November PrefLetter Released!

November 11th, 2019

The November, 2019, edition of PrefLetter has been released and is now available for purchase as the “Previous edition”. Those who subscribe for a full year receive the “Previous edition” as a bonus.

PrefLetter may now be purchased by all Canadian residents.

Until further notice, the “Previous Edition” will refer to the November, 2019, issue, while the “Next Edition” will be the December, 2019, issue, scheduled to be prepared as of the close December 13, 2019, and eMailed to subscribers prior to market-opening on December 16.

PrefLetter is intended for long term investors seeking issues to buy-and-hold. At least one recommendation from each of the major preferred share sectors is included and discussed.

Note: My verbosity has grown by such leaps and bounds that it is no longer possible to deliver PrefLetter as an eMail attachment – it’s just too big for my software! Instead, I have sent passwords – click on the link in your eMail and your copy will download.

Note: The PrefLetter website has a Subscriber Download Feature. If you have not received your copy, try it!

Note: PrefLetter eMails sometimes runs afoul of spam filters. If you have not received your copy within fifteen minutes of a release notice such as this one, please double check your (company’s) spam filtering policy and your spam repository – there are some hints in the post Sympatico Spam Filters out of Control. If it’s not there, contact me and I’ll get you your copy … somehow!

Note: There have been scattered complaints regarding inability to open PrefLetter in Acrobat Reader, despite my practice of including myself on the subscription list and immediately checking the copy received. I have had the occasional difficulty reading US Government documents, which I was able to resolve by downloading and installing the latest version of Adobe Reader. Also, note that so far, all complaints have been from users of Yahoo Mail. Try saving it to disk first, before attempting to open it.

Note: There have been other scattered complaints that double-clicking on the links in the “PrefLetter Download” email results in a message that the password has already been used. I have been able to reproduce this problem in my own eMail software … the problem is double-clicking. What happens is the first click opens the link and the second click finds that the password has already been used and refuses to work properly. So the moral of the story is: Don’t be a dick! Single Click!

Note: Assiduous Reader DG informs me:

In case you have any other Apple users: you need to install a free App from the apple store called “FileApp”. It comes with it’s own tutorial and allows you to download and save a PDF file.

However, Assiduous Reader Adrian informs me in the comments to the January 2015 release:

Some nitpicking for DG:
FileApp costs $1.19 in the Apple Store.

But Adrian2 now advises:

Well, as of now, FileApp is free (again?).

FFN.PR.A 2019H1 Semi-Annual Report

November 10th, 2019

North American Financial 15 Split Corp. has released its Semi-Annual Report to May 31, 2019.

Figures of interest are:

MER: 1.05% of the whole unit value “based on total expenses for the stated period and is expressed as an annualized percentage of average net asset value during the period.”

Average Net Assets: We need this to calculate portfolio yield. No change in Number of Units Outstanding, so just calculate as [298.4-million (NAV at beginning of period) + 279.6-million (NAV at end of period)] / 2 = 289.0-million.

Underlying Portfolio Yield: (4.784-million dividends + 0.096-million interest) times two because it’s only half a year divided by average net assets of 289.0-million is 3.38%

Income Coverage: Net Investment Income (excluding capital gains) of 3.068-million divided by Preferred Share Distributions of 5.163-million is 59%.

BMO.PR.W : Convert or Hold?

November 9th, 2019

It will be recalled that BMO.PR.W will reset at 3.851% effective November 25, 2019

BMO.PR.W is a FixedReset, 3.80%+222, that commenced trading 2014-7-30 after being announced 2014-7-22. Notice of extension was given 2019-9-27. It is tracked by HIMIPref™ and has been assigned to the FixedReset – Discount subindex.

The most logical way to analyze the question of whether or not to convert is through the theory of Preferred Pairs, for which a calculator is available. Briefly, a Strong Pair is defined as a pair of securities that can be interconverted in the future (e.g. BMO.PR.W and the FloatingReset that will exist if enough holders convert). Since they will be interconvertible on this future date, it may be assumed that they will be priced identically on this date (if they aren’t then holders will simply convert en masse to the higher-priced issue). And since they will be priced identically on a given date in the future, any current difference in price must be offset by expectations of an equal and opposite value of dividends to be received in the interim. And since the dividend rate on one element of the pair is both fixed and known, the implied average rate of the other, floating rate, instrument can be determined. Finally, we say, we may compare these average rates and take a view regarding the actual future course of that rate relative to the implied rate, which will provide us with guidance on which element of the pair is likely to outperform the other until the next interconversion date, at which time the process will be repeated.

We can show the break-even rates for each FixedReset / FloatingReset Strong Pair graphically by plotting the implied average 3-month bill rate against the next Exchange Date (which is the date to which the average will be calculated).

Click for Big

The market appears to have lost its fleeting interest in floating rate product; the implied rates until the next interconversion are well below the current 3-month bill rate as the averages for investment-grade and junk issues are at +0.30% and +0.83%, respectively. Whatever might be the result of the next few Bank of Canada overnight rate decisions, I suggest that it is unlikely that the average rate over the next five years will be lower than current – but if you disagree, of course, you may interpret the data any way you like.

Since credit quality of each element of the pair is equal to the other element, it should not make any difference whether the pair examined is investment-grade or junk, although we might expect greater variation of implied rates between junk issues on grounds of lower liquidity, and this is just what we see.

If we plug in the current bid price of the BMO.PR.W FixedReset, we may construct the following table showing consistent prices for its soon-may-be-issued FloatingReset counterpart given a variety of Implied Breakeven yields consistent with issues currently trading:

Estimate of FloatingReset (received in exchange for BMO.PR.W) Trading Price In Current Conditions
  Assumed FloatingReset
Price if Implied Bill
is equal to
FixedReset Bid Price Spread 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
BMO.PR.W 19.00 271bp 19.36 18.86 18.36

Based on current market conditions, I suggest that the FloatingResets that will result from conversion are likely to trade below the price of their FixedReset counterparts, BMO.PR.W. Therefore, I recommend that holders of BMO.PR.W continue to hold the issue and not to convert. I will note that once the FloatingResets commence trading (if, in fact, they do) it may be a good trade to swap one issue for the other in the market once both elements of each pair are trading and you can – hopefully – do it with a reasonably good take-out in price, rather than doing it through the company on a 1:1 basis. But that, of course, will depend on the prices at that time and your forecast for the path of policy rates over the next five years. There are no guarantees – my recommendation is based on the assumption that current market conditions with respect to the pairs will continue until the FloatingResets commence trading and that the relative pricing of the two new pairs will reflect these conditions.

Those who wish to convert are advised that the deadline for notifying the company of such a desire is 5:00 p.m.ET on November 12, 2019. Brokers and other intermediaries generally set their internal deadlines a day or two in advance of this date, so if you wish to convert there’s no time to waste! Note that brokers will, in general, try to execute the instruction on a ‘best efforts’ basis if received between the two deadlines, provided that the procrastinating shareholder grovels entertainingly enough.

November 8, 2019

November 8th, 2019

Here’s some cheery news to start your weekend:

Consumer insolvencies jumped nearly 20 per cent in September from a year ago, according to federal data released Friday, suggesting financial strain is rising at the household level.

In total, there were close to 12,000 consumer insolvencies filed across the country in September, compared with about 10,000 a year earlier, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy said. Insolvencies are comprised of both bankruptcies and proposals – the latter being an offer to pay back a percentage of money owed, extend the payment timeline, or both.

Over the 12-month period ending in September, there were more than 133,000 consumer insolvencies filed, or 8.5 per cent greater than the previous 12-month period.

Click for Big
HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.3957 % 1,995.9
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.3957 % 3,662.5
Floater 6.05 % 6.19 % 45,200 13.57 4 0.3957 % 2,110.7
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.2245 % 3,389.8
SplitShare 4.65 % 4.64 % 51,476 3.88 7 -0.2245 % 4,048.2
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.2245 % 3,158.5
Perpetual-Premium 5.56 % -20.43 % 53,422 0.09 10 -0.0392 % 3,033.4
Perpetual-Discount 5.32 % 5.44 % 69,862 14.73 25 0.1406 % 3,244.6
FixedReset Disc 5.58 % 5.77 % 175,402 14.25 66 -0.0753 % 2,106.2
Deemed-Retractible 5.17 % 5.65 % 62,913 7.80 27 0.0156 % 3,191.6
FloatingReset 6.11 % 6.64 % 93,171 12.96 2 0.1097 % 2,502.9
FixedReset Prem 5.11 % 3.70 % 123,013 1.63 20 0.0039 % 2,623.0
FixedReset Bank Non 1.96 % 3.90 % 86,249 2.16 3 0.1379 % 2,699.4
FixedReset Ins Non 5.40 % 8.34 % 113,515 7.80 22 0.1284 % 2,145.8
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc -1.82 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 13.50
Evaluated at bid price : 13.50
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %
IAF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non -1.65 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.03
Bid-YTW : 7.73 %
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc -1.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 19.15
Evaluated at bid price : 19.15
Bid-YTW : 6.04 %
TD.PF.I FixedReset Disc 1.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 21.02
Evaluated at bid price : 21.02
Bid-YTW : 5.46 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.02 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.81
Bid-YTW : 10.13 %
IFC.PR.F Deemed-Retractible 1.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.69
Bid-YTW : 5.57 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 1.22 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.55
Bid-YTW : 8.66 %
CM.PR.S FixedReset Disc 1.39 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 18.30
Evaluated at bid price : 18.30
Bid-YTW : 5.66 %
MFC.PR.L FixedReset Ins Non 1.44 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.90
Bid-YTW : 8.73 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
BAM.PR.K Floater 47,130 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 11.32
Evaluated at bid price : 11.32
Bid-YTW : 6.19 %
TRP.PR.K FixedReset Prem 40,733 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-05-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.60
Bid-YTW : 4.31 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 30,051 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 13.50
Evaluated at bid price : 13.50
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %
MFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 29,860 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.95
Bid-YTW : 7.93 %
TRP.PR.B FixedReset Disc 28,658 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 11.29
Evaluated at bid price : 11.29
Bid-YTW : 6.33 %
MFC.PR.L FixedReset Ins Non 27,402 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.90
Bid-YTW : 8.73 %
There were 31 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc Quote: 18.00 – 19.08
Spot Rate : 1.0800
Average : 0.6874

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 18.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.00
Bid-YTW : 7.15 %

POW.PR.A Perpetual-Premium Quote: 25.30 – 25.65
Spot Rate : 0.3500
Average : 0.2209

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2019-12-08
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.30
Bid-YTW : -4.43 %

BIP.PR.E FixedReset Disc Quote: 22.87 – 23.40
Spot Rate : 0.5300
Average : 0.4031

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 22.32
Evaluated at bid price : 22.87
Bid-YTW : 5.51 %

NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc Quote: 19.51 – 19.90
Spot Rate : 0.3900
Average : 0.2839

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 19.51
Evaluated at bid price : 19.51
Bid-YTW : 5.77 %

IFC.PR.E Deemed-Retractible Quote: 24.40 – 24.75
Spot Rate : 0.3500
Average : 0.2491

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.40
Bid-YTW : 5.62 %

TD.PF.L FixedReset Disc Quote: 23.76 – 24.00
Spot Rate : 0.2400
Average : 0.1417

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-08
Maturity Price : 22.70
Evaluated at bid price : 23.76
Bid-YTW : 5.16 %

November 7, 2019

November 8th, 2019

Here’s a phrase you don’t see very often: hard-working traders!

A proposal to shorten trading hours on Europe’s stock exchanges could help to boost liquidity and would have far-reaching benefits for the industry’s hard-working traders.

But a proposed 90 minute reduction in the trading day could also drive some business away from Europe’s main stock exchanges into so-called dark pools, trading venues which are less transparent and which regulators have been trying to curb.

Banks and fund managers on Thursday have proposed shortening the trading day in Europe to 7 hours from current 8-1/2 — one of the longest in the world.

I don’t understand why exchanges ever close in this day and age, frankly.

Ontario is going to review the Securities Act:

The fall statement acknowledged that the Securities Act is “outdated, and should support modern capital markets.”

“Ontario will undertake measures to create a modernized securities regulatory framework that is responsive to innovation and changes in a rapidly evolving marketplace,” the statement said. “Accordingly, the government will establish a securities modernization task force.”

The Securities Act requires that the Minister of Finance appoint an advisory committee to review securities legislation every five years. However, the most recent such review finished in March 2003, when a committee chaired by Purdy Crawford released a comprehensive report.

The act also requires that the finance minister and the OSC review their memorandum of understanding (MOU), which sets out both parties’ respective roles and responsibilities, every five years. The parties have not formally reviewed the current MOU since November 2009.

Yields popped:

U.S. Treasury yields surged to more than three-month highs on Thursday, exaggerated by technical factors, as reports that a U.S.-China agreement to roll back trade tariffs boosted global economic growth expectations.

Tariffs imposed during the months-long bilateral trade war will be phased out, the Chinese commerce ministry said on Thursday, without specifying a timetable.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.7084 % 1,988.1
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.7084 % 3,648.0
Floater 6.08 % 6.24 % 46,889 13.50 4 0.7084 % 2,102.4
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1405 % 3,397.5
SplitShare 4.64 % 4.56 % 51,807 3.88 7 0.1405 % 4,057.3
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1405 % 3,165.7
Perpetual-Premium 5.56 % -18.51 % 51,709 0.09 10 0.0353 % 3,034.6
Perpetual-Discount 5.33 % 5.43 % 70,749 14.75 25 -0.1421 % 3,240.1
FixedReset Disc 5.58 % 5.72 % 175,955 14.30 66 0.7753 % 2,107.8
Deemed-Retractible 5.17 % 5.64 % 64,298 7.80 27 0.0861 % 3,191.1
FloatingReset 6.13 % 6.69 % 93,310 12.88 2 1.2213 % 2,500.1
FixedReset Prem 5.11 % 3.78 % 153,368 1.63 20 0.1444 % 2,622.9
FixedReset Bank Non 1.96 % 4.10 % 89,570 2.16 3 0.0000 % 2,695.7
FixedReset Ins Non 5.40 % 8.24 % 112,549 7.79 22 0.4364 % 2,143.0
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.M Perpetual-Discount -1.25 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 21.31
Evaluated at bid price : 21.31
Bid-YTW : 5.65 %
CU.PR.D Perpetual-Discount -1.08 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 22.72
Evaluated at bid price : 23.00
Bid-YTW : 5.32 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 17.95
Evaluated at bid price : 17.95
Bid-YTW : 6.33 %
NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.55
Evaluated at bid price : 19.55
Bid-YTW : 5.74 %
RY.PR.J FixedReset Disc 1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.50
Evaluated at bid price : 18.50
Bid-YTW : 5.79 %
BNS.PR.I FixedReset Disc 1.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.15
Evaluated at bid price : 19.15
Bid-YTW : 5.51 %
NA.PR.W FixedReset Disc 1.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.22
Evaluated at bid price : 16.22
Bid-YTW : 5.87 %
BAM.PF.E FixedReset Disc 1.09 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.66
Evaluated at bid price : 16.66
Bid-YTW : 6.25 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc 1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.20
Evaluated at bid price : 18.20
Bid-YTW : 5.92 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.35
Bid-YTW : 8.79 %
RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc 1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.06
Evaluated at bid price : 18.06
Bid-YTW : 5.74 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.13 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.99
Evaluated at bid price : 16.99
Bid-YTW : 5.69 %
MFC.PR.N FixedReset Ins Non 1.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.70
Bid-YTW : 8.99 %
CM.PR.Q FixedReset Disc 1.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.12
Evaluated at bid price : 18.12
Bid-YTW : 5.97 %
SLF.PR.J FloatingReset 1.19 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.66
Bid-YTW : 10.52 %
HSE.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.19 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 6.98 %
NA.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.21 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.35
Evaluated at bid price : 18.35
Bid-YTW : 5.78 %
TRP.PR.F FloatingReset 1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 13.69
Evaluated at bid price : 13.69
Bid-YTW : 6.69 %
BIP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 1.29 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.65
Evaluated at bid price : 19.65
Bid-YTW : 6.56 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 1.38 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 13.21
Evaluated at bid price : 13.21
Bid-YTW : 5.88 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 1.43 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.27
Evaluated at bid price : 16.27
Bid-YTW : 6.07 %
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc 1.48 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.15
Evaluated at bid price : 19.15
Bid-YTW : 5.76 %
HSE.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.51 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.13
Evaluated at bid price : 18.13
Bid-YTW : 7.13 %
EMA.PR.F FixedReset Disc 1.53 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.59
Evaluated at bid price : 16.59
Bid-YTW : 6.32 %
BMO.PR.Y FixedReset Disc 1.60 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.10
Evaluated at bid price : 19.10
Bid-YTW : 5.56 %
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.69 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.05
Evaluated at bid price : 18.05
Bid-YTW : 7.10 %
RY.PR.S FixedReset Disc 1.69 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.22
Evaluated at bid price : 19.22
Bid-YTW : 5.40 %
BAM.PF.F FixedReset Disc 1.79 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 18.20
Evaluated at bid price : 18.20
Bid-YTW : 5.98 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non 1.99 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.85
Bid-YTW : 9.78 %
MFC.PR.F FixedReset Ins Non 2.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.20
Bid-YTW : 10.51 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 2.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 13.75
Evaluated at bid price : 13.75
Bid-YTW : 5.98 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 2.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.67
Bid-YTW : 10.23 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 2.43 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.00
Bid-YTW : 6.07 %
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc 2.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 12.01
Evaluated at bid price : 12.01
Bid-YTW : 6.35 %
BAM.PR.K Floater 2.84 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 11.23
Evaluated at bid price : 11.23
Bid-YTW : 6.24 %
HSE.PR.A FixedReset Disc 4.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 11.66
Evaluated at bid price : 11.66
Bid-YTW : 6.92 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 104,367 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.99
Evaluated at bid price : 16.99
Bid-YTW : 5.69 %
TD.PF.I FixedReset Disc 62,700 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 20.81
Evaluated at bid price : 20.81
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 41,500 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 13.21
Evaluated at bid price : 13.21
Bid-YTW : 5.88 %
TD.PF.J FixedReset Disc 34,255 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 19.25
Evaluated at bid price : 19.25
Bid-YTW : 5.67 %
BMO.PR.C FixedReset Disc 32,577 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 21.90
Evaluated at bid price : 22.14
Bid-YTW : 5.44 %
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc 32,300 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 12.01
Evaluated at bid price : 12.01
Bid-YTW : 6.35 %
There were 44 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 16.35 – 16.95
Spot Rate : 0.6000
Average : 0.4010

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.35
Bid-YTW : 8.79 %

MFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 18.82 – 19.24
Spot Rate : 0.4200
Average : 0.2760

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.82
Bid-YTW : 8.00 %

CU.PR.F Perpetual-Discount Quote: 21.25 – 21.74
Spot Rate : 0.4900
Average : 0.3677

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 21.25
Evaluated at bid price : 21.25
Bid-YTW : 5.31 %

BAM.PF.E FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.66 – 16.97
Spot Rate : 0.3100
Average : 0.1907

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.66
Evaluated at bid price : 16.66
Bid-YTW : 6.25 %

TD.PF.C FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.96 – 17.29
Spot Rate : 0.3300
Average : 0.2114

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-07
Maturity Price : 16.96
Evaluated at bid price : 16.96
Bid-YTW : 5.63 %

SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 13.67 – 14.06
Spot Rate : 0.3900
Average : 0.2728

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.67
Bid-YTW : 10.23 %

November 6, 2019

November 6th, 2019

Another bubble has burst:

A real estate developer who raised tens of millions of dollars from dozens of individual investors bundled into syndicated mortgages to fund Toronto-area condominium buildings is facing an investor revolt on one project and insolvency on another.

Dimitrios (Jim) Neilas, chief executive officer of Storey Living Inc., is facing legal fights on two fronts as projects he has pushed – known as the Adelaide Lofts in downtown Toronto and the OpArt condos in Oakville – are now subject to court actions from creditors seeking to sell land parcels that he had hoped to make into condominium or rental properties. At stake are millions of dollars for small investors whose loans are not registered and not protected in an insolvency process, or in the settlement deals proposed by the debtors.

Noor Al-Awqati, the chief operating officer of Hi-Rise Capital Ltd. and principal mortgage broker for the company, denied some of [Ontario’s Superintendent of Financial Services’] claims in an April 3, 2019 affidavit, saying Hi-Rise has received no fees from the Adelaide project since at least September, 2017. He admits to the 14 per cent commission paid on the initial investments, but said Hi-Rise transferred 10 or 12 per cent of each commission to third-parties who referred the investors.

What a great business, eh? 14% commission!

The Ontario Ministry of Finance has announced:

As dividends are paid out of after‐tax corporate earnings, individual shareholders receive dividend tax credits, the rate of which approximates the CIT rate paid by the corporation. Corresponding to the reduction in the small business CIT rate, Ontario’s small business (non‐eligible) dividend tax credit rate would be reduced from 3.2863 per cent to 2.9863 per cent, effective January 1, 2020. As a result, recipients of non‐eligible dividends would receive reduced dividend tax credits.

Apparently (see the Annex) this will raise 55-million annually once it’s running, about 60% of the cost of reducing the small business CIT rate.

PerpetualDiscounts now yield 5.44%, equivalent to 7.07% interest at the standard equivalency factor of 1.3x. Long corporates now yield 3.34%, so the pre-tax interest-equivalent spread (in this context, the “Seniority Spread”) has widened sharply to 375bp from the 355bp reported October 30.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.1327 % 1,974.1
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.1327 % 3,622.4
Floater 6.12 % 6.26 % 48,406 13.48 4 -0.1327 % 2,087.6
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1689 % 3,392.7
SplitShare 4.64 % 4.64 % 51,675 3.89 7 0.1689 % 4,051.6
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1689 % 3,161.2
Perpetual-Premium 5.56 % -18.68 % 52,086 0.09 10 0.2045 % 3,033.5
Perpetual-Discount 5.32 % 5.44 % 67,719 14.74 25 0.0727 % 3,244.7
FixedReset Disc 5.62 % 5.76 % 173,571 14.24 66 -0.2244 % 2,091.6
Deemed-Retractible 5.18 % 5.64 % 64,089 7.81 27 0.0626 % 3,188.4
FloatingReset 6.21 % 6.78 % 94,392 12.78 2 -0.2216 % 2,470.0
FixedReset Prem 5.12 % 3.75 % 152,371 1.63 20 -0.0407 % 2,619.1
FixedReset Bank Non 1.96 % 3.94 % 90,929 2.16 3 -0.2064 % 2,695.7
FixedReset Ins Non 5.43 % 8.21 % 111,656 7.80 22 -0.0966 % 2,133.7
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc -3.14 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 11.71
Evaluated at bid price : 11.71
Bid-YTW : 6.51 %
BAM.PR.K Floater -2.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 10.92
Evaluated at bid price : 10.92
Bid-YTW : 6.42 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc -2.07 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 15.62
Evaluated at bid price : 15.62
Bid-YTW : 6.22 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non -1.95 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.56
Bid-YTW : 10.03 %
TD.PF.I FixedReset Disc -1.57 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 20.68
Evaluated at bid price : 20.68
Bid-YTW : 5.53 %
MFC.PR.R FixedReset Ins Non -1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.31
Bid-YTW : 5.71 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc -1.21 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 13.03
Evaluated at bid price : 13.03
Bid-YTW : 5.96 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc -1.21 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 17.14
Evaluated at bid price : 17.14
Bid-YTW : 5.81 %
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc -1.20 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 18.87
Evaluated at bid price : 18.87
Bid-YTW : 5.84 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc -1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 16.04
Evaluated at bid price : 16.04
Bid-YTW : 6.16 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 1.08 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 11.20
Evaluated at bid price : 11.20
Bid-YTW : 6.26 %
IFC.PR.E Deemed-Retractible 1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.40
Bid-YTW : 5.62 %
NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 19.35
Evaluated at bid price : 19.35
Bid-YTW : 5.80 %
BMO.PR.Y FixedReset Disc 1.35 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 18.80
Evaluated at bid price : 18.80
Bid-YTW : 5.65 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.51 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 16.80
Evaluated at bid price : 16.80
Bid-YTW : 5.76 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
CU.PR.E Perpetual-Discount 330,524 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 22.62
Evaluated at bid price : 22.90
Bid-YTW : 5.34 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 223,100 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 13.46
Evaluated at bid price : 13.46
Bid-YTW : 6.10 %
SLF.PR.D Deemed-Retractible 53,386 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.10
Bid-YTW : 6.68 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 53,200 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.43
Bid-YTW : 8.45 %
EMA.PR.H FixedReset Disc 42,420 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 23.26
Evaluated at bid price : 24.95
Bid-YTW : 4.83 %
GWO.PR.S Deemed-Retractible 39,920 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.55
Bid-YTW : 5.59 %
There were 31 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
GWO.PR.I Deemed-Retractible Quote: 21.23 – 21.65
Spot Rate : 0.4200
Average : 0.2829

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.23
Bid-YTW : 6.65 %

CCS.PR.C Deemed-Retractible Quote: 23.91 – 24.58
Spot Rate : 0.6700
Average : 0.5369

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.91
Bid-YTW : 5.67 %

TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc Quote: 15.62 – 16.11
Spot Rate : 0.4900
Average : 0.3624

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 15.62
Evaluated at bid price : 15.62
Bid-YTW : 6.22 %

PWF.PR.L Perpetual-Discount Quote: 23.42 – 23.83
Spot Rate : 0.4100
Average : 0.3007

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 23.16
Evaluated at bid price : 23.42
Bid-YTW : 5.47 %

TRP.PR.F FloatingReset Quote: 13.52 – 13.95
Spot Rate : 0.4300
Average : 0.3245

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 13.52
Evaluated at bid price : 13.52
Bid-YTW : 6.78 %

BIP.PR.E FixedReset Disc Quote: 22.66 – 22.94
Spot Rate : 0.2800
Average : 0.1805

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-06
Maturity Price : 22.18
Evaluated at bid price : 22.66
Bid-YTW : 5.57 %

FTS.PR.M To Reset At 3.913%

November 5th, 2019

Fortis Inc. has announced that it (on November 1, although only on its share information page, not as a press release):

provides notice to the holders of its Cumulative Redeemable Fixed Rate Reset First Preference Shares, Series M of the Corporation (the “Series M Shares”) of the following dividend rates, in each case payable if, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of the Corporation:

i. $0.2445625 per Series M Share, being the fixed dividend rate payable quarterly on the first day of March, June, September and December of each year during the five-year period from and including December 1, 2019 to but excluding December 1, 2024; and

ii. $0.25816575 per share on the Cumulative Redeemable Floating Rate First Preference Shares, Series N of the Corporation (the “Series N Shares”), being the floating dividend rate applicable to the Series N Shares for the 3-month period from and including December 1, 2019 and ending on and including February 29, 2020, in each case determined in accordance with the corresponding rights, privileges, conditions and restrictions attached to the Series M Shares and Series N Shares, respectively, as a class, as set out in the short form prospectus of the Corporation dated September 11, 2014 relating to the issuance of the Series M Shares.

Beneficial owners of Series M Shares wishing to convert to Series N Shares should communicate with their broker or other nominee to obtain instructions for exercising such right during the conversion period, which runs from November 1, 2019, until 5:00 p.m. (EST) on November 18, 2019.

Inquiries should be directed to Ms. Karen Gosse, Vice President, Treasury and Planning, Fortis at 709.737.2865.

FTS.PR.M is a FixedReset, 4.10%+248, that commenced trading 2014-9-19 after being announced and supersized 2014-9-3. The issue is tracked by HIMIPref™ but is relegated to the Scraps – FixedResets (Discount) subindex.

Note that the reset rate is inconsistent with the rate for ENB.PF.A and the rate for PPL.PR.G; it has been shown on PrefBlog that FixedReset Prospectuses Are Imprecise!

I am pleased to note that Fortis has reconsidered its previous policy of selective disclosure.

The most logical way to analyze the question of whether or not to convert is through the theory of Preferred Pairs, for which a calculator is available. Briefly, a Strong Pair is defined as a pair of securities that can be interconverted in the future (e.g., FTS.PR.M and the FloatingReset that will exist if enough holders convert). Since they will be interconvertible on this future date, it may be assumed that they will be priced identically on this date (if they aren’t then holders will simply convert en masse to the higher-priced issue). And since they will be priced identically on a given date in the future, any current difference in price must be offset by expectations of an equal and opposite value of dividends to be received in the interim. And since the dividend rate on one element of the pair is both fixed and known, the implied average rate of the other, floating rate, instrument can be determined. Finally, we say, we may compare these average rates and take a view regarding the actual future course of that rate relative to the implied rate, which will provide us with guidance on which element of the pair is likely to outperform the other until the next interconversion date, at which time the process will be repeated.

We can show the break-even rates for each FixedReset / FloatingReset Strong Pair graphically by plotting the implied average 3-month bill rate against the next Exchange Date (which is the date to which the average will be calculated). Inspection of the graph and the overall average break-even rates for extant pairs will provide a guide for estimating the break-even rate for the pair now under consideration assuming, of course, that enough conversions occur so that the pair is in fact created.

Click for Big

The market has lost enthusiasm for floating rate product; the implied rates until the next interconversion are generally well below the current 3-month bill rate as the averages for investment-grade and junk issues are at +0.47% and +1.44%, respectively, after removal of the outlying pair FFH.PR.C / FFH.PR.D from the junk group. Whatever might be the result of the next few Bank of Canada overnight rate decisions, I suggest that it is unlikely that the average rate over the next five years will be lower than current – but if you disagree, of course, you may interpret the data any way you like.

Since credit quality of each element of the pair is equal to the other element, it should not make any difference whether the pair examined is investment-grade or junk, although we might expect greater variation of implied rates between junk issues on grounds of lower liquidity, and this is just what we see.

If we plug in the current bid price of the FTS.PR.M FixedReset, we may construct the following table showing consistent prices for its soon-may-be-issued FloatingReset counterpart given a variety of Implied Breakeven yields consistent with issues currently trading:

Estimate of FloatingReset (received in exchange for FTS.PR.M) Trading Price In Current Conditions
  Assumed FloatingReset
Price if Implied Bill
is equal to
FixedReset Bid Price Spread 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
FTS.PR.M 17.31 248bp 17.38 16.88 16.39

Based on current market conditions, I suggest that the FloatingResets that will result from conversion are likely to trade below the price of their FixedReset counterparts, FTS.PR.M. Therefore, it seems likely that I will recommend that holders of FTS.PR.M continue to hold the issue and not to convert, but I will wait until it’s closer to the November 18 notification deadline before making a final pronouncement. I will note that once the FloatingResets commence trading (if, in fact, they do) it may be a good trade to swap one issue for the other in the market once both elements of each pair are trading and you can – hopefully – do it with a reasonably good take-out in price, rather than doing it through the company on a 1:1 basis. But that, of course, will depend on the prices at that time and your forecast for the path of policy rates over the next five years. There are no guarantees – my recommendation is based on the assumption that current market conditions with respect to the pairs will continue until the FloatingResets commence trading and that the relative pricing of the two new pairs will reflect these conditions.

November 5, 2019

November 5th, 2019
HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 1.5036 % 1,976.7
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 1.5036 % 3,627.2
Floater 6.11 % 6.28 % 46,103 13.45 4 1.5036 % 2,090.4
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.0225 % 3,387.0
SplitShare 4.65 % 4.68 % 51,907 3.89 7 0.0225 % 4,044.8
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.0225 % 3,155.9
Perpetual-Premium 5.57 % -19.29 % 54,016 0.09 10 -0.1217 % 3,027.3
Perpetual-Discount 5.31 % 5.42 % 64,140 14.73 25 -0.0017 % 3,242.3
FixedReset Disc 5.61 % 5.74 % 172,927 14.28 66 0.6259 % 2,096.3
Deemed-Retractible 5.18 % 5.65 % 65,479 7.81 27 0.0235 % 3,186.4
FloatingReset 6.19 % 6.72 % 95,852 12.85 2 1.0448 % 2,475.4
FixedReset Prem 5.11 % 3.77 % 129,102 1.64 20 0.1914 % 2,620.2
FixedReset Bank Non 1.96 % 3.92 % 91,622 2.17 3 0.3036 % 2,701.2
FixedReset Ins Non 5.42 % 8.27 % 113,118 7.81 22 0.2707 % 2,135.8
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PF.J FixedReset Disc 1.02 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 23.28
Evaluated at bid price : 24.80
Bid-YTW : 4.75 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 13.55
Evaluated at bid price : 13.55
Bid-YTW : 6.06 %
PWF.PR.A Floater 1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.86
Evaluated at bid price : 11.86
Bid-YTW : 5.84 %
BMO.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.13 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 19.70
Evaluated at bid price : 19.70
Bid-YTW : 5.56 %
BIK.PR.A FixedReset Prem 1.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2024-03-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.40
Bid-YTW : 4.61 %
IAF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.12
Bid-YTW : 7.64 %
TRP.PR.B FixedReset Disc 1.18 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.13
Evaluated at bid price : 11.13
Bid-YTW : 6.37 %
BAM.PR.R FixedReset Disc 1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 15.30
Evaluated at bid price : 15.30
Bid-YTW : 6.22 %
HSE.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.27 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 16.69
Evaluated at bid price : 16.69
Bid-YTW : 7.11 %
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.84
Evaluated at bid price : 17.84
Bid-YTW : 7.18 %
TRP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 1.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 13.79
Evaluated at bid price : 13.79
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
BIP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 1.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 22.64
Evaluated at bid price : 23.20
Bid-YTW : 5.73 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc 1.41 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 18.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.00
Bid-YTW : 5.98 %
HSE.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.42 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.87
Evaluated at bid price : 17.87
Bid-YTW : 7.24 %
BAM.PR.T FixedReset Disc 1.45 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 15.44
Evaluated at bid price : 15.44
Bid-YTW : 6.22 %
BAM.PR.K Floater 1.45 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.16
Evaluated at bid price : 11.16
Bid-YTW : 6.28 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 1.47 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.08
Evaluated at bid price : 11.08
Bid-YTW : 6.33 %
MFC.PR.L FixedReset Ins Non 1.47 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.56
Bid-YTW : 8.97 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.71 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.86
Evaluated at bid price : 17.86
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
TRP.PR.F FloatingReset 1.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 13.63
Evaluated at bid price : 13.63
Bid-YTW : 6.72 %
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc 1.75 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 19.21
Evaluated at bid price : 19.21
Bid-YTW : 5.99 %
PWF.PR.T FixedReset Disc 1.79 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.10
Evaluated at bid price : 17.10
Bid-YTW : 5.88 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset Disc 1.82 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 19.55
Evaluated at bid price : 19.55
Bid-YTW : 5.95 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 2.02 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.13
Evaluated at bid price : 11.13
Bid-YTW : 6.30 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 2.25 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 13.19
Evaluated at bid price : 13.19
Bid-YTW : 5.89 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non 2.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.85
Bid-YTW : 9.77 %
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc 3.42 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 12.09
Evaluated at bid price : 12.09
Bid-YTW : 6.30 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
EMA.PR.H FixedReset Disc 91,814 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 23.22
Evaluated at bid price : 24.85
Bid-YTW : 4.85 %
GWO.PR.H Deemed-Retractible 89,643 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 22.74
Bid-YTW : 6.15 %
CM.PR.T FixedReset Disc 55,381 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 22.73
Evaluated at bid price : 23.81
Bid-YTW : 5.16 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 48,359 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 11.08
Evaluated at bid price : 11.08
Bid-YTW : 6.33 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 39,600 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 13.19
Evaluated at bid price : 13.19
Bid-YTW : 5.89 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 35,678 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.41
Bid-YTW : 8.46 %
There were 42 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
BNS.PR.I FixedReset Disc Quote: 19.00 – 19.41
Spot Rate : 0.4100
Average : 0.2828

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 19.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.00
Bid-YTW : 5.55 %

CM.PR.Y FixedReset Disc Quote: 24.64 – 24.95
Spot Rate : 0.3100
Average : 0.1939

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 23.05
Evaluated at bid price : 24.64
Bid-YTW : 5.18 %

CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.76 – 17.27
Spot Rate : 0.5100
Average : 0.4171

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 16.76
Evaluated at bid price : 16.76
Bid-YTW : 5.86 %

BAM.PF.F FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.72 – 18.20
Spot Rate : 0.4800
Average : 0.3890

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.72
Evaluated at bid price : 17.72
Bid-YTW : 6.14 %

BNS.PR.Z FixedReset Bank Non Quote: 24.22 – 24.49
Spot Rate : 0.2700
Average : 0.1879

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.22
Bid-YTW : 3.92 %

CM.PR.Q FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.97 – 18.22
Spot Rate : 0.2500
Average : 0.1705

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-05
Maturity Price : 17.97
Evaluated at bid price : 17.97
Bid-YTW : 6.02 %

November 4, 2019

November 4th, 2019
Click for Big

TXPR closed at 602.55, up 0.55% on the day. Volume was 2.70-million, behind only October 18 and October 11 in the past thirty days.

CPD closed at 12.05, up 0.42% on the day. Volume of 165,979 was the highest of the past 30 days, well ahead of second-place October 21.

ZPR closed at 9.62, up 0.63% on the day. Volume of 303,104 was second-highest of the past 30 days, just a whisker behind October 30.

Five-year Canada yields were up 8bp to 1.54% today.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 1.5265 % 1,947.4
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 1.5265 % 3,573.4
Floater 6.21 % 6.37 % 46,330 13.33 4 1.5265 % 2,059.4
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1410 % 3,386.2
SplitShare 4.65 % 4.68 % 51,758 3.89 7 0.1410 % 4,043.8
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1410 % 3,155.2
Perpetual-Premium 5.57 % -17.73 % 55,517 0.09 10 0.0354 % 3,031.0
Perpetual-Discount 5.31 % 5.42 % 64,619 14.73 25 0.1941 % 3,242.4
FixedReset Disc 5.64 % 5.79 % 175,522 14.24 66 0.6173 % 2,083.2
Deemed-Retractible 5.18 % 5.67 % 64,591 7.81 27 0.1302 % 3,185.6
FloatingReset 6.26 % 6.84 % 73,469 7.86 2 -0.1862 % 2,449.8
FixedReset Prem 5.12 % 3.84 % 156,480 1.64 20 0.2271 % 2,615.2
FixedReset Bank Non 1.96 % 4.11 % 91,140 2.17 3 -0.0276 % 2,693.1
FixedReset Ins Non 5.44 % 8.20 % 113,687 7.78 22 0.9781 % 2,130.0
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc 1.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 19.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.00
Bid-YTW : 5.80 %
PWF.PR.A Floater 1.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 11.73
Evaluated at bid price : 11.73
Bid-YTW : 5.91 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.34
Bid-YTW : 10.53 %
BAM.PR.R FixedReset Disc 1.07 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 15.11
Evaluated at bid price : 15.11
Bid-YTW : 6.30 %
IFC.PR.F Deemed-Retractible 1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.55
Bid-YTW : 5.64 %
RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc 1.13 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.86
Evaluated at bid price : 17.86
Bid-YTW : 5.80 %
TD.PF.C FixedReset Disc 1.14 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.88
Evaluated at bid price : 16.88
Bid-YTW : 5.66 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc 1.24 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.21
Evaluated at bid price : 17.21
Bid-YTW : 5.78 %
NA.PR.W FixedReset Disc 1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.05
Evaluated at bid price : 16.05
Bid-YTW : 5.93 %
BAM.PR.T FixedReset Disc 1.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 15.22
Evaluated at bid price : 15.22
Bid-YTW : 6.31 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.27 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.77
Evaluated at bid price : 16.77
Bid-YTW : 5.85 %
TD.PF.D FixedReset Disc 1.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 18.72
Evaluated at bid price : 18.72
Bid-YTW : 5.79 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 1.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 10.91
Evaluated at bid price : 10.91
Bid-YTW : 6.43 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.56
Evaluated at bid price : 17.56
Bid-YTW : 6.47 %
MFC.PR.J FixedReset Ins Non 1.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.70
Bid-YTW : 8.20 %
BAM.PF.F FixedReset Disc 1.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.84
Evaluated at bid price : 17.84
Bid-YTW : 6.10 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.38 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.40
Bid-YTW : 8.46 %
MFC.PR.R FixedReset Ins Non 1.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.64
Bid-YTW : 5.53 %
EMA.PR.F FixedReset Disc 1.49 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.40
Evaluated at bid price : 16.40
Bid-YTW : 6.39 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.51 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.10
Evaluated at bid price : 16.10
Bid-YTW : 6.03 %
HSE.PR.A FixedReset Disc 1.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 11.10
Evaluated at bid price : 11.10
Bid-YTW : 7.26 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 1.57 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 12.90
Evaluated at bid price : 12.90
Bid-YTW : 6.02 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 1.59 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 13.41
Evaluated at bid price : 13.41
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %
BAM.PF.G FixedReset Disc 1.60 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.73
Evaluated at bid price : 17.73
Bid-YTW : 6.27 %
IAF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.90
Bid-YTW : 7.79 %
MFC.PR.F FixedReset Ins Non 1.74 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.84
Bid-YTW : 10.85 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non 1.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.48
Bid-YTW : 10.10 %
BAM.PR.K Floater 1.85 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 11.00
Evaluated at bid price : 11.00
Bid-YTW : 6.37 %
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc 1.89 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 18.88
Evaluated at bid price : 18.88
Bid-YTW : 6.10 %
BAM.PF.E FixedReset Disc 1.93 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.34
Evaluated at bid price : 16.34
Bid-YTW : 6.37 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 1.96 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 10.92
Evaluated at bid price : 10.92
Bid-YTW : 6.42 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 1.97 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.07
Bid-YTW : 9.00 %
BNS.PR.I FixedReset Disc 2.05 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 18.88
Evaluated at bid price : 18.88
Bid-YTW : 5.59 %
MFC.PR.N FixedReset Ins Non 2.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.60
Bid-YTW : 9.06 %
HSE.PR.C FixedReset Disc 2.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.48
Evaluated at bid price : 16.48
Bid-YTW : 7.20 %
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc 2.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.60
Evaluated at bid price : 17.60
Bid-YTW : 7.28 %
MFC.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 3.24 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.10
Bid-YTW : 7.91 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
SLF.PR.A Deemed-Retractible 93,400 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 22.36
Bid-YTW : 6.26 %
EMA.PR.H FixedReset Disc 87,100 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 23.24
Evaluated at bid price : 24.90
Bid-YTW : 4.84 %
MFC.PR.F FixedReset Ins Non 69,720 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.84
Bid-YTW : 10.85 %
SLF.PR.D Deemed-Retractible 42,242 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.07
Bid-YTW : 6.69 %
GWO.PR.N FixedReset Ins Non 39,100 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.79
Bid-YTW : 9.84 %
CM.PR.R FixedReset Disc 37,322 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 21.14
Evaluated at bid price : 21.14
Bid-YTW : 5.76 %
There were 55 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc Quote: 13.41 – 13.97
Spot Rate : 0.5600
Average : 0.3550

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 13.41
Evaluated at bid price : 13.41
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %

BAM.PF.A FixedReset Disc Quote: 19.20 – 19.75
Spot Rate : 0.5500
Average : 0.3597

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 19.20
Evaluated at bid price : 19.20
Bid-YTW : 6.06 %

IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 14.48 – 14.99
Spot Rate : 0.5100
Average : 0.3397

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.48
Bid-YTW : 10.10 %

IAF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 18.90 – 19.39
Spot Rate : 0.4900
Average : 0.3230

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.90
Bid-YTW : 7.79 %

CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.77 – 17.20
Spot Rate : 0.4300
Average : 0.3153

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 16.77
Evaluated at bid price : 16.77
Bid-YTW : 5.85 %

EMA.PR.C FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.53 – 17.99
Spot Rate : 0.4600
Average : 0.3523

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-11-04
Maturity Price : 17.53
Evaluated at bid price : 17.53
Bid-YTW : 6.18 %


November 4th, 2019

Quadravest has announced:

Dividend 15 Split Corp. (the “Company”) today announced it has received approval for an at-the-market equity program (“ATM Program”) that allows the Company to issue shares of the Company to the public from time to time, at the Company’s discretion effective until July 4, 2020, unless terminated prior to such date by the Company. Any Class A Shares or Preferred Shares sold in the ATM Program will be sold through the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) or any other marketplace in Canada on which the Class A Shares and Preferred Shares are listed, quoted or otherwise traded at the prevailing market price at the time of sale.

Sales of Class A Shares and Preferred Shares through the ATM Program will be made pursuant to the terms of an equity distribution agreement dated October 29, 2019 (the “Equity Distribution Agreement”) with National Bank Financial Inc. (the “Agent”). Sales of Class A Shares and Preferred Shares will be made by way of “at-the-market distributions” as defined in National Instrument 44-102 Shelf Distributions on the TSX or on any marketplace for the Class A Shares and Preferred Shares in Canada. Since the Class A Shares and Preferred Shares will be distributed at the prevailing market prices at the time of the sale, prices may vary among purchasers during the period of distribution. The ATM Program is being offered pursuant to a prospectus supplement dated October 29, 2019 to the Company’s short form base shelf prospectus dated June 1, 2018. The maximum gross proceeds from the issuance of the shares will be $93,000,000. Copies of the prospectus supplement and the short form base shelf prospectus may be obtained from your registered financial advisor using the contact information for such advisor, or from representatives of the Agent and are available on SEDAR at

The volume and timing of distributions under the ATM Program, if any, will be determined at the Company’s sole discretion. The Company intends to use the proceeds from the ATM Program in accordance with the investment objectives and investment strategies of the Company, subject to the investment restrictions of the Company.

The Company invests in a high quality portfolio of leading Canadian dividend-yielding stocks as follows: Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, National Bank of Canada, CI Financial Corp., BCE Inc., Manulife Financial, Enbridge, Sun Life Financial, TELUS Corporation, Thomson Reuters Corporation, TransAlta Corporation, TC Energy Corporation.

ATM offerings have been possible (theoretically, anyway!) for a number of years, but I don’t recall having ever seen one announced in the Canadian preferred share space.

Given that DFN.PR.A recently had a traditional overnight offering at a 5.6% premium to NAVPU, the attractiveness of this route to financing is obvious.