User registration has now been enabled, as I have now ticked the “Membership [] Anyone can register” box in the administrative settings. You must be logged in to comment.
A link to the registration process may now be found in the right-hand navigation panel under the heading “meta”.
Sorry about that, folks!
One problem I’m having is with comment spam (many hundreds of spam comments per day) … we’ll see what changes, if any, this brings.
There are lots of ‘bots about! Within seconds – literally! – of my posting this there were registrations by “VeraJeppesen”, “WeldonWeindorfe”, and “JuliShannon”, who have many things they’d like to share with us about Mulberry outlets, wholesale jerseys and NFL jerseys.
Update, 2013-12-11: As noted in the comments:
Assiduous Readers are required to register prior to commenting on my posts, which helps reduce the volume of spam. In turn, registration requires that the A.R. respond to an eMail that will be sent automatically and immediately upon completion of the registration form
If you do not receive this eMail, it has probably been intercepted by your software or ISP as spam. Try sending an eMail to; this will usually result in your being able to receive future eMails. Then you may log in; tell the machine you have forgotten your password and it will eMail one to you.
Sorry about all this rigamarole. If all else fails, send me an eMail and I’ll sort things out.