Archive for the ‘HIMIPref News’ Category

Effect of Mass-Bank-Upgrade on Calculated Yield-Curve

Friday, October 6th, 2006

As noted in DBRS Posts Mass Upgrade of Banks! there has been a major change in credit-quality inputs.

 Readers may be interested to see what effect these changes have on the yield curve calculation:

Taxable Curve
Parameter Before Upgrade After Upgrade
Base Rate 3.77 % 3.77%
Short Term Premium -1.02 % -0.98%
Short Term Decay Time 3.3 Years 3.4 Years
Long Term Premium -0.98 % -0.97%
Long Term Decay Time 10.8 Years 10.8 Years
Spread for Interest Income 0.77 % 0.76%
Spread for Cumulative payments 0.00 % 0.00%
Spread for Split Share Corps 0.34 % 0.32%
Spread for Retraction Privilege -0.54 % -0.54%
Spread for 2nd Tier Credits 0.14 % 0.12%
Liquidity Premium -0.16 % -0.16%
Spread for 3rd Tier Credits 0.37 % 0.35%
Floating Rate Premium -0.74 % -0.73%
Spread for HIGH Credits 0.00 % 0.00%
Spread for LOW Credits 0.07 % 0.10%
Fitting Data
Total Priced Instruments 170 170
Instruments Used in calculation 153 153
Fitting Error 82.1729 81.2355
Non-Taxable Curve
Parameter Before Upgrade After Upgrade
Base Rate 4.79 % 4.80%
Short Term Premium -1.73 % -1.72%
Short Term Decay Time 9.7 Years 9.5 Years
Long Term Premium -0.03 % -0.03%
Long Term Decay Time 29.7 Years 29.7 Years
Spread for Interest Income 3.40 % 3.39%
Spread for Cumulative payments 0.00 % -0.01%
Spread for Split Share Corps 0.48 % 0.46%
Spread for Retraction Privilege -0.72 % -0.72%
Spread for 2nd Tier Credits 0.22 % 0.20%
Liquidity Premium -0.18 % -0.17%
Spread for 3rd Tier Credits 0.56 % 0.54%
Floating Rate Premium -0.94 % -0.93%
Spread for HIGH Credits 0.00 % 0.00%
Spread for LOW Credits 0.10 % 0.13%
Fitting Data
Total Priced Instruments 170 170
Instruments Used in calculation 153 153
Fitting Error 104.9932 104.8866


Update, 2006-10-7 : The credit changes have been processed, the curve recalculated, the results of the recalculation posted and there are a few items of interest. Split share corporations have tightened in to the "base curve" noticably, but there is nothing that leaps immediately to mind as an interesting comment to make. I’ll have to think about it … and see if Tuesday’s trading starts moving the curve around a little!

DBRS Posts Mass Upgrade of Banks!

Friday, October 6th, 2006

DBRS has announced a slew of upgrades to the credit rating of bank preferreds:

Issuer Industry Debt Rated Action Rating Trend
Bank of Montreal Banks & Trusts Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
Scotia Mortgage Investment Corporation Banks & Trusts Non-Cumulative Preferred Shares Series A (bsd. on BNS) Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
National Bank of Canada Banks & Trusts Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 (low) Stb
TD Mortgage Investment Corporation Banks & Trusts Higher Yielding Bank Related Securities (bsd. on TD Bank) Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
Royal Bank of Canada Banks & Trusts Non-Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
Bank of Nova Scotia Banks & Trusts Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
Bank of Nova Scotia Banks & Trusts Non-Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 Stb
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Banks & Trusts Cumulative Preferred Shares Upgraded Pfd-1 (low) Stb

Well! This creates an exercise in data-entry, doesn’t it? I won’t be able to get these done tonight, although I will update prices as normal. I will update this post once the upgrades have been reflected in the HIMIPref™ database – and this will happen well before the market opens on Tuesday morning.

I don’t really anticipate much change in HIMIPref™ values as a result of this change, although I will be most interested to see if anything happens to the “Low” spread! I suspect that the most noticable change will be with CIBC issues since

Update, 2006-10-7 : The changes have been processed. There is some discussion of the effects of these changes on calculated values at Effect of Mass-Bank-Upgrade on Calculated Yield-Curve

HIMIPref Parameterization Changes

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

As a result of continuing optimization of parameters, the following optimizableParameters have been changed:

Parameter Old Value New Value
riskPseudoModifiedDurationPort 0.059 0.060
riskPseudoConvexityPort 0.014 0.012
instrumentYieldDisparityValuation 0.360 0.358

I do not consider any of these changes to be particularly earth-shaking (although every little bit helps!) and do not anticipate that any users will find that a slew of trades has suddenly been recommended.

DJN.PR.A – 12-year-old data update!

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

In the interests of completeness, I will advise that I have just added data to HIMIPref™ for DJN.PR.A for the period 1993-11-30 to 1993-12-31, inclusive. This was a Pfd-3(low) issue, long since redeemed, for which date was not available from the TSX.


New Perpetual Issue : Sunlife 4.45%

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

I have just learned that Sunlife is coming out with a new issue of preferreds, Series 4.

They are perpetual and pay $1.1125 p.a. Closing is expected to be 2006-10-10.

The redemption schedule is:

  • Redemption      2011-12-31      2012-12-30  26.000000
  • Redemption      2012-12-31      2013-12-30  25.750000
  • Redemption      2013-12-31      2014-12-30  25.500000
  • Redemption      2014-12-31      2015-12-30  25.250000
  • Redemption      2015-12-31   INFINITE DATE  25.000000

If we compare this issue with

  • RY.PR.A, which has the same dividend and credit rating, and is perpetual with the call schedule starting seven months earlier
  • SLF.PR.C, which also has the same dividend, is perpetual and has the call schedule starting nine months earlier

, using the yield curve as derived for taxable clients:

Price due to base-rate 22.69  22.77 22.70
Price due to short-term 0.08  0.08 0.08
Price due to long-term 0.58  0.61 0.62
Price due to error 0.01  -0.01 -0.01
Price due to Credit Spread (Low) -0.29  -0.31 -0.31
Intrinsic Curve Price 23.07  23.14 23.08
Price due to Liquidity  1.32 (?)  1.32 1.32
Total Curve Price  24.39 (?)  24.46 24.40
Closing Quote, 2006-09-28 N/A 24.93-94 24.65-79

Well, I’m going to reserve judgement until I’ve received the prospectus! But this doesn’t look like a very attractive issue at all, given that even after allowing over $1.00 for the privilege of trading a million shares at a time it STILL looks over-valued at the issue price of $25.

Once I’ve seen a prospectus I’ll be issuing a press release. The issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ database and full pre-issue analytics are available to subscribers.

BAM.PR.E / BAM.PR.G Reset Rate Percentage Announced

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Brookfield has announced – somewhat quietly! I couldn’t find anything on their site and had to look at SEDAR! – that the Selected Percentage Rate for the upcoming reset will be 108%.

So commencing November 1, 2006, the dividend rate paid on BAM.PR.G will be 108% of the Canada 5-year yield as computed on October 11. The 5-years closed today at about 3.84%, so this implies a yield of about 4.15% on the BAM.PR.G (assuming no change in rates over the next two weeks), or about $1.0375 annually per share.

Horrible! Especially compared with the 5.63% (or $1.4075) they’ve been paying for the last five years!

According to Brookfield’s “Notice of Conversion Privilege” the Designated Percentage (which varies only in accordance with trading price, not by company fiat) of prime paid on the BAM.PR.E is 81%, or currently 4.86%.

 Well, pays yer money and takes yer chances. Going with ratchet-rates means taking a risk on the Designated Percentage AND taking a risk on Prime for the next five years. It’s a tough call, just like the BCE.PR.T / BCE.PR.S conversion that’s coming up … although, mind you, BCE’s fixed-rate offer is 112% of the five year yield.

Given that BAM.PR.G closed today at 25.12-32, 3×5 on volume of 2500 shares, I don’t think they’re much of an option … or, to be more explicit, if they’re the best option there is, holders are better off selling them, because a Pfd-2(low) (DBRS) credit on a perpetual paying $1.0375 (at least for the next five years) sure ain’t going to be trading above par for long!

And I just don’t like floaters, anyway, especially ratchet rates. Hard to analyze, hard to plan for, really, really hard to make any capital gains from. Given the current trading price, the percentage of prime will be declining in the near future … perhaps, eventually, to the same level as BCE.PR.S (which have the same credit rating, after all) and then be paying only 64% of prime.

So I’d say these thingies are a “sell” right now. I don’t like either alternative, not when I can get better than par by selling them now.

Hat-tip to Financial WebRing for bringing this to my attention!

Note added 2006-09-28: I have just received an eMail from a concerned user of The summary information regarding dividend rates for BAM.PR.G is stated as:


  • Floating Rate Start Date : 2006-11-01
  • Floating Rate Index ID : Canada Prime
  • FR Formula : Ratchet (#0)
  • Max Ratchet Rate Formula ID : 100% of index (#1)
  • Min Ratchet Rate Formula ID : 50% of index (#2)

My correspondent went to the trouble of reading the prospectus and confirmed for himself that the BAM.PR.G do not, in and of themselves, change to floating rate.

These things are difficult to handle, particularly in the period when, as now, the upcoming reset rate is only “sort-of” known. For the “reset” side of every  Ratchet-Rate-Preferred-Pair, HIMIPref™ assumes that the rate paid on the resettable prefs (which in this case is the BAM.PR.G) will be so lousy that investors will be virtually forced into the “ratchet side” (in this case, the BAM.PR.E).

It’s a conservative assumption, but a difficult one to explain in a brief summary! I’ll put together some kind of post, essentially re-stating this point, and link to it from the appropriate cells on the table … eventually!

FAL.PR.F / FAL.PR.G to be redeemed

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Xstrata has announced that the two captioned issues will be redeemed on November 1, 2006.

each series F share will be redeemed for C$25.50 in cash, each series G share will be redeemed for C$25.00 in cash … plus accrued and unpaid dividends in respect of each share up to, but excluding, 1 November 2006.

FAL.PR.F became a ratchet rate preferred on 2005-07-06 and its most recent dividends have been $0.115 monthly, or $1.38 annually, or 5.52% on the issue price, or 5.41% against the redemption price. It ended today quoted at 25.33-55, 83×100 (big size for this issue!), but with no trading.

FAL.PR.G was its opposite number, and has been paying $0.38125 quarterly, or $1.525 annually, or 6.1% on its issue price (= redemption price).

These shares used to be Noranda and the provisions stated on Page C-6 of the 2005-06-02 Information Circular (sorry, I don’t have the original prospectus handy!) states that the fixed rate option could be as low as 80% of the 5-year Canada Yield. I can only presume that XStrata decided it could not bank on the ratchet-rate prefs yielding a low enough percentage of prime to make a lousy rate on the fixed-rate side worthwhile.

So anyway, there’s a ratchet-rate pref gone!

E-L Financial New Issue!

Monday, September 25th, 2006

E-L Financial has announced a new perpetual issue. See CCN Mathews for the press release … the actual press releases cannot be linked, but were timestamped 9:47 & 9:48 am, ET, today.

No prospectus is yet available on SEDAR, but informal information available to me indicates that it can be described as follows:

Dividend: 4.75%, or $1.1875 p.a. per share, non-cumulative

Redemption: $26.00 commencing October 17, 2011, declining by $0.25 p.a. until it’s redeemable at $25.00 at any time on or after October 17, 2015. The company has the right to force conversion into stock, using the applicable redemption price and the greater of $1.00 or 95% of the average common price (as defined) to determine the exchange ratio.

Rating: A preliminary rating of P-2(high) from Standard & Poors has been claimed. I have no information regarding a DBRS rating but, for analytical purposes, have assumed a Pfd-2(low) rating, the same as the existing ELF.PR.F.

It’s a bought deal via RBC-DS.

Preliminary analysis using a taxable yield curve indicates the following:

Curve Attribute ELF.PR.? RY.PR.B
Price due to base-rate 23.61 23.57
Price due to short-term 0.08 0.07
Price due to long-term 0.70 0.75
Price due to Credit Spread (2) -0.72 N/A
Price due to error 0.02 -0.01
Price due to Credit Spread (Low) -0.33 -0.38
Total Intrinsic 23.35* 24.00*
Price due to Liquidity 1.44 1.44
Total Curve Price 24.79* 25.45*
*Note Rounding Error

The “Price due to Liquidity” for the ELF.PR.? is a little fishy. As with all new issues, the analysis assumes maximal liquidity, but on the other hand, the ELF is only a $100-million dollar issue. $1.44 liquidity value seems a little steep!

Another way to say the same thing is: I think the EL new issue should be priced at less than the RY.PR.B by the sum of:

  • $0.72 for the credit spread
  • Somewhere between $0.00 and $1.44 for the liquidity

Well, I won’t be rushing to pull out my chequebook for this one! Seems to me that, like the Fortis new issue, the underwriters are pricing this deal according to the trading levels of all the Pfd-1(low) bank perps and hoping nobody notices the credit difference.

This new issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ database with the symbol ELF.PR.?.

New Issue : Brompton Life & Banc Split Corp.

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

I was asked by eMail to comment on this new issue.

The issue is featured on the Brompton website and the issue characteristics are:

Pays: 5.25% p.a. as dividends, quarterly, cumulative

Options: None relevant.

Maturity:  2013-11-29  @ 10.000000

Rating: Pfd-2 by DBRS. I can’t find anything about the issue on the DBRS website, but I have no reason to believe the prospectus is inaccurate. The OSC would be inclined to take a rather dim view of such shennanigans – and so would DBRS!

Other: Split Share Corporation.

 I’ve entered the information into HIMIPref™ – normally I wouldn’t bother, but I was specifically asked about this issue, so why not? – and on a TAXABLE basis the issue looks cheap compared to the current yield curve:

Curve Price : Taxable Curve
Price due to base-rate 10.21
Price due to short-term 0.10
Price due to long-term 0.38
Price due to SplitShareCorp -0.22
Price due to Retractibility 0.34
Price due to Credit Spread (2) -0.11
Total $10.70

When discounted by the Pre-Tax curve they’re even better!

Curve Price : Non-Taxable Curve
Price due to base-rate 10.25
Price due to short-term 0.50
Price due to long-term 0.01
Price due to SplitShareCorp -0.30
Price due to Retractibility 0.48
Price due to Credit Spread (2) -0.17
Price due to error 0.02
Total $10.80


Clearly, one’s views of the “fair” price for this instrument will be influenced by whether one is speaking of “taxable” or “non-taxable” accounts, but it is equally clear that this issue is attractively priced at $10.00 regardless of the tax-status of the speaker!

My correspondent also wondered how a split share corporation could pay 5.25% dividends when the underlying investment only pays 3-3.5%. Well, the best underlying yielder (BMO) pays 3.7%, whereas the two worst (IAG & MFC) only pay 1.9% (both figures from the preliminary prospectus), but it’s a reasonable enough guess none-the-less.

Let’s say the company takes in $100-million, which is 4 million units priced at $25 total. They’re going to have to pay issue expenses – let’s call that $500,000, for the sake of a number, and selling commissions of $4.8-million. So they’re left with $94.7-million to invest, and lets just estimate the average yield of the underlying investments at 3%. So that means the company will be getting dividend income of $2.84-million.

They have 4 million prefs outstanding, and have to pay $0.525 annually on each of them. That comes to $2.1-million. So we can say that the dividends we expect on the prefs are covered quite comfortably by the dividends on the underlying assets – a dividend coverage ratio of about 1.3:1 – which is entirely reasonable. Note that the company has $94.7-million in assets to cover the return of $40-million to the preferred shareholders … an asset coverage ratio of just under 2.37:1, which is great! These calculations help explain why DBRS has put such an attractive credit rating on the issue … the banks and insurance companies in the underlying portfolio would have to go down in price by more than 50% before the company ran out of money to pay the preferred obligations.

All very nice, you say, but what about the class A shares? Well, what about them? I don’t care about them. They’re entitled to the excess dividend income that was estimated above to be about $740,000 … they’re also entitled to all the extra income the company can make from writing options and lending securities. Good for them. And if the price of the shares in the underlying portfolio goes up, they can have all that, too. I don’t care, as long as I get paid on my prefs!

The prospectus states that in order to meet the return projections for the Class A shares (8%), the company will have to produce an annualized return of 9.2%, out of which will come the fees, expenses and, of course, the preferred shareholders slice of the pie. Who knows? Maybe the company will succeed in achieving these gains! 9.2% is certainly a not unheard-of return on financial equities over a 7 year period. However, I look upon most split-share corporations as a vehicle whereby greedy retail investors (who buy the “Class A” residual shares) voluntarily donate money to conservative retail investors (who buy the prefs). The greedy guys are my new best friends!

I wouldn’t buy the Class A shares, but the Prefs look attractively priced and well protected.

Update 2006-10-19 The above calculation of the Dividend Coverage Ratio did not take account of the MER. Oops! If an MER of 0.95% is assumed, then the income available to cover dividends should be reduced by $900,000 in the above example, leaving $1.95-million to cover dividends of $2.1-million, resulting in an estimated DCR of a little over 0.9:1, which is still fine, considering the asset coverage (and the fact that potential income from stock lending and option writing has been ignored. Thanks to Financial Webring for pointing this out.

Update, 2013-10-4: This issue trades as LBS.PR.A.

HIMIPref™ Release : 2006-09-20

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

There’s a new release of HIMIPref™ available for download at the usual place.

If you choose to install this upgrade, please, PLEASE remember to back-up your user data prior to re-installation!

This isn’t a very exciting upgrade, frankly – it is only made available to ensure that the Institutional and Administrative versions of the programme are kept synchronized – the major part of the upgrade was to the Administrative version, through which I will be saving a LOT of time in the future due to automation of index preparation.

I believe the only noticable change (for Institutional users) is that when adding a “Returns” column to the Report Summary, the system will no longer naively ask whether you wish all issues to be included in the report … it will simply assume that this is the case.

There is no absolute necessity for Institutional users to install the new version – the old version will continue to work. However, if the prospect of saving a complete mouse-click when looking at performance on the Report Summary is not alluring enough, there’s also the consideration that, in the unlikely event that (i) You find a bug, and (ii) the effect of this bug is different in the two versions, it will be much easier track down the error if we’re all singing from the same hymnbook.