PrefLetter Payment Processing Problems

April 20th, 2013

I’ve received a few eMails from irate would-be subscribers who inform me they are unable to pay for a subscription.

I have been advised that my credit card processor tweaked its servers two days ago so that it will no longer accept “GET” commands, but insists on “POST”. It looks like my subscription software has been substandard for the past six years.

I am working on resolving the problem. I will post a notice here once I’ve fixed and tested the software. Until then, the “eMail Verification Page” has been turned into a dead end.

April 18, 2013

April 19th, 2013

So how much of what we think we know is actually a silly error?

In the world of economic luminaries, it doesn’t get much bigger than Reinhart and Rogoff, whose work has had enormous influence in one of the biggest economic policy debates of the age.

Reinhart and Rogoff have admitted to a “coding error” in the spreadsheet that meant some countries were omitted from their calculations. But the economists denied they selectively omitted data or that they used a questionable methodology.

“It is sobering that such an error slipped into one of our papers despite our best efforts to be consistently careful,” they said in a joint statement. “We do not, however, believe this regrettable slip affects in any significant way the central message of the paper or that in our subsequent work.”

Certainly, false advertising should not be condoned. But banning somebody from the industry for life seems a little extreme:

According to the SEC’s order instituting settled administrative proceedings against Tandon, he represented to CalPERS in May 2008 that Simran met explicit AUM requirements and managed at least $200 million as of Dec. 31, 2007. In fact, Simran managed approximately $80 million at that time. Evidence indicates that Tandon was aware that Simran did not meet the CalPERS requirements for AUM.

According to the SEC’s order, Tandon violated Sections 206(1), 206(2), and 207 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Tandon neither admitted nor denied the findings, and agreed to be barred from the securities industry and pay disgorgement of $20,018, prejudgment interest of $1,680, and a penalty of $100,000.

Well, at least another SEC lawyer got another notch in his belt.

DGS.PR.A was confirmed by DBRS at Pfd-3:

The net asset value (NAV) of the Company dropped shortly after the last rating confirmation in May 2012, but has been increasing since June. As of April 11, 2013, the downside protection available to the Preferred Shares is approximately 42.5% and the dividend coverage ratio is approximately 1.0 times. The Pfd-3 rating of the Preferred Shares is based primarily on the downside protection available and the additional protection provided by an asset coverage test, which does not permit any distributions to holders of the Class A Shares if the NAV of the Company falls below $15.

It was a modestly down day for the Canadian preferred share market, with PerpetualPremiums down 7bp, FixedResets off 3bp and DeemedRetractibles losing 8bp. Volatility was modest. Volume was high.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.2306 % 2,581.1
FixedFloater 4.00 % 3.23 % 32,972 18.70 1 1.3220 % 4,109.2
Floater 2.70 % 2.88 % 87,766 20.05 4 -0.2306 % 2,786.9
OpRet 4.80 % 0.19 % 59,115 0.17 5 -0.2005 % 2,609.4
SplitShare 4.80 % 4.02 % 129,771 4.13 5 0.1414 % 2,964.4
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.2005 % 2,386.1
Perpetual-Premium 5.18 % 3.03 % 82,415 0.86 32 -0.0671 % 2,379.8
Perpetual-Discount 4.83 % 4.82 % 174,423 15.75 4 0.0101 % 2,691.6
FixedReset 4.93 % 2.86 % 241,862 3.58 80 -0.0271 % 2,502.9
Deemed-Retractible 4.87 % 3.54 % 128,204 0.59 44 -0.0785 % 2,451.2
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.K Floater -2.76 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 17.64
Evaluated at bid price : 17.64
Bid-YTW : 2.99 %
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.75
Evaluated at bid price : 26.41
Bid-YTW : -10.82 %
BAM.PR.G FixedFloater 1.32 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 22.86
Evaluated at bid price : 23.76
Bid-YTW : 3.23 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 2.68 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 18.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.00
Bid-YTW : 2.93 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
ENB.PR.F FixedReset 187,140 Desjardins crossed blocks of 25,000 shares, 100,000 and 30,000, all at 25.95.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.85
Bid-YTW : 3.40 %
CU.PR.F Perpetual-Premium 152,601 Scotia crossed blocks of 24,800 and 50,000, both at 25.54. Desjardins crossed 30,000 at the same price; National crossed 28,000 at the same price again.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.53
Bid-YTW : 4.29 %
FTS.PR.C OpRet 109,100 RBC crossed 35,000 at 25.45. National crossed two blocks of 35,000 each, both at 25.45.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.34
Bid-YTW : 0.10 %
PWF.PR.S Perpetual-Premium 74,772 Scotia crossed blocks of 52,800 and 15,000, both at 25.45.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-04-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.40
Bid-YTW : 4.59 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset 41,660 Desjardins sold 13,300 to anonymous at 26.71. Nesbitt bought 14,700 from National at 26.74.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-09-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.69
Bid-YTW : 3.20 %
RY.PR.G Deemed-Retractible 41,100 Scotia crossed 40,000 at 25.84.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-05-24
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.84
Bid-YTW : 3.59 %
There were 48 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
BAM.PR.K Floater Quote: 17.64 – 18.16
Spot Rate : 0.5200
Average : 0.3334

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 17.64
Evaluated at bid price : 17.64
Bid-YTW : 2.99 %

TCA.PR.Y Perpetual-Premium Quote: 51.00 – 51.50
Spot Rate : 0.5000
Average : 0.3222

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-03-05
Maturity Price : 50.00
Evaluated at bid price : 51.00
Bid-YTW : 3.03 %

BAM.PR.G FixedFloater Quote: 23.76 – 24.40
Spot Rate : 0.6400
Average : 0.4743

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 22.86
Evaluated at bid price : 23.76
Bid-YTW : 3.23 %

PWF.PR.M FixedReset Quote: 25.80 – 26.15
Spot Rate : 0.3500
Average : 0.2201

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.80
Bid-YTW : 1.64 %

TRI.PR.B Floater Quote: 23.90 – 24.55
Spot Rate : 0.6500
Average : 0.5319

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-18
Maturity Price : 23.63
Evaluated at bid price : 23.90
Bid-YTW : 2.18 %

MFC.PR.C Deemed-Retractible Quote: 24.58 – 24.90
Spot Rate : 0.3200
Average : 0.2111

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2025-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.58
Bid-YTW : 4.75 %

April 17, 2013

April 17th, 2013

The Bank of Canada conveyed no surprises in its rate announcement:

On a quarterly basis, growth in Canada is expected to pick up to about 2.5 per cent in the second half of this year. Despite this expected pickup, with the weak growth in the second half of 2012, annual average growth is now projected to be 1.5 per cent in 2013. The economy is then projected to grow by 2.8 per cent in 2014 and 2.7 per cent in 2015, reaching full capacity in mid-2015 – later than anticipated in the January MPR.

Total CPI and core inflation have remained low in recent months, broadly in line with expectations in the January MPR. Muted core inflation reflects material excess supply in the economy, heightened competitive pressures in the retail sector, and some special factors such as slower increases in regulated prices and the pass-through of previous declines in agricultural prices to consumer prices. Total CPI inflation has been restrained by low core inflation and declining mortgage interest costs, with some offset from higher gasoline prices.

Both total and core inflation are expected to remain subdued in coming quarters before gradually rising to 2 per cent by mid-2015 as the economy returns to full capacity, the special factors that are weighing on core inflation subside, and inflation expectations remain well-anchored.

The Canadian preferred share market got hit today, with PerpetualPremiums off 8bp, FixedResets down 18bp and DeemedRetractibles losing 21bp. Volatility was minimal. Volume was very high.

PerpetualDiscounts now yield 4.82%, equivalent to 6.27% interest at the standard equivalency factor of 1.3x. Long Corporates now yield a little under 4.1%, so the pre-tax interest-equivalent spread (in this context, the “Seniority Spread”) is now about 220bp, a significant widening from the 210bp reported April 3.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.7248 % 2,587.1
FixedFloater 4.05 % 3.36 % 32,538 18.67 1 0.0000 % 4,055.6
Floater 2.69 % 2.88 % 88,706 20.06 4 -0.7248 % 2,793.4
OpRet 4.79 % 0.42 % 54,742 0.17 5 0.0154 % 2,614.7
SplitShare 4.80 % 4.02 % 130,600 4.13 5 0.1027 % 2,960.2
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.0154 % 2,390.9
Perpetual-Premium 5.18 % 3.10 % 82,131 0.86 32 -0.0822 % 2,381.4
Perpetual-Discount 4.83 % 4.82 % 175,942 15.76 4 -0.0607 % 2,691.3
FixedReset 4.93 % 2.78 % 238,676 3.78 80 -0.1783 % 2,503.6
Deemed-Retractible 4.87 % 3.55 % 125,778 0.59 44 -0.2120 % 2,453.1
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.C Floater -2.88 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-17
Maturity Price : 17.53
Evaluated at bid price : 17.53
Bid-YTW : 3.01 %
MFC.PR.J FixedReset -1.10 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-03-19
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.15
Bid-YTW : 3.07 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
PWF.PR.S Perpetual-Premium 202,970 Scotia crossed 75,000 at 25.45. RBC crossed blocks of 75,000 and 40,000, both at 25.45.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-04-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.40
Bid-YTW : 4.58 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset 89,897 TD crossed 23,400 at 26.14; Scotia crossed 35,000 at 26.10.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2019-04-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.04
Bid-YTW : 3.34 %
POW.PR.B Perpetual-Premium 76,256 Scotia crossed 50,000 at 25.47; TD crossed 20,000 at the same price.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-05-17
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.45
Bid-YTW : -15.40 %
ENB.PR.F FixedReset 71,274 Desjardins crossed 49,200 at 25.95.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.88
Bid-YTW : 3.37 %
BNS.PR.R FixedReset 43,990 National crossed 30,000 at 25.32.
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.26
Bid-YTW : 3.02 %
ENB.PR.D FixedReset 32,811 Desjardins crossed 19,400 at 25.92.
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-17
Maturity Price : 23.42
Evaluated at bid price : 25.84
Bid-YTW : 3.37 %
There were 51 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
FTS.PR.J Perpetual-Premium Quote: 26.00 – 27.00
Spot Rate : 1.0000
Average : 0.6933

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-12-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.00
Bid-YTW : 4.30 %

BAM.PR.C Floater Quote: 17.53 – 18.20
Spot Rate : 0.6700
Average : 0.4249

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-17
Maturity Price : 17.53
Evaluated at bid price : 17.53
Bid-YTW : 3.01 %

MFC.PR.J FixedReset Quote: 26.15 – 26.48
Spot Rate : 0.3300
Average : 0.2289

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-03-19
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.15
Bid-YTW : 3.07 %

TRI.PR.B Floater Quote: 24.05 – 24.55
Spot Rate : 0.5000
Average : 0.4024

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-17
Maturity Price : 23.74
Evaluated at bid price : 24.05
Bid-YTW : 2.16 %

TD.PR.O Deemed-Retractible Quote: 25.73 – 26.00
Spot Rate : 0.2700
Average : 0.1749

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-05-17
Maturity Price : 25.50
Evaluated at bid price : 25.73
Bid-YTW : -8.08 %

BMO.PR.L Deemed-Retractible Quote: 26.70 – 26.95
Spot Rate : 0.2500
Average : 0.1606

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-05-25
Maturity Price : 26.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.70
Bid-YTW : -12.18 %

April 16, 2013

April 17th, 2013

Regulatory extortion is still being pondered:

SAC Capital Advisors LP’s record $602 million insider trading settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was approved by a federal judge, who conditioned his ruling on a future appeals court decision in an SEC settlement with Citigroup Inc. (C)

U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero in Manhattan approved the settlement, while saying it remains subject to a ruling by the U.S Court of Appeals in New York in the Citigroup case on whether defendants in SEC cases may be permitted to neither admit nor deny fault in such agreements. Marrero expressed concern about such a provision in the SAC settlement in a hearing on March 28. Marrero’s ruling, which was made public today, is dated yesterday.

In the Citigroup case, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan criticized the SEC’s policy of allowing defendants to resolve the agency’s allegations without admitting wrongdoing, ruling that Citigroup’s $285 million SEC settlement couldn’t go forward because the deal wasn’t in the public interest. The appeals court heard arguments in the case in February. The court hasn’t said when it will rule.

SEC Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar is one of the supporters of extra-judicial sentencing:

I must also say that I am disappointed in the Commission’s apparent lack of urgency in implementing the Dodd-Frank Act’s mandate to prevent crooks and so-called “bad actors” from utilizing Rule 506 (the “Bad Actor Rule”). It does not seem controversial for the Commission to prevent felons and other law-breakers from pitching private investment deals to investors. However, it has been almost two years since the Commission’s proposal to disqualify “bad actors” from 506 offerings, and the Commission has yet to adopt the Bad Actor Rule. I agree with U.S. House Financial Services Ranking Democrat Maxine Waters when she said:

[t]he Commission should work swiftly to impose the “bad actor” disqualification before expanding the availability of general solicitation and advertising, particularly since Congress directed the Commission to institute this disqualification provision nearly two years before the JOBS Act.

The adoption of a disqualification provision would provide much needed investor protection and would not be detrimental to legitimate issuers. The continuing delay only hurts investors.

If it is the intent of Congress to include lifetime prohibitions from certain activities as part of criminal sentencing, discretion to do so should be in the hands of the judge at trial – not of Aguilar’s beloved bureaucrats.

Talisman, proud issuer of TLM.PR.A, was confirmed at Pfd-3(high) by DBRS:

The Company’s operating cash flow for the year was affected by its exposure to weak natural gas pricing, along with a reduction in liquids production due to maintenance activities in the North Sea. This resulted in a free cash flow deficit, despite decreased capital spending (capex) of $3.7 billion in 2012 versus $4.3 billion in 2011. The Company used proceeds of asset sales (including the sale of 49% of its U.K. business to Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Co. (Sinopec); refer to Transactions on page 11) to fund the deficit, along with reducing short-term debt, which resulted in adjusted leverage lowering to 35.6% in 2012 (from 40.2% in 2011). DBRS anticipates future free-cash flow deficits to be funded with proceeds of asset sales/joint ventures.

Talisman has indicated that its key priorities are (1) to live within its means through reducing capex to levels within internally generated cash flow, (2) to focus capex on higher-value projects that can come onstream more quickly, (3) to focus on building and strengthening two core regions (the Americas and Southeast Asia) and (4) improving operational performance and reduce cost structure. DBRS notes that successful implementation of these priorities will support the rating of Talisman, however it remains to be seen if the Company will be able to realize the benefits of this shift in strategic focus. An inability to successfully implement its strategic plans could result in further pressure on its financial profile. DBRS would view adjusted leverage approaching 40% to be aggressive for the current rating category, which could result in negative rating action.

Emera, proud issuer of EMA.PR.A and EMA.PR.C, was confirmed by DBRS at Pfd-3(high):

The Company’s business risk profile is viewed as good, as Emera’s earnings and cash flow are largely generated by its relatively low-risk regulated subsidiaries (regulated subsidiaries accounted for over 90% of consolidated net income in 2012). Over the medium to long term, Emera’s regulated earnings and cash flow are expected to grow significantly once the Maritime Link is completed (pending approval from the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board).

Emera is currently on track to deleverage its non-consolidated balance sheet as reflected by (1) a $250 million preferred shares offering in June 2012 and (2) an equity offering of approximately $200 million in December 2012. The Company’s non-consolidated debt-to-capital ratio was 34.2% as of December 31, 2012, versus its peak of 41.5% in Q2 2012. Going forward, DBRS expects Emera to fund significant unforeseen costs or cash shortfalls (including potential cost overruns associated with the Maritime Link) with equity (including preferred shares and dividend re-investment proceeds) and to continue to deleverage its non-consolidated balance sheet to a level that is commensurate with the current BBB (high) rating.

It was a fine day for the Canadian preferred share market, with PerpetualPremiums winning 13bp, FixedResets up 9bp and DeemedRetractibles gaining 8bp. There was no volatility. None. Volume was quite low.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.0254 % 2,606.0
FixedFloater 4.05 % 3.36 % 32,866 18.67 1 0.0000 % 4,055.6
Floater 2.67 % 2.88 % 88,494 20.04 4 -0.0254 % 2,813.8
OpRet 4.79 % -0.04 % 53,262 0.18 5 0.1158 % 2,614.3
SplitShare 4.81 % 4.02 % 132,211 4.13 5 -0.0241 % 2,957.2
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1158 % 2,390.5
Perpetual-Premium 5.18 % 2.96 % 82,988 0.53 32 0.1307 % 2,383.4
Perpetual-Discount 4.83 % 4.83 % 178,165 15.74 4 0.1622 % 2,693.0
FixedReset 4.92 % 2.78 % 244,933 3.43 80 0.0851 % 2,508.1
Deemed-Retractible 4.86 % 3.45 % 125,779 0.69 44 0.0845 % 2,458.3
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
No individual gains or losses exceeding 1%!
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
IFC.PR.C FixedReset 122,880 Scotia crossed 50,000 at 26.00; National crossed 67,300 at the same price.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-09-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.99
Bid-YTW : 3.06 %
ENB.PR.B FixedReset 105,479 Nesbitt crossed 90,100 at 25.89.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2017-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.86
Bid-YTW : 3.25 %
ENB.PR.P FixedReset 105,435 Desjardins crossed 100,000 at 25.86.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2019-03-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.83
Bid-YTW : 3.48 %
PWF.PR.S Perpetual-Premium 84,566 Scotia crossed 75,000 at 25.45.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-04-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.36
Bid-YTW : 4.60 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset 52,112 Scotia bought blocks of 15,000 and 19,500 from Nesbitt at 25.70, then another 10,000 from TD at the same price.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-09-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.67
Bid-YTW : 3.14 %
BNS.PR.Q FixedReset 32,460 National crossed 20,000 at 24.85.
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.80
Bid-YTW : 3.02 %
There were 20 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
TRI.PR.B Floater Quote: 24.14 – 24.55
Spot Rate : 0.4100
Average : 0.2954

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-16
Maturity Price : 23.89
Evaluated at bid price : 24.14
Bid-YTW : 2.16 %

ELF.PR.H Perpetual-Premium Quote: 26.38 – 26.65
Spot Rate : 0.2700
Average : 0.1574

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-04-17
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.38
Bid-YTW : 4.69 %

FTS.PR.H FixedReset Quote: 25.36 – 25.70
Spot Rate : 0.3400
Average : 0.2365

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-16
Maturity Price : 23.68
Evaluated at bid price : 25.36
Bid-YTW : 2.60 %

ABK.PR.C SplitShare Quote: 32.11 – 32.42
Spot Rate : 0.3100
Average : 0.2502

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-03-10
Maturity Price : 31.64
Evaluated at bid price : 32.11
Bid-YTW : 2.77 %

MFC.PR.B Deemed-Retractible Quote: 24.94 – 25.15
Spot Rate : 0.2100
Average : 0.1521

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2025-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.94
Bid-YTW : 4.74 %

IAG.PR.E Deemed-Retractible Quote: 26.91 – 27.10
Spot Rate : 0.1900
Average : 0.1395

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-12-31
Maturity Price : 26.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.91
Bid-YTW : 3.82 %

BNS.PR.A Is First FloatingReset

April 16th, 2013

The Bank of Nova Scotia has announced:

that 6,302,337 of its 13,800,000 Non-cumulative 5-Year Rate Reset Preferred Shares Series 18 of Scotiabank (the “Preferred Shares Series 18”) have been elected for conversion on April 26, 2013, on a one-for-one basis, into Non-cumulative Floating Rate Preferred Shares Series 19 of Scotiabank (the “Preferred Shares Series 19”). Consequently, on April 26, 2013, Scotiabank will have 7,497,663 Preferred Shares Series 18 and 6,302,337 Preferred Shares Series 19 issued and outstanding. The Preferred Shares Series 18 and Preferred Shares Series 19 will be listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols BNS.PR.P and BNS.PR.A, respectively.

So BNS.PR.P continues as a FixedReset, paying 3.35% until the next Exchange Date 2018-4-26, while BNS.PR.A will be the first FloatingReset, paying 205bp over 3-Month Canada Treasury Bills.

April 15, 2013

April 15th, 2013

S&P is nonchalant regarding recent banking regulatory announcements:

In the past month, there have been two significant announcements relating to domestic regulation of Canadian banks.

  • •On March 21, the federal government’s budget announced its plan to introduce a “bail-in” policy framework that would provide a mechanism to recapitalize a nonviable bank through conversion of certain bank liabilities into capital instruments.
  • •On March 26, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions issued an advisory that imposed a 1% capital surcharge for banks it has designated as domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs). These banks include Bank of Montreal, The Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, and Toronto-Dominion Bank. This advisory follows the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) publication of “A Framework For Dealing With Domestic Systemically Important Banks” in October 2012 and its recommendation that national banks identified as D-SIBs by their national authorities comply with the principles in line with the phase-in arrangements for the globally systemically important bank (G-SIB) framework, starting in January 2016. The BIS has not identified any Canadian bank as a G-SIB.

In a report released today, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said both announcements were in line with its expectations for the sector. “These developments reinforce our perception that Canadian regulators are emphasizing prudential standards, active bank supervision, and the avoidance of a future taxpayer funded bailout of a failing financial institution,” said Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Tom Connell in the report, entitled “Regulatory Initiatives Might Contribute To The Evolution Of Canada’s Banking Industry.”

TIPS are having a rough time of it:

History is repeating itself in the bond market as investors capitulate on bets that the Federal Reserve’s money-printing efforts will spark faster inflation.

Firms from U.S. Bancorp to Federated Investments that had been buying government securities that protect against rising consumer prices during the Fed’s recent efforts to inject cash into the economy are now selling. For the first time since the depths of the financial crisis in 2008, mutual funds that target Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities have seen outflows for three straight months, according to Morningstar Inc.

Even after the Fed injected more than $2.3 trillion into the financial system since 2008, inflation is under control, bolstering the appeal of bonds while providing the central bank with more scope to provide stimulus as needed to foster the economic recovery. Commodity prices are down and wages have grown just 1.9 percent on average since 2009, below the 3.1 percent in the prior three years, government data show.

Returns on TIPS have topped non-indexed Treasuries since 2009, gaining an average of 9.4 percent in each of the past four years, versus 3.41 percent for nominal U.S. government debt, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes. This year, nominals are beating TIPS, 1.93 percent versus 1.27 percent.

PrefBlog’s “Golly, It Was Hard To See This One Coming” department is working overtime!

Banks are leaving the panel that sets ISDAFix, the benchmark for the $379 trillion swaps market, as regulators probe suspected manipulation of the rate.

HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA), Europe’s largest bank by assets, and Japan’s Mizuho Financial Group (8411) stopped contributing to the ISDAFix dollar rate between November and January, and haven’t been replaced, documents on the International Swaps and Derivatives Association’s website show. The industry group didn’t give any reason for the lenders’ departure.

Firms are pulling out of rates such as the London interbank offered rate, Euribor and ISDAFix on growing concern that they may face lawsuits, fines and criminal penalties if found to have engaged in wrongdoing. Without data from a large number of firms, benchmarks risk becoming unrepresentative and losing the confidence of the market, said Owen Watkins, a former regulator at the U.K.’s Financial Services Authority.

Martin Wheatley, the U.K. regulator charged with overhauling Libor, said in a September report it might be necessary to force firms to contribute to financial benchmarks “if submitting banks were to explore leaving.” Michel Barnier, the European Union’s internal market and services commissioner, said in February he was considering forcing lenders to participate in benchmarks including Euribor.

The report is formally known as The Wheatley Review:

5.27 At this stage, the Wheatley Review does not consider it necessary to recommend that the FSA compel particular banks to be members of LIBOR panels. However, the Wheatley Review recognises that, if submitting banks were to explore leaving the LIBOR panels, or if panel sizes did not increase, this might be necessary. For example, there could be a state of affairs whereby banks that have expertise in certain inter-bank markets, including those not currently involved in LIBOR, might be required to participate in LIBOR panels as a condition of their activity in those markets. This could possibly be achieved by making rules requiring such firms to contribute, on a continuing basis, to LIBOR.

5.28 While the FSA’s current powers would allow it to impose such an obligation on a temporary basis, for example to avoid the threat of financial stability or a loss of market integrity, they would not allow the imposition of a long term continuing obligation on banks to submit to LIBOR. This suggests there is a potential gap in the regulatory toolkit. The Wheatley Review therefore recommends that the Government legislate to provide the FSA with an express “reserve” power to compel LIBOR submissions, to be used only if the FSA should consider it to be necessary in the future.

Remember the Rochdale Securities case, last mentioned on December 4? That’s the one where the trader input an erroneous buy order for 1.625-million shares of Apple, which promptly fell, causing great consternation. It looks like we have reached the denouement:

David Miller, an institutional sales trader who lives in Rockville Centre, N.Y., has agreed to a partial settlement of the SEC’s charges. He also pleaded guilty today in a parallel criminal case.

The SEC alleges that Miller misrepresented to Rochdale Securities LLC that a customer had authorized the Apple orders and assumed the risk of loss on any resulting trades. The customer order was to purchase just 1,625 shares of Apple stock, but Miller instead entered a series of orders totaling 1.625 million shares at a cost of almost $1 billion. Miller planned to share in the customer’s profit if Apple’s stock profited, and if the stock decreased he would claim that he erred on the size of the order. The stock wound up decreasing after an earnings announcement later that day, and Rochdale was forced to cease operations in the wake of covering the losses suffered from the rogue trades.

In market timing news:

Hedge-fund manager John Paulson’s wager on gold wiped out almost $1 billion of his personal wealth in the last two trading days as the precious metal plummeted 13 percent.

Amidst all the gloom and whining, it’s good to know that Canadian teens are world-beaters at something:

Teenagers in Canada use cannabis more than any other developed country, according to a new study released by Unicef.

It was a rough day for the Canadian preferred share market – although equities got really whacked – with PerpetualPremiums off 11bp, FixedResets losing 17bp and DeemedRetractibles down 12bp. Volatility was average. Volume was average.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.2166 % 2,606.6
FixedFloater 4.05 % 3.36 % 33,044 18.67 1 1.2959 % 4,055.6
Floater 2.67 % 2.90 % 89,316 19.99 4 0.2166 % 2,814.5
OpRet 4.80 % 2.10 % 52,951 0.18 5 -0.2004 % 2,611.2
SplitShare 4.81 % 4.02 % 134,215 4.13 5 -0.1256 % 2,957.9
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.2004 % 2,387.7
Perpetual-Premium 5.18 % 3.06 % 83,336 0.54 32 -0.1112 % 2,380.2
Perpetual-Discount 4.84 % 4.84 % 178,310 15.73 4 -0.1417 % 2,688.6
FixedReset 4.92 % 2.81 % 249,657 3.79 80 -0.1718 % 2,505.9
Deemed-Retractible 4.86 % 3.45 % 125,792 0.70 44 -0.1249 % 2,456.2
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
BAM.PR.X FixedReset -1.85 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-15
Maturity Price : 23.36
Evaluated at bid price : 25.42
Bid-YTW : 3.07 %
BNS.PR.Z FixedReset 1.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.00
Bid-YTW : 2.90 %
BAM.PR.G FixedFloater 1.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-15
Maturity Price : 23.57
Evaluated at bid price : 23.45
Bid-YTW : 3.36 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 1.80 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-15
Maturity Price : 18.12
Evaluated at bid price : 18.12
Bid-YTW : 2.91 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
BMO.PR.M FixedReset 155,142 Nesbitt crossed 150,000 at 24.95.
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.00
Bid-YTW : 2.97 %
VNR.PR.A FixedReset 81,335 Scotia crossed 70,400 at 26.57.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2017-10-15
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.40
Bid-YTW : 3.03 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset 55,505 National crossed 40,000 at 26.68.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-09-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.64
Bid-YTW : 3.23 %
TD.PR.P Deemed-Retractible 51,490 Nesbitt bought 17,900 from RBC at 26.45, then crossed 25,000 at the same price.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-05-15
Maturity Price : 26.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.31
Bid-YTW : -11.56 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset 46,450 Nesbitt crossed 37,400 at 26.75.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2017-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.51
Bid-YTW : 2.59 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset 41,264 National crossed 28,500 at 25.85.
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-15
Maturity Price : 23.36
Evaluated at bid price : 25.82
Bid-YTW : 3.62 %
There were 35 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
FTS.PR.J Perpetual-Premium Quote: 26.02 – 27.00
Spot Rate : 0.9800
Average : 0.5293

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-12-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.02
Bid-YTW : 4.28 %

CIU.PR.B FixedReset Quote: 26.53 – 26.84
Spot Rate : 0.3100
Average : 0.2032

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.53
Bid-YTW : 1.95 %

TD.PR.A FixedReset Quote: 25.30 – 25.60
Spot Rate : 0.3000
Average : 0.2062

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.30
Bid-YTW : 3.13 %

BAM.PR.J OpRet Quote: 26.81 – 27.09
Spot Rate : 0.2800
Average : 0.1876

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-03-31
Maturity Price : 26.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.81
Bid-YTW : 2.10 %

BNA.PR.C SplitShare Quote: 24.90 – 25.24
Spot Rate : 0.3400
Average : 0.2537

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2019-01-10
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.90
Bid-YTW : 4.55 %

FTS.PR.F Perpetual-Premium Quote: 25.89 – 26.15
Spot Rate : 0.2600
Average : 0.1866

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-12-01
Maturity Price : 25.50
Evaluated at bid price : 25.89
Bid-YTW : 3.28 %

April PrefLetter Released!

April 15th, 2013

The April, 2013, edition of PrefLetter has been released and is now available for purchase as the “Previous edition”. Those who subscribe for a full year receive the “Previous edition” as a bonus.

The April edition has no special appendix, but contains the usual detailed updates of the DeemedRetractible and FixedReset segments of the market.

PrefLetter may now be purchased by all Canadian residents.

Until further notice, the “Previous Edition” will refer to the April, 2013, issue, while the “Next Edition” will be the May, 2013, issue, scheduled to be prepared as of the close May 10 and eMailed to subscribers prior to market-opening on May 13.

PrefLetter is intended for long term investors seeking issues to buy-and-hold. At least one recommendation from each of the major preferred share sectors is included and discussed.

Note: My verbosity has grown by such leaps and bounds that it is no longer possible to deliver PrefLetter as an eMail attachment – it’s just too big for my software! Instead, I have sent passwords – click on the link in your eMail and your copy will download.

Note: The PrefLetter website has a Subscriber Download Feature. If you have not received your copy, try it!

Note: PrefLetter eMails sometimes runs afoul of spam filters. If you have not received your copy within fifteen minutes of a release notice such as this one, please double check your (company’s) spam filtering policy and your spam repository – there are some hints in the post Sympatico Spam Filters out of Control. If it’s not there, contact me and I’ll get you your copy … somehow!

Note: There have been scattered complaints regarding inability to open PrefLetter in Acrobat Reader, despite my practice of including myself on the subscription list and immediately checking the copy received. I have had the occasional difficulty reading US Government documents, which I was able to resolve by downloading and installing the latest version of Adobe Reader. Also, note that so far, all complaints have been from users of Yahoo Mail. Try saving it to disk first, before attempting to open it.

Note: There have been other scattered complaints that double-clicking on the links in the “PrefLetter Download” email results in a message that the password has already been used. I have been able to reproduce this problem in my own eMail software … the problem is double-clicking. What happens is the first click opens the link and the second click finds that the password has already been used and refuses to work properly. So the moral of the story is: Don’t be a dick! Single Click!

LBS.PR.A: Term Extension

April 15th, 2013

Brompton Funds has announced:

At a special meeting of preferred and class A shareholders (“Shareholders”) of Life & Banc Split Corp. (“LBS”) held today, Shareholders approved a special resolution to extend the term of LBS for up to 5 years beyond the scheduled termination date of November 29, 2013 and thereafter for successive terms of up to 5 years as determined by the LBS board of directors. Holders of Class A Shares voted approximately 98% in favour of the extension and holders of Preferred Shares voted approximately 99% in favour of the extension. The extension allows Shareholders to continue their investment in LBS’ portfolio of common shares of six Canadian banks (Bank of Montreal, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, The Bank of Nova Scotia and The Toronto-Dominion Bank) and four Canadian life insurance companies (Great-West Lifeco Inc., Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc., Manulife Financial Corporation and Sun Life Financial Inc.). Shareholders will continue to have monthly and annual retraction rights.

In addition to the daily liquidity provided by the TSX listings, shareholders who do not wish to continue their investment may redeem either their preferred shares or class A shares on November 29, 2013 and each extension of the term thereafter on the same terms that currently exist. LBS will announce the term of the initial extension by news release no later than October 1, 2013. Further details are available in the management information circular dated March 11, 2013.

The plan was reported on PrefBlog. LBS.PR.A is tracked by HIMIPref™ but is relegated to the Scraps index on credit concerns.

BK.PR.A Warrants Nearing Expiry Date

April 14th, 2013

On April 23, 2012, Quadravest announced:

Canadian Banc Corp (“The Company”) is pleased to announce that it will issue warrants (“Warrants”), to all Class A Shareholders. Each Class A Shareholder will be entitled to receive one Warrant for each Class A Share held as of the record date of May 4, 2012. Three Warrants will entitle the holder to purchase a Unit consisting of one Class A Share and one Preferred Share for $20.00. The Warrants are exercisable at anytime up to at 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on April 30, 2013, the expiry date. If all the Warrants are exercised, the Company will issue approximately 2,257,484 Units and will receive net proceeds of $44,370,316. The net proceeds from the subscription of Units will be used to acquire additional securities in accordance with the Company’s investment objectives, strategies and restrictions. By raising additional cash through this offering it allows the Company to capitalize on certain attractive investment opportunities that may arise over the next few months. In addition, if the full subscription was exercised the offering could increase the trading liquidity of the Company and reduce the management expense ratio.

Both the Preferred Shares and Class A Shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) under the symbol “BK.PR.A” and “BK” respectively. The Warrants will be listed on the TSX under the ticker symbol “BK.WT”. It is expected that Warrants will commence trading on May 7, 2012 and continue trading until 12:00 (EST) on April 30, 2013.

These warrants are just barely in the money, with the NAV as of March 28 being $20.20 ($20.08 Diluted). Given that TTFS, the S&P/TSX Capped Financial Index, is down 1.70% in the month to April 12, they may be out of the money at the moment, but I haven’t checked.

Update, 2014-2-21: According to the 13H1 Financials:

Pursuant to a short form prospectus, each Class A shareholder on record on May 4, 2012 received one warrant, for no consideration, for each Class A share held. Three warrants could be exercised to purchase a unit (one Class A share and one Preferred share) for an exercise price of $20.00 on any business day until April 30, 2013. A total of 6,772,453 warrants were issued on May 4, 2012. The warrants expired on April 30, 2013, and a total of 2,196 warrants were exercised.

April 12, 2013

April 12th, 2013

Nothing happened today.

It was another mixed day for the Canadian preferred share market, with PerpetualPremiums gaining 4bp, FixedResets down 9bp and DeemedRetractibles flat. Volatility was low. Volume was average, with the highlights comprised entirely of FixedResets.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.4865 % 2,601.0
FixedFloater 4.10 % 3.40 % 32,621 18.58 1 -0.2155 % 4,003.7
Floater 2.68 % 2.88 % 92,331 20.06 4 0.4865 % 2,808.4
OpRet 4.79 % 1.33 % 53,589 0.19 5 -0.1232 % 2,616.5
SplitShare 4.80 % 4.01 % 133,931 4.14 5 0.0550 % 2,961.6
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.1232 % 2,392.5
Perpetual-Premium 5.18 % 1.63 % 86,433 0.50 32 0.0393 % 2,382.9
Perpetual-Discount 4.83 % 4.82 % 179,843 15.77 4 0.0304 % 2,692.4
FixedReset 4.92 % 2.78 % 257,408 3.79 80 -0.0940 % 2,510.3
Deemed-Retractible 4.86 % 2.28 % 127,207 0.46 44 -0.0026 % 2,459.3
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
MFC.PR.G FixedReset -1.24 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-12-19
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.26
Bid-YTW : 3.04 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset -1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-12
Maturity Price : 23.58
Evaluated at bid price : 25.52
Bid-YTW : 2.75 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 1.05 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-12
Maturity Price : 18.33
Evaluated at bid price : 18.33
Bid-YTW : 2.88 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
TD.PR.S FixedReset 273,814 National crossed blocks of 35,000 and 30,000, both at 24.85. RBC crossed three blocks: 75,000 shares, 15,400 and 24,300, all at 24.85. Scotia crossed 66,300 at the same price.
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.78
Bid-YTW : 2.93 %
BNS.PR.P FixedReset 238,215 National crossed blocks of 35,000 and 30,000 at 25.15. RBC crossed blocks of 75,000 and 22,900 at the same price.

Note that this will not be called. It will reset to 3.35%.

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2013-05-25
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.15
Bid-YTW : -2.17 %

ENB.PR.F FixedReset 168,248 Scotia crossed 75,000 at 26.05, then another 58,200 at 26.04. National crossed 25,000 at 26.03.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2018-06-01
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.02
Bid-YTW : 3.25 %
BNS.PR.T FixedReset 154,325 Nesbitt crossed 150,000 at 26.00.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-04-25
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.02
Bid-YTW : 1.95 %
HSB.PR.E FixedReset 57,000 Nesbitt crossed 50,000 at 26.40.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2014-06-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.32
Bid-YTW : 2.36 %
SLF.PR.I FixedReset 55,400 National crossed 38,900 at 26.27.
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-12-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.23
Bid-YTW : 2.90 %
There were 33 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
MFC.PR.G FixedReset Quote: 26.26 – 26.60
Spot Rate : 0.3400
Average : 0.1876

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2016-12-19
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.26
Bid-YTW : 3.04 %

BAM.PR.C Floater Quote: 17.80 – 18.20
Spot Rate : 0.4000
Average : 0.2772

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-12
Maturity Price : 17.80
Evaluated at bid price : 17.80
Bid-YTW : 2.96 %

CIU.PR.C FixedReset Quote: 24.71 – 25.05
Spot Rate : 0.3400
Average : 0.2432

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2043-04-12
Maturity Price : 23.25
Evaluated at bid price : 24.71
Bid-YTW : 2.62 %

BNS.PR.Z FixedReset Quote: 24.75 – 24.95
Spot Rate : 0.2000
Average : 0.1142

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2022-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.75
Bid-YTW : 3.03 %

BNA.PR.C SplitShare Quote: 25.00 – 25.24
Spot Rate : 0.2400
Average : 0.1591

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2019-01-10
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.00
Bid-YTW : 4.46 %

GWO.PR.Q Deemed-Retractible Quote: 26.02 – 26.25
Spot Rate : 0.2300
Average : 0.1641

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-09-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 26.02
Bid-YTW : 4.62 %