Archive for July, 2008

SBN.PR.A Announces Normal Course Issuer Bid

Monday, July 21st, 2008

This is unlikely to be a major event, but … they did purchase some last year and they are trading at a discount to NAV so …

Mulvihill has announced:

that today, the Toronto Stock Exchange has accepted its Notice of Intention to make a normal course issuer bid. The Corporation will have the right to purchase under the bid up to a maximum of 458,470 Class A Shares and 458,470 Preferred Shares (representing approximately 10% of the Corporation’s public float), together in Units (each consisting of one Class A Share and one Preferred Share), commencing July 23, 2008. The Corporation may not purchase more than 91,694 of its Units (representing approximately 2% of the Corporation’s 4,584,700 issued and outstanding Class A Shares and approximately 2% of the Corporation’s 4,584,700 issued and outstanding Preferred Shares, both as of July 17, 2008) in any 30-day period under the bid. Purchases made pursuant to the normal course issuer bid will be made in the open market through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange. The normal course issuer bid will remain in effect until the earlier of July 22, 2009, the termination of the bid by the Corporation or the Corporation purchasing the maximum number of Units permitted under the bid.

Class A Shares and Preferred Shares purchased by the Corporation pursuant to the issuer bid will be cancelled. During the previous year, the Corporation purchased 5,700 Class A Shares and 5,700 Preferred Shares at a weighted average price of $20.1899 per Unit pursuant to an issuer bid.

The units are currently trading at a discount of approximately 10% to NAV, according to Mulvihill’s July 10 NAV and current prices of SBN, SBN.PR.A and BNS closing price history.

SBN.PR.A is tracked by HIMIPref™. PrefBlog’s last comment was regarding the DBRS rating of Pfd-2(low).

FTU.PR.A Provides 11-Sigma Update … but remember WFS.PR.A

Friday, July 18th, 2008

11-Sigma? As reported on July 17, it has been claimed that US Financials recently experienced an eleven-standard-deviation price move; not just a black swan, but a black-hole swan!

Perhaps not surprisingly, US Financial 15 Split Corp has made a slight adjustment to their standard valuation page, namely a Fund Update dated July 18:

A myriad of issues have affected the financial markets and have had a dramatic impact on the Company’s portfolio. Overall financial markets continue to be adversely impacted by the confluence of record high commodity prices and the continuing credit related problems originating from the US sub prime lending market. These conditions have caused economic growth to slow considerably in both Canada and the United States while at the same time high commodity prices are beginning to lead to a marked increase in inflationary pressures. In particular, the dramatic increase in oil prices has become a large obstacle for economic recovery. The US Financial Services sector is down approx. 34% year to date and in the last month closed at its lowest level since 1997 (over 11 years).

The combined effect of the market declines and the monthly distributions paid since inception has resulted in a decline in the net asset value of the Company to $9.25 as at July 15, 2008. The recent two day rally in the market has improved the net asset value of the Company by approximately 25% as at July 17, 2008.

One of their core holdings is Merrill Lynch, which got whacked today because of their writedowns, but let’s assume that the portfolio as a whole performed equally to the US S&P 500 Financials index, which is up another 3.05%

So, we’ll estimate the current net asset value of FTU units as 9.25 * 1.28 = $11.84.

Now, this asset coverage of slightly under 1.2:1 isn’t going to reverse the recent downgrade to Pfd-3. But just for fun, suppose we don’t need no stinking credit ratings. The prefs, FTU.PR.A, closed at 7.55-75, 15×10 today, after trading 800 – count ’em, 800 – shares in a range of 7.51-52.

So, say we can put on a huge position at $8.00. Our investment has asset coverage of just under 1.5:1 – not particularly good, but it’s not too long ago that issues were routinely given Pfd-2 credit ratings with this level of coverage – and it pays $0.525 annually until maturity 2012-12-1. That’s a yield of 6.56% on 4.5-year paper with asset coverage of 1.5-ish to 1. Which ain’t bad. And there’s the possibility of a bonus 25% being paid at the end of these 4.5-years if the units can avoid losing more than ~15% of their value over this time.

Which is kind of cool.

On the other hand, there’s some competition … the very ominously named “Mulvihill World Financial Split Corp” had asset coverage of just under 1.6:1 as of July 10, with no jiggery-pokery about market-value / par-value. It was downgraded recently to Pfd-2(low). It closed today at 8.80-85, 20×5, after trading 10,100 shares in a range of 8.77-87. At the closing bid, it yields 10.24%, way more than the Split Share Index … but remember, there is no bonus here – the yield calculation assumes full repayment of the $10 principal at maturity on 2011-6-30. Over 10% as a dividend on three-year paper is normally considered a good deal … but careful investors might wish to check the quarterly list of holdings to see if there have been any little accidents.

Update, 2010-08-05: See also Why Banks Failed the Stress Test.

July 18, 2008

Friday, July 18th, 2008

Naked Capitalism reports that the auction of Cheyne Finance’s assets, mentioned July 15 realized forty-four cents on the dollar. It remains to be seen how many of these assets will actually change hands, as Cheyne’s investors can elect to receive the securities rather than the cash.

The week ended well, but we’re still down from last Friday’s close. PerpetualDiscounts now yield 6.50% dividend, equivalent to 9.00% interest; long corporates … oh, call it 6.20, that’s close enough … PTIE spread of 280bp.

So now all you guys can spend the weekend worrying about whether this is a real rally or a sucker rally. My suggestion is that half of you engage in panic buying of the stuff I’m looking to sell, while the other half dump the stuff I want to buy at whatever price you can get.

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.34% 3.96% 37,955 0.08 1 +0.0000% 1,122.4
Fixed-Floater 4.70% 4.42% 72,946 16.29 6 -0.1607% 1,081.1
Floater 4.14% 4.15% 53,944 17.11 3 +0.7969% 892.7
Op. Retract 4.99% 4.58% 147,484 3.13 17 -0.0854% 1,039.7
Split-Share 5.44% 6.71% 63,443 4.02 14 +0.0067% 1,016.5
Interest Bearing 6.15% 6.04% 42,084 3.71 3 -0.2004% 1,120.3
Perpetual-Premium 6.14% 6.13% 68,188 10.70 4 +0.8028% 981.7
Perpetual-Discount 6.44% 6.50% 236,930 13.21 67 +0.9341% 821.7
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
IAG.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -2.8807% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.05% based on a bid of 16.52 and a limitMaturity.
BCE.PR.C FixFloat -2.3984%  
PWF.PR.K PerpetualDiscount -1.2276% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.72% based on a bid of 18.52 and a limitMaturity.
CIU.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -1.0526% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.22% based on a bid of 18.80 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +1.0515% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.28% based on a bid of 18.26 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.J PerpetualDiscount +1.0615% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.33% based on a bid of 18.09 and a limitMaturity.
CU.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.0870% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.33% based on a bid of 23.25 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.0923% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.12% based on a bid of 18.51 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +1.1111% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.74% based on a bid of 20.02 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.N PerpetualDiscount +1.1391% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.19% based on a bid of 21.31 and a limitMaturity.
GWO.PR.I PerpetualDiscount +1.1594% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 17.45 and a limitMaturity.
TD.PR.Q PerpetualDiscount +1.2864% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.95% based on a bid of 23.62 and a limitMaturity.
HSB.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +1.3263% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.76% based on a bid of 19.10 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.H PerpetualDiscount +1.3276% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.10% based on a bid of 23.66 and a limitMaturity.
LBS.PR.A SplitShare +1.3374% Asset coverage of 1.9+:1 as of July 17, according to Brompton Group. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.62% based on a bid of 9.85 and a hardMaturity 2013-11-29.
GWO.PR.H PerpetualDiscount +1.3699% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.63% based on a bid of 18.50 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.3881% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.58% based on a bid of 18.26 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.F PerpetualDiscount +1.3881% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.21% based on a bid of 18.26 and a limitMaturity.
MFC.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +1.4085% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.34% based on a bid of 18.00 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +1.4917% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.61% based on a bid of 18.37 and a limitMaturity.
TD.PR.R PerpetualDiscount +1.5424% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.93% based on a bid of 23.70 and a limitMaturity.
GWO.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +1.5808% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.60% based on a bid of 19.92 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.W PerpetualDiscount +1.6550% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.16% based on a bid of 20.27 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.K PerpetualDiscount +1.6577% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.41% based on a bid of 20.85 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.6716% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.83% based on a bid of 20.68 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +1.8088% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.15% based on a bid of 19.70 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.L PerpetualDiscount +1.8221% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.75% based on a bid of 19.00 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.O PerpetualDiscount +1.90% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.95% based on a bid of 23.61 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +1.9637% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.15% based on a bid of 20.25 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.H PerpetualDiscount +2.0594% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.17% based on a bid of 16.85 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.L PerpetualDiscount +2.0623% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.20% based on a bid of 24.25 and a limitMaturity.
W.PR.J PerpetualDiscount +2.1337% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.54% based on a bid of 21.54 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.P PerpetualDiscount +2.1647% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.15% based on a bid of 19.35 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +2.1996% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.62% based on a bid of 19.05 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.J PerpetualDiscount +2.3975% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.98% based on a bid of 16.23 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.K Floater +2.4147%  
BMO.PR.L PerpetualDiscount +2.6201% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.35% based on a bid of 23.50 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +2.6761% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.23% based on a bid of 18.80 and a limitMaturity.
CU.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +2.7311% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.23% based on a bid of 24.45 and a limitMaturity.
ELF.PR.F PerpetualDiscount +3.0491% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.33% based on a bid of 18.25 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.I PerpetualDiscount +3.1559% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.09% based on a bid of 16.67 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +4.0462% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.81% based on a bid of 19.80 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +4.5030% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.14% based on a bid of 19.03 and a limitMaturity.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
NSI.PR.C Scraps (Would be OpRet but there are volume concerns) 249,000 CIBC crossed 248,800 in two tranches at 25.00. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 4.93% based on a bid of 25.00 and a limitMaturity. This … is an interesting issue. It’s redeemable at 25.00 commencing 2009-4-1 and retractible at 24.75 commencing 2009-7-1. So, although it’s an OpRet kind of issue, in this particular case the potential calls will yield more and the potential puts will yield less than the limitMaturity. My various methods of calculating duration and convexity don’t agree very well for this issue!
RY.PR.C PerpetualDiscount 129,300 Nesbitt crossed 100,000 at 18.50, then RBC crossed 25,000 at the same price. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.23% based on a bid of 18.80 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.A PerpetualDiscount 115,930 National crossed 97,500 at 18.30, then CIBC crossed 10,000 at the same price. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.58% based on a bid of 18.26 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.C PerpetualDiscount 105,655 National crossed 92,100 at 17.00. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.68% based on a bid of 16.85 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.K Floater 78,000 TD bought 24,700 from RBC at 19.50; RBC crossed 25,000 at the same price.
PIC.PR.A SplitShare 106,498 CIBC bought 54,600 from (three different?) “Anonymous” at 14.25 in three tranches. Asset coverage of just under 1.4:1 as of July 10, according to Mulvihill. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 8.28% based on a bid of 14.21 and a hardMaturity 2010-11-1 at 15.00.

There were twenty-nine other index-included $25-pv-equivalent issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

Strangeness is Perpetual

Friday, July 18th, 2008

There are some surprising strangenesses in prices as of the close today. For instance, remember the RY.PR.W / RY.PR.F inversion? At today’s closing bid of 20.27, RY.PR.W yields 6.16% while RY.PR.F yields 6.21% at $18.26. The price difference of almost exactly $2 can be compared with the difference of about $3.50 (= 22.23 – 18.74) on June 27 when I wrote that post.

And remember the CM issues from June 26?

CM Perpetuals
Issue Dividend Quote
CM.PR.J 1.125 17.63-83 6.39% 16.23 6.98%
CM.PR.I 1.175 18.70-79 6.29% 16.67 7.09%
CM.PR.H 1.200 19.07-19 6.30% 16.85 7.17%
CM.PR.G 1.350 21.51-73 6.28% 19.03 7.14%
CM.PR.P 1.375 22.22-43 6.17% 19.35 7.15%
CM.PR.E 1.400 23.01-48 6.08% 19.70 7.15%
CM.PR.D 1.4375 23.40-62 6.14% 20.25 7.15%

The CM curve is extraordinarily flat … one would expect relative flatness, given that all the issues have a long way to go before calls become a concern, but one expects a lot of things in this world that don’t happen.

How about the PWF Perpetuals from July 8?:

PWF Perpetuals
Issue Dividend Quote
PWF.PR.K 1.2375 19.51-99 6.36% 18.52 6.72%
PWF.PR.L 1.275 20.00-28 6.39% 19.00 6.75%
PWF.PR.F 1.3125 20.25-49 6.50% 19.53 6.76%
PWF.PR.E 1.375 21.64-75 6.37% 20.30 6.81%
PWF.PR.H 1.4375 23.05-49 6.53% 22.20 6.49%
PWF.PR.G 1.475 24.15-18 6.11% 23.26 6.36%
PWF.PR.I 1.50 24.62-88 6.10% 24.25 6.20%

… which isn’t quite exactly 100% as well behaved as the CM curve.

Do with it what you will! My brain hurts.

TXPR Quietly Drops FAL.PR.H

Friday, July 18th, 2008

S&P, which announced the results of its semi-annual rebalancing of TXPR last week, has updated its list of constituents (Excel Spreadsheet), “Effective after the close July 18, 2008”

This list does not include FAL.PR.H, which appears to have been included in press release in error (it was redeemed).

I’m not sure when the list – including or excluding FAL.PR.H – was made available. I confess that I was awaiting a formal press release “clarifying” the situation.

BMT.PR.A Partial Call for Redemption

Friday, July 18th, 2008

BMONT Split Corp. has announced:

that it has called 10,133 Preferred Shares for cash redemption on August 5, 2008 (in accordance with the Company’s Articles) representing approximately 3.311% of the outstanding Preferred Shares as a result of the special annual retraction of 38,400 Capital Shares by the holders thereof. The Preferred Shares shall be redeemed on a pro rata basis, so that each holder of Preferred Shares of record on August 1, 2008 will have approximately 3.311% of their Preferred Shares redeemed. The redemption price for the Preferred Shares will be $27.45 per share.

BMT.PR.A was confirmed at Pfd-2(low) by DBRS in April. Last year’s partial redemption was for 36% of the outstanding.

BMT.PR.A is tracked by HIMIPref™. It is in the “Scraps” index, due to low volume.

July 17, 2008

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

There’s a story in Vanity Fair about the Bear Stearns collapse – good reading! All fluff, of course, but entertaining fluff.

Today’s factoid is the claim that US Financials have just experienced an 11-standard-deviation price move. But don’t tell Merrill!

Speaking of multiple standard deviation events … PerpetualDiscounts didn’t lose money today! The last up-day was June 24; since then, there were sixteen consecutive down days, in the course of which PerpetualDiscounts lost 8.85% of their value, with the weighted-mean dividend yield increasing from 6.01% to 6.63%. I hope that’s some kind of record … all this pain has to be worth something! We shall now wait with bated breath to see whether today’s return represents a turning of the tide or a dead cat bounce.

After the bounce, PerpetualDiscounts yield 6.56%, equivalent to 9.18% interest after the 1.4x conversion factor. Long corporates ticked up to about 6.18%, so the Pre-Tax Interest Equivalent Spread is now about 300bp.

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.33% 3.95% 39,511 0.08 1 +0.000% 1,122.4
Fixed-Floater 4.69% 4.42% 72,218 16.30 6 -0.5099% 1,082.8
Floater 4.16% 4.19% 50,364 17.05 3 -0.7498% 885.7
Op. Retract 4.99% 4.55% 150,496 3.13 17 +0.0064% 1,040.6
Split-Share 5.44% 6.66% 63,769 4.08 14 +0.5637% 1,016.4
Interest Bearing 6.13% 6.05% 43,167 3.72 3 +0.2048% 1,122.5
Perpetual-Premium 6.19% 6.19% 68,639 10.61 4 -0.5206% 973.8
Perpetual-Discount 6.50% 6.56% 236,355 13.13 67 +0.9720% 814.1
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.K Floater -2.3578%  
CU.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -2.1277% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.40% based on a bid of 23.00 and a limitMaturity.
TCA.PR.X PerpetualDiscount -1.5707% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.93% based on a bid of 47.00 and a limitMaturity.
BCE.PR.G FixFloat -1.4583%  
MFC.PR.C PerpetualDiscount -1.2243% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.42% based on a bid of 17.75 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -1.0864% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.46% based on a bid of 18.21 and a limitMaturity.
CL.PR.B PerpetualPremium -1.0588% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.03% based on a bid of 25.23 and a call 2011-1-30 at 25.00.
BNA.PR.C SplitShare -1.0556% Asset coverage of 3.2+:1 as of June 30, according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 8.70% based on a bid of 17.81 and a softMaturity 2019-1-10 at 25.00. Compare with BNA.PR.A (6.22% to 2010-9-30) and BNA.PR.B (8.49% to 2016-3-25).
BCE.PR.Z FixFloat -1.0412%  
PWF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +1.0385% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.34% based on a bid of 23.35 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +1.0609% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.71% based on a bid of 18.10 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.I PerpetualDiscount +1.1064% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.33% based on a bid of 23.76 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.J OpRet +1.1236% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.91% based on a bid of 22.50 and a softMaturity 2018-3-30 at 25.00. Compare with BAM.PR.H (6.43% to 2012-3-30), BAM.PR.I (6.16% to 2013-12-30) and BAM.PR.O (6.45% to 2013-6-30).
BNS.PR.O PerpetualDiscount +1.1349% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.07% based on a bid of 23.17 and a limitMaturity.
GWO.PR.I PerpetualDiscount +1.1730% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.60% based on a bid of 17.25 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +1.2325% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.35% based on a bid of 18.07 and a limitMaturity.
NA.PR.K PerpetualDiscount +1.2742% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.35% based on a bid of 23.05 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.M PerpetualDiscount +1.2958% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.29% based on a bid of 17.98 and a limitMaturity.
NA.PR.L PerpetualDiscount +1.3514% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.75% based on a bid of 18.00 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.K PerpetualDiscount +1.3563% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.21% based on a bid of 19.43 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +1.3594% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.76% based on a bid of 18.64 and a limitMaturity.
HSB.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +1.4218% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.57% based on a bid of 19.26 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +1.4741% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.85% based on a bid of 21.34 and a limitMaturity.
FBS.PR.B SplitShare +1.4878% Asset coverage of 1.5+:1 as of July 10, according to TD Securities. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.42% based on a bid of 9.55 and a hardMaturity 2011-12-15.
CM.PR.J PerpetualDiscount +1.6026% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.14% based on a bid of 15.85 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.J PerpetualDiscount +1.6468% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.40% based on a bid of 17.90 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.6657% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.19% based on a bid of 18.31 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.F PerpetualDiscount +1.7205% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.76% based on a bid of 19.51 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.7514% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.67% based on a bid of 18.01 and a limitMaturity.
ELF.PR.F PerpetualDiscount +1.7816% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.55% based on a bid of 17.71 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +1.9608% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.30% based on a bid of 18.20 and a limitMaturity.
GWO.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +2.0291% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.71% based on a bid of 19.61 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +2.1053% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.17% based on a bid of 19.40 and a limitMaturity.
MFC.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +2.1108% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.09% based on a bid of 19.35 and a limitMaturity.
TD.PR.P PerpetualDiscount +2.6963% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.06% based on a bid of 21.71 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.W PerpetualDiscount +2.7835% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.26% based on a bid of 19.94 and a limitMaturity.
DFN.PR.A SplitShare +2.9928% Asset coverage of 2.1+:1 as of July 15 according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.36% based on a bid of 9.98 and a hardMaturity 2014-12-1.
PWF.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +3.0241% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.88% based on a bid of 20.10 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +3.1450% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.28% based on a bid of 19.35 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.F PerpetualDiscount +3.1501% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.30% based on a bid of 18.01 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.D PerpetualDiscount +3.2934% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 17.25 and a limitMaturity.
SBC.PR.A SplitShare +3.6269% Asset coverage of 1.9+:1 as of July 10, according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.29% based on a bid of 10.00 and a hardMaturity 2012-11-30 at 10.00.
POW.PR.B PerpetualDiscount +4.0462% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.81% based on a bid of 19.80 and a limitMaturity.
ELF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount +4.9020% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.47% based on a bid of 16.05 and a limitMaturity.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
CM.PR.A OpRet 419,550 Nesbit crossed 25,000 at 25.76 and 375,000 at 25.75. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 2.00% based on a bid of 25.76 and a call 2008-11-30 at 25.75.
BNS.PR.L PerpetualDiscount 56,682 Nesbitt crossed 35,000 at 18.00. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.31% based on a bid of 17.93 and a limitMaturity.
NA.PR.K PerpetualDiscount 55,400 Nesbitt crossed 50,000 at 23.05. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.35% based on a bid of 23.05 and a limitMaturity.
TD.PR.N OpRet 52,750 Nesbitt crossed 50,000 at 25.90. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 3.90% based on a bid of 25.85 and a softMaturity 2014-1-30 at 25.00.
CM.PR.J PerpetualDiscount 44,990 RBC bought 14,500 from Nesbitt at 15.75. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.14% based on a bid of 15.85 and a limitMaturity.

There were twenty-eight other index-included $25-pv-equivalent issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

LSC.PR.C Partial Call for Redemption

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Lifeco Split Corporation has announced:

that it has called 10,107 Preferred Shares for cash redemption on July 31, 2008 (in accordance with the Company’s Articles) representing approximately 2.477% of the outstanding Preferred Shares as a result of the special annual retraction of 77,114 Capital Shares by the holders thereof. The Preferred Shares shall be redeemed on a pro rata basis, so that each holder of Preferred Shares of record on July 30, 2008 will have approximately 2.477% of their Preferred Shares redeemed. The redemption price for the Preferred Shares will be $51.19 per share.

LSC.PR.C is not tracked by HIMIPref™.

Update: Thanks to Assiduous Reader cowboylutrell, who pointed out in the comments that this post originally referred to “LSC.PR.A”, which does not exist.

PerpetualDiscounts: Playing with Numbers

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Given the recent skyrocketting of PerpetualDiscount yields, I’ve been thinking a bit about how the spread – which I consider quite excessive, but what do I know? – might be traded away by investors unwilling to time the markets.

OK, so let’s consider the following data:

Fixed Income Investments
Asset Yield Duration
CDN Bond
-MER 0.25%
CDN Short
Bond Index
-MER 0.25%

For PerpetualDiscounts, the Modified Duration is reported as it is on HIMIPref™, which assumes repayment of principal in 30-years. This isn’t quite accurate, but it’s close enough for horseshoes.

So let’s consider an investor who is holding XBB in a taxable account. There are going to be strange tax effects if we do it properly (since the average COUPON is far higher than the average YIELD: he will be paying tax on the coupon, which is partially a return of capital and, logically, getting some of this tax back via a projected capital loss), but we’re not going to do it properly. We’re going to do it on the back of an envelope; those wishing precision can either do it themselves, or pay me a huge amount of money to do it for them.

Anyway, this investor is holding XBB. He wants a duration-neutral switch into a portfolio comprised of XSB and PerpetualDiscount Preferreds, so he solves the equation (let P be the fraction of the new portfolio invested in Preferreds)

Old Portfolio Weighted Duration = New Portfolio Weighted Duration
6.4 = 2.8 (1-P) + 13.05 P
6.4 = 2.8 – 2.8P + 13.05 P
And therefore
3.6 = 10.5P
And therefore
P = 0.34.

6.4 = 2.8 * (1 – 0.34) + 13.05 * 0.34
6.4 = 2.8 * 0.66 + 13.05 * 0.34
6.4 = 1.8 + 4.4
Close enough!

So basically, a taxable investor holding XBB can swap 2/3 of his holdings into XSB and 1/3 into PerpetualDiscounts and remain duration neutral. Note that other risk-elements are not risk neutral! The portfolio is a barbell, and will underperform expectations if the curve steepens; there is a higher weight of corporates in the new portfolio; there is tax-effect-risk in the new portfolio; there is spread risk on the preferred (the spread can go to a million basis points and nobody will go to jail); there’s a whole list of things that could go wrong and would be listed in a prospectus. All I will say is that the duration-neutrality goes a long, long way towards making the portfolios equal, since to a first approximation the investor will have the same risk relative to parallel shifts in the yield curve, up or down.

OK, so what’s that done to his yield?

His old yield was 4.07% net of MER; his new yield, NY, after deduction of the MER on his perpetualDiscount position (MERP) is:
NY = 0.66*(3.96% – 0.25%) + 0.34*(9.28 – MERP)
= 0.66*(3.71%) + 0.34*9.28% – 0.34*MERP
= 2.44% + 3.16% – 0.34*MERP
= 5.60% – 0.34*MERP

Let’s assume he puts the money in my fund, MAPF, and that he assumes the fund will deliver the PerpetualDiscount yield less 1% fee and less 50bp expenses and no trading gains. Then

NY = 5.60% – 0.34*1.50%
= 5.09%

So … back of an envelope, an investor with a taxable position in XBB can make reasonably conservative assumptions and figure to pick up 100bp pre-tax yield without changing duration by putting 1/3 of his portfolio into perpetualDiscounts and keeping duration constant by swapping the other 2/3 to XSB. You could do your own calculation for the exchange traded funds, CPD and DPS.UN (these are not entirely perpetualDiscounts, so be careful!) or by using direct investment (zero MER!) on the preferred portfolio of your choice.

July 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

James Hamilton of Econbrowser asks Did Fannie and Freddie Cause the Mortgage Crisis, reviewing an op-ed piece by Paul Krugman. Krugman states of the implicit guarantee of the GSE debt:

This implicit guarantee means that profits are privatized but losses are socialized. If Fannie and Freddie do well, their stockholders reap the benefits, but if things go badly, Washington picks up the tab. Heads they win, tails we lose.

This is certainly true to some extent, but more analysis is needed. What have Fannie & Freddie’s Return on Equity been, relative to “real banks”? To the extent that this ROE has exceeded the ROE on real banks, the profits have been privatized to the benefit of the common equity holders. And, importantly, to the extent that mortgage rates have been reduced – and all the other bells and whistles (reviewed on May 7, referencing Crony Capitalism) thrown in – the profits have been privatized to the benefit of the mortgage-borrowing public.

The distinction is important if for no other reason than, for better or worse, privatizing the profits to the mortgage-borrowing public was precisely the public policy purpose behind the GSE legislation. Which is not to say I agree with this purpose, mind you, but if we’re going to identify villains, let’s at least identify them correctly.

As pointed out Calculated Risk and by Michael Carliner, a large portion of the blame for excessively loose lending can be ascribed to a fight for market share between the GSEs and private lenders.

This, to me, looks like a natural consequence of reducing the risk premium on qualifying mortgages. There will always be investors who wish to outperform by taking risks – this may be a well-thought out strategy, or … er … otherwise. The risk premium on GSE mortgage-backeds has been much smaller than it should be:

“If the agencies’ debt and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) were priced based on their stand-alone financials, the paper would pay more than 100bp, rather than around 20bp over Treasuries,” [UC Berkeley finance professer Dwight] Jaffee says. So Fannie and Freddie have access to a more favourable funding on the back of a de facto credit guarantee.

Mind you, “risk premium” is an imprecise term. Credit risk? Liquidity risk? Prepayment risk? Ignoring such bond-geek adjustments, there is widespread agreement that agency MBS traded to yield a lot less than they would have had they been issued by normal corporations – but that was the whole point of the GSEs in the first place.

The miniscule risk premia available in normal corporate debt in the early part of this decade created an appetite for higher risk debt. The artificial lowering of the risk premia on agency MBS was a large factor in guiding this appetite towards riskier mortgages.

For my part, I have two questions for those who take the position that the GSEs played no significant role in causing our current mortgage problems. First, what economic justification is there for the dramatic increase in the share of loans guaranteed or held by the GSEs between 1980 and 2003 that is seen in the first graph presented above? What sense did it make to increase the ratio of such loans to GDP by a factor of 12 over this period?

Second, what forces caused the explosion of private participation in a much more reckless replication of the GSE game? A year ago, I suggested one possible answer– private institutions reasoned that, because the GSEs had developed such a huge stake in real estate prices, and because they were surely too big to fail, the Federal Reserve would be forced to adopt a sufficiently inflationary policy so as to keep the GSEs solvent, which would ensure that the historical assumptions about real estate prices and default rates on which the models used to price these instruments were based would not prove to be too far off.

Is that the answer to the second question? I’m not sure. But if anybody has a better answer, I’d still like to hear it.

Well, I can’t answer the first question! I’ll just rather pedantically point out that there is an implicit assumption that 1980 was “right” and 2003 was “wrong” … probably a pretty safe assumption, but an assumption nevertheless. Either way, it can be fairly safely ascribed to the deliberate policy decision taken by the US Govt. when creating the GSEs – guarantee or no guarantee, they are subject to much less stringent capital rules than are commercial banks. At the very least, the ability to offer a steady series of MBS in size will reduce the liquidity premium on their issues.

Prof. Hamilton’s suggested answer to his second question strikes me as too clever. I will simply suggest that subPrime paper should – after structuring – trade at a reasonable spread to prime paper. When the risk premia on prime paper is artificially reduced, the premia on sub-prime paper will be reduced likewise – despite the fact that the sub-prime paper has no guarantee, implicit or explicit. And when there is sufficient demand for spread paper … it gets met!

Wells Fargo reported non-apocalyptic earnings, sparking a huge rally in US Financials:

U.S. stocks rallied after higher- than-estimated profit at Wells Fargo & Co. sparked the biggest- ever gain in financial shares and a two-day tumble in oil prices brightened the outlook for transportation companies.

Wells Fargo, which avoided the worst of the fallout from the subprime mortgage market’s collapse, jumped the most since at least 1980, leading Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp. higher.

Accrued Interest ascribes the move to short covering:

CDS on WFC fell 25bps, with other banks 10ish tighter.

Now this is mostly short-covering, I’m sure. You have Wells Fargo, the most staid bank in the country, rallying 30% in a single day. Only panicky shorts can cause such a sudden shift in a name like Wells. Hell, the whole S&P Financials sector is up over 10%.

This bear market isn’t going to end with investors suddenly having confidence in financials. It will end when shorting financials doesn’t seem like an easy trade any more.

Anyway, we’ll see how J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch come out tomorrow. I expect a good market reaction either way after J.P Morgan’s numbers. Merrill is more risky. Continue to be short duration.

Merrill has some juicy assets on the block – Bloomberg and Blackrock.

Short duration? One rationale is a US refunding crisis. Naked Capitalism passes on some apocalyptic clippings.

Well, volume picked up a bit, there were some crosses put on the board … and the PerpetualDiscount index continued its plunge. I saw some activity that looked like bottom fishing … but I’m ALWAYS going to see activity that looks like bottom-fishing. You figure it out!

PerpetualDiscounts now have an average yield of 6.63%, which is 9.28% interest-equivalent at the standard 1.4x conversion factor. Since long corporates still haven’t noticed the world is about to end and continue to yield about 6.1%, this makes the spread 318bp.

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.32% 3.94% 41,130 0.08 1 +0.000% 1,122.4
Fixed-Floater 4.66% 4.39% 70,609 16.34 6 +0.0429% 1,088.3
Floater 4.13% 4.15% 50,865 17.11 3 -0.1647% 892.4
Op. Retract 4.99% 4.62% 152,371 3.09 17 -0.1841% 1,040.5
Split-Share 5.47% 6.81% 64,147 4.08 14 -0.2041% 1,010.7
Interest Bearing 6.15% 5.38% 42,742 1.96 3 +0.0347% 1,120.2
Perpetual-Premium 6.16% 6.05% 67,755 10.62 4 -0.4961% 978.9
Perpetual-Discount 6.56% 6.63% 237,266 13.05 67 -0.6605% 806.3
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
CM.PR.D PerpetualDiscount -4.6680% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.30% based on a bid of 19.81 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.C PerpetualDiscount -4.6258% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.96% based on a bid of 21.03 and a limitMaturity.
ELF.PR.F PerpetualDiscount -3.6545% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.68% based on a bid of 17.40 and a limitMaturity.
POW.PR.D PerpetualDiscount -3.2105% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.86% based on a bid of 18.39 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -3.1053% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.38% based on a bid of 18.41 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.W PerpetualDiscount -3.0485% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.44% based on a bid of 19.40 and a limitMaturity.
BNA.PR.C SplitShare -2.9650% Asset coverage of 3.2+:1 as of June 30, according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 8.56% based on a bid of 18.00 and a softMaturity 2019-1-10 at 25.00. Compare with BNA.PR.A (6.21% to 2010-9-30) and BNA.PR.B (8.50% to 2016-3-25). One can also compare with the March 12 close, when BNA.PR.B was yield 128bp over BNA.PR.C. The price spread (bid/bid) is now $2.27, which may be compared with prefhound‘s March 12 estimate of $2.
ELF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -2.8571% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.83% based on a bid of 15.30 and a limitMaturity.
IAG.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -2.5700% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.82% based on a bid of 17.06 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.D OpRet -2.2308% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.41% based on a bid of 25.42 and a softMaturity 2012-10-30 at 25.00.
POW.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -2.1739% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.97% based on a bid of 20.25 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.I PerpetualDiscount -2.1354% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.37% based on a bid of 16.04 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.K PerpetualDiscount -2.0439% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.29% based on a bid of 19.17 and a limitMaturity.
DFN.PR.A SplitShare -2.0222% Asset coverage of 2.3+:1 as of June 30 according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.92% based on a bid of 9.69 and a hardMaturity 2014-12-1 at 10.00.
BNS.PR.O PerpetualDiscount -1.9264% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.14% based on a bid of 22.91 and a limitMaturity.
TCA.PR.Y PerpetualDiscount -1.8974% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.92% based on a bid of 47.05 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -1.8684% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.40% based on a bid of 23.11 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.H OpRet -1.8000% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.43% based on a bid of 24.55 and a softMaturity 2012-3-30 at 25.00. Compare with BAM.PR.I (6.03% to 2013-12-30), BAM.PR.J (7.07% to 2018-3-30) and BAM.PR.O (6.45% to 2013-6-30).
GWO.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -1.7885% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.84% based on a bid of 19.22 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.K PerpetualDiscount -1.6787% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 20.50 and a limitMaturity.
DF.PR.A SplitShare -1.6310% Asset coverage of just under 2.0:1 as of June 30 according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.00% based on a bid of 9.65 and a hardMaturity 2014-12-1 at 10.00.
ELF.PR.G PerpetualDiscount -1.8080% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.61% based on a bid of 15.75 and a limitMaturity.
RY.PR.H PerpetualDiscount -1.5665% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.21% based on a bid of 23.25 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.J PerpetualDiscount -1.5152% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.26% based on a bid of 15.60 and a limitMaturity.
CU.PR.A PerpetualDiscount -1.3848% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.26% based on a bid of 23.50 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.E PerpetualDiscount -1.2632% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.51% based on a bid of 18.76 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.L PerpetualDiscount -1.2609% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.57% based on a bid of 22.71 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.F PerpetualDiscount -1.2358% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.88% based on a bid of 19.18 and a limitMaturity.
NA.PR.M PerpetualDiscount -1.2058% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.31% based on a bid of 23.76 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.J PerpetualDiscount -1.1765% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.28% based on a bid of 21.00 and a limitMaturity.
IGM.PR.A OpRet -1.1446% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.01% based on a bid of 25.91 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.K PerpetualDiscount -1.1105% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.65% based on a bid of 18.70 and a limitMaturity.
PWF.PR.I PerpetualDiscount -1.0526% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.40% based on a bid of 23.50 and a limitMaturity.
ENB.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.0231% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.14% based on a bid of 22.71 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.C PerpetualDiscount -1.1976% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.14% based on a bid of 22.71 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.I OpRet +1.2397% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.03% based on a bid of 24.50 and a softMaturity 2013-12-30. Compare with BAM.PR.H, above.
RY.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +1.2936% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.29% based on a bid of 18.01 and a limitMaturity.
MFC.PR.C PerpetualDiscount +1.8130% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.34% based on a bid of 17.97 and a limitMaturity.
LFE.PR.A SplitShare +1.8237% Asset coverage of just under 2.2:1 as of June 30, according to the company. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.20% based on a bid of 10.05 and a hardMaturity 2012-12-1 at 10.00.
PWF.PR.H PerpetualDiscount -1.0738% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 22.11 and a limitMaturity.
SLF.PR.E PerpetualDiscount +2.6332% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.63% based on a bid of 17.15 and a limitMaturity.
CIU.PR.A PerpetualDiscount +2.6472% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.15% based on a bid of 19.00 and a limitMaturity.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
BAM.PR.H OpRet 180,813 There is some difference of opinion regarding the volume on this one! The Financial Post shows Nesbitt crossing: 100,000 at 1:26pm; 80,000 at 1:47pm; 40,000 at 2:30pm; 40,000 at 2:43pm; all at 24.55. The TSX shows total volume as listed and Nesbitt crossing: 100,000 at 1:26pm; 40,000 at 1:47pm; 40,000 at 2:43pm; all at 24.55. Take your pick! See above for price movement.
TD.PR.O PerpetualDiscount 76,200 Anonymous either crossed, or sold to another anonymous, 50,000 at 20.46. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.00% based on a bid of 20.30 and a limitMaturity.
CM.PR.I PerpetualDiscount 35,842 Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.37% based on a bid of 16.04 and a limitMaturity.
BNS.PR.K PerpetualDiscount 25,725 Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.29% based on a bid of 19.17 and a limitMaturity.
BMO.PR.L PerpetualDiscount 23,725 RBC crossed 10,800 at 23.00. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.57% based on a bid of 22.71 and a limitMaturity.

There were twenty-nine other index-included $25-pv-equivalent issues trading over 10,000 shares today.