Archive for the ‘Regulation’ Category

Contingent Capital Canadian Commentary

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Today’s Globe & Mail had a story titled Bankers cast doubt on tax alternative:

Some Canadian bankers are skeptical about the feasibility of Ottawa’s proposal for a new type of security that would enable banks to “self-insure” against failure, a key part of the country’s fight against plans for a global bank tax.

A key stumbling block, bankers say, is that the contingent capital securities would come with so much risk that investors will demand a high interest rate to buy them. That will make selling the securities unattractive to banks and could even lead to the securities being more costly to banks than a bank tax, some analysts say.

The biggest issue with the idea, some bankers say, is the potential conversion from debt to common stock. The last thing a debt investor wants is to end up owning equity in a troubled company, bankers said. That’s because in the event of a bankruptcy or liquidation, common shares rank behind debt. As a result, investors demand much higher returns from equity-like securities, making them more costly for the selling bank.

Also, many big investors such as some pension funds are not allowed to buy debt that converts into equity. That shrinks the potential market, again increasing the cost for banks.

The Canadian Bankers Association, the umbrella industry group, has highlighted the issue of finding buyers. “Careful consideration must also be given to the cost and marketability of such an instrument, particularly in a smaller market like Canada, which has a concentrated investor base,” the group said.

Selling ECC securities could raise a bank’s cost of capital by as much as one to two percentage points, reducing earnings by 4 per cent to 7 per cent, analyst John Reucassel of BMO Nesbitt Burns said in a note to clients. Mr. Reucassel said banks may also have to pay more to issue preferred shares, which are a big source of capital. That’s because preferred shares would rank below the new ECC notes in the capital structure of the bank, he said.

Other fears include the possibility that hedge funds or other investors could game the system, and that the conversion features could actually create more instability for a bank that’s in trouble and lead to a death spiral of dilution, Mr. Keefe said.

I don’t understand John Reucassel’s comment about preferred shares: CC is intended to replace sub-debt, which is currently senior to preferreds. If it converts, it will be equity and junior to preferreds – which is the reason why I feel that, should CC become important, a similar conversion will be applied to prefs.

The comment many big investors such as some pension funds are not allowed to buy debt that converts into equity. is a problem, but not insurmountable. Changing an investment mandate is not exactly the world’s most difficult task; having never had much interest in convertibles I don’t know whether any legislative changes would be necessary; but if so … change ’em.

As for selling it … just put the bank’s name in big letters at the top of the paper and shuffle it over to the salesmen. Canada’s docile investment community will buy whatever they’re told to buy. Hey – it worked for Tier 1 capital! Stick it in the index, too – that’s worked before as well.

And as for being more expensive for the issuers … well, yeah. That’s the whole point. Extant structures do not provide protection in a crisis. Contingent Capital will provide protection in a crisis.Therefore, a rational person might expect the paper to be more expensive. I suspect that CC will eventually come to pass when the regulators say “OK – you’ve got to have 6% Core Tier 1 capital, which is defined as equity + CC. At least two-thirds of that must be equity. For the rest, go choose.” As long as the CC is cheaper than equity, the banks will issue it, given that choice.

The Canadian Bankers Association states:

Embedded contingent capital is one of the alternatives to a global bank tax that is being proposed. With embedded contingent capital, banks would issue securities that would convert to common equity in the event that the bank faced serious financial difficulties.

The contingent capital proposals being contemplated are very complex and there are still many details to be ironed out. The CBA welcomes the opportunity to work with regulators in the development of this proposal.

The banks agree with the idea that the conversion of these securities should only be triggered when a financial institution is in very serious trouble. Careful consideration must also be given to the cost and marketability of such an instrument, particularly in a smaller market like Canada, which has a concentrated investor base.

It is fascinating to learn that The banks agree with the idea that the conversion of these securities should only be triggered when a financial institution is in very serious trouble. This will do nothing to contain a crisis.

It’s rather sad, though, that they couldn’t find it within themselves to acknowledge that several issues have been done in Europe.

And finally, Paul Volcker dismisses the whole idea:

“It sounds attractive, and it sounds attractive to me, but for some reason it never gets much traction,” Mr. Volcker, the physically towering former Federal Reserve chairman who is one of President Barack Obama’s key advisers on financial regulation, said of the Canadian proposal to have banks hold embedded contingent capital.

“If someone wanted to experiment with it, I would say, ‘God bless them.’’’

While in favour of contingent capital, Mr. Volcker stopped short of saying that he believed it would work. He said the concept has been around for 30 years, yet has never taken off.

Mr. Volcker said sophisticated investors tell him the market for such a security would be severely “constricted,” presenting challenges to any bank hoping to sell contingent capital at a favourable price. There’s also a legitimate question whether enough contingent capital could be sold to make a difference if a bank were seriously strained. If a bank is so strained that its only avenue to raise funds is to convert its own debt, then it’s probably too late, Mr. Volcker said.

“It might make the funeral look a little different, but it’s going to be a funeral anyway,” Mr. Volcker said.

At the very least, this forced the usually sycophantic Canadian press to print the idea that CC is not a brand new idea developed by those hard-nosed geniuses at OSFI!

Hedging a McDonald CoCo

Monday, June 7th, 2010

In the first update to the post A Structural Model of Contingent Bank Capital, when responding to Prof. Pennacchi’s commentary (then anonymous, then later quoted in full with permission), I said:

As an unconstrained bond manager, I would be sorely tempted to buy a put on the equity, with the strike price equal to the conversion price and view the CC + put as a package. My view on the attractiveness of the package would be heavily influenced by the net yield of the continuing position. However, the chances of me, as a bond specialist, of having a mandate that allows the purchase of equity puts are infinitesimal and there will be asset allocation problems at the most integrated of management firms. I think that this area becomes hedge fund territory.

So I decided to do a little playing with numbers to see how this might work.

In order to keep the assumptions close to those of McDonald’s original paper, I simulated a ten year bond with a coupon of 4.09%, while the risk-free ten year is at 4.00%. Additionally, I implemented the McDonald CoCo with the index trigger set arbitrarily high, so that the instrument reflects my original recommendation. As has been previously noted, I consider 9bp at issue time to be an unrealistically narrow spread (it considers only that portion of credit risk that is due to jumps in the bank’s asset value), but let’s see what happens anyway!

I then prepared a spreadsheet with various bond prices; commencing at 100.00 and decrementing with 0.50 intervals down to 79.00 (why 79.00? See below!). I then worked out the effective conversion price for each bond price; for instance, when the bond price is 90.00, the effective conversion price is 45.00, since I will be getting two shares in exchange should the stock price ever hit 50.00.

For each bond price, I then calculated the excess yield over the risk-free rate (which is presumed to be a flat yield curve at 4%) and converted this to a dollar figure. For instance, at a bond price of 100.00 the excess yield is 9bp, which is $0.09 annually. At a bond price of 90.00, the yield is 5.40%, 140bp over the risk-free rate, and 1.40% of 90 is just over $1.25 annually.

In order to hedge the conversion, I need to buy two puts, so when the bond price is 100.00 I can spend $0.045 per put and when the bond price is 90.00 I can spend $0.6288 per put.

The market price of the puts was calculated for a one-year term on the put, with a strike price equal to the effective conversion price and volatility of 30%. The current price of the stock was chosen so that the price of the put is equal to the amount I can spend.

It should be noted that this is not a true hedge: there is the opportunity for profit. For instance, say the price of the bond is 90.00 and I buy two one-year puts on the stock at 45.00. As long as the contemporary stock price is 65.06 or more, then my projected yield for the package for the first year of the ten year term of the bond will be 4% – the risk free rate that I am trying to hedge (similar in principle to owning a bond and buying a CDS on it).

There is a chance of underperforming the risk-free rate over the term of the bond if the stock price declines further and subsequent years’ puts become more expensive. However, there is always the chance of profit, based on the CoCo specification that the issuers’ put option is exercised immediately as soon as the stock price reaches the conversion trigger. Thus, this embedded put can never be in-the-money for the issuer; this in turn means that, for instance, if I am able to achieve the paper’s assumption that I will be able to sell the common at 50.00 then I will have outperformed significantly: I will have converted at the effective conversion price of less than 50.00 (given that I bought the bond below par), sold it at 50; and still have a long put option on the stock that, even if it is out of the money, may well have significant time value on it.

It is this question of mismatches on the time value of the option that lead me to use 1-year options; if the exercise is repeated with 10-year options (which would be OTC instruments) then the time-value mismatch makes the hedge a more expensive proposition.

Thus, when the bond price is 90.00, it yields 5.40%, providing me with 140bp over risk-free, or $1.2574 annually, used to buy two puts at $0.6288 with a strike price of 45.00 at a time when the price of the stock is 65.06.

Repeating these calculations provides the following charts:

Click for big

Click for big

These graphs look entirely reasonable in the light of our experience of the past few years: it seems entirely reasonable to me that spreads will widen from 9bp to 305bp when the stock price halves.

The minimum bond price calculated is 79.00; prices lower than this, hedging the conversion price at 39.50, require the stock to be priced at less than 50.00; at which point the bond will no longer exist. Mind you, with the bond at 79.00, you’re winning if the stock does touch 50.00 and you can dump it for more than 39.50; with this kind of gap, do you really need to hedge?

However, there is an implication for Prof. Pennacchi’s assertion that:

it is best to set a trigger than can result in conversion when the bank’s original shareholders’ equity is only mildly depleted rather than have a trigger where conversion occurs at a very low value of original shareholders’ equity.

The above charts show that hedging cost will rise dramatically as the stock price approaches the trigger/conversion price.

Please note that I have no quibbles with Prof. Pennacchi’s math or reasoning; my objection relates to the embedded assumption that investors will have the ability in practice of a stop-loss order to be executed at a predictable price (or, at least, one that is based on the fundamentals of a bank’s assets). The May 6 bungee-jump (or “flash-crash”, as the cool kids are calling it now) showed that. I will also remind Assiduous Readers of the 1987 crash, exacerbated by equally mathematically pure portfolio insurance.

The spreadsheet used to make the charts is available for the edification and amusement of those who want to play with the numbers a bit.

Pennacchi Discusses CoCo Structural Model

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

After posting my review of his paper, A Structural Model of Contingent Bank Capital, I eMailed Prof. Pennacchi asking him about the political, regulatory and academic response to his paper and inviting him to comment further,

He very kindly responded and has granted permission to quote his reply:

I have presented my paper at the NY Fed, a Moodys-NYU Conference (both in NYC), and just recently at the International Risk Management Conference in Florence, Italy. I must say that I really haven’t received any negative comments on the paper. The reception has been quite good.

I understand your concern that if contingent capital (CC) converts at par, and bank assets follow a diffusion process (which, mathematically, means the value of the assets have a continuous sample path and cannot experience (downward) “jumps” in value), the paper concludes that CC will be default free. You are concerned that this would only hold if the new equity is sold immediately by the CC investors and that, during a crisis, new bank equity issues may have to be issued at a discount.

I have a couple of observations. First, looking at historical new equity issues during a crisis may not be fully relevant to an environment where CC is converted. This is because, historically, new equity issues during a crisis have occurred in a context where there is significant “debt overhang.” The discount occurs because issuing new equity makes the bank safer (less likely to default on its debt), thereby transfering value from the original equityholders to the bank’s debt holders (such as subordinated debt investors). Hence, under these conditions we would expect that the announcement of a new equity issue would result in a fall in the bank’s stock price.

But CC is different. Indeed, one of its advantages is that it reduces the debt overhang problem. When contingent capital is converted, there is a simultaneous wiping out of existing debt (the CC bond) replaced with new shares of equity (to the former CC investors). Hence, there is not the type of transfer of value from the original equityholders to debtholders (CC investors) as would be the case if new equity was issued without wiping out the claims of the bank’s subordinated debtholders.

Second, assuming that there would be no discount at conversion, then CC investors would receive $1 of stock for every $1 of par value at the new issue debt. At this point, the model assumes the debt has been paid off in full, so there has been no default. You question whether this is really default-free. It may not be default-free based on the CC bonds’ original maturity date, but it is default-free at the conversion date.

Note that the CC investors who are now stockholders could sell but they could also hold if they thought there would be temporary downward pricing pressure from others who sell. It could be that by holding on to their shares they would receive even more than their par value as of the CC bond’s original maturity date, which would be even better than holding a default-free Treasury bond. Of course they could also get less if the stock price declines. But the point is, the situation no longer becomes comparable to a default-free investment. I am taking the perspective of the bond being default-free as of the conversion date. As I state in the paper, the effective maturity date of this default-free security is uncertain. If you do not want to think of that as a default-free security, I have no problem with that perspective. However, the CC investors will get their par value (in stock if prior to maturity and cash if at actual maturity) at some date in the future, even if that date is not known ahead of time.

Third, and finally, I do not believe that bank assets follow a diffussion (no jump) process. The main, unique contribution of my paper is to value CC under the assumption that bank asset values (and stock prices) are likely to jump, especially jump downward during a crisis. So while my reasoning may differ from yours, what my paper shows is that CC will indeed be credit risky, not default-free. As my paper shows, one should expect that CC will have a positive credit spread when issued. I only compare my model to the diffusion (no jump) case to emphasize why jumps in asset value matter. However, less one thinks that such jump risks make CC a flawed product, my paper also goes on to show that CC is less risky than if the bank has, instead, issued a comparable quantity of subordinated debt. In summary, it is unrealistic to think that CC is default-free. However, conversion to equity when the bank’s condition has a moderate decline is actually a safety valve that relieves financial distress and protects CC investors relative to if they were sub debt investors. Because CC capital conversion reduces the bank’s leverage, it would make it easier for the bank to issue further new shares of common stock without experiencing much, if any, of a discount because there would be little overhang.

One policy recommendation from my paper’s results is that CC becomes safer (less credit risky) the greater is the value of original shareholders’ equity when conversion is triggered. In other words, it is best to set a trigger than can result in conversion when the bank’s original shareholders’ equity is only mildly depleted rather than have a trigger where conversion occurs at a very low value of original shareholders’ equity.

I hope this response helps to provide some intuition regarding the risk characteristics of CC.

Thank you, sir!

A Structural Model of Contingent Bank Capital

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

George Pennacchi, a Professor of Finance at the University of Illinois, has published a paper titled A Structural Model of Contingent Bank Capital that leads to some surprising – to me – conclusions:

This paper develops a structural credit risk model of a bank that issues deposits, share-holders’ equity, and fixed or floating coupon bonds in the form of contingent capital or subordinated debt. The return on the bank’s assets follows a jump-di¤usion process, and default-free interest rates are stochastic. The equilibrium pricing of the bank’s deposits, contingent capital, and shareholders’ equity is studied for various parameter values characterizing the bank’s risk and the contractual terms of its contingent capital. Allowing for the possibility of jumps in the bank’s asset value, as might occur during a financial crisis, has distinctive implications for valuing contingent capital. Credit spreads on contingent capital are higher the lower is the value of shareholders’ equity at which conversion occurs and the larger is the conversion discount from the bond’s par value. The effect of requiring a decline in a financial stock price index for conversion (dual price trigger) is to make contingent capital more similar to non-convertible subordinated debt. The paper also examines the bank’s incentive to increase risk when it issues di¤erent forms of contingent capital as well as subordinated debt. In general, a bank that issues contingent capital has a moral hazard incentive to raise its assets’risk of jumps, particularly when the value of equity at the conversion threshold is low. However, moral hazard when issuing contingent capital tends to be less than when issuing subordinated debt. Because it reduces e¤ective leverage and the pressure for government bailouts, contingent capital deserves serious consideration as part of a package of reforms that stabilize the financial system and eliminate “Too-Big-to-Fail”.

I am very pleased to see that the structure I have been advocating is receiving academic scrutiny. He discusses the model in terms of the CC proposals of McDonald and Flannery, both of which have been discussed on PrefBlog.

I have difficulty with some of the assumptions:

If a bank’s asset returns follow a pure difusion process without jumps, and fixed-coupon contingent capital converts to shareholders’ equity at its par value, then contingent capital’s new-issue yield-to-maturity (par coupon rate) equals a default-free par rate, such as a Treasury bond yield. But since the possibility of conversion lowers contingent capital’s effective maturity, contingent capital’s comparable default-free yield is less than that of its stated maturity. Thus, if the term structure of default-free Treasury yields is upward sloping, as it normally is, the yield on contingent capital will be less than that of an equivalent-maturity Treasury bond. However, for the case of contingent capital that pays floating-rate coupons, coupon credit spreads above the short-term, default-free interest rate always will be zero.

This assumes that

  • The converted noteholder sells his equity immediately upon receipt
  • He realizes the trigger price for it (or, as in the case of the McDonald pricing computations discussed elsewhere, very nearly)

This doesn’t work for me. According to me, in order to determine a credit spread, you would have to assume that the converted noteholder hangs on to his equity and sells it on the original maturity date. Assuming immediate sale at the trigger price (nearly) is akin to computing credit spreads due to default with the assumption that the holder can see default coming and sells early.

I suggest that, at the very least, one should look at the discount to market on bank new issues during the crisis (not rights issues, which will often be heavily discounted to ensure take-up; unfortunately this basically eliminates European banks from the sample), and apply this discount to the proceeds on conversion and sale. For example, the CIBC recapitalization was done with the help of a private placement at $62.65 net of fees, compared to its previous close of $72.07. A 14% haircut on conversion – even when converted at par, converting at an explicit discount will be worse – will change the numbers considerably.

Assiduous Readers may make their own assumptions about the effect of the “effective stop-loss order effect” of immediate market orders to sell upon conversion (during a crisis!) according to whatever answers they want to justify. But I don’t think an implicit assumption of 0% frictional or temporal cost is justifiable. It’s too much like assuming 100% recovery on default.

I have more difficulty – similar to my problems with recent advocacy of floating rate contingent capital:

If a bank’s asset returns follow a pure diffusion process without jumps, and fixed-coupon contingent capital converts to shareholders’ equity at its par value, then contingent capital’s new-issue yield-to-maturity (par coupon rate) equals a default-free par rate, such as a Treasury bond yield.

This ignores things like liquidity premia, central bank collateralization premia and default uncertainty, which in this case can be expressed as conversion uncertainty – and that’s just for starters!

I feel compelled to republish one of my favourite graphs, previously shown in the post BoE Releases June 2009 Financial Stability Report:

Arguments that depend on corporate bond yields hugging the green line are doomed to failure, even when the bonds are senior! I will also point out that the liquidity premium on CC is likely to be significantly higher than that on senior bonds, as the investor base is likely to be significantly smaller.

When, more realistically, the bank’s asset returns incorporate a jump process, contingent capital that is speci…ed to convert at its par value will have a yield that rises above default-free yields. This positive credit spread is due to the potential losses that contingent capital investors would suffer if a sudden decline in the bank’s asset value requires conversion at below par value. An implication is that new issue credit spreads on contingent capital rise as the bank’s total capital and the value its original shareholders’ equity declines. Credit spreads on contingent capital also are higher the lower is the value of shareholders’ equity at which conversion is specified to occur and the larger is the conversion discount from the bond’s par value. The effect of requiring a decline in a financial stock price index for conversion, the “dual price trigger” feature proposed by McDonald (2009), is to make contingent capital more similar to non-convertible subordinated debt.

The guts of the paper are:

Figure 2 gives the new issue yields for …xed-coupon contingent capital, c, when the bank’s initial total capital ranges from 6.5% to 15%. Recall that the default-free term structure is assumed to have an initial instantaneous maturity interest rate of r0 equal to 3.5% and the par yield on a five-year Treasury coupon bond is 4.23%. This 4.23% default-free, five-year par yield is given by the dashed line denoted Schedule A in the …gure. In comparison, Schedule B of Figure 2 shows that the benchmark contingent capital bond’s new issue yield is 5.41%, 4.56%, and 4.39% when initial capital is 6.5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively.

This contingent capital bond’s yield spread above the five-year Treasury is due to the possibility that it could convert at less than par following a downward jump in the bank’s asset (and equity) value. If all of the benchmark parameters are maintained except one assumes there is no possibility of jumps (λ = 0), then the contingent capital bond’s spreads over the five-year Treasury yield would not be positive. Indeed, given the assumption of an upward-sloping term structure, Schedule C of Figure 2 shows that spreads would be slightly negative. Since conversion lowers the e¤ective maturity of contingent capital and, without jumps, it always converts at par, it is e¤ectively a default-free bond with a maturity of less than five years. Hence, its yield is more like a that of a shorter-term default-free bond, which is below the five-year default-free yield. Thus, one sees that the possibility of jumps in the bank’s asset value, as might occur during a financial crisis, has a qualitatively important impact on the pricing of contingent capital.

Click for Big

Other charts include:

  • Effect of Maturity
  • Effects of conversion terms
  • Effects of conversion parameters
  • Effect of a Dual Price Trigger

But by me, the most interesting conclusion is:

A bank that issues contingent capital faces a moral hazard incentive to increase its assets’ jump risks. However, this incentive to transfer value from contingent capital investors to the bank’s shareholders is smaller than that when the bank has issued a similar amount of subordinated debt rather than contingent capital. Thus, relative to the status quo, there is likely to be a decline in moral hazard if contingent capital replaces subordinated debt. The results show that excessive risk-taking incentives also decline as contingent capital’s equity conversion threshold rises. With a bigger “equity cushion” at the conversion threshold, there is a smaller likelihood that a sudden loss in bank asset value would prevent full conversion, thereby better protecting contingent capital investors from losses.

He even addresses Julie Dickson’s proposal (although not her fabricated assertion, unchallenged by the press, that fixed-dollar conversion is universally favoured):

In other words, for the benchmark contingent capital bond, at a point just before conversion, there would need to be a sudden asset value loss exceeding 2% to prevent full conversion, while for the contingent capital bond with e = 1%, at a point just before conversion, there would need to be a sudden asset value loss only slightly more than 1% for bondholders to sustain a conversion loss. This finding has implications for recent regulatory proposals that would have contingent capital convert only when a bank was in dire straits and close to being seized by regulators. [footnote] Delaying conversion to a point when the value of original shareholders’ equity is low raises the new issue yields on contingent capital.

footnote: Canada’s superintendent of financial institutions, Julie Dickson, proposes that the conversion trigger for contingent capital would be “when the regulator is ready to seize control of the institution because problems are so deep that no private buyer would be willing to acquire shares in the bank.” Financial Times, April 9, 2010.

Update, 2010-6-6: A new reader has very kindly provided extensive commentary on my critique of this post. He claims (as paraphrased by me, JH):

(i) New equity issues from banks are not structurally equivalent to CC conversion : New equity makes extant debt safer; therefore transfers value from extant equity holders to debt holders; therefore a decline in equity price is expected. This is not the case when CC is converted.

JH – By this reasoning, my reference to the 14% new issue discount on the CIBC recapitalization is not relevant. Well …maybe!

(ii) CC holders experience a regime change on conversion and the original maturity date does not apply. The new equity may be sold or held, depending upon the holders’ views on the stock. If the stock price rises from the trigger price, the noteholders could even realize excess returns. Thus, the CC may be thought of as being default-free as of the conversion date.

JH – Well, you can bet this is the line that the salesmen will take! A lot of it depends upon perspective: it may be true from the bank’s point of view, the market’s point of view and the regulators’ point of view … but, naturally enough, I am considering it from a specialist bond managers’ point of view: who will at the very least see the risk/return profile of the portfolio visibly change; whose mandate will almost certainly prohibit the holding of equity; and who will very likely be forced to sell the stock at whatever it will fetch which (due to the ‘cascading stop-loss effect’ at the very least) will likely be lower than the conversion price.

Additionally, the reasoning incorporates the assumptions that all mathematical models must incorporate, at least to some degree: that there is infinite liquidity and that assets will be fairly priced in the future. The credit crunch has reminded us of just how battered these assumptions can be during a crisis; as a practitioner, I must take a jaundiced view.

(iii) Bank asset values jump, therefore CC is in fact credit-risky; but credit risk declines with higher trigger points

In the presence of jumps, credit risks result from the potential for the equity value to jump over the trigger point; therefore the CC will convert at a higher price than market, therefore the CC holders will experience a loss; therefore the CC is credit risky.

But importantly, CC is less credit risky than sub-debt and, by reducing leverage, will facilitate new issues of equity. It is also important to note that the credit risk introduced by the jump process declines with higher trigger/conversion prices.

JH – Again, perspective is important; a specialist bond manager (or bond portfolio manager within an integrated firm, for that matter) will not view the paper as having minimal credit risk when the trigger price is 99.9% of the current stock price. Additionally, the significant amount of duration risk at this limiting point will make such an issue very hard to integrate into a well defined portfolio.

There may well be a branch of bond mathematics that deal with this question, but I am not aware of it: I am sufficiently arrogant to claim that if I am not aware of a branch of bond mathematics, then at least 95% of bond portfolio managers are similarly ignorant.

As an unconstrained bond manager, I would be sorely tempted to buy a put on the equity, with the strike price equal to the conversion price and view the CC + put as a package. My view on the attractiveness of the package would be heavily influenced by the net yield of the continuing position. However, the chances of me, as a bond specialist, of having a mandate that allows the purchase of equity puts are infinitesimal and there will be asset allocation problems at the most integrated of management firms. I think that this area becomes hedge fund territory.

Update, 2010-6-6: My correspondent was Prof. Pennacchi. He has given me permission to quote his remarks in full, which I have done in the post Pennacchi Discusses CoCo Structural Model.

Contingent Capital with a Dual Price Trigger

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

Robert McDonald of Northwestern University has published a paper titled Contingent Capital with a Dual Price Trigger that I consider excellent – mainly because it advocates a framework for Contingent Capital that includes the structure I advocate (and have been advocating ever since HM Treasury’s Turner Report response brought the basic idea to my attention) and supports it with rationale that reflects my biases.

This paper proposes a form of contingent capital for financial institutions that converts from debt to equity if two conditions are met: the firm’s stock price is at or below a trigger value and the value of a financial institutions index is also at or below a trigger value. This structure protects financial firms during a crisis, when all are performing badly, but during normal times permits a bank performing badly to go bankrupt. I discuss a number of issues associated with the design of a contingent capital claim, including susceptibility to manipulation and whether conversion should be for a fixed dollar amount of shares or a fixed number of shares; the susceptibility of different contingent capital schemes to different kinds of errors (under and over-capitalization); and the losses likely to be incurred by shareholders upon the imposition of a requirement for contingent capital. I also present some illustrative pricing examples.

His specific proposal is:

The contingent capital claim that I describe, “dual trigger contingent capital”, converts automatically based on market prices, without reference to accounting-based measures of capital. Specifically, it converts to equity when the bank’s own stock price falls sufficiently, and then only if a broad nancial stock index is also below a trigger value. (This condition can be eliminated by making the trigger sufficiently large.) This structure reduces the debt load for poorly-performing institutions in times of crisis, but permits individual banks to fail in good times.

The major benefits of using market prices are:

Simplicity and transparency should facilitate market acceptance and reduce the (appropriately-measured) cost to banks of issuing convertible claims. The use of market-based triggers, with no reliance on accounting numbers, means that conversion is unaffected by accounting rule reinterpretations or changes. Making conversion automatic and based only on market prices should reduce pressure on regulators and the accounting community at critical times. Also, private information of either the firm or the regulator has no bearing on the conversion decision.

My point that using market prices and fixed conversion rates will facilitate the hedging of CC in the options market – and therefore the liquidity in a crisis – may be considered included in the “facilitate market acceptance” phrase.

I did not address one point he considers critical (which was further discussed, albeit in a highly unsatisfactory manner, by FRBNY staff) is:

A critical issue is the precise manner in which conversion occurs, and the possibility of stock price manipulation. In Section 3 I discuss a number of design considerations and I conclude that conversion of the bond into a fixed number of shares at a premium price minimizes concerns about manipulation.(footnote) The tradeo is that such a structure raises the yield on convertible debt. (This greater yield is of course fair compensation for the loss imposed upon bondholders should conversion occur.)

footnote: “Premium price” here means that the value of the shares upon conversion is lower than the par value of the bonds. In e ect, the bondholder is paying a greater than market price for the shares received. I dicuss this more in Section 1.

So consider a pref issued at $25 when the common is at $50. In the base proposal, if the common falls below $25 (for a defined period), the pref will convert at par into the trigger price; preferred shareholders will receive one common for each pref. With “premium pricing”, preferred shareholders will received less than one share, while the trigger price remains the same. I’ll discuss this later.

Also, note that I am (for obvious reasons) focussing on preferred shares while all the academic discussion I have seen focusses on sub-debt. I think that should CC effectively replace sub-debt, then similar conversion features will be applied to prefs – otherwise, preferreds will be effectively senior to CC (in that they will retain their claims when everything else is converted, and remain senior when the bank goes bust) and I don’t think the markets will stand for such leapfrogging.

His example provides the rationale behind an expected yield spread over senior debt:

To more fully understand the events at conversion, suppose that at some time after issue the nancial index is below 90 and the stock price reaches $50. At this point bondholders are entitled to 20 shares. Typically, however, the stock price will not close exactly at $50, but say at $48. In this case the bondholders receive shares worth 20  $48 = $960. Thus, conversion on average will leave the bondholders slightly worse o than if the bond paid par value. As a result, the market will demand a slightly higher interest rate on the bond than if it were sure to convert into $50 worth of shares.(footnote)

footnote: An alternative would be to adjust the number of shares to make their value equal to the par value of the bond. As I discuss in Section 3, this alternative conversion scheme increases the returns to stock price manipulation.

In other words, the option effect. I should note that there will also be a spread required due to uncertainty – typically, bond holders will not have a mandate or desire to hold equity; hence, it is likely that the embedded short option will be overvalued.

He notes:

This structure accomplishes several things:

  • The conversion of bonds to shares occurs only if there is a widespread fall in the value of financial firm shares. One would expect such a widespread fall during a nancial crisis, not at other times.
  • A dual trigger convertible permits the failure of an institution as long as the nancial industry as a whole is peforming well. Without a fall in the index, bonds would not convert and the financial institution could go bankrupt. The note can be structured to avoid this.
  • There would be no regulatory involvement in the conversion decision
  • Conversion would not depend upon acccounting rules or the institution’s reported capital. If the market believed that a bank’s assets were worth less than the bank reported, conversion would occur if the share price and index conditions were satisifed.
  • The proposal is not subject to equity death spirals: In the fixed share structure, the number of shares exchanged for bonds would be fixed.

These are eminently sensible reasons. However, I remain dubious about the inclusion of the second, industry-wide trigger. Firstly, it will depend upon the composition of third-party indices, which can be – and often are – manipulated. Secondly, it will complicate pricing of the CC, which will mean that not all of the mathematical benefits of the reduced conversion chance will be realized.

Additionally, his footnote to the second point states:

If an institution is too-big-to-fail, the use of an index trigger raises the possibility of multiple equilibria. Consider a circumstance where a) the financial index would fall below the trigger if and only if the too-big-to-fail institution were to fail and b) conversion of the contingent capital would prevent failure. If the contingent capital were expected to convert and prevent failure, the index would never fall below the trigger value and thus the contingent capital would not convert. If the contingent capital were expected not to convert, the index would fall below the trigger value and the capital would convert. While the requirements seem empirically unlikely, it would be important to understand the equilibrium that would obtain in this case. I thank Zhenyu Wang for pointing out this issue.

He discusses the Flannery and Squam Lake proposals previously discussed on PrefBlog:

The Flannery and Squam Lake proposals differ in the nature of the trigger, but more importantly they differ in the severity of the event that will cause conversion. The Squam Lake proposal implicitly seems to view hybrid convertibles as a last-ditch measure: banks would have violated covenants and more importantly, regulators would have declared the existence of a crisis. Presumably one reason for using contingent capital would be to prevent a systemic crisis from occurring in the rst place. Is it possible that the use of a regulatory trigger creates multiple equilibria? Could regulators declaring the existence of a crisis could induce or worsen a crisis? More generally, it seems possible that regulators worrying about maintaining con dence in capital markets would would be reluctant to declare the existence of a crisis until it is too late.

I take the view that a regulatory declaration that a crisis existed would grossly exacerbate an already bad market situation. Additionally, prior uncertainty regarding a regulatory decision will depress the price of the CC, exacerbating the value transfer problem deplored by FRBNY staff.

McDonald discusses the potential for manipulation:

In the context of contingent capital, a concern is that unprofitable manipulation of the stock can become profitable when the trader also has a position in market-triggered contingent convertibles. This seems to be a legitimate concern. In this discussion we will suppose for the sake of argument that it is possible for traders to temporarily move the price (for example temporarily push it down), while maintaining the traditional academic skepticism that such trading in shares alone can be pro table. Ultimately the possibility of extensive manipulation and its importance is an empirical question.

He gives an example of manipulation:

To see how manipulation could be profitable, suppose that the stock is $51, and a $1000 bond converts into 20 shares when the price goes below $50. A trader owning this bond could possibly manipulate the price down to $49. This forces conversion, and the bondholder now owns 20 shares. When the price returns to $51, the bondholder has a position worth $1020, and has induced a 2% gain on the convertible (from $1000 to $1020) by triggering conversion.

It should be noted that the profitability of this eneavor will be increased if the trader has actually just purchased the CC at $900. But my question is: Is this manipulation, or is it arbitrage? Additionally, the assumption that the price returns to $51 implicitly assumes that the value of the firm is $51 and that markets are sufficiently efficient to reflect this value – this is a precise estimate and shaky assumption at the best of times and it may be assumed that conversion will occur during a period of highly inefficient markets.

To my mind, the important question is not whether a trader might be able to make a few bucks with the strategy, but whether such a strategy has the potential to cascade, with the approach of imminent conversion of other instruments – another series of bonds converting at $48. I’m not really all that concerned about transitory manipulation, since that simply provides an opportunity for value investors to buy at an artificially low price; but there could be genuine public policy concerns if this artificially low price made it difficult, or even impossible, for the firm to issue new capital at rates that permitted it to operate as a going concern. The attack on CIT group which essentially locked it out of the bond market until bankruptcy was triggered comes to mind as a possible example; but I have a feeling that we don’t know the whole story on that one.

It should be noted that, to the extent that converted former noteholders elect to sell their shares at the market, the effect can be modelled as a stop-loss order; such orders have been suggested as a factor in the May 6 market bungee-jump even though the exchanges have built in some protection against the effect.

I can’t really get all that excited about the issue of market manipulation – the only people hurt will be the idiots who trade on momentum. I suggest that the potential for what is, effectively, a stop-loss cascade is more worthy of academic attention.

His prescription is premium conversion:

The difficulty of the manipulation just described can be increased by creating a wedge between the par value of the bond and the conversion value of the shares, i.e, the bond could convert at a premium price for the shares. For example, the bond could convert into 19 shares rather than 20. The bondholder who forced conversion would then receive a position worth $950 at the $50 trigger price, a loss of ($1000 – $950)/19 = $2:63/share generated by conversion. If the share price were $51 as in the previous example, the bondholder would lose $1.63/share by manipulating the price below $50. Temporary manipulation to a price below $50 would not become profitable until the true share price was at least $52.63. Hence, any manipulation would have to be by a greater amount to compensate for the premium price. Because conversion at a premium price would require a greater manipulation to make conversion profitable, manipulation would be both less likely and easier to detect. In fact, if shares convert at a premium, bondholders would have an incentive to manipulate the price up to avoid conversion. This seems likely to be more difficult than the downward manipulation just discussed, because the price has to be kept up indefinitely (or until the bond matures) to forestall conversion. If at any time the price falls, the bond converts. Also, propping up the price will be increasingly difficult to accomplish if the bank is in distress.

This is not entirely satisfactory, as it assumes the manipulator will be buying the bond at par, whereas in practice it is much more probable – virtually certain – that the manipulator will have purchased the bond well below par from a spooked investor who is taking a loss. For any premium, there will be some bond price that restores profitability, which may be thought of as providing a floor for the bond price. Thus, extant holders will be indirect and incomplete beneficiaries of the potential for manipulation.

He then notes that fixed-dollar conversion (conversion at market value) and is more susceptible to manipulation than fixed-share conversion.

He discusses instances in which CC does not act optimally in the context of Type I errors (conversion occurs when capital is not required) and Type II (conversion does not occur when capital is required):

In summary, market-based triggers seem prone to type I errors, and regulatory and accounting-based triggers seem prone to type II errors. It seems unlikely that there would be a systemic crisis without financial firms having low stock prices. This would reduce the likelihood of a type II error for market-based triggers. Accounting and regulation, however, are not automatic, and both are subject to political winds and whims. Basing conversion on regulatory judgment would reduce the likelihood of a type I error, in which bonds converted into stock without any crisis. But as discussed, one can imagine regulators failing to act. It is interesting to note that both the Flannery and Squam Lake proposals try not to saddle financial firms with “too much” equity. Flannery’s would convert only enough bonds to meet a capital requirement, and Squam Lake’s would convert only for banks with a low capital ratio.

To my immense gratification, he details problems with accounting-based conversion triggers:

  • Most accounting is done periodically rather than continuously.
  • Accounting rules are subject to political pressure.
  • Accounting rules are subject to arbitrage.
  • Accounting measures are often backward-looking

Of immense interest are his calculations regarding CC pricing:

In this section I perform some simple pricing exercises to illustrate characteristics of a dual-trigger contingent convertible under the assumption that both the stock price of the firm and the index are lognormally-distributed. Specifically, I assume that the stock price, St, and index price,Qt, both follow Ito processes, which is the standard assumption in the Black-Scholes model:

The correlation between dSt and dQt is ρ. Appendix A details the calculations. The stock price cannot reach zero in equation (1), so the yield calculation occurs in a context where bankruptcy is impossible. The yields I report therefore reflect only the effects of conversion.

Critical inputs into the pricing model are the volatility of the index, which I set to equal 20%, approximately the historical volatility of the Dow Jones Financial Services index from 1992 to 2007, and the stock volatility, which I set to 30%, approximately the historical volatility of banks like Citi, BofA, and Wells Fargo over this period. The correlation between the firm stock return and that of the index, again selected based on history, is 0.85.

Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the pricing of the convertible in a simple setting where
bankruptcy of the firm does not occur under any circumstances, but the convertible converts when the stock and index triggers are both satisifed. Pricing is by Monte Carlo. Specifically, I simulate the stock and index price, drawing new prices every day. The first time the stock and index prices are both below the trigger, the bond converts into a fixed number of shares. This simulation thus explictly models conversion occurring at a price below the trigger price, and thus generates a yield greater than the risk-free rate. The number in both tables is the annual yield premium above the risk-free rate.

Table 1 presents the bond yield premium when conversion occurs at the trigger price: If the bond has a par value of $1000 and the trigger price is $50, the bond converts into 20 shares. The maximum yield occurs when the stock trigger is relatively high (70% of the initial price) and the index trigger is low (80% of the initial index price). In this case it is relatively likely that the index trigger will not be satisifed when the stock reaches the trigger price, and thus on average conversion will occur when the stock is signi cantly below the trigger price. The resulting premium is over 1%. Conversely, in the rightmost column the index trigger effectively does not exist. In this case the 25 basis point premium is entirely attributable to the bond converting below the trigger price. With a low stock trigger and a high index trigger, the bond premium is a negligible 2 basis points.

Table 2 examines the case where there is a 10% stock price premium at conversion.


Table 1: Debt premium as a function of the index trigger and stock trigger. Assumes S0 = $100, Q0 = $100, σs = 0:30, σi = 0:20, ρ = 0:80, T = 5:00 years, h = 0:0040 (simulation timestep), r = 0:0400, with 50000 simulations. The conversion premium is 0.0000.
Note: I have converted the figures from the published table into basis points – JH
Stock Trigger Index Trigger
80 100 120 140 1000
70 121 42 27 25 25
60 55 22 16 16 15
50 23 11 9 9 9
40 8 6 5 5 5
30 3 2 2 2 2

Thus, my original proposal is reflected in cell (1000, 50) of the table, and shows that there will be a yield premium of 9bp due to the conversion feature. Note, however, that this premium is a little bit of a cheat; losses are due only to the stock price over-shooting the conversion price, with the assumption that the shares are sold immediately.

Update, 2010-6-8: Prof. McDonald advises that: there is a certain amount of skepticism regarding the second, index-based, trigger; that there is concern regarding multiple equilibria if the conversion price is at a premium to the trigger price; that regulators consider the idea interesting but want more details and discussion; and that the potential for manipulation may increase the cost to issuers.

Update, 2010-6-10: I should note that the conversion trigger proposed by Prof. McDonald implies that a single trade of 100 shares can do the job. In my original proposal, I urged that the trigger be based on the common’s VWAP over a given period – say, 20 consecutive trading days. The latter format will make manipulation considerably more difficult, at the expense of potentially trapping CC noteholders in their investment if the common price declines precipituously over the VWAP measurement period.

FRBNY Staff Propose Floating Rate Contingent Capital

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has released Staff Report #448, by Suresh Sundaresan and Zhenyu Wang, titled Design of Contingent Capital with a Stock Price Trigger for Mandatory Conversion:

The proposal for banks to issue contingent capital that must convert into common equity when the banks’ stock price falls below a specified threshold, or “trigger,” does not in general lead to a unique equilibrium in equity and contingent capital prices. Multiple or no equilibrium arises because both equity and contingent capital are claims on the assets of the issuing bank. For a security to be robust to price manipulation, it must have a unique equilibrium. For a unique equilibrium to exist, mandatory conversion cannot result in any value transfers between equity holders and contingent capital investors. The necessary condition for unique equilibrium is usually not satisfied by contingent capital with a fixed coupon rate; however, contingent capital with a floating coupon rate is shown to have a unique equilibrium if the coupon rate is set equal to the risk-free rate. This structure of contingent capital anchors its value to par throughout the time before conversion, making it implementable in practice. Although contingent capital with a unique equilibrium is robust to price manipulation, the no-value-transfer condition may preclude it from generating the desired incentives for bank managers and demand from investors.

They commence with an overview of the market and current issuance:

Recently there have been a few issues of junior debt with such conversion provisions. Lloyds Bank recently issued the so called contingent convertible (CC, or “Coco bonds”). These bonds will convert into ordinary shares if the consolidated core tier one ratio of Lloyds falls below 5%. The bonds themselves are subordinated bonds, which prior to conversion count as the lower tier 2 capital, but count as core tier 1 in the context of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) stress tests. They will count as core tier 1 for all purposes upon conversion. Swiss regulators are encouraging Swiss banks to issue contingent capital. In Germany, preferred stocks have been issued with similar features.

I didn’t know about the German prefs!

The authors are obsessed with value transfer:

The main thrust of our paper is the following: when triggers for mandatory conversion are placed directly on equity prices, there is a need to ensure that conversion does not transfer value between equity and CC holders. The economic intuition behind CC design problem is as follows. In the contingent capital (CC) proposed in the literature, junior debt converts to equity shares when the stock price reaches a certain threshold at low level. This sounds like a normal and innocuous feature. However, the unusual part of the CC design is that conversion into equity is mandatory as soon as stock price hits a trigger level from above. Since common stock is the residual claim of bank’s value, it must be priced together with the CC. Keeping firm value fixed, a dollar more for the CC value must be associated with a dollar less for the equity value.8 Therefore, a value transfer between equity and CC disturbs equilibrium by moving the stock price up or down, depending on the conversion ratio specified. The design of the conversion ratio must ensure that there is no such value transfer. The design proposals in the literature usually ensure that there is no value transfer at maturity, but do not ensure it before maturity.

Basically – as far as I can tell, the case against value transfer is not made explicit – value transfer will create an incentive for manipulation. If a Contingent Capital issue has a price and conversion feature such that conversion will be profitable, it will be in the interest of the investor to attack the bank stock in an attempt to force this conversion. My problem with this obsession is that I don’t have a problem with that and don’t think the regulators should, either. The potential for value transfer has been discussed on PrefBlog, in the post Payoff Structure of Contingent Capital with Trigger = Conversion.

The only way to prevent this is to ensure that there is no value transfer at conversion. This requires that at all possible conversion times, the value of converted shares must be exactly equal to the market value of the un-converted CC. This requirement implies that the conversion ratio usually cannot be chosen ex-ante once the trigger level has been chosen: this is due to the fact that the trigger level multiplied by the conversion ratio must equal the market value of the un-converted CC. However, there is one scenario when we can select the conversion ratio ex-ante: this corresponds to the design of CC such that the coupon payments are indexed in such a way that the CC always sells at par. In this case, we can set the conversion ratio as simply the par value divided by the trigger level of stock price at which mandatory conversion will occur. We explore this design possibility further in the paper.

In order to ensure that the CC is always priced at par, they take a huge leap:

To use the par value for conversion ratio, we need to focus on a structure that makes the market value of the CC immune to changes in interest rates and default risk. For example, if the CC had no default risk, then by selecting the coupon rate at each instant to be the instantaneously risk-free rate we can assure that the CC will trade at par. See Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1980) for a proof of this assertion

It has been a long time since I’ve read the Cox, Ingersoll & Ross paper and, frankly, I don’t remember that conclusion. But I don’t need to remember it, since it’s nonsense. It implies that there is a zero (or at least constant) liquidity premium: if I am holding short term paper, it’s because I may want cash in the near future. Why would I buy long dated paper that I might be able to turn into a known quantity of cash when I can buy actual Treasury Bills that will definitely turn into cash? I need a premium to buy the long stuff, and that premium will be based on my assessment of the likelihood of my actually needing the cash. The premium will change according to my – and the market’s – changing assessment of the potential need. That’s basic Liquidity Hypothesis stuff.

With default risk, however, no design of floating coupons will actually guarantee that the CC will sell at par. However, by choosing the coupon to reflect the market rates on short-term default-risky bank obligations it is possible to keep the price close to the par value. For example, if the coupon is tied to London Inter-bank Offered Rates (LIBOR) then the price of CC, which is a bank floater should remain close to par.

There are notes like this already – for instance Scotiabank’s perps:

August 2085 Floating US $182 million bearing interest at a floating rate of the offered rate for six-month Eurodollar deposits plus 0.125%. Redeemable on any interest payment date. Total repurchases in 2009 amounted to approximately US $32 million

There was a craze for securities of this type in the late 1980’s. It collapsed. Just like Monthly Auction Preferred Shares and all the other crap that seeks to fund long term debt at short term rates [and who knows? Maybe FixedResets will be the next example!]

This disregard of financial history mars the paper, but there are some other good references and notes:

Consistent with many other observers (e.g., Acharya, Thakor and Mehran, 2010), we note that the mandatory conversion of junior debt should automatically result in suspension of dividends to all common stock holders. Holding other factors the same, this should serve to alleviate the selling pressure: any attempt to short the stock by the holders of CC will also result in losses in foregone future dividends on their long positions.

I don’t agree.

However, it is nice to see a Fed paper looking at the type of CC structure that I have been arguing in favour of for a long time! It’s also pleasant to see a proper paper, with proper references and no outright fabrications, unlike those produced by Julie Dickson of OSFI.

OSFI’s Dickson Speaks on Contingent Capital

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Julie Dickson, Superintendent of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, has delivered a speech on contingent capital titled Too-big-to-fail and Embedded Contingent Capital. This speech is long overdue; most regulators would have delivered the speech prior to writing an op-ed for foreigners, but OSFI, as we all know, has its own special way of doing things.

In accordance with OSFI’s standards, there are not only no footnotes in the published speech, but there is next to no acknowledgment of the international debate concerning contingent capital and there are some breathtaking examples of intellectual dishonesty.

As a result of the crisis, there is now a widely held presumption that governments will support institutions that are perceived to be too-big-to-fail. In rating bank debt, rating agencies now explicitly acknowledge that some banks are likely to be supported by government because they are deemed systemically important.

“Now” is pitching it a little strong. Moody’s made its assumptions about government support explicit prior to the crisis. I will also note that the Bank of International Settlements (and OSFI itself) allows bank paper to be risk weighted according to the credit rating of the sovereign, which implicitly assumes sovereign support.

She overstates the benefits of contingent capital:

Another advantage of embedded contingent capital is that it avoids any need to create a systemic risk fund, which could lead to concerns about what to do with such a fund over time. Instead, investors with a financial interest would decide what each bank should pay when contingent capital was issued – with riskier banks penalized by the market. Thus, regulators would not have to develop a specific charge on systemically-important institutions, which is extremely difficult to do.

That depends, doesn’t it? If there’s any leverage at all in the bank, then its losses can exceed the capital; it’s only a matter of degree.

Additionally, her statement that the system results “riskier banks penalized by the market” is somewhat – not completely – at variance with her desire to have contingent capital priced like debt. As has been discussed on PrefBlog, the Fed has found that sub-debt pricing is not well correlated with risk and there is not much theoretical difference between the risk of sub-debt as it is and her vision of sub-debt that is contingent capital.

The conversion trigger would be activated relatively late in the deterioration of a bank’s health, when the supervisor has determined that the bank is no longer viable as currently structured. This should result in the contingent instrument being priced as debt. Being priced as debt is critical, as it makes it far more affordable for banks, and therefore has the benefit of minimizing the impact on the costs of consumer and business loans.

This objective dooms the plan to failure. You cannot get something for nothing. If you encourage your average bozo bond investor to buy sub-debt ‘because it’s just like debt’, he’s going to be awfully surprised and hurt when he finds out that it isn’t. As evidence, I can cite what happened when Deutsche Bank refused to honour its sub-debt pretend-maturity. Conversion – or the prospect of conversion – will in such a case exacerbate the panic.

An identifiable conversion trigger event could be when the regulator is ready to seize control of the institution because problems are so deep that no private buyer would be willing to acquire shares in the bank, or when a government injects capital into (or otherwise provides guarantees to) a bank. Upon occurrence of a trigger event, each contingent security would convert into common equity.

This one-trigger-fits-all approach will make it virtually impossible for a bank to issue contingent capital when it’s starting to get into trouble.

A range of conversion methods is being analyzed. For example, each contingent security could convert into any number of common shares determined by dividing the par value of the contingent security by the average mid-day market value of common shares during the last several (to be defined) trading days.

Conversion at market price, no matter what that market price is, will lead to death-spirals. Later on, she pretends concern regarding ‘trading against the trigger’. Trading against the trigger is what death spirals are all about.

An additional concern – to me – is that a straight market-value conversion means that converted contingent capital holders will have taken no loss at all due to the deterioration in the bank’s health. There are a number of contradictory elements to Ms. Dickson’s plan:

  • She wants it to be priced like debt
  • but absorb losses prior to government intervention
  • and provide market penalties for riskier banks at time of issue
  • but not make the buyers take any losses at all on conversion

All methods seem to generally convert par-to-market value of shares, and need to achieve the outcome that the more senior the capital security, the more consideration provided.

This is a complete fabrication. The Newcastle Building Society issue, for instance, essentially converts at book value. The Rabobank issue works like straight insurance, with no actual conversion. The UK FSA proposes issues where the conversion price is pre-set. The Lloyds issue converts at the market price at time of issue.

There is no consensus on conversion prices,

To her credit, she does address the question of earlier triggers, although she insists on framing the discussion with a trigger based on reported capital levels:

Question #1: Why not require conversion earlier – for example conversion when a bank is still healthy but trips a tier 1 target yet to be defined?

Answer: An earlier trigger does have some appeal. It would create an incentive for management to issue equity long before a forced conversion takes place, and thus deals with any reluctance management might have to take early action. If conversions are early they might also be more common place and thus help demonstrate that market discipline is real – after all, actions speak louder than words.

The problem is that early and frequent conversions would mean that contingent capital would be priced more like equity, which greatly increases its cost. The higher the cost of equity, the higher the resulting cost of credit to consumers and business.

A trigger for conversion well before non-viability (at relatively high levels of capitalization for example) could be destabilizing. As well, it is much more likely to be associated with forbearance, and creative interpretation of the data, than a trigger at non-viability (a specific regulatory capital or financial target trigger would be subject to potential manipulation or arbitrage).
It is also impossible to know in advance when conversion is desirable and equitable based on a pre-set capital or financial target trigger. A trigger at non-viability would mean that a solution is necessary and pressing. This also means that procrastination is less likely.

The likelihood is that banks, rating agencies, and investors have incentives to seek triggers which are far too late in the process to provide capital to a failing bank and achieve the intended benefits. Triggers that are set far beyond when a supervisor would actually act to close an institution would minimize the cost of contingent capital by greatly reducing the chances of conversion, and thereby simplify the ratings and sale process. But, to the extent that conversion will not occur when required, it is unlikely to offer the intended benefits (reduction of moral hazard, providing an expedited resolution mechanism, ensuring that all capital bears losses when governments invest capital).

The objection she cites in the second paragraph isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. It should be apparent that you can’t get something for nothing; that contingent capital should be priced differently from senior debt; and that proximity to the trigger will increase the accuracy of the pricing of the risk – i.e., it’s very hard to calculate whether RBC will go bust in ten years time. It’s much easier to calculate whether it will lose money next year.

I must say, it’s rather odd for OSFI to start obsessing about the banks’ cost of capital after two solid years of bragging about how much capital they required them to hold!

As for her third paragraph – well, the potential for such manipulation by management is a major reason why I prefer market based triggers.

Her last paragraph is somewhat incoherent with respect to ‘rating agency motivations’. DBRS has published its classification of triggers; Moody’s has announced it will not rate contingent capital with a trigger based on regulatory discretion; quite reasonably, they imply that all else being equal, greater certainty will imply a higher rating on the instruments. S&P’s comments imply that earlier triggers will enhance the rating of senior instruments.

Update: Copy-paste journalism from the Globe & Mail.

Update, 2014-2-5: Broken link to speech changed to reflect new URL.

OSFI Issues Draft Advisory on Capital Instruments

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has released a Draft Advisory titled Interim Treatment of Capital Instruments:

Generally, with regard to grandfathering, OSFI will consider compliant instruments issued after December 17, 2009 in a manner that is consistent with its treatment of instruments both issued on or prior to December 17, 2009 and qualifying under OSFI capital adequacy requirements existing on December 17, 2009, that is, compliant instruments will be eligible for grandfathering when the revised Basel II rules come into force (which is to be no later than the end of 2012).

FREs issuing non-compliant instruments after December 17, 2009 should do so with the expectation that these instruments will not be grandfathered when the revised Basel II rules come into force.

This guidance will apply in the following manner to innovative instruments, preferred shares and subordinated debt.

Innovative instruments: As currently structured in Canada, innovative instruments would clearly not be compliant. As such, it is very unlikely that innovative tier 1 instruments issued by FREs after December 17, 2009 will be grandfathered. If FREs issue innovative tier 1 instruments after December 17, 2009, they should do so with the expectation that these instruments will not be grandfathered under the new rules.

Preferred shares: Non-cumulative, perpetual preferred shares as currently structured in Canada would be compliant, provided they do not contain features which constitute an incentive to redeem. OSFI has determined that the so-called rate reset preferred shares, as they have been structured to date, do not contain such incentives to redeem and should therefore be compliant. If FREs issue compliant preferred shares after December 17, 2009, they should expect that these instruments will be eligible for grandfathering upon OSFI’s implementation of the new rules.

Subordinated debt: Subordinated debt issuances will not be compliant where they contain a step-up feature, other incentives to redeem, or provide for redemption in the first five years. FREs issuing non-compliant subordinated debt after December 17, 2009 should do so with the expectation that these instruments will not be grandfathered under the new rules. If FREs issue non-compliant subordinated debt which includes the right of redemption due to a regulatory change that affects its inclusion in regulatory capital, the potential risk of early redemption must be clearly disclosed to investors. If FREs issue compliant subordinated debt after December 17, 2009, they should expect that these instruments will be eligible for grandfathering upon OSFI’s implementation of the new rules.

For greater certainty, FREs are encouraged to seek a quality of capital confirmation from OSFI prior to issuance of capital instruments during the interim period.

The December 17, 2009, date is based on the BIS Consultative Document which has been discussed on PrefBlog.

Comments on the Draft Advisory are due May 21.

I have not yet received a response to my follow-up question regarding OSFI’s apparent selective disclosure of this – or, perhaps, merely equivalent – guidance.

Bank Capital Surcharge Proposals Gaining Ground

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Bank capital surcharges have long been advocated by PrefBlog; with the idea, for instance, that Risk-Weighted Assets in excess of – say – $250-billion should attract a progressively higher surcharge. There are other proposals around, naturally, many of them dependent upon a regulatory evaluation of linkages between banks on the grounds that RWA is not an ideal proxy for systemic importance.

One way or another, the idea seems to be achieving at least some degree of consensus. Professor Axel A Weber, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, delivered a speech at the International Capital Markets and Emerging Markets Roundtable, Institute of International Finance (IIF), Washington DC, 25 April 2010:

Other major elements of reform centre on the problem of systemically important financial institutions. Here, the reform of the Basel framework is part of the solution, too, as it will help to improve the capacity of such institutions to absorb losses. However, what is required is a more comprehensive approach which specifically ensures that accountability is brought back into the game. Necessary proposals that go beyond the reformed capital and liquidity framework include capital surcharges for systemically important institutions, better resolution regimes and a strengthening of the financial infrastructure. Commissioned by the G20, the FSB is already working towards that goal. Nevertheless, some thorny issues are still waiting to be resolved, such as the calibration of measures to assess systemic relevance.

This builds on a paper by Hervé Hannoun Deputy General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, TOWARDS A GLOBAL FINANCIAL STABILITY FRAMEWORK:

Asian central banks have taken the lead in implementing various macroprudential tools before and following the experience of the 1997 crisis, as can be seen in Table 6. Their knowledge of these tools is particularly rich compared with that of other regions, and their experience provides interesting lessons for other countries.

For example, Asian countries are using countercyclical provisioning, loan-to-value ratios and direct controls on lending to specific sectors to manage procyclicality in their financial systems. They are also addressing aggregate risk in the financial system through capital surcharges and liquidity requirements.

These comments are somewhat more approving than those quoted in the post BIS Schedule for Regulatory Reform

OSFI's Dickson Highlights Insurance Holding Company Regulation

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

In a speech delivered to the Canadian Reinsurance Conference, Julie Dickson, head of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, remarked on insurance holding company regulation:

Another example of how life insurance and life reinsurance regulation is changing is evidenced by recent announcements by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA). APRA has made it clear that non-operating holding companies of life insurers should be subject to a similar regime to that which applies to life insurers themselves, and to banks and Property and Casualty (P&C) insurers. This means that the holding company is subject to some of the same regulatory requirements as the underlying risk-taking institution or institutions.

This is a significant change, as this approach is not the norm in many countries.

We think OSFI’s risk based capital rules are ahead of many existing systems in Europe but Solvency 2 is staking out new ground and we are watching it, as well as what other regulators are doing, like Australia.

… which is somewhat less emphatic than her statement on the issue last November.

She also mentioned accounting standards:

Finally, major accounting changes are also in the works. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Phase II is not yet finalized but there is already considerable discussion of the potential impacts. One theme I see developing internationally seems to argue that if we can’t all agree on accounting changes, then there should be two sets of books – one that pleases the accounting standard setters and one that pleases everyone else (regulators and companies, assuming they can agree).

Historically there have been instances of having two sets of books – a statutory set and a GAAP set. This is a backwards step in OSFI’s view. A key aspect of the Canadian system is that all financial institutions report based on GAAP, and OSFI uses those same reports. Without such a system, how does management know what they are managing to? Why should regulators use different statements than shareholders and policyholders, when our interests ultimately converge? Will there be less transparency rather than more if two sets of statements are produced and used?

The debate over which set of books get used is something of a red herring – I don’t care which set is used for the media to report headline number, as long as there are adequate disclosures in the notes. All the good stuff’s in the notes anyway – to the occasional chagrin of pseudo-quants who pick all their numbers off Compustat!

There are also hints of a new regulatory regime for reinsurance:

The aim of the proposed regulatory changes is to better align the risk charges in capital between the P&C sector and the Life sector. Currently, the Life sector has a minimum capital charge based on gross requirements to account for the fact that a company could cede all its business and end up with no capital to cover its operational risk, whereas the P&C sector has a charge for counterparty credit risk. As transactions taking place between ceding and assuming companies are similar in nature (although the risks are different) OSFI is proposing to have similar risk charges for the two industries.

As a result, the P&C sector can expect to bear a minimum capital charge on the MCT, whereas the Life sector can expect to see the introduction of counterparty risk charge in the MCCSR. The scope and scale of the charges will be discussed with industry over the course of the year.

There are also changes coming with reinsurance credits:

As a result of the global financial crisis, one of the key lessons learned for regulators was that the amount and quality of collateral are very important to reflect the risk in financial transactions. As OSFI is an integrated regulator, this is our perspective and we will apply the same thought process to insurance.

From OSFI’s point of view, we can understand how lifting collateral requirements would be a benefit to certain global reinsurers, but we believe that regulators and supervisors would need to be assured that the security offered by a strong financial institution at the time of signing of the treaty would still be there to meet the obligations of the policyholders many years in the future. Consequently, we are still of the strong opinion that collateral must be posted by non-registered reinsurers to secure the benefits of the Canadian ceding company and its Canadian policyholders.

It should be noted that, to the extent that insurers do not meet OSFI’s minimum expectations on sound reinsurance practices and procedures, capital credit for reinsurance arrangements may not be granted.

And at the same time, reinsurance of longevity risk got a boost:

We understand that insurers have assumed both mortality risk and longevity risk to meet the needs of their clients, however, until recently reinsurers have chosen not to reinsure longevity risk in a material way.

We understand that reinsurers have argued that there is not enough tangible evidence of the predictability of longevity risk to mirror the experience which the reinsurers have had with mortality risk. Up to now, that has been the prevailing view of reinsurers, especially in North America. However, as a regulator, we are watching with interest the developments in Europe with respect to the reinsurance of longevity risk. In its simplest form, we can see how longevity risk serves as a natural, if imperfect, hedge to mortality risk.

We can see that there is clearly a need for longevity reinsurance, especially when that longevity risk is sourced from private pension plans.

That’s good news for JPMorgan – they’ve been flogging LifeMetrics for years.

She mentioned adverse selection as an element in the pricing of annuities:

OSFI is weighing the merits of these potential longevity transactions, but this growth opportunity for reinsurers comes with significant risk management challenges:

  • Annuities are particularly prone to the risk of mis-pricing and uncertainty regarding adverse selection (that is, annuitants living longer than their life expectancy).
  • Asset/liability mismatch is difficult considering the long term nature of this business, and these risks.

Adverse selection as it relates to annuities was discussed in the April 2010 PrefLetter, on sale now at a selected high-end website near you!