Fund Suggestions for MAPF Comparisons, Please.

As most of you will know, I report performance for a variety of MAPF competitors every month in the fund’s performance reports. The August version contains the note:

Figures for BMO Preferred Share Fund (advisor series) are not available as the fund has been terminated. This is as per an announcement by the bank on 2024-5-28. The last performance report for this awful fund was as of July 31, 2024.

So I have space for a new fund to report every month. Help me out in the comments! Suggested funds should be:

  • Canadian preferred shares only
  • Reasonably big
  • Reasonably good performers – give me something that’s worth beating!
  • Preferably, at least a five-year track record
  • Publicly reported performance data in the usual format

2 Responses to “Fund Suggestions for MAPF Comparisons, Please.”

  1. stusclues says:

    RBC Canadian Preferred Share ETF – RPF

    This chart of this fund looks a lot like the inverse of your monthly chart showing the spread between GOC-5 and the interest-adjusted FixedReset (Discount) rate. That’s because RPF holds only FR preferred shares. The performance of this fund is one of my leading indicators for what your monthly chart will reveal.

  2. jiHymas says:

    RBC Canadian Preferred Share ETF – RPF

    I’m already reporting it!

    They didn’t publish their July figures until after my cut-off time, but performance ending June 30 was reported in a more timely fashion.

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