Archive for July, 2009

MAPF Portfolio Composition: June 2009

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Trading activity increased in June, with portfolio turnover of about 130%, as the market extended its gains.

Trades were, as ever, triggered by a desire to exploit transient mispricing in the preferred share market (which may the thought of as “selling liquidity”), rather than any particular view being taken on market direction, sectoral performance or credit anticipation.

MAPF Sectoral Analysis 2009-6-30
HIMI Indices Sector Weighting YTW ModDur
Ratchet 0% N/A N/A
FixFloat 0% N/A N/A
Floater 0% N/A N/A
OpRet 0% N/A N/A
SplitShare 10.7% (-0.4) 10.25% 6.99
Interest Rearing 0% N/A N/A
PerpetualPremium 0.0% N/A N/A
PerpetualDiscount 72.2 (+2.4) 6.58% 13.13
Fixed-Reset 11.5% (-1.0) 4.85% 4.28
Scraps (OpRet) 5.6% (-0.6) 11.54% 5.27
Cash +0.1% (-0.5) 0.00% 0.00
Total 100% 7.05% 11.00
Totals and changes will not add precisely due to rounding. Bracketted figures represent change from May month-end. Cash is included in totals with duration and yield both equal to zero.

The “total” reflects the un-leveraged total portfolio (i.e., cash is included in the portfolio calculations and is deemed to have a duration and yield of 0.00.). MAPF will often have relatively large cash balances, both credit and debit, to facilitate trading. Figures presented in the table have been rounded to the indicated precision.

Not much change in the sectoral distribution!

Credit distribution is:

MAPF Credit Analysis 2009-6-30
DBRS Rating Weighting
Pfd-1 0.4% (-40.0)
Pfd-1(low) 67.2% (+43.4)
Pfd-2(high) 13.6% (+4.1)
Pfd-2 0% (0)
Pfd-2(low) 13.2% (-6.5)
Pfd-3(high) 5.6% (-0.6)
Cash +0.1% (-0.5)
Totals will not add precisely due to rounding. Bracketted figures represent change from May month-end.

The dramatic change in reported credit quality is largely due to the DBRS Mass Downgrade of Banks. At month-end, the fund held positions affected by this change summarized as follows:

MAPF Month-End Positions
Affect by DBRS Mass Downgrade
Fraction of
Pfd-1 Pfd-1(low) 24.4%
Pfd-1 Pfd-2(high) 2.5%

Of the remainder, a significant contributor was a series of trades in the FixedReset sector:

Trades Contributing to
the Shift from Pfd-1 to Pfd-1(low)
June, 2009
26.65 26.68 26.76 26.56
6/3 Sold
6/11 Sold
6/25   Sold
6/30     Sold
Closing Bid
27.36 27.00 27.44 27.01
This is an attempt to show fairly the effect of numerous trades in tabular form. The trades shown are not necessarily precise dollar-for-dollar swaps. Trade details will be released on the main MAPF web page shortly.

The fund does not set any targets for overall credit quality; trades are executed one by one. Variances in overall credit will be constant as opportunistic trades are executed. The overall credit quality of the portfolio is now superior to the credit quality of CPD at August month-end (when adjusted for the downgrades of BCE and the banks).

Claymore provides the following ratings breakdown:

Ratings Breakdown
as of 12/31/08
Pfd-1 61.15%
Pfd-2 23.26%
Pfd-3 15.60%

Two events have occurred since the Dec. 31 calculation date of CPD’s credit quality:

Liquidity Distribution is:

MAPF Liquidity Analysis 2009-6-30
Average Daily Trading Weighting
<$50,000 3.3% (+1.4)
$50,000 – $100,000 22.2% (+3.1)
$100,000 – $200,000 25.9% (-5.7)
$200,000 – $300,000 15.1% (-16.4)
>$300,000 33.5% (+18.0)
Cash +0.1% (-0.5)
Totals will not add precisely due to rounding. Bracketted figures represent change from May month-end.

MAPF is, of course, Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund, a “unit trust” managed by Hymas Investment Management Inc. Further information and links to performance, audited financials and subscription information are available the fund’s web page. A “unit trust” is like a regular mutual fund, but is sold by offering memorandum rather than prospectus. This is cheaper, but means subscription is restricted to “accredited investors” (as defined by the Ontario Securities Commission) and those who subscribe for $150,000+. Fund past performances are not a guarantee of future performance. You can lose money investing in MAPF or any other fund.

A similar portfolio composition analysis has been performed on The Claymore Preferred Share ETF (symbol CPD) as of August 29. When comparing CPD and MAPF:

  • MAPF credit quality is better
  • MAPF liquidity is similar
  • MAPF Yield is higher
  • Weightings in
    • MAPF is more exposed to PerpetualDiscounts
    • MAPF is much less exposed to Operating Retractibles
    • MAPF is more exposed to SplitShares
    • MAPF is less exposed to FixFloat / Floater / Ratchet
    • MAPF weighting in FixedResets is similar

Best & Worst Performers: June 2009

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

These are total returns, with dividends presumed to have been reinvested at the bid price on the ex-date. The list has been restricted to issues in the HIMIPref™ indices.

June 2009
Issue Index DBRS Rating Monthly Performance Notes (“Now” means “June 30”)
TRI.PR.B Floater Pfd-2(low) -10.91% Was the third-best performer in May, with a return of +31.15% last month.
BAM.PR.B Floater Pfd-2(low) -7.01% Was the best performer in May, with a total return of +35.13%
BAM.PR.K Floater Pfd-2(low) -6.29% Was the second-best performer in May, with a return of +34.25% in that month.
CIU.PR.A Perpetual-Discount Pfd-2(high) -4.18% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.35% based on a bid of 18.35 and a limitMaturity.
MFC.PR.C Perpetual-Discount Pfd-1(low) -2.52% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.52% based on a bid of 17.44 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.I OpRet Pfd-2(low) +5.62% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 5.59% based on a bid of 24.95 and a softMaturity 2013-12-30 at 25.00.
BAM.PR.N PerpetualDiscount Pfd-2(low) +7.69% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.68% based on a bid of 15.60 and a limitMaturity.
BAM.PR.M Perpetual-Discount Pfd-2(low) +9.11% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 7.56% based on a bid of 15.86 and a limitMaturity.
IAG.PR.A Perpetual-Discount Pfd-2(high) +9.55% This was the worst performer in May and the best performer in April. Notoriously volatile. Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 6.61% based on a bid of 17.55 and a limitMaturity.
BNA.PR.C SplitShare Pfd-2(low) +11.46% Now with a pre-tax bid-YTW of 10.48% based on a bid of 16.05 and a hardMaturity 2019-1-10 at 25.00.

What can I say? The Floaters Index currently has three members. The top three spots in May were occupied by Floaters; the bottom three spots in June were occupied by Floaters.

RPB.PR.A Edges Closer to Default

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Connor Clark has announced:

that Lear Corporation has reached agreement on a consensual debt restructuring under court supervision pursuant to a voluntary bankruptcy filing under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. This plan is expected to constitute a credit event under the credit linked note (“CLN”) issued by TD Bank to which the Company has exposure.

Given the unprecedented economic downturn and corresponding decline in global automobile production volumes, as well as continued difficult conditions in credit markets generally, Lear’s Board of Directors concluded that this action was the fastest and most effective way to de-lever its capital structure.

The recovery rate for ROC Pref III Corp. is fixed at 40%. As a result, the Lear credit event is expected to reduce the number of additional defaults that ROC Pref III Corp. can sustain before the payment of $25.00 per Preferred Share at maturity is adversely affected by 1.0 to 1.6.

They provide a table:

Additional Reference
Defaults to
Estimated RPB.PR.A
Maturity Value
1.6 or less $25.00
2.0 $20.09
3.0 $7.99
3.7 Zip Zero Zilch

There are 127 names in the reference portfolio, with 6.0 defaults as of 2009-3-31; on that date there were 17 non-defaulted junk names. The death watch continues.

RPB.PR.A was last mentioned on PrefBlog in connection with December’s credit event for Tribune Corp..

RPB.PR.A is not tracked by HIMIPref™.

MST.PR.A Delisted, Redeemed in Full at Par

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

On May 27, Sentry Select announced:

that the units of Select 50 S-1 Income Trust, Sentry Select Focused Growth & Income Trust, Pro-Vest Growth & Income Fund and the capital units and preferred securities of the Multi Select Income Trust (collectively, the “Units”) will be voluntarily delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange at the close of business on Tuesday, June 2, 2009. The delisting of the Units is being done in preparation for the merger of each of the Funds into Sentry Select Canadian Income Fund (collectively, the “Mergers”), which are expected to occur on or about June 12, 2009.

… and on June 16 announced:

that the mergers of Sentry Select 40 Split Income Trust (“40 Split”), Pro-Vest Growth & Income Trust (“Pro-Vest”), Multi-Select Income Trust (“Multi-Select”), Sentry Select Focused Growth & Income Trust (“Focused Growth”) and Select 50 S-1 Income Trust (“Select 50”) (collectively the “Terminating Funds”) with Sentry Select Canadian Income Fund (the “Continuing Fund”) (the “Mergers”), became effective on June 12, 2009. The Mergers were approved at special meetings of unitholders of the Terminating Funds held concurrently on May 20, 2009.

The Terminating Funds transferred all of their assets to the Continuing Fund in exchange for Series A units of the Continuing Fund and the assumption by the Continuing Fund of all the liabilities of the Terminating Funds. Each unitholder of the Terminating Funds, except unitholders of 40 Split, received Series A units of the Continuing Fund having the same aggregate net asset value as their units of the Terminating Funds as of the close of business on June 11, 2009.

Each unitholder of Multi-Select received 0.3819 Series A units of the Continuing Fund in exchange for each unit of Multi-Select.

DBRS has announced that it:

has today discontinued the rating on the Preferred Securities issued by Multi Select Income Trust (the Trust). On June 12, 2009, the Capital Units issued by the Trust were merged along with units from other funds into the Sentry Select Canadian Income Fund. The Preferred Securities had been scheduled for final redemption on September 30, 2009, but were redeemed at the initial issue price of $10 per security on the date of the merger.

MST.PR.A was tracked by HIMIPref™ and was last mentioned on PrefBlog when it was downgraded to Pfd-3(high) by DBRS. At the time of redemption it was in the “Scraps” index due to credit concerns.

HIMIPref™ Index Rebalancing: June 2009

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009
HIMI Index Changes, June 30, 2009
Issue From To Because
STW.PR.A InterestBearing Scraps Volume
ACO.PR.A Scraps OpRet Volume

CU.PR.B continued its teasing ways, closing at precisely 25.00 bid on June 30 … when the bid is exactly 25.00, I do not move the issue between Premium and Discount, regardless of which direction this might be. Maybe next month!

Sadly, the lack of volume in STW.PR.A (which is due to mature soon anyway) means there are no members of the InterestBearing index.

There were the following intra-month changes:

HIMI Index Changes during June 2009
Issue Action Index Because
MFC.PR.E Add FixedReset New issue
BAM.PR.P Add FixedReset New issue
BMO.PR.P Add FixedReset New issue
NTL.PR.F Delete Scraps Suspended / Delisted
NTL.PR.G Delete Scraps Suspended / Delisted