Archive for the ‘Index Construction / Reporting’ Category

LBS.PR.A : Financial Statements & Some Comparatives

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

I was asked on an old thread to comment on this issue in the light of the release of the split-share corporations first audited financials through Brompton’s dedicated web page.

LBS Balance Sheet, 2006-12-31 (Simplified by James Hymas)
Assets (thousands)
Good Assets 311,659
Assets only an accountant could love 14
Total Assets 311,673
Misc. Liabilities 3,010
Preferred Shares 120,000
Total Liabilities 123,010
Shareholders’ Equity 188,663
Total Liabilities & Equity 311,673

OK, so remember from the example of Sixty-Split that the Asset Coverage Ratio is defined as Total Money Available / Total Money Required.

Total Money Required is the redemption value of the preferreds: $120-million.

Total Money available is the Shareholders’ Equity plus the amount already earmarked for the prefs less the miscellaneous liabilities (because they get paid first or, at least, earlier) and also less the ephemeral assets of $14-thousand (because they will evaporate prior to the preferreds coming due AND because if the company gets wound up tomorrow there’s no actual cash to be gained from them), or $188,663 + $120,000 – $3,010 – $14 = $305,639.

Correction, posted 2007-4-11 : There is an error in the above. There is no need to subtract the $3,010 in miscellaneous liabilities because they were never added in the first place, since the positive figures being used come from the liability side of the balance sheet. Thus, the cash available is $188,663 + $120,000 – $14 = $308,649 and the coverage ratio is 2.57:1.

Another way to arrive at this number is consider the total money available to the company on liquidation, less the amounts that have to be paid out before the prefholders get paid: $311,659 – $3,010 = $308,649.

Which just goes to show, you have to be careful with this stuff and, if possible, check it with a different method!

Therefore, the Asset Coverage Ratio is $305,639 / $120,000 = 2.55:1.

Or, to put it in DBRS terms, there’s downside protection of 60.7% … in other words, the assets could lose 60.7% of their value and there would still be enough in the kitty to pay off the preferred shareholders (although the capital unit holders would lose their shirts).

Just how much asset protection one wants is a function, in part, of just what the assets are. If LBS held a portfolio of Junior Uranium explorers I would be more concerned, but I take the view that the LBS portfolio of big Canadian Banks and Insurers isn’t going to drop by that much any time soon. I’m happy with the coverage.

By way of comparison, the recent DBRS rating of CFS.PR.A as Pfd-1 started off the summary with:

The rating of the Preferred Shares is based on the following:

(1) The available downside protection, which is 57% to the principal amount of the outstanding Preferred Shares at closing.


A full analysis is more complicated than that, obviously, but it is clear that on an Asset-Coverage basis, LBS.PR.A has nothing to be ashamed of. So now let’s go to the income statement:

LBS Income Statement (thousands) (Simplified by James Hymas)
Dividends, Interest & Lending 2,038
Fees (547)
Expenses (185)
Brokerage (66)
Total Costs (799)
Preferred Distributions (1,304)
Capital Unit Distributions (2,981)
Realized & Unrealized Capital Gains 26,858
Total Change In Net Assets 23,813

It should be remembered that these figures are derived from operations for the period October 17 (commencement of operations) to December 31. We’re interested in ratios, not absolute numbers, so we’ll assume – for now, for the purposes of this analysis only – that this INITIAL PARTIAL period gives a good indication of what may be expected (in terms of ratios) for FUTURE COMPLETE periods.

An assumption. For now.  

So: we want to find out the income coverage. Total income for the period is $2,038 [thousands throughout] and is of a nature that appears to be sustainable. We’ll cut the boys a little slack, and ignore the $66 transaction costs … they had to invest all their money in the period, their first since inception, and given that the corporation takes a passive stance towards the stock portfolio, it’s not very likely to recur to the same extent. At the end of the period, they held a total of just over six million shares, so their COMMISSSIONS paid amount to just over a penny a share, which is entirely reasonable.

We have no idea, from just these figures, whether their trading was done competently or not. It is entirely possible that these guys are the most reckless idiots in creation and overpaid for their stock big-time, to the amount of $1.00 per share. It is also possible that they’re the smartest, toughest negotiators & traders in the world and UNDERPAID for their stock, to the amount of $1.00 per share. This somewhat vital information, which may usually be relied upon to be a much greater number than piddly little commission expenses, is completely missing from such completely simplistic moronic idiocy as the Trading Expense Ratio, which, for instance, mutual funds are required to report by policy of the Canadian Securities Administrators, in an apparent effort to ensure that the gullible think they understand something.

But one way or another, we’ll exclude commission costs from the expenses, in the belief (hope?) that they were largely a one-time thing.

So to calculate income coverage, we come up with $2,038 – $547 – $185 = $1,306 presumably recurring net income after expenses, to cover preferred share distributions of $1,304.

Not quite an exact match, but close! We’ll say that income coverage is 100%, for purposes of this analysis. That’s pretty good! The figures shown in my article on split shares are even more out of date than they were when I wrote it, but serve as a reasonable benchmark. One Hundred Percent coverage implies that preferred shareholders may expect that there is a reasonable chance that they will get their dividends without the company having to dip into capital, thereby reducing the Asset Coverage Ratio.

All sorts of bad things could happen in the future, of course. What if the company is too generous in its distributions to the Capital Unit holders (there are limits to this under the prospectus; determining whether these limits are good enough is left as an exercise for the student)? What if all the banks cut their dividends to zero in response to taxation changes? You can never predict the future, but you can extrapolate the present … as long as you retain a healthy skepticism towards this and any other extrapolation (and watch the financials to ensure that you like what’s happening!), the income coverage on this issue looks quite good.  

Not quite as good as DBRS noted for CFS.PR.A:

(3) The Interest Coverage Ratio test of 1.5 times for the Preferred Shares, which ensures a high level of protection to the holders of the Preferred Shares.

but good enough for investment grade.

DBRS rates this issue Pfd-2. There’s a chance I might quibble about this rating if I did a very thorough analysis of comparable issues and historical performances … but there’s nothing in these financials that makes me suspect that such a rating is completely out to lunch.

I’m happy with the rating. That does not imply anything at all about whether I think that LBS.PR.A is a good investment at this time at the current price.

Remember the Tech Wreck? Everybody and his shoe-shine boy was telling everybody else that ‘The Internet is going to change all our lives, and therefore Nortel is a fantastic buy at $110!’. Well, yeah. The internet is going to change our lives. And Nortel is a fine company (although perhaps I should have chosen another example, a company that can keep a set of books, for instance). BUT. BUT. BUT. That does not imply it should be bought irregardless of price.

First you determine value. Then you determine price. Then you subtract. Then you make an investment decision.

So, anyway, I’m not going to comment much on the investment characteristics of LBS.PR.A. I’m happy to rant and rave on and on about issues I consider lousy, but for discriminating between “Weak Sell”, “Hold”, “Buy” and “Strong Buy” (which aren’t actually terms I use, but serve as examples), you’ve got to be a client.

Or, soon (very soon!) a subscriber to PrefLetter!

But, out of the kindness of my heart, I’ve uploaded a recent evaluation of the HIMIPref™ Split-Share Index, to give interested readers a place to start.

Index Changes : March 30, 2007

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

The following changes were made to the HIMIPref™ Indices (temporary version) on the March month-end rebalancing:


Index Changes 2007-03-30
Ticker From To Because
IAG.PR.A PerpetualDiscount PerpetualPremium Price
BNS.PR.L PerpetualPremium PerpetualDiscount Price
SXT.PR.A SplitShare Scraps Volume
BNA.PR.B SplitShare Scraps Volume
BCE.PR.I Scraps FixFloat Volume
BCE.PR.S Scraps Ratchet Volume
PWF.PR.A Scraps Floater Volume

Two new issues were added to “Scraps” during the month since they did not qualify for the indices due to credit concerns: DW.PR.A on 3/13 and YPG.PR.A on 3/6.

RY.PR.F : Another New Issue Staggers to Market

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

The issuers and their salesmen must be trying to extract every dollar from this market since the new Royal Bank issue announced nine days ago staggered to market, trading 395,889 shares and closing at $24.75-80, 73×29. It opened at $24.90, the high for the day.

It seems buyers of new issues only get rewarded by Split Shares nowadays! And, of course, when you buy a split share new issue, you generally get saddled with a capital unit as well.

This issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ database with a securityCode of A45015, replacing the preIssue code of P37500. A reorgDataEntry has been processed.

The issue has been added to the HIMIPref™ PerpetualDiscount Index.

More later.

Later, more

Royal Bank 4.45% Perp New Issue & Comparatives
Price due to base-rate  22.65 22.65  22.90 
Price due to short-term -0.34  -0.34  -0.34 
Price due to long-term 1.27  1.27  1.28 
Price to to Cumulative Dividends
Price due to Liquidity 1.66  1.66  1.67 
Price due to error -0.04  -0.04  -0.04 
Curve Price (Taxable Curve) 25.20  25.20  25.47 
Dividend Rate $1.1125 $1.1125 $1.125
Quote 3/14  24.75-80 24.89-95  25.11-15 
YTW (after tax) 3.58%  3.57%   3.60%
YTW Date 2037-3-14  2037-3-14   2037-3-14
Credit Rating (DBRS) Pfd-1 Pfd-1 Pfd-1
YTW (Pre-Tax) 4.51%  4.50%  4.53% 
YTW Modified Duration (Pre-Tax) 16.42  16.40  16.29 
YTW Pseudo-Convexity (Pre-Tax) -21.37  -33.51  -54.33 

Observant readers will note that there have been large changes in the YTW Modified Duration and the YTW Pseudo-Convexity. This will be a common occurance when the issue’s price is near its inflection point, as shown on the following graphs:

More later.

Later, More: : I have uploaded some HIMIPref™ reports regarding RY.PR.F on its announcement date, to wit (note that all referenced yields are after-tax):

The enormous effect on duration that a miniscule change in yields produces – the yield difference between the 2016 scenario and the 2037 scenario is less than 1 basis point – shows just why pseudo-convexity is so important! In valuation terms, uncertainties of this nature are discouraged by HIMIPref™ via the optionDoubtPenalty which keys off the optionDoubt attribute, which proxies pseudo-convexity fairly effectively.

I really need to write an article about this stuff.

March 2, 2007

Friday, March 2nd, 2007
Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version. In this version, index values are based at 1,000.0 on 2006-6-30
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.01% 3.88% 84,498 3.90 1 -0.0398% 1,046.9
Fixed-Floater 4.97% 3.53% 112,983 4.61 5 +0.1750% 1,041.4
Floater 4.72% -16.95% 76,631 0.48 3 0.0000% 1,048.1
Op. Retract 4.71% 2.43% 76,314 2.12 17 +0.1821% 1,031.5
Split-Share 5.07% 1.05% 208,754 3.25 15 +0.0439% 1,043.8
Interest Bearing 6.50% 4.11% 63,264 2.33 5 -0.0853% 1,036.9
Perpetual-Premium 5.01% 3.55% 262,920 5.11 53 +0.0725% 1,055.7
Perpetual-Discount 4.54% 4.53% 835,301 14.21 9 +0.0940% 1,064.9
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
ACO.PR.A OpRet +1.2887% TD crossed 33,000 at 27.95 and were on the buy side for all other board-lot trades today, four tranches executed immediately prior to the cross at prices from 27.60 to 27.95. At those prices yesterday’s cross at 27.50 was a bargain! At the closing quotation of 27.51-98, the pre-tax YTW quote is 2.29%-1.32%. Too rich for my blood, but quite normal for this issue. However, the graph of Modified-Duration-to-Worst shows the situation to be unsustainable … we will see within two years just whether Atco, with its stellar operating results really wants to pay $1.4375 p.a. for a retractible … even with the redemption cost declining by $0.50 annually.  

The MDTW graph is quite instructive, by the way (one point was killed for being off the curve, but the YTW scenario has been very stable over the past year). See those little jumps interupting a downward line? That’s the dividends being paid.

Hmm … maybe there’s an article in there somewhere …

Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
BCE.PR.G FixFloat 506,800 Nesbitt crossed 500,000 at 25.50.
BCE.PR.R FixedFloater 305,600 Nesbitt crossed 50,000 at 25.50, then another 253,500 at the same price. This was also an active trader yesterday.
BCE.PR.H Ratchet 240,000 Nesbitt crossed 240,000 at $25.12
BCE.PR.Z FixFloat 204,435  
BCE.PR.T Scraps (would be FixFloat, but there are volume concerns) 117,450 No volume concerns today! Nesbitt crossed 115,000 at 25.80.
BCE.PR.C FixFloat 102,400 Nesbitt crossed 100,000 at 25.60

There were sixteen other “$25 p.v. equivalent” index-included issues with over 10,000 shares traded today.

Poor old BCE.PR.A! The only member of the FixFloat Index not to be traded in size today!

Index Changes, 2007-02-28

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

The following changes were made to the HIMIPref™ Indices (temporary version) on the February month-end rebalancing:

Index Changes 2007-02-28
Ticker From To Because
 ASC.PR.A Scraps  SplitShare  Volume 
 BNA.PR.B Scraps   SplitShare Volume 
 BCE.PR.S Ratchet  Scraps  Volume 
 BCE.PR.H Scraps  Ratchet  Volume 
 BCE.PR.I FixFloat  Scraps  Volume 
BMO.PR.J  PerpetualDiscount  PerpetualPremium  Price 
 BAM.PR.G FixFloat  Scraps  Volume 
BAM.PR.M  PerpetualDiscount  PerpetualPremium  Price 
PWF.PR.D  OpRet  Scraps  Volume 
PWF.PR.A  Floater  Scraps  Volume 
RY.PR.E  PerpetualDiscount  PerpetualPremium  Price 
PAY.PR.A  SplitShare  Scraps  Volume 
TOC.PR.B  Floater  Scraps  Volume 
WN.PR.E  PerpetualPremium  PerpetualDiscount  Price 

ENB.PR.D Redemption Completed

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

ENB.PR.D, an interest bearing preferred security, was redeemed today as previously noted. They had, presumably, no difficulty in finding the money for the redemption, what with their recent equity issue and my January gas bill.

This leaves the interestBearing index bereft of all operating companies; it is now populated solely by split-share corporations.

It now remains to be seen whether they will also redeem ENB.PR.A, a perpetual that is currently part of the PerpetualPremium index. This issue has been mentioned as occasionally drifting into negative YTW territory; it’s currently redeemable at $25.25, but will be redeemable at par in December.

Oops! There is actually one remaining operating company issue left in the interestBearing index … BAM.PR.T. However, it is virtually certain that BAM.PR.T will be redeemed in June, so I was only off by five months!

CM.PR.J : Not as Bad as Expected

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

The new issue from CIBC commenced trading today and on heavy volume of 807,580 shares closed at $24.87-88, 30×100.

CIBC announced that

Following the successful sale of the initially announced
10 million Series 32 Shares, the underwriters exercised an option to purchase
an additional 2 million shares.

The securityCode for this issue is A42019, replacing the preIssue code of P25005. A reorgDataEntry has been input to reflect the change.

curvePrice calculations for it and the comparables previously examined are:

Curve Prices (and other info) on CM.PR.J and comparables
Price due to base-rate 23.05 23.72 23.95 23.17
Price due to short-term -0.47 -0.48 -0.50 -0.48
Price due to long-term 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.25
Price due to Liquidity 1.43 1.48 1.49 1.48
Price due to error 0.04 0.04 0.04 -0.02
Price due to Credit Spread (Low) -0.54 -0.55 -0.56 NA
Curve Price $24.75 $25.46 $25.72 $25.40
Quote 2/14 $24.87-88 25.50-52 25.86-98 25.01-08
Annual Dividend $1.125 $1.175 $1.20 $1.125
After-Tax YTW 3.61% 3.56% 3.42% 3.62%
Pre-Tax YTW 4.54% 4.48% 4.30% 4.56%

Note that due to recalculation of the yield curve, the values for the components of the curve price are not directly comparable to the components previously reported; but, of course, each reported calculation is internally consistent.

This issue has been added to the PerpetualDiscount index – the current composition of this index has been uploaded.

CFS.PR.A Eases into Market

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

It was a very quiet opening for this issue, with only 11,200 shares changing hands. The leveraging / deleveraging feature appears to have found favour only with DBRS!

However, to my chagrin (and, undoubtedly, CC&L Capital Markets’), this is a teeny-tiny issue: the TSX reports that only 1.5-million shares are outstanding, for a value of $15-million in prefs and total company capitalization of $30-million.

Still, even if you take the view that this thing will trade by appointment only, you can’t deny that a lot of investors will consider it worth holding. It’s Pfd-1 and I calculate the curvePrice to be $10.42, compared to the closing quote of $10.06-25:

Price due to base-rate 9.87  23.66
Price due to short-term -0.20  -0.62
Price due to long-term 0.52  1.55
Price due to SplitShareCorp -0.21  -0.90
Price due to Retractibility 0.30  1.24
Price due to Liquidity 0.15  -0.27
Price due to error 0.01  0.09
Curve Price (some rounding error) 10.42  24.75
Quote 10.06-25  25.86-09
After-Tax bid-YTW 3.29%  2.82%
Pre-Tax bid-YTW 4.14%  3.55%
Presumed Maturity 2012-1-31  2016-06-14

Even if one takes the view that the +$0.15 allowance for liquidity turns into -$0.10 for illiquidity (probably a safe bet!) there’s room for some capital gains for those who buy and sell liquidity in small amounts!

This issue has been entered into the HIMIPref™ database with the securityCode A41410, which replaces the preIssue code of P25006. A reorgDataEntry has been processed.

The issue has been added to the SplitShares index.

Index Adjustments, February 2, 2007

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

As a result of the corporate actions by Faircourt and a new issue by Sunlife, the following index adjustments have been made:

Index Adjustments, 2007-02-02
Index Old Ticker Old Security Code New Ticker New Security Code
InterestBearing FCN.PR.A B35002 Cash @ 10.05 N/A
Scraps FCF.PR.A B35001 Cash @ 10.05 N/A
Scraps FCI.PR.A B35000 Cash @ 10.05 N/A
PerpetualDiscount Cash @ 25.00 N/A SLF.PR.E A48984

Note that the cash recorded as a result of the Faircourt actions is fictitious: $10.05 is the bid price today of FIG.PR.A, the continuing security. Processing a formal re-org inside the indices would result in having this issue included four times, which is three too many.

Index Adjustments, February 1, 2007

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

As a result of the corporate actions by Bell / BCE and by CIBC, the following index adjustments have been made:

Index Adjustments, 2007-02-01
Index Old Ticker Old Security Code New Ticker New Security Code
FixedFloater BC.PR.B A38006 BCE.PR.G A39014
FixedFloater BC.PR.C A38005 BCE.PR.I A39016
Scraps BC.PR.E A38007 BCE.PR.H A39015
PerpetualPremium CM.PR.B A42013 $26 Cash N/A