Archive for September, 2024

Fund Suggestions for MAPF Comparisons, Please.

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

As most of you will know, I report performance for a variety of MAPF competitors every month in the fund’s performance reports. The August version contains the note:

Figures for BMO Preferred Share Fund (advisor series) are not available as the fund has been terminated. This is as per an announcement by the bank on 2024-5-28. The last performance report for this awful fund was as of July 31, 2024.

So I have space for a new fund to report every month. Help me out in the comments! Suggested funds should be:

  • Canadian preferred shares only
  • Reasonably big
  • Reasonably good performers – give me something that’s worth beating!
  • Preferably, at least a five-year track record
  • Publicly reported performance data in the usual format