HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices : February 2008

HIMI Index Values 2008-2-29
These values reflect the December 2008 Revision
Index Closing Value (Total Return) Issues Mean Credit Quality Median YTW Median DTW Median Daily Trading Mean Current Yield
Ratchet 1,458.8 2 2.00 5.38% 14.9 37M 5.45%
FixedFloater 1,988.8 8 2.00 5.52% 14.8 66M 4.93%
Floater 1,939.7 2 2.00 5.26% 15.0 69M 5.23%
OpRet 2,102.3 15 1.27 3.66% 1.3 57M 4.81%
SplitShare 2,115.2 16 2.00 4.95% 4.2 67M 5.22%
Interest-Bearing 2,615.8 3 2.00 6.45% 5.5 52M 6.14%
Perpetual-Premium 1,808.5 17 1.41 5.38% 3.8 80M 5.70%
Perpetual-Discount 1,746.5 51 1.21 5.32% 14.9 265M 5.36%

For Index Revisions during February 2008, see the post HIMIPref™ Index Rebalancing: February 2008.

Index Composition 2008-2-29, Post-Rebalancing

4 Responses to “HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices : February 2008”

  1. grasshopper says:

    I am a neophyte preferred investor and I read prefblog religiously. I marvel at the assiduousness of the blog and understand that it is an absolute requirement for a preferred investor.

    My experience to date with a couple of brokers has been quite disappointing. It would appear that I, as a neophyte, knowing much less than most of the prefblog participants, know much more than the brokers I have encountered.

    While I understand that it is a specialty, I am most frustrated with the lack of knowledge.

    I know there must be brokers out there that are knowledgeable in preferred.

    I just don’t know how to find one.

    Do you or any assiduous readers have any suggestions?

  2. jiHymas says:

    Where are you located?

  3. grasshopper says:


  4. jiHymas says:

    In all honesty, my recommendation is that … you buy my product!

    PrefLetter was designed with YOU in mind! It is my contention that given the two alternatives:

    • A full service broker, or
    • A subscription to PrefLetter & an account at a discount brokerage

    you will find the latter better and cheaper. If you are a once-in-a-blue-moon investor, then you don’t need a full year, since the newsletter is available for single-issue purchase.

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