Preferred Share Newsletter?

In response to enquiries, I am considering offering a regular monthly newsletter regarding Canadian Preferred Shares on a subscription basis.

I haven’t decided on any of the details of such a newsletter yet, but my initial thoughts are for something about four pages long:

  • a page of prose and general tables that will attempt to communicate an overall description of the market over the preceeding month
  • three or four pages of recommendations … four recommendations per page, with a standardized table showing the characteristics of the issue, a chart and a paragraph regarding the reasoning behind the recommendation. There would be at least one recommendation per class of preferred share (classes defined in accordance with the HIMI Indices though Ratchet / Fixed Floater / Floater would be combined)
  • A “Chart of the Month”

Pricing has not yet been determined. 

If there is anything you would like to see in such a newsletter, please let me know. You can either comment on this post or send me an eMail.


3 Responses to “Preferred Share Newsletter?”

  1. like_to_retire says:

    Sounds interesting.

    Will this newsletter cater more to users of HIMIPref™Analytical Software and or owners of Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund, or will it be geared more toward the DIY investor who purchases their own preferred shares?


  2. jiHymas says:

    It will be geared towards people who don’t want a lot of details with their recommendations, just the straight buy/sell/hold recommendation. There will certainly be enough information provided so that subscribers will be able to understand the basics, but not the sort of full-blown megabyte-of-data justification that is provided via HIMIPref.

    In other words, basically similar to other investment newsletters!

  3. […] I previously indicated that I was considering a monthly preferred share newsletter and I have decided that it will officially launch in the near future. […]

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