROC firms should also provide their RRs and clients, including those who enter their orders directly on to the marketplace without personalized advice, with guidance on the use of Stop Loss Orders effectively in a high speed, multimarket environment.
  • IIROC should review the current erroneous and unreasonable price policies and procedures, taking into account the experience of May 6.

Circuit breakers? While my natural inclination is that nothing should get in the way of two parties agreeing to a trade, I can’t really get excited over circuit breakers one way or another anyway. When the market gets as wild as it did during the flash crash, the only sensible thing to do is to go out and get a cup of coffee.

It appears that there will be more regulatory paperwork surrounding Stop Loss orders, but we’ll see how that works out. Anybody stupid enough to use a stop-loss order in the first place isn’t going to be impressed by another piece of paper.

Update: The SEC has approved new circuit breaker and trade-busting rules:

The Securities and Exchange Commission today approved new rules submitted by the national securities exchanges and FINRA to expand a recently-adopted circuit breaker program to include all stocks in the Russell 1000 Index and certain exchange-traded funds. The SEC also approved new exchange and FINRA rules that clarify the process for breaking erroneous trades.

A list of the securities included in the Russell 1000 Index, which was rebalanced on June 25, is available on the Russell website. The list of exchange-traded products included in the pilot is available on the SEC’s website. The SEC anticipates that the exchanges and FINRA will begin implementing the expanded circuit breaker program early next week.

For stocks that are subject to the circuit breaker program, trades will be broken at specified levels depending on the stock price:

  • For stocks priced $25 or less, trades will be broken if the trades are at least 10 percent away from the circuit breaker trigger price.
  • For stocks priced more than $25 to $50, trades will be broken if they are 5 percent away from the circuit breaker trigger price.
  • For stocks priced more than $50, the trades will be broken if they are 3 percent away from the circuit breaker trigger price.

Where circuit breakers are not applicable, the exchanges and FINRA will break trades at specified levels for events involving multiple stocks depending on how many stocks are involved:

  • For events involving between five and 20 stocks, trades will be broken that are at least 10 percent away from the “reference price,” typically the last sale before pricing was disrupted.
  • For events involving more than 20 stocks, trades will be broken that are at least 30 percent away from the reference price.
  • BIS Assesses Effects of Increasing Bank Capitalization

    Monday, August 23rd, 2010

    This paper was referenced in the recent BoC analysis of capital ratio cost/benefits as the “LEI Report”.

    The Bank for International Settlements has released a report titled An assessment of the long-term economic
    impact of stronger capital and liquidity requirements

    This simple mapping yields two key results, with the central tendency across countries measured by the median estimate. First, each 1 percentage point increase in the capital ratio raises loan spreads by 13 basis points. Second, the additional cost of meeting the liquidity standard amounts to around 25 basis points in lending spreads when risk-weighted assets (RWA) are left unchanged; however, it drops to 14 basis points or less after taking account of the fall in RWA and the corresponding lower regulatory capital needs associated with the higher holdings of low-risk assets.

    Their approach relies heavily on the theory that output losses due to bank crises may be ascribed entirely to the crisis (although they do acknowledge that “that factors unrelated to banking crises, and not well controlled for in these studies, may also influence the output losses observed in the data.”):

    Why should the effects of banking crises be so long-lasting, and possibly even permanent? One reason is that banking crises intensify the depth of recessions, leaving deeper scars than typical recessions. Possible reasons for why banking related crises are deeper include: a collapse in confidence; an increase in risk aversion; disruptions in financial intermediation (credit crunch, misallocation of credit); indirect effects associated with the impact on fiscal policy (increase in public sector debt and taxation); or a permanent loss of human capital during the slump (traditional hysteresis effects).

    One of the papers they quote in support of their approach is Carlos D. Ramirez, Bank Fragility, ‘Money Under the Mattress,’ and Long-Run Growth: U.S. Evidence from the ‘Perfect’ Panic of 1893:

    This paper examines how the U.S. financial crisis of 1893 affected state output growth between 1900 and 1930. The results indicate that a 1% increase in bank instability reduces output growth by about 5%. A comparison of the cases of Nebraska, with one of the highest bank failure rates, and West Virginia, which did not experience a single bank failure reveals that disintermediation affected growth through a portfolio change among savers – people simply stop trusting banks. Time series evidence from newspapers indicate that articles with the words “money hidden” significantly increase after banking crises, and die off slowly over time.

    Ramirez continues:

    The intuition behind the explanation of why financial disintermediation affects
    growth is straightforward. In the absence of deposit insurance or any other institutional arrangement that restores confidence on the banking system, depositors who experience losses or whose money becomes illiquid, even temporarily, may become reluctant to keep their money in the banking system. They simply stop “trusting” banks. This lack of trust may affect all depositors, including those that did not experience losses. With a high enough degree of risk aversion and a high enough probability of a bank run or failure depositors may be induced to reshuffle their liquid asset portfolio away from the banking system. To the extent that the panic induces a portfolio change in asset holdings away from the banking system and into more rudimentary forms of savings, such as keeping the money “under the mattress,” financial intermediation, and thus, growth are adversely affected.

    According to me, this raises a red flag about the use of these data to determine the the severity of bank crises in the current environment, even without considering the difficulty of disentangling the degree of recession actually caused by the Panic versus the degree of economic stupidity that was merely brought to light. The Nebraskans kept their money “under the mattress” due to a lack of deposit insurance – just how relevant are the mechanics to what is going on now?

    Additionally, the underlying rationale behind the desire to avoid banking crises points to an alternative solution to the problem: rather than reducing the chance of a systemic banking crisis, why not increase the range of alternative intermediation pathways?

    Currently, regulators are doing everything they can – by way of Sarbox, completely random regulatory punishment for having been involved in the underwriting and distribution of investments that went bad, TRACE, costs of prospectus preparation, etc. – to deprecate the direct capital markets. A concious effort should be made in the other direction; the option of issuing public debt should be made more attractive to companies, not less.

    Additionally, I have previously proposed that Investment Banks be treated differently from Vanilla Banks, not by a strick separation such as Glass-Steagall, but by imposing differing schedules for different types of banks, so that the latter would be penalized for holding assets while the former would be penalized for trading them (where “penalized” refers to higher capital requirements). The idea can be extended: bring back the Trust Company, which would get a preferential capital rate for first mortgages with loan-to-value of less than 75% and a penalty rate of everything else.

    In the financial system as in the financial investments, bad investments (bad banks) can hurt you: it is concentration that kills you. And the point is related to my other big complaint about the regulatory response to the crisis: right in the age of networking, regulators are emphasizing systems which are vulnerable to single point failure.

    Just as an example, the BIS paper notes:

    The final approach used in this exercise relies on the Bank of Canada’s stress testing framework. This methodology is based on the idea that the failure of a bank arises from either a macroeconomic shock or spillover effects from other distressed banks. Spillover effects arise either because of counterparty exposures in the interbank market or because of asset fire sales that affect the mark to market value of banks’ portfolios. In this context, a greater buffer of liquid assets can only be beneficial insofar as it helps the bank to avoid asset fire sales, which would otherwise lead to losses.

    You could get the same benefit by reducing the degree of interbank holdings, but such a solution is not even considered. BIS, it appears, will continue to risk-weight bank paper according to the credit rating of the sovereign – if you want an example of moral hazard, that’s a good one right there.

    Anyway, BIS comes up with a figure of 13bp per point of capital ratio:

    Column A of Table 6 reports the results of this exercise. In order to keep ROE from changing, each percentage point increase in the ratio of TCE to RWA results in a median increase in lending spreads across countries of 13 basis points.

    … but this is subject to four major problems acknowledged by BIS:

    • The existing literature, which is the basis for this report’s estimates of the costs of banking crises, may overestimate the costs of banking crises. Possible reasons include: overestimation of the underlying growth path prior to the crises; failure to account for the temporarily higher growth during that phase; and failure to fully control for factors other than a banking crises per se that may contribute to output declines during the crisis and beyond, including a failure to accurately reflect causal relationships.
    • Capital and liquidity requirements may be less effective in reducing the probability of banking crises than suggested by the approaches used in the study. This would reduce the overall net benefits for a given level of the requirements. However, to the extent that net benefits remain positive, it would also imply that the requirements would need to be raised by more in order to achieve a given net benefit.
    • Shifting of risk into the non-regulated sector could reduce the financial stability benefits.
    • The results of the impact of regulatory requirements on lending spreads are based on aggregate balance sheets within individual countries, so that they do not consider the incidence of the requirements across institutions. They implicitly assume that theinstitutions that fall short of the requirements (ie, that are constrained) do not react more than those with excess capital or liquidity (ie, that are unconstrained). These effects may not be purely distributional.

    I consider the third point most important. To the extent that higher capital ratios imply higher spreads implies a greater role for the shadow banking industry, then the real effect of higher capital levels will be to shift important economic activity from the somewhat flawed regulated sector to a sector with no regulation at all.

    I certainly support the idea that we should have layers of regulation – a strong banking system surrounded by a less regulated / less systemically important investment banking sector, surrounded in turn by a wild-n-wooly hedge fund/shadow bank sector … but regulators are, as usual fixing yesterday’s problem with little thought for the implications.

    BIS Proposes CoCos: Regulatory Trigger, Infinite Dilution

    Thursday, August 19th, 2010

    The Bank for International Settlement has released a Proposal to ensure the loss absorbency of regulatory capital at the point of non-viability – consultative document:

    the proposal is specifically structured to allow each jurisdiction (and banks) the freedom to implement it in a way that will not conflict with national law or any other constraints. For example, a conversion rate is not specified, nor is the choice between implementation through a write-off or conversion. Any attempt to define the specific implementation of the proposal more rigidly at an international level, than the current minimum set out in this document, risks creating conflicts with national law and may be unnecessarily prescriptive.

    The Basel Committee welcomes comments on all aspects of the proposal set out in this consultative document. Comments should be submitted by 1 October 2010 by email to:

    However, if we define gone-concern also to include situations in which the public sector provides support to distressed banks that would otherwise have failed, the financial crisis has revealed that many regulatory capital instruments do not always absorb losses in gone-concern situations.

    That’s a nice little definition of “gone concern”, giving bureaucrats the authority to ursurp the prerogatives of the legal system. One thousand years of bankruptcy law … pffffft!

    The proposal will be examined clause by clause:

    All non-common Tier 1 instruments and Tier 2 instruments at internationally active banks must have a clause in their terms and conditions that requires them to be written-off on the occurrence of the trigger event.

    Reasonable enough.

    Any compensation paid to the instrument holders as a result of the write-off must be paid immediately in the form of common stock (or its equivalent in the case of non-joint stock companies).

    This means that write-down structure’s like Rabobank’s would not, of themselves, qualify for inclusion. There would need to be another clause in the terms reflecting the possibility of the BIS proposal being triggered while the other trigger is waiting.

    The issuing bank must maintain at all times all prior authorisation necessary to immediately issue the relevant number of shares specified in the instrument’s terms and conditions should the trigger event occur.

    Well, sure.

    The trigger event is the earlier of: (1) the decision to make a public sector injection of capital, or equivalent support, without which the firm would have become non-viable, as determined by the relevant authority; and (2) a decision that a write-off, without which the firm would become non-viable, is necessary, as determined by the relevant authority.

    This is the dangerous part, as it gives unlimited authority to the regulators to wipe out a bank’s capital investors, with no accountability or recourse whatsoever.

    The issuance of any new shares as a result of the trigger event must occur prior to any public sector injection of capital so that the capital provided by the public sector is not diluted.

    This means that infinite dilution of the common received on conversion is possible.

    The relevant jurisdiction in determining the trigger event is the jurisdiction in which the capital is being given recognition for regulatory purposes. Therefore, where an issuing bank is part of a wider banking group and if the issuing bank wishes the instrument to be included in the consolidated group’s capital in addition to its solo capital, the terms and conditions must specify an additional trigger event. This trigger event is the earlier of: (1) the decision to make a public sector injection of capital, or equivalent support, in the jurisdiction of the consolidated supervisor, without which the firm receiving the support would have become non-viable, as determined by the relevant authority in that jurisdiction; and (2) a decision that a write-off, without which the firm would become non-viable, is necessary, as determined by the relevant authority in the home jurisdiction.

    Reasonable enough, but this could cause a lot of fun with rogue regulators and cross-default provisions.

    Any common stock paid as compensation to the holders of the instrument can either be common stock of the issuing bank or the parent company of the consolidated group.

    The major problem – besides the evasion of bankruptcy law – with this document is that there is no distinction drawn between Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital for conversion purposes. Tier 1 capital is supposed to provide going-concern loss absorption, but the only thing triggering conversion is the Armageddon scenario. I don’t think that sub-debt holders will be particularly pleased about that.

    However, the terms of this proposal are so abusive, so antithetical to the interests of investors, that I suspect most instruments will be issued with a pre-emptive trigger, so that conversion will be triggered prior to the regulators (well … reasonable regulators, anyway) exercising their unlimited and unaccountable power.

    Bloomberg notes:

    The Association for Financial Markets in Europe, an industry group representing banks, said last week that failing financial companies should reduce the risk to taxpayers by using contingent capital and by converting debt into equity to fund their own rescue.

    In what it termed a “bail-in,” AFME said bank bond holders should see their securities convert into common shares in the event an institution’s capital ratios fall below a pre-set level, the group said in a discussion paper on Aug. 12.

    Update: The AFME discussion paper, The Systemic Safety Net: Pulling failing firms back from the edge is very vague and relies on assertions, rather then evidence and argument, to make its point. It might also be dismissed as intellectually dishonest, in that it takes no account of any other proposals or academic work.

    Of some interest is their view on the market-based triggers I endorse:

    A trigger based on market metrics or a determination of impending systemic risk (made by a regulator) would not be effective. In addition to creating marketability issues, a trigger based on share price or market capitalisation is subject to manipulation and will almost certainly foreclose a proactive capital raise because it may fail to move the firm a safe enough distance from the trigger, which in turn will generate further negative price spirals. A trigger based on a determination of systemic risk is also unattractive, partly because it could not be used in cases of idiosyncratic risk. Waiting until firm‐specific risk has spiralled into systemic risk is destabilising.

    Their preference is for a trigger based on capital ratios:

    A trigger based on a core capital ratio set above the minimum core tier 1 capital requirements under the re‐invigorated Basel III capital standards would meet these criteria. Firms should have the discretion to set the trigger in accordance with their own objectives to achieve the optimal balance between prudential and economic considerations. Factors the issuer might consider in setting the trigger are:

    a. To receive treatment as going concern capital the trigger should activate before any breach of the firm’s minimum regulatory capital requirements, or any other circumstances giving rise to regulatory intervention.

    b. The probability of breach needs to be low enough to attract a credit rating as debt and, as such, near to subordinated debt for purposes of pricing.

    I have grave difficulties with their view that market prices will be manipulated, but capital levels won’t. Additionally, as an investor, I have grave reservations about tying my investment to a capital ratio definition that will almost certainly be changed in the life of the instrument.

    OSFI to Issue Draft Advisory on Seg Fund Capital Requirements

    Thursday, August 5th, 2010

    As highlighted in MFC’s 2Q10 Report to Shareholders, OSFI has released a letter to the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association regarding Seg Fund Capital Requirements [footnote changed to link – JH]:

    As mentioned publicly by the Superintendent in the fall of 2009, OSFI has been, as part of this [MCCSR Advisory Committee review] process, conducting a fundamental review of segregated fund capital requirements. We are proceeding to act on the results of this review. In particular, two work streams are underway with respect to internal modeling for the capitalization of segregated fund guarantee exposures.

    The first area of work is the implementation of changes to underlying calibration standards for modeling segregated fund guarantee exposures. While we are currently continuing to consult through the MAC process, we expect to issue a draft advisory in the fall of 2010 for public comment. We expect that this will change the existing capital requirements in respect of new (rather than in-force) segregated fund business (e.g. post 2010 contracts).

    It is not clear whether or not this draft advisory will include leverage caps on assets including seg funds.

    The letter does not make any predictions about the effects on capital expected in the draft advisory:

    It is premature to draw conclusions about the cumulative impact this process will have. For example, considered as a whole, there could be increases in some lines of business and decreases in others – and increases may be offset by other changes, such as hedge recognition. In addition, the impact is likely to vary from company to company. As usual, OSFI will be consulting with the CLHIA and your members on proposed changes and will provide ample notice prior to the implementation of new guidance.

    … but I suggest that an increase in required capital is something of a slam-dunk.