Archive for November, 2006

HIMI Preferred Indices : November, 1994

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

All indices were assigned a value of 1000.0 as of December 31, 1993.

HIMI Index Values 1994-11-30
Index Closing Value (Total Return) Issues Mean Credit Quality Median YTW Median DTW Median Daily Trading Mean Current Yield
Ratchet 1,092.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
FixedFloater 1,092.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Floater 1,030.6 4 1.45 5.63% 14.4 109M 6.75%
OpRet 972.8 20 1.34 7.24% 5.3 68M 7.34%
SplitShare 972.8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest-Bearing 972.8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Perpetual-Premium 1,023.1 5 1.19 7.03% 4.0 64M 8.29%
Perpetual-Discount 1,011.2 1 1.00 7.41% 12.1 43M 7.34%

Index Constitution, 1994-11-30, Pre-Rebalancing

Index Constitution, 1994-11-30, Post-Rebalancing


Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

We’ve looked at BMO.PR.G (YTW at the 11/7 closing bid of $25.48 is -9.24%) and at RY.PR.K (YTW at the 11/7 closing bid of $25.52 is -10.64%), but there is another member of the OperatingRetractible Index that has a negative Yield-to-Worst.

The option schedule for BMO.PR.I is:

  • Redemption      2005-11-25      2006-11-24  25.500000
  • Redemption      2006-11-25      2007-11-24  25.250000
  • Redemption      2007-11-25   INFINITE DATE  25.000000
  • Retraction      2008-11-25   INFINITE DATE  26.040000

which, at the 11/7 closing bid of $25.51, gives rise to the optionCalculationList:

  • Call  2006-12-07 YTM: 1.08 % [Restricted: 0.09 %] (Prob: 16.76 %)
  • Call  2006-12-25 YTM: -4.99 % [Restricted: -0.66 %] (Prob: 11.55 %)
  • Call  2007-12-25 YTM: 2.69 % [Restricted: 2.69 %] (Prob: 0.44 %)
  • Soft Maturity  2008-11-24 YTM: 3.60 % [Restricted: 3.60 %] (Prob: 71.25 %)

So: YTW = -4.99%. If it makes it to the softMaturity, then the yield will be considerably greater (one might even call it respectable: 3.60% in dividends net of capital loss converts to 5.04% interest-equivalent for Ontario Investors who don’t need the money anyway, which is a lot better than you can get at the bank for a two-year deposit … or in the bond market.

There are clearly at least some people who are willing to slap some money on the table and bet that it won’t be called as soon as the call price declines to $25.25!

There may be some validity to this view: BMO.PR.I pays $1.1875 p.a. as a dividend and BMO can save $0.25 by waiting an extra year before calling, giving the shares a net cash cost of $0.9375 for that year, which is simple interest of 3.71% on the $25.25 that they’d have to pony up for the shares, interest-equivalent of 5.20% using the shareholders’ conversion factor … I’m not sure what factor the bank would use.

I’d call it a tossup, really: the answer will be somewhat dependent upon BMO’s balance sheet objectives (since these are retractible, they get counted as long-term debt for capital calculation purposes … perpetuals with non-cumulative dividends get counted as equity) and their ability to refinance. Against that is the consideration that a new issue of prefs would come with issuance costs attached of perhaps 3% of face value (which is a major reason why immediate calls are not calculated to have a larger probability).

 Tossups, feh. Paying $25.51 for this issue is taking too much risk for not enough return, according to me. HIMIPref™ won’t recommend it, firstly because the eligibleForPurchase function doesn’t like the short-term nature of the instrument and secondly because the totalRewardAsk is so low, which is largely due to the negative YTW.

Attached to this post for your delectation and amusement are graphs of this issue’s Yield-to-Worst and flatBidPrice for the past year.

BMO.PR.I has had a total return of 2.97% since 2005-11-30, based on the following data reported by the performanceBox:

Account Name Bank of Montreal Cl ‘B’ Pr Series 6
Account Number XXA40004
Period From 2005-11-30
Period To 2006-11-07
Pre-tax Calculation Pre-Tax (approximate)
Trade Date Valuations YES
Tax Schedule ID -1
Total Return for Period 2.97%
Date Cash Flow Bid Price
2005-11-30 0.00 25.95
2005-12-30 0.00 25.75
2006-01-31 0.00 25.85
2006-02-01 -0.30 25.64
2006-02-28 0.00 25.71
2006-03-31 0.00 25.75
2006-04-28 0.00 25.60
2006-05-03 -0.30 25.34
2006-05-31 0.00 25.42
2006-06-30 0.00 25.47
2006-07-31 0.00 25.75
2006-08-02 -0.30 25.40
2006-08-31 0.00 25.41
2006-09-29 0.00 25.48
2006-10-31 0.00 25.69
2006-11-01 -0.30 25.40
2006-11-07 0.00 25.51


which just goes to show that you usually shouldn’t put money into issues with lousy YTWs, because you usually get burned!

November 7, 2006

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.13% 4.08% 35,841 10.61 2 +0.2625% 1,017.2
Fixed-Floater 4.81% 3.85% 133,535 12.98 7 +0.2093% 1,028.2
Floater 4.50% -20.77% 68,450 6.52 5 +0.1108% 1,029.3
Op. Retract 4.66% 0.82% 82,708 2.28 18 0.2364% 1,026.5
Split-Share 5.02% 3.58% 178,784 3.58 9 0.1570% 1,025.7
Interest Bearing 6.93% 5.46% 61,395 1.92 7 +0.0339% 1,016.6
Perpetual-Premium 5.07% 3.99% 245,507 3.99 49 +0.0874% 1,042.5
Perpetual-Discount 4.59% 4.63% 589,465 16.14 7 -0.1038% 1,033.9
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
BSD.PR.A InterestBearing -1.9076% Dived to $9.77-99, but only an odd-lot of 35 shares traded at the bid – the official day’s low was $9.89. I commented on this issue on November 3: it’s not such a bad issue that it should be trading to yield 6.58% at the bid! I suspect that a lot of this volatility is caused by holders of matched units selling everything so that, essentially, a speculator has to be found to buy the capital units and a preferred security investor has to be found for the prefs … but I have nothing to back up this speculation except logic, and we all know how dangerous that is!
STW.PR.A InterestBearing +1.1000% Continues to bounce, as it has for the last three days … see above. This time it did it on volume of 48,552 shares, closing at $10.11-23, 1×30.
FCN.PR.A InterestBearing +1.1000% This one was discussed on November 1, so I’ll try not to repeat myself. Closed at $10.11-35, 10×10, on volume of 20,720 shares. I suspect it’s a little expensive there, due to the structure of FCN. On the positive side, there is an asset coverage test of 1.4:1 … less than that and the capital units don’t get any distributions. On the negative side, the Capital Unit holders can retract every March and the prefs are then callable at par (if they would then comprise more than 40% of Total Assets – the manager has no obligation to maintain a matched number of shares. The NAV (applicable to Capital Units) on November 6 was $20.59 according to the manager and FCN.UN closed at $18.92-19 today, according to the TSX. I suspect that buying a basket of trusts, on a leveraged basis, at an 8%+ discount, cashable in 5-months, will strike some as being an attractive speculation … and there fore that there will be a LOT of redemptions next March!
GWO.PR.E OpRet +1.3031% Nice to get away from all these Income-Trust-Split-Corps! Some small-time late buying by Scotia and HSBC (totalling 1505 shares!) took the price upupUP and it closed at $27.21-29, 5×4. Rather expensive there, if you ask me, with a Pre-Tax YTW of 2.04% based on a call 2009-4-30.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
WN.PR.D PerpetualPremium 43,750 Scotia crossed 40,000 at $26.30, which was the closing bid. Pre-tax YTW of 4.52% based on a call 2014-10-31. Not a lot when bank perpetuals are being issued to yield 4.70%.
WN.PR.C PerpetualPremium 31,400 Scotia crossed 30,400 @26.30. YTW 4.51% based on a call 2014-7-31. Yeah, these look kind of expensive too.
NA.PR.L PerpetualPremium 25,640 Closed at $25.73-77, 24×3. The pre-tax bid-YTW here is 4.41%, based on a 2014-6-14 call. These are Pfd-1(low)s, compared to Weston’s Pfd-2(low).
RY.PR.C PerpetualPremium 25,600 Not a lot of action, really, seeing as how the issue’s not even a week old.
WFS.PR.A SplitShare 59,000 Nice to see a split share make the volume table on merit, even after accounting for the lower price! This is a perennially attractive issue, now yielding 3.91% to its maturity 2011-6-30.

There were twelve other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

November 6, 2006

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Still behind, but moving fast! Index values will be updated in the extremely near future!

Index values updated 2006-11-07

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.14% 4.07% 37,124 10.57 2 +0.1007% 1,014.6
Fixed-Floater 4.82% 3.89% 135,608 10.71 7 +0.1258% 1,026.0
Floater 4.51% -20.51% 69,748 6.51 5 +0.0961% 1,028.2
Op. Retract 4.68% 1.22% 82,395 2.28 18 0.0848% 1,024.1
Split-Share 5.02% 3.64% 179,979 3.35 9 0.1733% 1,024.1
Interest Bearing 6.93% 5.54% 58,957 2.41 7 -0.0916% 1,016.3
Perpetual-Premium 5.08% 3.94% 247,776 3.94 49 +0.0081% 1,041.6
Perpetual-Discount 4.59% 4.62% 596,718 16.15 7 -0.1036% 1,035.0
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
STW.PR.A InterestBearing -1.5748% Still bouncing around, as it has for the last two days.
ACO.PR.A PerpetualPremium +1.2545% This went ex-dividend today, but nobody noticed! At the bid of $27.84, it has a YTW of 1.98% based on a call 2008-12-31 … yield will have been 3.24% if it survives until 2011-11-30.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
RY.PR.C PerpetualPremium 210,425 Recent New Issue
HSB.PR.D PerpetualPremium 60,200 Scotia crossed 60,000 @ 26.65. The Pre-Tax YTW is 4.14% based on a call 2015-1-30.
PWF.PR.L PerpetualPremium 59,635 Scotia crossed 50,000 @ 26.59. The Pre-Tax YTW is 4.32% based on a call 2015-11-30 … which makes you wonder who bought the HSB.PR.D!
CM.PR.B PerpetualPremium 57,630 Perhaps this is people cashing out of the called issue to buy the new one?
RY.PR.B PerpetualPremium 33,115 YTW of 4.42% based on a call 2015-9-23. OK, so maybe buyers of HSB.PR.D are full up of PWF.PR.L and buy another name. But why are buyers going after the RY.PR.B when the RY.PR.C yields 13bp more? Can a slightly lower chance of a call (and calls are good, remember!) really be worth that much?

There were eight other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.


Monday, November 6th, 2006

Those who have read  Dividends & Ex-Dates will enjoy this press release!

November 1, 2006

Monday, November 6th, 2006
Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.14% 4.06% 41,662 10.58 2 -0.6366% 1,012.7
Fixed-Floater 4.83% 3.98% 140,659 12.97 7 -0.3718% 1,023.3
Floater 4.52% -15.65% 73,056 6.50 5 -0.1186% 1,021.7
Op. Retract 4.68% 1.75% 86,760 2.30 17 0.1302% 1,022.7
Split-Share 5.03% 3.65% 186,268 3.36 9 0.0467% 1,022.9
Interest Bearing 6.89% 4.30% 57,813 2.43 7 -0.1999% 1,022.2
Perpetual-Premium 5.08% 4.04% 252,736 4.27 49 0.0001% 1,039.5
Perpetual-Discount 4.59% 5.62% 610,937 16.17 7 0.2497% 1,035.2
Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
FCN.PR.A InterestBearing -1.8719% Income Trusts ultimately back up this one, on a miserable day for income trusts! On June 30, 2006, the fund had $152-million in assets to cover $68-million in prefs. Applying an the prospectus, distributions cannot be made to the Capital Unit holders unless coverage exceeds 1.4:1, so it seems reasonable still. But panic panic panic on the TSX!
ENB.PR.A PerpetualPremium -1.8655%  
BCE.PR.S RatchetRate -1.2490% Closed at $24.51-86. Looks like the market feels the offer at $25.60 won’t be happening!
BC.PR.C FixedFloater -1.1978% Closed at $25.57-77. Looks like the market feels the offer at $26.25 won’t be happening!
MST.PR.A InterestBearing +1.0476% With a name like “Multi-Select Trust” it went up? It gets it come-uppance tomorrow!
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
RY.PR.C PerpetualPremium 239,875 New Issue
SLF.PR.D PerpetualDiscount 86,890 Clearance Sale continues!
BSD.PR.A InterestBearing 85,791 Backed by Income Trusts!
WN.PR.E PerpetualDiscount 70,532  
GWO.PR.X OpRet 52,453  

There were ten other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

New Issue : CIBC 4.7% Perp

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Well, it didn’t take long for CIBC to replace the capital lost via the redemption of CM.PR.B! They announced a new issue (with a headline announcing a redemption!) that will close on November 15.

 Terms of the issue (Class A Series 31) are:

Dividend: Non-cumulative, 4.7% on $25.00 p.v. is $1.1750


  • $26.00, 2012-1-31 – 2013-1-30
  • $25.75, 2013-1-31 – 2014-1-30
  • $25.50, 2014-1-31 – 2015-1-30
  • $25.25, 2015-1-31 – 2016-1-30
  • $25.00, 2016-1-31 +

DBRS: Pfd-1 (low)

S&P: P-1 (low)

There will be 16-million shares outstanding; underwriters have a greenshoe option for an additional 2-million shares. It’s a bought deal.

The terms of this issue make it a reasonably close match to CM.PR.H, issued 2005-3-10, paying $1.20, call schedule commencing 2001-3-30, closing 2006-11-3 at $25.80-89

  CM.PR.H New Issue
Base Rate 24.02 23.83
Price due to short-term 0.09 0.10
Price due to long-term 0.52 0.48
Price due to error 0.02 0.01
Price due to Credit Spread (Low) -0.54 -0.49
Intrinsic 24.11 23.93
Price due to Liquidity 1.58 1.58?
Total $25.69 $25.51?

Basically, the thing looks pretty good … priced to move! I’ll also note that it yields 10bp more (at issue) than the recently issued RY.PR.C, in terms of PRE-TAX DIVIDENDS, which is about right considering that the credit spread for “Low” is 11bp AFTER TAX.

This issue has been entered into HIMIPref™ with the temporary security code P50007.

November 3, 2006

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

When it rains, it pours! I have again been unable to get to the index rebalancing, but will do the daily return and volume charts. Monday! I’ll update the indices Monday! (unless the roof falls in)

Update 2006-11-7

Note that these indices are experimental; the absolute and relative daily values are expected to change in the final version
Index Mean Current Yield (at bid) Mean YTW Mean Average Trading Value Mean Mod Dur (YTW) Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 4.14% 4.07% 38,445 10.58 2 +0.3444% 1,013.6
Fixed-Floater 4.83% 3.98% 139,618 9.01 7 +0.0295% 1024.7
Floater 4.51% -19.22% 70,655 6.53 5 +0.2632% 1,027.2
Op. Retract 4.67% 1.19% 83,496 2.29 18 -0.0444% 1,023.2
Split-Share 5.03% 3.71% 182,023 3.36 9 0.1228% 1,022.4
Interest Bearing 6.93% 5.41% 58,898 2.42 7 0.0786% 1,017.2
Perpetual-Premium 5.07% 3.92% 247,576 3.92 49 +0.0681% 1,041.5
Perpetual-Discount 4.58% 4.62% 603,240 16.17 7 -0.0342% 1,036.1

End of 2006-11-7 Update

Major Price Changes
Issue Index Change Notes
BSD.PR.A InterestBearing -1.0989% Yet another apparent victim of “I-don’t-want-anything-to-do-with-income-trusts!” syndrome, as this one is also ultimately dependent upon a portfolio of Canada’s favourite investment. According to their June 30, 2006 financial statement, they had assets of $154-million to cover preferred securities of $68-million (rounded figures). Applying yesterday’s approximation of a 15.4% loss since then, we are left with $130-million in assets, for a coverage ratio of 1.9:1. This is not as good as the two other Income Trust based prefs examined earlier, but is still a long way away from panic time. This issue will not pay distributions to the capital unit holders if the coverage is less than 1.4:1. YTW at the bid of 9.90 is 6.33% based on a maturity 2015-3-31.
STW.PR.A InterestBearing +1.6000% Bouncing back from yesterday! Pre-tax YTW is 5.60% based on a bid price of $10.16 and a maturity 2009-12-31.
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Volume Notes
WN.PR.E PerpetualDiscount 63,053 Closed at $24.95-00, making a determined effort to get into “PerpetualPremium” territory! The bid-side YTW is 4.87%, based on a call at $25.00, 2015-7-31.
PIC.PR.A SplitShare 58,842 RBC sold 10,000 to Scotia @ 16.02, then crossed 38,989 @ $16.03 for delayed delivery. Pre-tax YTW is 3.92% based on a maturity 2010-11-1.
BC.PR.C FixedFloater 53,188 Scotia crossed 50,000 @ $25.60 in the final minutes of trading.
SLF.PR.D PerpetualDiscount 43,250 The clearance sale mentality returned a little today, as the issue slipped a bit, to close at $24.06-09. The extremely comparable SLF.PR.C were quoted at $24.45-50.
CM.PR.H PerpetualPremium 41,475 A good day for this issue, which gained 35bp on the day (bid/bid). YTW at the closing bid of $25.80 was 4.34%, based on a call 2014-4-29 @ $25.00. I’d be tempted to call this a result of money switching out of the CM.PR.B, which were called for redemption today … but the volume on the Bs was only 16,463 and the redemption has been anticipated for quite a while.

There were ten other index-included issues trading over 10,000 shares today.

CM.PR.B to be Redeemed!

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

CIBC has announced that CM.PR.B (Non-cumulative Class A
Preferred Shares Series 24) will be redeemed at $26.00 on January 31, 2007. [Note: the link is to a cgi script. If not accessible, try here.]

 Not a surprise, really … perpetuals paying $1.50 are an endangered species, but the idea that they might have saved $0.25 p.a. on the redemption price (due to a declining call price) added a little piquancy to the speculation.

 What will be interesting is the resolution of the question: will they replace them with a new issue?

Update, 2007-5-10: For some odd reason this post has become the target of spambots. I am therefore disabling comments on this post.

HIMIPref™ Release : 2006-11-02

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

There’s a new release of HIMIPref™ available for download at usual place.

If you choose to install this upgrade, please, PLEASE remember to back-up your user data prior to re-installation!
This release continues the recent tradition of being more for my convenience than for users’! Several changes have been made to the Administrative Users’ Computation of Indices, but very little has changed for Institutional users.

There is no absolute necessity for Institutional users to install the new version – any old version that worked yesterday will continue to work today. There is the consideration that, in the unlikely event that (i) You find a bug, and (ii) the effect of this bug is different in the two versions, it will be much easier track down the error if we’re all singing from the same hymnbook.

I can remember two minor fixes! Clicking on a data point in a graph of the “Core Yield Curve” now has a much more explicable error message; and calculation of after-tax performance for individual issues has been fixed up.

I found two more minor bugs (features!) when testing the system:

  • When you do a price-variance analysis graph for a very wide (say, 40%) band of prices, the system insists that the point with “x = -0.0000” is outside the graphed area. Don’t click on the error box! Just hit return, or the cursor will cause the system to attempt to redraw the graph and HIMIPref™ will appear frozen, although it isn’t.
  • Error #3706 is produced when right-clicking on Average Trading Volume on the report summary and selecting “Liquidity Calculation”. The report box gets produced, but with one line of missing information and it’s annoying.

I’ll look at these bugs tomorrow. It’s not worth putting out a new release just for them, but fixes will be part of the next release.