ALA.PR.G To Reset At 4.242%

September 4th, 2019

AltaGas Ltd. has announced:

reset dividend rates for the currently outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Five-Year Rate Reset Preferred Shares, Series G (the “Series G Shares”) (TSX: ALA.PR.G) and the Cumulative Redeemable Floating Rate Preferred Shares, Series H (the “Series H Shares”).

As previously announced by AltaGas on August 29, 2019, AltaGas does not intend to exercise its right to redeem its Series G Shares on September 30, 2019 (the “Conversion Date”). As a result, subject to certain conditions, the holders of the Series G Shares have the right to convert all or part of their Series G Shares on a one-for-one basis into Series H Shares on the Conversion Date. Holders who do not exercise their right to convert their Series G Shares into Series H Shares will, subject to automatic conversion in certain circumstances, retain their Series G Shares. Holders of Series G Shares should review the prior press release for further details.

With respect to any Series G Shares that remain outstanding after the Conversion Date, holders shall be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of AltaGas, fixed cumulative preferential cash dividends, payable quarterly. The new annual dividend rate applicable to the Series G Shares for the five-year period commencing on and including September 30, 2019 to, but excluding, September 30, 2024 will be 4.242 percent, being equal to the sum of the five-year Government of Canada bond yield determined as of today plus 3.06 percent.

With respect to any Series H Shares that may be issued on the Conversion Date, holders shall be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of AltaGas, quarterly floating rate cumulative preferential cash dividends. The dividend rate applicable to the Series H Shares for the three-month floating rate period commencing on and including September 30, 2019 to, but excluding, December 31, 2019 will be 4.698 percent, being equal to the sum of the annual rate of interest for the most recent auction of 90 day Government of Canada treasury bills plus 3.06 percent (the “Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate”). The Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate will be reset every quarter.

AltaGas is a leading North American energy infrastructure company with a focus on regulated Utilities, Midstream and Power. AltaGas creates value by growing and optimizing its energy infrastructure, including a focus on clean energy sources. For more information visit:

ALA.PR.G is a FixedReset, 4.75%+306, that commenced trading 2014-7-3 after being announced 2014-6-23. Notice of extension was announced 2019-8-29. The issue is tracked by HIMIPref™ but relegated to the Scraps subindex on credit concerns. In December, 2018, the issue was downgraded to Pfd-3(low) by DBRS and to P-3 by S&P.

The most logical way to analyze the question of whether or not to convert is through the theory of Preferred Pairs, for which a calculator is available. Briefly, a Strong Pair is defined as a pair of securities that can be interconverted in the future (e.g., ALA.PR.G and the FloatingReset that will exist if enough holders convert). Since they will be interconvertible on this future date, it may be assumed that they will be priced identically on this date (if they aren’t then holders will simply convert en masse to the higher-priced issue). And since they will be priced identically on a given date in the future, any current difference in price must be offset by expectations of an equal and opposite value of dividends to be received in the interim. And since the dividend rate on one element of the pair is both fixed and known, the implied average rate of the other, floating rate, instrument can be determined. Finally, we say, we may compare these average rates and take a view regarding the actual future course of that rate relative to the implied rate, which will provide us with guidance on which element of the pair is likely to outperform the other until the next interconversion date, at which time the process will be repeated.

We can show the break-even rates for each FixedReset / FloatingReset Strong Pair graphically by plotting the implied average 3-month bill rate against the next Exchange Date (which is the date to which the average will be calculated). Inspection of the graph and the overall average break-even rates for extant pairs will provide a guide for estimating the break-even rate for the pair now under consideration assuming, of course, that enough conversions occur so that the pair is in fact created.

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The market has lost enthusiasm for floating rate product; the implied rates until the next interconversion are generally well below the current 3-month bill rate as the averages for investment-grade and junk issues are at +0.63% and +1.22%, respectively. Whatever might be the result of the next few Bank of Canada overnight rate decisions, I suggest that it is unlikely that the average rate over the next five years will be lower than current – but if you disagree, of course, you may interpret the data any way you like.

Since credit quality of each element of the pair is equal to the other element, it should not make any difference whether the pair examined is investment-grade or junk, although we might expect greater variation of implied rates between junk issues on grounds of lower liquidity, and this is just what we see.

If we plug in the current bid price of the ALA.PR.G FixedReset, we may construct the following table showing consistent prices for its soon-may-be-issued FloatingReset counterpart given a variety of Implied Breakeven yields consistent with issues currently trading:

Estimate of FloatingReset (received in exchange for ALA.PR.G) Trading Price In Current Conditions
  Assumed FloatingReset
Price if Implied Bill
is equal to
FixedReset Bid Price Spread 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
ALA.PR.G 15.35 306bp 15.65 15.18 14.71

Based on current market conditions, I suggest that the FloatingResets that will result from conversion are likely to trade below the price of their FixedReset counterparts, ALA.PR.G. Therefore, it seems likely that I will recommend that holders of ALA.PR.G continue to hold the issue and not to convert, but I will wait until it’s closer to the notification deadline (which, unusually, was not specified in the press release) before making a final pronouncement. I will note that once the FloatingResets commence trading (if, in fact, they do) it may be a good trade to swap one issue for the other in the market once both elements of each pair are trading and you can – hopefully – do it with a reasonably good take-out in price, rather than doing it through the company on a 1:1 basis. But that, of course, will depend on the prices at that time and your forecast for the path of policy rates over the next five years. There are no guarantees – my recommendation is based on the assumption that current market conditions with respect to the pairs will continue until the FloatingResets commence trading and that the relative pricing of the two new pairs will reflect these conditions.

DC.PR.B To Reset At 5.284%

September 4th, 2019

Dundee Corporation has announced (although not yet on its website):

the applicable dividend rates for its Cumulative 5-Year Rate Reset First Preference Shares, Series 2 (“Series 2 Shares”) and its Cumulative Floating Rate First Preference Shares, Series 3 (“Series 3 Shares”).

With respect to any Series 2 Shares that remain outstanding on September 30, 2019, holders thereof will be entitled to receive fixed rate cumulative preferential cash dividends on a quarterly basis, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of the Company and subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). The dividend rate for the five-year period commencing on September 30, 2019 to, but excluding September 30, 2024, will be 5.284%, being equal to the sum of the five-year Government of Canada bond yield as at September 3, 2019, plus 4.10%, as determined in accordance with the terms of the Series 2 Shares.

With respect to any Series 3 Shares that remain outstanding on September 30, 2019, holders thereof will be entitled to receive floating rate cumulative preferential cash dividends on a quarterly basis, calculated on the basis of actual number of days elapsed in each quarterly floating rate period divided by 365, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of the Company and subject to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). The dividend rate for the three-month period commencing on September 30, 2019 to, but excluding, December 31, 2019, will be 5.74%, being equal to the sum of the three-month Government of Canada Treasury bills yield preceding September 3, 2019, plus 4.10%, as determined in accordance with the terms of the Series 3 Shares.

Beneficial owners of Series 2 Shares or Series 3 Shares who wish to exercise their right of conversion should communicate as soon as possible with their broker or other intermediary for more information. It is recommended that this be done well in advance of the deadline in order to provide the broker or other intermediary with time to complete the necessary steps. The deadline for the registered shareholder, CDS & Co., to provide notice of the exercise of its right to convert all or any part of the Series 2 Shares into Series 3 Shares or Series 3 Shares into Series 2 Shares is 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on September 16, 2019 and, once received, is irrevocable.

Holders will again have the opportunity to convert their Series 2 Shares into Series 3 or to convert their Series 3 Shares into Series 2 Shares on September 30, 2024, and every five years thereafter as long as the Series 2 Shares and Series 3 Shares remain outstanding.

DC.PR.B is a FixedReset, 5.688%+410, that commenced trading 2009-9-15 with a 6.75% coupon after being announced 2009-8-25. It reset to 5.688% effective 2014-09-30. I made no recommendation regarding conversion. It is tracked by HIMIPref™ but us relegated to the Scraps – FixedReset (Discount) subindex on credit concerns.

DC.PR.D is a FloatingReset, +410, that came into existence via a partial conversion from DC.PR.B. It is tracked by HIMIPref™ but relegated to the Scraps – FloatingReset subindex on credit concerns.

The most logical way to analyze the question of whether or not to convert is through the theory of Preferred Pairs, for which a calculator is available. Briefly, a Strong Pair is defined as a pair of securities that can be interconverted in the future (e.g., DC.PR.B and the FloatingReset DC.PR.D). Since they will be interconvertible on this future date, it may be assumed that they will be priced identically on this date (if they aren’t then holders will simply convert en masse to the higher-priced issue). And since they will be priced identically on a given date in the future, any current difference in price must be offset by expectations of an equal and opposite value of dividends to be received in the interim. And since the dividend rate on one element of the pair is both fixed and known, the implied average rate of the other, floating rate, instrument can be determined. Finally, we say, we may compare these average rates and take a view regarding the actual future course of that rate relative to the implied rate, which will provide us with guidance on which element of the pair is likely to outperform the other until the next interconversion date, at which time the process will be repeated.

We can show the break-even rates for each FixedReset / FloatingReset Strong Pair graphically by plotting the implied average 3-month bill rate against the next Exchange Date (which is the date to which the average will be calculated). Inspection of the graph and the overall average break-even rates for extant pairs will provide a guide for estimating the break-even rate for the pair now under consideration assuming, of course, that enough conversions occur so that the pair is in fact created.

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The market has lost enthusiasm for floating rate product; the implied rates until the next interconversion are generally well below the current 3-month bill rate as the averages for investment-grade and junk issues are at +0.63% and +1.22%, respectively. Whatever might be the result of the next few Bank of Canada overnight rate decisions, I suggest that it is unlikely that the average rate over the next five years will be lower than current – but if you disagree, of course, you may interpret the data any way you like.

Since credit quality of each element of the pair is equal to the other element, it should not make any difference whether the pair examined is investment-grade or junk, although we might expect greater variation of implied rates between junk issues on grounds of lower liquidity, and this is just what we see.

If we plug in the current bid price of the DC.PR.B FixedReset, we may construct the following table showing consistent prices for its DC.PR.D FloatingReset counterpart given a variety of Implied Breakeven yields consistent with issues currently trading:

Estimate of FloatingReset DC.PR.D (received in exchange for DC.PR.B) Trading Price In Current Conditions
  Assumed FloatingReset
Price if Implied Bill
is equal to
FixedReset Bid Price Spread 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
DC.PR.B 14.60 410bp 14.87 14.44 14.00

Based on current market conditions, I suggest that the FloatingResets, DC.PR.D, that will result from conversion are likely to trade below the price of their FixedReset counterparts, DC.PR.B. Therefore, it seems likely that I will recommend that holders of DC.PR.B continue to hold the issue and not to convert and that holders of DC.PR.D convert to DC.PR.B, but I will wait until it’s closer to the September 16 notification deadline before making a final pronouncement. I will note that once the conversions, if any, have occurred it may be a good trade to swap one issue for the other in the market once both elements of each pair are trading and you can – hopefully – do it with a reasonably good take-out in price, rather than doing it through the company on a 1:1 basis. But that, of course, will depend on the prices at that time and your forecast for the path of policy rates over the next five years. There are no guarantees – my recommendation is based on the assumption that current market conditions with respect to the pairs will continue until the conversion period has passed and that the relative pricing of the two new pairs will reflect these conditions.

September 3, 2019

September 3rd, 2019

BoJo’s Brexit plans suffered a setback:

British lawmakers on Tuesday rose up against Prime Minister Boris Johnson, moving to prevent him from taking the country out of the European Union without a formal agreement, in an epic showdown that has the country on the verge of a snap general election.

The lawmakers forced his hand by voting by 328 to 301 to take control of Parliament away from the government, giving themselves the authority to pass legislation that would stop the prime minister from his threat of a no-deal Brexit.

The extent of the Tory civil war was on full display as several Mr. Johnson’s Conservative critics, including the former chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, lobbed hostile questions at him, making it plain that they had not been brought back into line by threats of expulsion from the party.

There is so little trust in British politics that Mr. Johnson’s opponents fear that he might request an election for Oct. 14 but then switch the date until after Oct. 31 as part of a move to lock in a no-deal withdrawal.

Which was good news for the GBP, anyway!

The British Pound extended its intraday rebound following the latest Brexit vote results. The Pound Sterling may continue to climb as it mirrors the fall in no-deal Brexit risks.

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Meanwhile, in the Canadian preferred market … well, it’s not rallying any more.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.0240 % 1,802.5
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 -0.0240 % 3,307.6
Floater 6.63 % 6.75 % 50,831 12.75 4 -0.0240 % 1,906.2
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1694 % 3,382.8
SplitShare 4.66 % 4.42 % 61,112 4.06 7 0.1694 % 4,039.8
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1694 % 3,152.0
Perpetual-Premium 5.63 % -18.07 % 63,071 0.09 6 0.1437 % 2,975.7
Perpetual-Discount 5.52 % 5.66 % 64,971 14.36 28 -0.0566 % 3,097.6
FixedReset Disc 5.74 % 5.42 % 176,225 14.70 73 -0.6777 % 1,990.5
Deemed-Retractible 5.33 % 6.18 % 66,367 7.90 27 -0.1256 % 3,084.4
FloatingReset 4.65 % 7.17 % 65,568 8.00 3 0.0405 % 2,283.2
FixedReset Prem 5.29 % 4.43 % 140,223 1.64 14 -0.1318 % 2,562.1
FixedReset Bank Non 1.98 % 4.16 % 88,103 2.34 3 0.0557 % 2,658.8
FixedReset Ins Non 5.62 % 8.18 % 100,953 7.99 21 -0.8912 % 2,048.5
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
HSE.PR.C FixedReset Disc -3.62 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 15.71
Evaluated at bid price : 15.71
Bid-YTW : 6.82 %
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc -3.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.61
Evaluated at bid price : 16.61
Bid-YTW : 7.03 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non -2.68 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.70
Bid-YTW : 10.37 %
HSE.PR.E FixedReset Disc -2.58 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 6.93 %
CU.PR.G Perpetual-Discount -2.51 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 20.62
Evaluated at bid price : 20.62
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
TD.PF.D FixedReset Disc -2.49 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 18.04
Evaluated at bid price : 18.04
Bid-YTW : 5.49 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc -2.42 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 12.12
Evaluated at bid price : 12.12
Bid-YTW : 6.11 %
IFC.PR.C FixedReset Ins Non -2.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.08
Bid-YTW : 8.44 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non -2.35 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.36
Bid-YTW : 8.97 %
BMO.PR.T FixedReset Disc -2.34 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.26
Evaluated at bid price : 16.26
Bid-YTW : 5.24 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc -2.29 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.65
Evaluated at bid price : 16.65
Bid-YTW : 5.32 %
CM.PR.S FixedReset Disc -2.29 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.51
Evaluated at bid price : 17.51
Bid-YTW : 5.48 %
EMA.PR.C FixedReset Disc -2.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.15
Evaluated at bid price : 17.15
Bid-YTW : 5.91 %
MFC.PR.Q FixedReset Ins Non -2.08 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.92
Bid-YTW : 8.26 %
BAM.PR.T FixedReset Disc -2.05 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 13.88
Evaluated at bid price : 13.88
Bid-YTW : 6.35 %
BMO.PR.D FixedReset Disc -1.93 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 20.28
Evaluated at bid price : 20.28
Bid-YTW : 5.38 %
SLF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non -1.93 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.76
Bid-YTW : 8.00 %
IAF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non -1.87 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.40
Bid-YTW : 8.09 %
NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc -1.86 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 18.97
Evaluated at bid price : 18.97
Bid-YTW : 5.54 %
GWO.PR.N FixedReset Ins Non -1.81 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.60
Bid-YTW : 9.33 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc -1.76 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.70
Evaluated at bid price : 16.70
Bid-YTW : 6.16 %
MFC.PR.C Deemed-Retractible -1.75 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.19
Bid-YTW : 7.17 %
GWO.PR.P Deemed-Retractible -1.54 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.58
Bid-YTW : 6.14 %
RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc -1.53 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.39
Evaluated at bid price : 17.39
Bid-YTW : 5.44 %
GWO.PR.T Deemed-Retractible -1.47 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 22.83
Bid-YTW : 6.29 %
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc -1.45 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 18.38
Evaluated at bid price : 18.38
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc -1.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.73
Evaluated at bid price : 16.73
Bid-YTW : 5.54 %
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc -1.31 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.27
Evaluated at bid price : 17.27
Bid-YTW : 6.26 %
MFC.PR.K FixedReset Ins Non -1.27 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.08
Bid-YTW : 8.52 %
MFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non -1.24 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.56
Bid-YTW : 8.35 %
PWF.PR.A Floater -1.23 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 10.42
Evaluated at bid price : 10.42
Bid-YTW : 6.71 %
RY.PR.Z FixedReset Disc -1.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.94
Evaluated at bid price : 16.94
Bid-YTW : 5.12 %
BAM.PF.G FixedReset Disc -1.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.26
Evaluated at bid price : 16.26
Bid-YTW : 6.29 %
CM.PR.Q FixedReset Disc -1.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.25
Evaluated at bid price : 17.25
Bid-YTW : 5.74 %
MFC.PR.R FixedReset Ins Non -1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.15
Bid-YTW : 5.91 %
BIP.PR.A FixedReset Disc -1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 6.92 %
NA.PR.C FixedReset Disc -1.08 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 20.10
Evaluated at bid price : 20.10
Bid-YTW : 5.72 %
HSE.PR.A FixedReset Disc -1.07 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 11.09
Evaluated at bid price : 11.09
Bid-YTW : 6.37 %
BAM.PR.R FixedReset Disc -1.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 14.01
Evaluated at bid price : 14.01
Bid-YTW : 6.17 %
BMO.PR.Z Perpetual-Discount -1.05 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 23.93
Evaluated at bid price : 24.40
Bid-YTW : 5.14 %
RY.PR.S FixedReset Disc -1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 19.07
Evaluated at bid price : 19.07
Bid-YTW : 5.07 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset Disc -1.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 18.20
Evaluated at bid price : 18.20
Bid-YTW : 6.03 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non -1.02 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.46
Bid-YTW : 8.18 %
CM.PR.Y FixedReset Disc 1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 22.93
Evaluated at bid price : 24.35
Bid-YTW : 5.03 %
BMO.PR.S FixedReset Disc 1.10 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.50
Evaluated at bid price : 17.50
Bid-YTW : 5.14 %
MFC.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 1.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.29
Bid-YTW : 7.98 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 1.55 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 10.45
Evaluated at bid price : 10.45
Bid-YTW : 6.75 %
CCS.PR.C Deemed-Retractible 1.59 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.35
Bid-YTW : 5.32 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc 2.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.75
Evaluated at bid price : 16.75
Bid-YTW : 6.04 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 104,740 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 15.90
Evaluated at bid price : 15.90
Bid-YTW : 5.78 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc 64,400 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.75
Evaluated at bid price : 16.75
Bid-YTW : 6.04 %
TD.PF.H FixedReset Disc 52,310 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 23.37
Evaluated at bid price : 24.54
Bid-YTW : 5.31 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 49,445 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 14.80
Evaluated at bid price : 14.80
Bid-YTW : 5.98 %
MFC.PR.C Deemed-Retractible 46,700 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.19
Bid-YTW : 7.17 %
SLF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 44,400 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.76
Bid-YTW : 8.00 %
There were 26 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.27 – 17.99
Spot Rate : 0.7200
Average : 0.4408

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.27
Evaluated at bid price : 17.27
Bid-YTW : 6.26 %

CU.PR.G Perpetual-Discount Quote: 20.62 – 21.18
Spot Rate : 0.5600
Average : 0.3631

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 20.62
Evaluated at bid price : 20.62
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %

HSE.PR.E FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.00 – 17.65
Spot Rate : 0.6500
Average : 0.4667

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 6.93 %

GWO.PR.P Deemed-Retractible Quote: 23.58 – 24.07
Spot Rate : 0.4900
Average : 0.3274

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.58
Bid-YTW : 6.14 %

BNS.PR.G FixedReset Prem Quote: 25.57 – 26.03
Spot Rate : 0.4600
Average : 0.3004

Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-07-25
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.57
Bid-YTW : 4.57 %

BMO.PR.T FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.26 – 16.71
Spot Rate : 0.4500
Average : 0.3136

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-09-03
Maturity Price : 16.26
Evaluated at bid price : 16.26
Bid-YTW : 5.24 %

MAPF Performance : August, 2019

September 2nd, 2019

Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund’s Net Asset Value per Unit as of the close August 30, 2019, was $7.6533.

Returns to August 30, 2019
Period MAPF BMO-CM “50” Preferred Share Index TXPR*
Total Return
CPD – according to Blackrock
One Month -5.86% -4.49% -3.97% N/A
Three Months -4.45% -2.53% -1.92% N/A
One Year -23.16% -16.52% -13.55% -14.12%
Two Years (annualized) -7.41% -4.73% -3.87% N/A
Three Years (annualized) +2.26% +2.10% +1.98% +1.50%
Four Years (annualized) +2.02% +2.28% +2.14% N/A
Five Years (annualized) -1.93% -1.38% -1.65% -2.08%
Six Years (annualized) +0.16% -0.27% -0.31% N/A
Seven Years (annualized) -0.01% -0.18% -0.41% N/A
Eight Years (annualized) +0.52% +0.54% +0.28% N/A
Nine Years (annualized) +2.00% +1.64% +1.15% N/A
Ten Years (annualized) +2.73% +2.09% +1.63% +1.10%
Eleven Years (annualized) +6.86% +2.65% +2.06%  
Twelve Years (annualized) +6.16% +1.95% +1.33%  
Thirteen Years (annualized) +5.94% +1.83%    
Fourteen Years (annualized) +5.94% +1.96%    
Fifteen Years (annualized) +5.98% +2.16%    
Sixteen Years (annualized) +6.69% +2.39%    
Seventeen Years (annualized) +7.35% +2.62%    
Eighteen Years (annualized) +7.34% +2.66%    
MAPF returns assume reinvestment of distributions, and are shown after expenses but before fees.
The full name of the BMO-CM “50” index is the BMO Capital Markets “50” Preferred Share Index. It is calculated without accounting for fees.
“TXPR” is the S&P/TSX Preferred Share Index. It is calculated without accounting for fees, but does assume reinvestment of dividends.
CPD Returns are for the NAV and are after all fees and expenses. Reinvestment of dividends is assumed.
Figures for National Bank Preferred Equity Income Fund (formerly Omega Preferred Equity) (which are after all fees and expenses) for 1-, 3- and 12-months are -4.09%, -2.45% and -11.95%, respectively, according to Globe & Mail / Fundata after all fees & expenses. Three year performance is +1.90%; five year is -0.70; ten year is +2.22%

Figures from Morningstar are no longer conveniently available.

Manulife Preferred Income Class Adv has been terminated by Manulife. The performance of this fund was last reported here in March, 2018.
Figures for Horizons Active Preferred Share ETF (HPR) (which are after all fees and expenses) for 1-, 3- and 12-months are -5.25%, -3.36% & -17.95%, respectively. Three year performance is +1.03%, five-year is -1.36%
Figures for National Bank Preferred Equity Fund (formerly Altamira Preferred Equity Fund) are -5.40%, -3.47% and -17.89% for one-, three- and twelve months, respectively. Three year performance is +1.21%; five-year is -1.44%.

Acccording to the fund’s fact sheet as of June 30, 2016, the fund’s inception date was October 30, 2015. I do not know how they justify this nonsensical statement, but will assume that prior performance is being suppressed in some perfectly legal manner that somebody at National considers ethical.

The last time Altamira Preferred Equity Fund’s performance was reported here was April, 2014; performance under the National Bank banner was first reported here May, 2014.

The figures for the NAV of BMO S&P/TSX Laddered Preferred Share Index ETF (ZPR) is -16.80% for the past twelve months. Two year performance is -5.53%, three year is +2.03%, five year is -3.81%.
Figures for Fiera Canadian Preferred Share Class Cg Series F, (formerly Natixis Canadian Preferred Share Class Series F) (formerly NexGen Canadian Preferred Share Tax Managed Fund) are -5.52%, -4.03% and -17.43% for one-, three- and twelve-months, respectively. Three year performance is -1.59%; five-year is -1.11%
Figures for BMO Preferred Share Fund (advisor series) according to BMO are -5.63%, -3.39% and -19.00% for the past one-, three- and twelve-months, respectively. Three year performance is -2.14%; five-year is -3.76%.
Figures for PowerShares Canadian Preferred Share Index Class, Series F are -15.06% for the past twelve months. The three-year figure is +2.57%; five years is -1.21%
Figures for the First Asset Preferred Share Investment Trust (PSF.UN) are no longer available since the fund has merged with First Asset Preferred Share ETF (FPR).

Performance for the fund was last reported here in September, 2016; the first report of unavailability was in October, 2016.

Figures for Lysander-Slater Preferred Share Dividend Fund (Class F) according to the company are -6.19%, -5.11% and -19.17% for the past one, three and twelve months, respectively. Three year performance is -0.46%.
Figures for the Desjardins Canadian Preferred Share Fund A Class (A Class), as reported by the company are -4.57%, -2.83% and -16.83% for the past one, three and twelve months, respectively. Three year performance is +0.12%.

MAPF returns assume reinvestment of dividends, and are shown after expenses but before fees. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. You can lose money investing in Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund or any other fund. For more information, see the fund’s main page. The fund is available either directly from Hymas Investment Management or through a brokerage account at Odlum Brown Limited.

The preferred share market has suffered a sharp reverse in the past five months, leaving a lot of room for outsized gains. The Seniority Spread (the interest-equivalent yield on reasonably liquid, investment-grade PerpetualDiscounts less the yield on long term corporate bonds) is extremely elevated (chart end-date 2019-8-9)

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Note that the Seniority Spread was 420bp on August 28, an astonishing 30bp wider than reported at the end of July. As a good practical example of the spreads between markets, consider that on March 20 the redemption of IGM.PR.B was announced; the redemption of this 5.90% Straight Perpetual was explicitly financed by the issue of 4.206% debentures, implying a Seniority Spread for this issuer of about 350bp at that time.

As has been noted, the increase in the Seniority Spread over the past year has been due not to an increase in yield (drop in prices) of Straight Preferreds over the year, but because the yield of the preferreds has remained constant while the yield of long-term corporate bonds has dropped dramatically.

… and the relationship between five-year Canada yields and yields on investment-grade FixedResets is also well within what I consider ‘decoupled panic’ territory (chart end-date 2019-8-9):

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In addition, I feel that the yield on five-year Canadas is unsustainably low (it should be the inflation rate plus an increment of … 1%? 1.5%? 2.0%?),and a return to sustainable levels is likely over the medium term.

It seems clear that many market players are, wittingly or not, using FixedResets to speculate on future moves in the Canada 5-Year yield. This is excellent news for those who take market action based on fundamentals and the long term characteristics of the market because nobody can consistently time the markets. The speculators will, over the long run, lose money, handing it over to more sober investors.

FixedReset (Discount) performance on the month was -5.91% vs. PerpetualDiscounts of -0.99% in August; the two classes finally decoupled in mid-November, 2018, after months of moving in lockstep, but it still appears to me that yields available on FixedResets are keeping the yields of PerpetualDiscounts up, even though a consistent valuation based on an expectation of declining interest rates would greatly increase the attractiveness of PerpetualDiscounts:

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Floaters got whacked yet again, returning -9.95% for August and -41.29% for the past twelve months. Look at the long-term performance:

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Some Assiduous Readers will be interested to observe that the ‘Quantitative Easing’ decline was not as bad as the ‘Credit Crunch’ decline, which took the sector down to the point where the 15-year cumulative total return was negative. I wrote about that at the time. but now it’s worse! On August 30 the HIMI Floater Index (total return) value was calculated as 1906.6; the index first surpassed this value on 2003-8-13. Thus, cumulative total return (that is, including dividends) has been negative for the slightly-over sixteen years since then. This is wild!

It seems clear that Floaters are used, wittingly or otherwise, as a vehicle for speculation on the policy rate and Canada Prime, while FixedResets are being used as a vehicle for speculation on the five-year Canada rate. In support of this idea, I present an Implied Volatility analysis of the TRP series of FixedResets as of August 30, which is comprised of six issues without a Minimum Rate Guarantee and two issues which do have this feature:

Click for Big

The two issues with floors, TRP.PR.J (+469, minimum 5.50%) and TRP.PR.K (+385, minimum 4.90%) are $2.80 and an incredible $4.57 rich, respectively. These are marked increases from last month, despite the fact that their floor will not become effective unless five-year Canadas dip below 0.81% and 1.05%, respectively. For all the gloom, we’re still above those levels!

Lest this be considered a fluke, I also show results for the BAM series of FixedResets, which includes three issues with dividend floors: BAM.PF.H (+417, Minimum 5.00%); BAM.PF.I (+386, Minimum 4.80%); and BAM.PF.J (+310, Minimum 4.75%); these issues are all rich compared to their non-floor siblings, being $3.03, $3.27 and $3.58 expensive, respectively.

Relative performance during the month was not correlated with Issue Reset Spreads for “Pfd-2 Group” issues, but the “Pfd-3 Group” showed a correlation of 21%:

Click for Big

… and results over the quarter were similar (Pfd-3 Group correlation was 12%):

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And, for those curious about how the current downturn compares with prior ones:

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For the above graph, I have assumed that the BMO-CM “50” index return for the month will be equal to TXPR, since figures for the former index are not yet available. As we can see, we are now showing a negative cumulative total return over the past 85 months – that’s seven years and one month, going back to July, 2012 – of -0.21%, a loss only exceeded in November, 2008, when the 85-month cumulative total return was -4.42%.

Update: See bottom of post for revised graph prepared with actual figure for BMO-cm “50”

As for the future, of course, it’s one thing to say that ‘spreads are unsustainable and so are government yields’ and it’s quite another to forecast just how and when a more economically sustainable environment will take effect. It could be years. There could be a reversal, particularly if Trump’s international trade policies cause a severe recession or even a depression. And, of course, I could be just plain wrong about the sustainability of the current environment.

On the other hand, I will pass on my observation that international interest in the Canadian preferred share market is increasing, as other Floating Rate indices globally are doing much better. Consider, for example the Solactive Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond Index, which “provides exposure to the largest and most liquid floating rate debt securities issued by selected Australian banks. The index is comprised of investment grade floating rate debt securities denominated in AUD and calculated as a Total Return Index” (LINK, and the S&P U.S. Floating Rate Preferred Stock Index.

Yields on preferred shares of all stripes are extremely high compared to those available from other investments of similar quality. As I told John Heinzl in an eMail interview in late November, 2018, the best advice I can offer investors remains Shut up and clip your coupons!

I think that a broad, sustainable rally in FixedResets will require higher five-year Canada yields (or a widespread expectation of them) … and although I’m sure this will happen eventually, it would be foolish to speculate on just when it will happen!

Calculation of MAPF Sustainable Income Per Unit
Month NAVPU Portfolio
June, 2007 9.3114 5.16% 1.03 5.01% 1.3240 0.3524
September 9.1489 5.35% 0.98 5.46% 1.3240 0.3773
December, 2007 9.0070 5.53% 0.942 5.87% 1.3240 0.3993
March, 2008 8.8512 6.17% 1.047 5.89% 1.3240 0.3938
June 8.3419 6.034% 0.952 6.338% 1.3240 $0.3993
September 8.1886 7.108% 0.969 7.335% 1.3240 $0.4537
December, 2008 8.0464 9.24% 1.008 9.166% 1.3240 $0.5571
March 2009 $8.8317 8.60% 0.995 8.802% 1.3240 $0.5872
June 10.9846 7.05% 0.999 7.057% 1.3240 $0.5855
September 12.3462 6.03% 0.998 6.042% 1.3240 $0.5634
December 2009 10.5662 5.74% 0.981 5.851% 1.1141 $0.5549
March 2010 10.2497 6.03% 0.992 6.079% 1.1141 $0.5593
June 10.5770 5.96% 0.996 5.984% 1.1141 $0.5681
September 11.3901 5.43% 0.980 5.540% 1.1141 $0.5664
December 2010 10.7659 5.37% 0.993 5.408% 1.0298 $0.5654
March, 2011 11.0560 6.00% 0.994 5.964% 1.0298 $0.6403
June 11.1194 5.87% 1.018 5.976% 1.0298 $0.6453
September 10.2709 6.10%
1.001 6.106% 1.0298 $0.6090
December, 2011 10.0793 5.63%
1.031 5.805% 1.0000 $0.5851
March, 2012 10.3944 5.13%
0.996 5.109% 1.0000 $0.5310
June 10.2151 5.32%
1.012 5.384% 1.0000 $0.5500
September 10.6703 4.61%
0.997 4.624% 1.0000 $0.4934
December, 2012 10.8307 4.24% 0.989 4.287% 1.0000 $0.4643
March, 2013 10.9033 3.87% 0.996 3.886% 1.0000 $0.4237
June 10.3261 4.81% 0.998 4.80% 1.0000 $0.4957
September 10.0296 5.62% 0.996 5.643% 1.0000 $0.5660
December, 2013 9.8717 6.02% 1.008 5.972% 1.0000 $0.5895
March, 2014 10.2233 5.55% 0.998 5.561% 1.0000 $0.5685
June 10.5877 5.09% 0.998 5.100% 1.0000 $0.5395
September 10.4601 5.28% 0.997 5.296% 1.0000 $0.5540
December, 2014 10.5701 4.83% 1.009 4.787% 1.0000 $0.5060
March, 2015 9.9573 4.99% 1.001 4.985% 1.0000 $0.4964
June, 2015 9.4181 5.55% 1.002 5.539% 1.0000 $0.5217
September 7.8140 6.98% 0.999 6.987% 1.0000 $0.5460
December, 2015 8.1379 6.85% 0.997 6.871% 1.0000 $0.5592
March, 2016 7.4416 7.79% 0.998 7.805% 1.0000 $0.5808
June 7.6704 7.67% 1.011 7.587% 1.0000 $0.5819
September 8.0590 7.35% 0.993 7.402% 1.0000 $0.5965
December, 2016 8.5844 7.24% 0.990 7.313% 1.0000 $0.6278
March, 2017 9.3984 6.26% 0.994 6.298% 1.0000 $0.5919
June 9.5313 6.41% 0.998 6.423% 1.0000 $0.6122
September 9.7129 6.56% 0.998 6.573% 1.0000 $0.6384
December, 2017 10.0566 6.06% 1.004 6.036% 1.0000 $0.6070
March, 2018 10.2701 6.22% 1.007 6.177% 1.0000 $0.6344
June 10.2518 6.22% 0.995 6.251% 1.0000 $0.6408
September 10.2965 6.62% 1.018 6.503% 1.0000 $0.6696
December, 2018 8.6875 7.16% 0.997 7.182% 1.0000 $0.6240
March, 2019 8.4778 7.09% 1.007 7.041% 1.0000 $0.5969
June 8.0896 7.33% 0.996 7.359% 1.0000 $0.5953
August, 2019 7.6533 7.86% 0.996 7.892% 1.0000 $0.6040
NAVPU is shown after quarterly distributions of dividend income and annual distribution of capital gains.
Portfolio YTW includes cash (or margin borrowing), with an assumed interest rate of 0.00%
The Leverage Divisor indicates the level of cash in the account: if the portfolio is 1% in cash, the Leverage Divisor will be 0.99
Securities YTW divides “Portfolio YTW” by the “Leverage Divisor” to show the average YTW on the securities held; this assumes that the cash is invested in (or raised from) all securities held, in proportion to their holdings.
The Capital Gains Multiplier adjusts for the effects of Capital Gains Dividends. On 2009-12-31, there was a capital gains distribution of $1.989262 which is assumed for this purpose to have been reinvested at the final price of $10.5662. Thus, a holder of one unit pre-distribution would have held 1.1883 units post-distribution; the CG Multiplier reflects this to make the time-series comparable. Note that Dividend Distributions are not assumed to be reinvested.
Sustainable Income is the resultant estimate of the fund’s dividend income per current unit, before fees and expenses. Note that a “current unit” includes reinvestment of prior capital gains; a unitholder would have had the calculated sustainable income with only, say, 0.9 units in the past which, with reinvestment of capital gains, would become 1.0 current units.
DeemedRetractibles are comprised of all Straight Perpetuals (both PerpetualDiscount and PerpetualPremium) issued by BMO, BNS, CM, ELF, GWO, HSB, IAG, MFC, NA, RY, SLF and TD, which are not exchangable into common at the option of the company or the regulator (definition refined in May, 2011). These issues are analyzed as if their prospectuses included a requirement to redeem at par on or prior to 2022-1-31 (banks) or the Deemed Maturity date for insurers and insurance holding companies (see below)), in addition to the call schedule explicitly defined. See the Deemed Retractible Review: September 2016 for the rationale behind this analysis.

The same reasoning is also applied to FixedResets from these issuers, other than explicitly defined NVCC from banks.

The Deemed Maturity date for insurers was set at 2022-1-31 at the commencement of the process in February, 2011. It was extended to 2025-1-31 in April, 2013 and to 2030-1-31 in December, 2018
Yields for September, 2011, to January, 2012, were calculated by imposing a cap of 10% on the yields of YLO issues held, in order to avoid their extremely high calculated yields distorting the calculation and to reflect the uncertainty in the marketplace that these yields will be realized. From February to September 2012, yields on these issues have been set to zero. All YLO issues held were sold in October 2012.

These calculations were performed assuming constant contemporary GOC-5 and 3-Month Bill rates, as follows:

Canada Yields Assumed in Calculations
Month-end GOC-5 3-Month Bill
September, 2015 0.78% 0.40%
December, 2015 0.71% 0.46%
March, 2016 0.70% 0.44%
June 0.57% 0.47%
September 0.58% 0.53%
December, 2016 1.16% 0.47%
March, 2017 1.08% 0.55%
June 1.35% 0.69%
September 1.79% 0.97%
December, 2017 1.83% 1.00%
March, 2018 2.06% 1.08%
June 1.95% 1.22%
September 2.33% 1.55%
December, 2018 1.88% 1.65%
March, 2019 1.46% 1.66%
June 1.34% 1.66%
August, 2019 1.24% 1.63%

Significant positions were held in NVCC non-compliant regulated FixedReset issues on August 30, 2019; all of these currently have their yields calculated with the presumption that they will be called by the issuers at par prior to 2022-1-31 (banks) or 2030-1-31 (insurers and insurance holding companies) or on a different date (SplitShares, when present in the portfolio) This presents another complication in the calculation of sustainable yield, which also assumes that redemption proceeds will be reinvested at the same rate. It will also be noted that my analysis of likely insurance industry regulation as updated is not given much weight by the market.

I will also note that the sustainable yield calculated above is not directly comparable with any yield calculation currently reported by any other preferred share fund as far as I am aware. The Sustainable Yield depends on:
i) Calculating Yield-to-Worst for each instrument and using this yield for reporting purposes;
ii) Using the contemporary value of Five-Year Canadas to estimate dividends after reset for FixedResets. The assumption regarding the five-year Canada rate has become more important as the proportion of low-spread FixedResets in the portfolio has increased.
iii) Making the assumption that deeply discounted NVCC non-compliant issues from both banks and insurers, both Straight and FixedResets will be redeemed at par on their DeemedMaturity date as discussed above.

Update, 2019-9-4: Up-to-date figures for the BMO-CM “50” index have been received and have been used to update the ‘rolling return’ graph, above. The length of the downturn has been recalculated to be 88 months (7 years and 4 months) with a negative total return from the end of April, 2012, to the end of August, 2019.

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MAPF Portfolio Composition : August, 2019

September 2nd, 2019

Turnover declined to 2% in August, as the market crashed – until the last two days! – with high spreads.

There is extreme segmentation in the marketplace, with OSFI’s NVCC rule changes in February 2011 having had the effect of splitting the formerly relatively homogeneous Straight Perpetual class of preferreds into three parts:

  • Unaffected Straight Perpetuals
  • DeemedRetractibles explicitly subject to the rules (banks)
  • DeemedRetractibles considered by me, but not (yet!) by the market, to be likely to be explicitly subject to the rules in the future (insurers and insurance holding companies)

This segmentation, and the extreme valuation differences between the segments, has cut down markedly on the opportunities for trading.

To make this more clear, it used to be that there were 70-odd Straight Perpetuals and I was more or less indifferent as to which ones I owned (subject, of course, to issuer concentration concerns and other risk management factors). Thus, if any one of these 70 were to go down in price by – say – $0.25, I would quite often have something in inventory that I’d be willing to swap for it. The segmentation means that I am no longer indifferent; in addition to checking the valuation of a potential buy to other Straights, I also have to check its peer group. This cuts down on the potential for trading.

And, of course, the same segmentation has the same effect on trading opportunities between FixedReset issues.

I have argued for a long time that insurers will become covered by NVCC rules similar to the banks, but regulatory process on the issue is very slow.

As a result of prior delays, I initially extended the Deemed Maturity date for insurers and insurance holding companies by three years (to 2025-1-31), in the expectation that when OSFI finally does provide clarity, they will allow the same degree of lead-in time for these companies as they did for banks. This had a major effect on the durations of preferred shares subject to the change but, fortunately, not much on their calculated yields as most of these issues were either trading near par when the change was made or were trading at sufficient premium that a par call was expected on economic grounds. However, with the declines in the market over the past nine months, the expected capital gain on redemption of the insurance-issued DeemedRetractibles has become an important component of the calculated yield.

In December, 2018, I extended the DeemedMaturity date for insurance issues by another five years, to 2030-1-31.

The new date has been chosen with the idea that a decision will be made by the IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors) in 2019, and (if favourable) will be implemented with an 11-year grace period, similarly to the banks. We shall see just how accurate these suppositions might be!

I must emphasize that these extensions do not give rise to any desire on my part to alter the fundamentals of my analysis. It is simply a reaction to the excessive time the regulators are taking to discuss the issue.

Sectoral distribution of the MAPF portfolio on August 30 was as follows:

MAPF Sectoral Analysis 2019-8-30
HIMI Indices Sector Weighting YTW ModDur
Ratchet 0% N/A N/A
FixFloat 0% N/A N/A
Floater 0% N/A N/A
OpRet 0% N/A N/A
SplitShare 0% N/A N/A
Interest Rearing 0% N/A N/A
PerpetualPremium 0% N/A N/A
PerpetualDiscount 0% N/A N/A
Fixed-Reset Discount 47.1% 6.08% 13.84
Deemed-Retractible 0% N/A N/A
FloatingReset 3.2% 11.20% 8.01
FixedReset Premium 0% N/A N/A
FixedReset Bank non-NVCC 0% N/A N/A
FixedReset Insurance non-NVCC 37.4% 9.92% 8.27
Scraps – Ratchet 1.4% 7.76% 13.35
Scraps – FixedFloater 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – Floater 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – OpRet 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – SplitShare 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – PerpPrem 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – PerpDisc 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – FR Discount 8.4% 7.69% 11.84
Scraps – DeemedRet 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – FloatingReset 0.8% 8.24% 11.02
Scraps – FR Premium 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – Bank non-NVCC 0% N/A N/A
Scraps – Ins non-NVCC 1.2% 8.87% 8.01
Cash +0.4% 0.00% 0.00
Total 100% 7.86% 11.24
Totals and changes will not add precisely due to rounding. Cash is included in totals with duration and yield both equal to zero.
The various “Scraps” indices include issues with a DBRS rating of Pfd-3(high) or lower and issues with an Average Trading Value (calculated with HIMIPref™ methodology, which is relatively complex) of less than $25,000. The issues considered “Scraps” are subdivided into indices which reflect those of the main indices.
DeemedRetractibles are comprised of all Straight Perpetuals (both PerpetualDiscount and PerpetualPremium) issued by BMO, BNS, CM, ELF, GWO, HSB, IAG, MFC, NA, RY, SLF and TD, which are not exchangable into common at the option of the company or the regulator. These issues are analyzed as if their prospectuses included a requirement to redeem at par on or prior to 2022-1-31 (banks) or 2030-1-31 (insurers and insurance holding companies), in addition to the call schedule explicitly defined. See the Deemed Retractible Review: September 2016 for the rationale behind this analysis.

Note that the estimate for the time this will become effective for insurers and insurance holding companies was extended by three years in April 2013, due to the delays in OSFI’s providing clarity on the issue and by a further five years in December, 2018.

Calculations of resettable instruments are performed assuming a constant GOC-5 rate of 1.24% and a constant 3-Month Bill rate of 1.63%

The “total” reflects the un-leveraged total portfolio (i.e., cash is included in the portfolio calculations and is deemed to have a duration and yield of 0.00.). MAPF will often have relatively large cash balances, both credit and debit, to facilitate trading. Figures presented in the table have been rounded to the indicated precision.

Credit distribution is:

MAPF Credit Analysis 2019-8-30
DBRS Rating Weighting
Pfd-1 0
Pfd-1(low) 0
Pfd-2(high) 22.40%
Pfd-2 36.7%
Pfd-2(low) 29.9%
Pfd-3(high) 3.5%
Pfd-3 3.9%
Pfd-3(low) 2.4%
Pfd-4(high) 0%
Pfd-4 0%
Pfd-4(low) 0%
Pfd-5(high) 0.8%
Pfd-5 0.0%
Cash +0.4%
Totals will not add precisely due to rounding.
The fund holds a position in AZP.PR.C, which is rated P-5(high) by S&P and is unrated by DBRS; it is included in the Pfd-5(high) total.
The fund holds a position in EMA.PR.C, which is rated P-2(low) by S&P and is unrated by DBRS; it is included in the Pfd-2(low) total.
A position held in INE.PR.A is not rated by DBRS, but has been included as “Pfd-3” in the above table on the basis of its S&P rating of P-3.

Liquidity Distribution is:

MAPF Liquidity Analysis 2019-8-30
Average Daily Trading Weighting
<$50,000 4.8%
$50,000 – $100,000 69.8%
$100,000 – $200,000 16.0%
$200,000 – $300,000 7.0%
>$300,000 2.0%
Cash +0.4%
Totals will not add precisely due to rounding.

The distribution of Issue Reset Spreads is:

Range MAPF Weight
<100bp 0%
100-149bp 29.7%
150-199bp 22.9%
200-249bp 22.3%
250-299bp 14.3%
300-349bp 0.8%
350-399bp 3.8%
400-449bp 1.9%
450-499bp 0.4%
500-549bp 2.1%
550-599bp 0%
>= 600bp 0%
Undefined 1.8%

Distribution of Floating Rate Start Dates is shown in the table below. This is the date of the next adjustment to the dividend rate, if the issue is currently paying a fixed rate for a limited time; which in practice is successive terms of 5 years. Issues that adjust quarterly are considered “Currently Floating”.

Range MAPF Weight
Currently Floating 7.5%
0-1 Year 24.9%
1-2 Years 35.8%
2-3 Years 16.1%
3-4 Years 10.6%
4-5 Years 4.8%
5-6 Years 0%
>6 Years 0%
Not Floating Rate +0.4%

MAPF is, of course, Malachite Aggressive Preferred Fund, a “unit trust” managed by Hymas Investment Management Inc. Further information and links to performance, audited financials and subscription information are available the fund’s web page. The fund may be purchased either directly from Hymas Investment Management or through a brokerage account at Odlum Brown Limited. A “unit trust” is like a regular mutual fund, but are not sold with a prospectus. This is cheaper, but means subscription is restricted to “accredited investors” (as defined by the Ontario Securities Commission). Fund past performances are not a guarantee of future performance. You can lose money investing in MAPF or any other fund.

A similar portfolio composition analysis has been performed on the Claymore Preferred Share ETF (symbol CPD) (and other funds) as of July 31, 2017, and published in the August, 2017, PrefLetter. It is fair to say:

  • MAPF credit quality is much better
  • MAPF liquidity is lower
  • MAPF Yield is higher
  • Weightings
    • MAPF is much less exposed to Straight Perpetuals
    • Neither portfolio is exposed to Operating Retractibles (there aren’t too many of those any more!)
    • MAPF is equally exposed to SplitShares (that is to say, currently no exposure)
    • MAPF is less exposed to FixFloat / Floater / Ratchet
    • MAPF is significantly higher weighted in FixedResets, with a much greater emphasis on lower-spread and insurance issues

ENB.PR.Y : No Conversion To FloatingReset

August 30th, 2019

Enbridge Inc. has announced (on August 19):

that none of its outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares, Series 3 (Series 3 Shares) will be converted into Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares, Series 4 of Enbridge (Series 4 Shares) on September 1, 2019.

After taking into account all conversion notices received from holders of its outstanding Series 3 Shares by the August 19, 2019 deadline for the conversion of the Series 3 Shares into Series 4 Shares, less than the 1,000,000 Series 3 Shares required to give effect to conversions into Series 4 Shares were tendered for conversion.

ENB.PR.Y is a FixedReset, 4.00%+238, that commenced trading 2013-6-6 after being announced 2013-5-28. The issue will reset at 3.737% effective September 1, 2019. I recommended against conversion. ENB.PR.Y is tracked by HIMIPref™ but relegated to the Scraps – FixedReset (Discount) subindex on credit concerns.

TA.PR.J To Reset At 4.988%

August 30th, 2019

TransAlta Corporation has announced:

that it does not intend to exercise its right to redeem all or any portion of the currently outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Rate Reset First Preferred Shares, Series G (“Series G Shares”) (TSX: TA.PR.J) on September 30, 2019 (the “Conversion Date”).

As a result, and subject to certain conditions, the holders of the Series G Shares will have the right to elect to convert all or any of their Series G Shares into Cumulative Redeemable Floating Rate First Preferred Shares, Series H of the Company (“Series H Shares”) on the basis of one Series H Share for each Series G Share on the Conversion Date.

As provided in the share terms of the Series G Shares, the foregoing conversion right is subject to the conditions that: (i) if TransAlta determines that there would remain outstanding immediately following the conversion, less than 1,000,000 Series G Shares, all remaining Series G Shares shall be converted automatically into Series H Shares on a one-for one basis effective September 30, 2019; or (ii) if TransAlta determines that there would remain outstanding immediately after the conversion, less than 1,000,000 Series H Shares, holders of Series G Shares shall not be entitled to convert their shares into Series H Shares on the Conversion Date. There are currently 6,000,000 Series G Shares outstanding.

With respect to any Series G Shares that remain outstanding after September 30, 2019, holders thereof will be entitled to receive quarterly fixed cumulative preferential cash dividends, if, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of TransAlta. The annual dividend rate for the Series G Shares for the five-year period from and including September 30, 2019 to but excluding September 30, 2024, will be 4.988%, being equal to the five-year Government of Canada bond yield of 1.188% determined as of today plus 3.80%, in accordance with the terms of the Series G Shares.

With respect to any Series H Shares that may be issued on September 30, 2019, holders thereof will be entitled to receive quarterly floating rate cumulative preferential cash dividends, if, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of TransAlta. The annual dividend rate for the 3-month floating rate period from and including September 30, 2019 to but excluding December 31, 2019 will be 5.438%, being equal to the annual rate for the most recent auction of 90-day Government of Canada Treasury Bills of 1.638% plus 3.80%, in accordance with the terms of the Series H Shares (the “Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate”). The Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate will be reset every quarter.

The Series G Shares are issued in “book entry only” form and must be purchased or transferred through a participant in the CDS depository service (“CDS Participant”). All rights of holders of Series G Shares must be exercised through CDS or the CDS Participant through which the Series G Shares are held. The deadline for the registered shareholder to provide notice of exercise of the right to convert Series G Shares into Series H Shares is 3:00 p.m. (MST) / 5:00 p.m. (EST) on September 15, 2019. Any notices received after this deadline will not be valid. As such, holders of Series G Shares who wish to exercise their right to convert their shares should contact their broker or other intermediary for more information and it is recommended that this be done well in advance of the deadline in order to provide the broker or other intermediary with time to complete the necessary steps.

If TransAlta does not receive an election notice from a holder of Series G Shares during the time fixed therefor, then the Series G Shares shall be deemed not to have been converted (except in the case of an automatic conversion). Holders of the Series G Shares and the Series H Shares will have the opportunity to convert their shares again on September 30, 2024, and every five years thereafter as long as the shares remain outstanding. For more information on the terms of the Series G Shares and the Series H Shares, please see TransAlta’s articles of amalgamation, including the share terms and shares in series schedule attached thereto as Schedule “A”, which are available on the Company’s website under the Investor Centre (Governance).

TA.PR.J is a FixedReset, 5.30%+380, that commenced trading 2014-8-14 after being announced 2014-8-6. It is tracked by HIMIPref™ and has been assigned to the Scraps index on credit concerns. It was recently downgraded to P-4(high by S&P but remains at Pfd-3(low) with DBRS.

The most logical way to analyze the question of whether or not to convert is through the theory of Preferred Pairs, for which a calculator is available. Briefly, a Strong Pair is defined as a pair of securities that can be interconverted in the future (e.g., TA.PR.J and the FloatingReset that will exist if enough holders convert). Since they will be interconvertible on this future date, it may be assumed that they will be priced identically on this date (if they aren’t then holders will simply convert en masse to the higher-priced issue). And since they will be priced identically on a given date in the future, any current difference in price must be offset by expectations of an equal and opposite value of dividends to be received in the interim. And since the dividend rate on one element of the pair is both fixed and known, the implied average rate of the other, floating rate, instrument can be determined. Finally, we say, we may compare these average rates and take a view regarding the actual future course of that rate relative to the implied rate, which will provide us with guidance on which element of the pair is likely to outperform the other until the next interconversion date, at which time the process will be repeated.

We can show the break-even rates for each FixedReset / FloatingReset Strong Pair graphically by plotting the implied average 3-month bill rate against the next Exchange Date (which is the date to which the average will be calculated). Inspection of the graph and the overall average break-even rates for extant pairs will provide a guide for estimating the break-even rate for the pair now under consideration assuming, of course, that enough conversions occur so that the pair is in fact created.

Click for Big

The market has lost enthusiasm for floating rate product; the implied rates until the next interconversion are generally well below the current 3-month bill rate as the averages for investment-grade and junk issues are at +0.60% and +0.95%, respectively. Whatever might be the result of the next few Bank of Canada overnight rate decisions, I suggest that it is unlikely that the average rate over the next five years will be lower than current – but if you disagree, of course, you may interpret the data any way you like.

Since credit quality of each element of the pair is equal to the other element, it should not make any difference whether the pair examined is investment-grade or junk, although we might expect greater variation of implied rates between junk issues on grounds of lower liquidity, and this is just what we see.

If we plug in the current bid price of the TA.PR.J FixedReset, we may construct the following table showing consistent prices for its soon-may-be-issued FloatingReset counterpart given a variety of Implied Breakeven yields consistent with issues currently trading:

Estimate of FloatingReset (received in exchange for TA.PR.J) Trading Price In Current Conditions
  Assumed FloatingReset
Price if Implied Bill
is equal to
FixedReset Bid Price Spread 1.50% 1.00% 0.50%
TA.PR.J 15.47 380bp 15.73 15.28 14.83

Based on current market conditions, I suggest that the FloatingResets that will result from conversion are likely to trade below the price of their FixedReset counterparts, TA.PR.J. Therefore, it seems likely that I will recommend that holders of TA.PR.J continue to hold the issue and not to convert, but I will wait until it’s closer to the September 15 notification deadline before making a final pronouncement. I will note that once the FloatingResets commence trading (if, in fact, they do) it may be a good trade to swap one issue for the other in the market once both elements of each pair are trading and you can – hopefully – do it with a reasonably good take-out in price, rather than doing it through the company on a 1:1 basis. But that, of course, will depend on the prices at that time and your forecast for the path of policy rates over the next five years. There are no guarantees – my recommendation is based on the assumption that current market conditions with respect to the pairs will continue until the FloatingResets commence trading and that the relative pricing of the two new pairs will reflect these conditions.

August 30, 2019

August 30th, 2019
Click for Big

TXPR closed at 584.11, up 1.25% on the day. Volume was 4.04-million, second-highest of the past 30 days, surpassed only by yesterday.

CPD closed at 11.65, up 1.13% on the day. Volume of 120,051 was above average but nothing special in the context of the past 30 days.

ZPR closed at 9.29, up 1.53% on the day. Volume of 320,323 was well above average but not extraordinary in the context of the past 30 days.

Five-year Canada yields were unchanged at 1.19% today.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 2.0538 % 1,803.0
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 2.0538 % 3,308.4
Floater 6.62 % 6.71 % 69,249 12.81 4 2.0538 % 1,906.6
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1697 % 3,377.1
SplitShare 4.67 % 4.53 % 61,733 4.07 7 0.1697 % 4,032.9
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.1697 % 3,146.6
Perpetual-Premium 5.64 % 4.21 % 64,037 0.09 9 0.0132 % 2,971.5
Perpetual-Discount 5.50 % 5.62 % 63,858 14.46 25 0.4589 % 3,099.3
FixedReset Disc 5.80 % 5.54 % 162,310 14.48 66 1.8803 % 2,004.1
Deemed-Retractible 5.33 % 6.14 % 75,671 7.91 27 0.4659 % 3,088.3
FloatingReset 4.67 % 7.13 % 68,260 8.01 3 0.3001 % 2,282.3
FixedReset Prem 5.20 % 4.86 % 179,245 1.85 21 0.2408 % 2,565.5
FixedReset Bank Non 1.98 % 4.11 % 89,488 2.34 3 -0.2083 % 2,657.3
FixedReset Ins Non 5.57 % 8.10 % 102,596 7.98 21 1.5535 % 2,066.9
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.00 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.17
Evaluated at bid price : 17.17
Bid-YTW : 7.07 %
TD.PF.I FixedReset Disc 1.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 20.54
Evaluated at bid price : 20.54
Bid-YTW : 5.29 %
SLF.PR.C Deemed-Retractible 1.05 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.25
Bid-YTW : 7.04 %
BMO.PR.Z Perpetual-Discount 1.07 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 24.18
Evaluated at bid price : 24.66
Bid-YTW : 5.08 %
TD.PF.M FixedReset Prem 1.09 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 22.87
Evaluated at bid price : 24.20
Bid-YTW : 5.08 %
TRP.PR.B FixedReset Disc 1.10 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.38
Evaluated at bid price : 10.38
Bid-YTW : 6.05 %
BIP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.19
Evaluated at bid price : 17.19
Bid-YTW : 6.98 %
RY.PR.J FixedReset Disc 1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 18.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.00
Bid-YTW : 5.55 %
CM.PR.Y FixedReset Disc 1.13 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 22.83
Evaluated at bid price : 24.10
Bid-YTW : 5.17 %
CU.PR.F Perpetual-Discount 1.19 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 21.20
Evaluated at bid price : 21.20
Bid-YTW : 5.34 %
MFC.PR.B Deemed-Retractible 1.25 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.03
Bid-YTW : 6.81 %
TRP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 1.31 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 12.46
Evaluated at bid price : 12.46
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
BAM.PR.Z FixedReset Disc 1.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.50
Evaluated at bid price : 17.50
Bid-YTW : 6.28 %
BMO.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.39 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 21.19
Evaluated at bid price : 21.19
Bid-YTW : 5.42 %
TRP.PR.K FixedReset Prem 1.42 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2022-05-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 24.96
Bid-YTW : 4.99 %
PWF.PR.L Perpetual-Discount 1.44 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 22.33
Evaluated at bid price : 22.60
Bid-YTW : 5.70 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 1.48 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.29
Evaluated at bid price : 10.29
Bid-YTW : 6.85 %
MFC.PR.C Deemed-Retractible 1.53 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.55
Bid-YTW : 6.93 %
MFC.PR.Q FixedReset Ins Non 1.55 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.30
Bid-YTW : 8.05 %
TD.PF.K FixedReset Disc 1.57 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 19.40
Evaluated at bid price : 19.40
Bid-YTW : 5.28 %
CM.PR.Q FixedReset Disc 1.57 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.45
Evaluated at bid price : 17.45
Bid-YTW : 5.81 %
NA.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.60 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 20.32
Evaluated at bid price : 20.32
Bid-YTW : 5.75 %
NA.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.60 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 18.40
Evaluated at bid price : 18.40
Bid-YTW : 5.47 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.63 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.65
Bid-YTW : 8.10 %
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.74 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 11.09
Evaluated at bid price : 11.09
Bid-YTW : 6.25 %
BMO.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.75 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 19.81
Evaluated at bid price : 19.81
Bid-YTW : 5.26 %
BNS.PR.I FixedReset Disc 1.78 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 19.45
Evaluated at bid price : 19.45
Bid-YTW : 5.16 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non 1.78 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.26
Bid-YTW : 10.01 %
CM.PR.O FixedReset Disc 1.81 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.32
Evaluated at bid price : 16.32
Bid-YTW : 5.59 %
TRP.PR.F FloatingReset 1.84 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 12.45
Evaluated at bid price : 12.45
Bid-YTW : 7.13 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 1.94 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.50
Evaluated at bid price : 10.50
Bid-YTW : 6.71 %
BIP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.97 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 21.21
Evaluated at bid price : 21.21
Bid-YTW : 5.90 %
EMA.PR.F FixedReset Disc 2.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.83
Evaluated at bid price : 15.83
Bid-YTW : 6.18 %
GWO.PR.T Deemed-Retractible 2.07 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.17
Bid-YTW : 6.09 %
MFC.PR.M FixedReset Ins Non 2.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.47
Bid-YTW : 9.44 %
TD.PF.C FixedReset Disc 2.14 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.20
Evaluated at bid price : 16.20
Bid-YTW : 5.46 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 2.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 14.76
Evaluated at bid price : 14.76
Bid-YTW : 6.16 %
RY.PR.H FixedReset Disc 2.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.01
Evaluated at bid price : 17.01
Bid-YTW : 5.18 %
BAM.PF.F FixedReset Disc 2.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.50
Evaluated at bid price : 16.50
Bid-YTW : 6.34 %
MFC.PR.J FixedReset Ins Non 2.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.85
Bid-YTW : 7.69 %
TD.PF.A FixedReset Disc 2.19 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.35
Evaluated at bid price : 16.35
Bid-YTW : 5.39 %
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc 2.19 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 18.65
Evaluated at bid price : 18.65
Bid-YTW : 5.54 %
BMO.PR.S FixedReset Disc 2.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.31
Evaluated at bid price : 17.31
Bid-YTW : 5.30 %
NA.PR.W FixedReset Disc 2.31 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.09
Evaluated at bid price : 15.09
Bid-YTW : 5.85 %
NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc 2.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 19.33
Evaluated at bid price : 19.33
Bid-YTW : 5.54 %
MFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 2.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.78
Bid-YTW : 8.27 %
SLF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 2.61 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.11
Bid-YTW : 7.83 %
IAF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 2.63 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.75
Bid-YTW : 7.90 %
PWF.PR.T FixedReset Disc 2.67 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.30
Evaluated at bid price : 17.30
Bid-YTW : 5.51 %
RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc 2.67 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.66
Evaluated at bid price : 17.66
Bid-YTW : 5.48 %
MFC.PR.F FixedReset Ins Non 2.70 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.17
Bid-YTW : 10.92 %
CM.PR.R FixedReset Disc 2.71 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 20.50
Evaluated at bid price : 20.50
Bid-YTW : 5.65 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc 2.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 6.18 %
BAM.PF.E FixedReset Disc 2.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.10
Evaluated at bid price : 15.10
Bid-YTW : 6.46 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 2.81 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.73
Bid-YTW : 8.77 %
RY.PR.Z FixedReset Disc 2.82 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.14
Evaluated at bid price : 17.14
Bid-YTW : 5.17 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 2.87 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 12.19
Evaluated at bid price : 12.19
Bid-YTW : 5.80 %
MFC.PR.K FixedReset Ins Non 2.91 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.30
Bid-YTW : 8.41 %
IFC.PR.C FixedReset Ins Non 2.94 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.50
Bid-YTW : 8.22 %
BAM.PR.T FixedReset Disc 2.98 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 14.17
Evaluated at bid price : 14.17
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
EMA.PR.C FixedReset Disc 3.00 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.52
Evaluated at bid price : 17.52
Bid-YTW : 5.89 %
TD.PF.B FixedReset Disc 3.03 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 5.29 %
TD.PF.D FixedReset Disc 3.06 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 18.50
Evaluated at bid price : 18.50
Bid-YTW : 5.48 %
TD.PF.J FixedReset Disc 3.09 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 20.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.00
Bid-YTW : 5.18 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset Disc 3.20 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 18.39
Evaluated at bid price : 18.39
Bid-YTW : 6.07 %
BAM.PF.G FixedReset Disc 3.20 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.45
Evaluated at bid price : 16.45
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 3.24 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 12.42
Evaluated at bid price : 12.42
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 3.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.04
Evaluated at bid price : 17.04
Bid-YTW : 5.32 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc 3.41 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.96
Evaluated at bid price : 16.96
Bid-YTW : 5.57 %
CM.PR.S FixedReset Disc 3.64 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.92
Evaluated at bid price : 17.92
Bid-YTW : 5.46 %
CM.PR.P FixedReset Disc 3.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.47
Evaluated at bid price : 15.47
Bid-YTW : 5.71 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 3.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.99
Evaluated at bid price : 15.99
Bid-YTW : 5.86 %
PWF.PR.A Floater 3.84 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.55
Evaluated at bid price : 10.55
Bid-YTW : 6.62 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 4.32 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 13.05
Bid-YTW : 10.16 %
BMO.PR.T FixedReset Disc 4.59 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.65
Evaluated at bid price : 16.65
Bid-YTW : 5.26 %
BAM.PR.R FixedReset Disc 5.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 14.16
Evaluated at bid price : 14.16
Bid-YTW : 6.26 %
BMO.PR.W FixedReset Disc 5.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.20
Evaluated at bid price : 16.20
Bid-YTW : 5.38 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
TRP.PR.J FixedReset Prem 100,527 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-05-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.75
Bid-YTW : 3.73 %
TD.PF.G FixedReset Prem 97,925 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-04-30
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.65
Bid-YTW : 4.15 %
RY.PR.Q FixedReset Prem 94,045 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-05-24
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.50
Bid-YTW : 4.36 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 91,007 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 15.99
Evaluated at bid price : 15.99
Bid-YTW : 5.86 %
MFC.PR.O FixedReset Ins Non 89,727 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-06-19
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.70
Bid-YTW : 3.84 %
NA.PR.X FixedReset Prem 86,081 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2021-05-15
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.56
Bid-YTW : 4.38 %
There were 54 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.17 – 18.13
Spot Rate : 0.9600
Average : 0.5917

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 17.17
Evaluated at bid price : 17.17
Bid-YTW : 7.07 %

PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc Quote: 12.19 – 13.06
Spot Rate : 0.8700
Average : 0.5745

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 12.19
Evaluated at bid price : 12.19
Bid-YTW : 5.80 %

BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.42 – 17.00
Spot Rate : 0.5800
Average : 0.3337

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 16.42
Evaluated at bid price : 16.42
Bid-YTW : 6.28 %

MFC.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non Quote: 18.05 – 18.64
Spot Rate : 0.5900
Average : 0.3629

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.05
Bid-YTW : 8.22 %

BAM.PR.K Floater Quote: 10.40 – 11.01
Spot Rate : 0.6100
Average : 0.4734

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.40
Evaluated at bid price : 10.40
Bid-YTW : 6.78 %

PWF.PR.A Floater Quote: 10.55 – 11.01
Spot Rate : 0.4600
Average : 0.3267

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-30
Maturity Price : 10.55
Evaluated at bid price : 10.55
Bid-YTW : 6.62 %

ALA.PR.G To Be Extended

August 30th, 2019

AltaGas Ltd. has announced:

that it does not intend to exercise its right to redeem any or all of its currently outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Five-Year Rate Reset Preferred Shares, Series G (the “Series G Shares”) (TSX: ALA.PR.G) on September 30, 2019 (the “Conversion Date”).

As a result, subject to certain conditions, the holders of the Series G Shares have the right to convert all or part of their Series G Shares on a one-for-one basis into Cumulative Redeemable Floating Rate Preferred Shares, Series H (the “Series H Shares”) on the Conversion Date. Holders who do not exercise their right to convert their Series G Shares into Series H Shares will, subject to automatic conversion in the circumstances described below, retain their Series G Shares.

The foregoing conversion right is subject to the conditions that: (i) if AltaGas determines that after giving effect to all conversions there would be less than 1,000,000 Series G Shares outstanding after the Conversion Date, then all remaining Series G Shares will automatically be converted into Series H Shares on a one-for-one basis on the Conversion Date; and (ii) if AltaGas determines that after giving effect to all conversions there would be less than 1,000,000 Series H Shares outstanding after the Conversion Date, no Series G Shares will be converted into Series H Shares. There are currently 8,000,000 Series G Shares outstanding.

With respect to any Series G Shares that remain outstanding after the Conversion Date, holders shall be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of AltaGas, fixed cumulative preferential cash dividends, payable quarterly. The new annual dividend rate applicable to the Series G Shares for the five-year period commencing on and including September 30, 2019 to, but excluding, September 30, 2024 will be set and announced on September 3, 2019, being equal to the sum of the five-year Government of Canada bond yield as of such date plus 3.06 percent.

With respect to any Series H Shares that may be issued on the Conversion Date, holders shall be entitled to receive, as and when declared by the Board of Directors of AltaGas, quarterly floating rate cumulative preferential cash dividends. The dividend rate applicable to the Series H Shares for the three-month floating rate period commencing on and including September 30, 2019 to, but excluding, December 31, 2019 will be set and announced on September 3, 2019 being equal to the sum of the annual rate of interest for the most recent auction of 90 day Government of Canada treasury bills plus 3.06 percent (the “Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate”). The Floating Quarterly Dividend Rate will be reset every quarter.

Beneficial holders of Series G Shares who wish to exercise their right of conversion should instruct their broker or other nominee to exercise such right during the conversion period, which runs from August 31, 2019 until 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on September 13, 2019. It is recommended that this be done well in advance of the deadline in order to provide the broker or other intermediary with time to complete the necessary steps. Any notices received after this deadline will not be valid.

Subject to the terms and conditions of the Series G Shares and Series H Shares and AltaGas’ right to redeem such shares, holders of the Series G Shares and the Series H Shares will have the opportunity to convert their shares again on September 30, 2024, and every five years thereafter as long as the Series G Shares and Series H Shares remain outstanding.

AltaGas is a leading North American energy infrastructure company with a focus on regulated Utilities, Midstream and Power. AltaGas creates value by growing and optimizing its energy infrastructure, including a focus on clean energy sources. For more information visit:

ALA.PR.G is a FixedReset, 4.75%+306, that commenced trading 2014-7-3 after being announced 2014-6-23. It is tracked by HIMIPref™ but relegated to the Scraps subindex on credit concerns. In December, 2018, the issue was downgraded to Pfd-3(low) by DBRS and to P-3 by S&P.

I will have more to say when the reset rate is announced on September 3.

August 29, 2019

August 29th, 2019
Click for Big

TXPR closed at 576.90, up 1.14% on the day. Volume was 4.29-million, highest of the past 30 days, dwarfing the 3.33-million recorded on each of the next two biggest trading days August 14 and August 15.

CPD closed at 11.52, up 1.14% on the day. Volume of 102,269 was at about the median of the context of the past 30 days.

ZPR closed at 9.15, up 1.10% on the day. Volume of 225,458 well above average but nothing special in the context of the past 30 days.

Five-year Canada yields were up 1bp to 1.19% today.

HIMIPref™ Preferred Indices
These values reflect the December 2008 revision of the HIMIPref™ Indices

Values are provisional and are finalized monthly
Index Mean
(at bid)
Mod Dur
Issues Day’s Perf. Index Value
Ratchet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 2.0459 % 1,766.7
FixedFloater 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 2.0459 % 3,241.8
Floater 6.76 % 6.84 % 70,035 12.64 4 2.0459 % 1,868.3
OpRet 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.0420 % 3,371.3
SplitShare 4.67 % 4.53 % 61,596 4.07 7 0.0420 % 4,026.1
Interest-Bearing 0.00 % 0.00 % 0 0.00 0 0.0420 % 3,141.3
Perpetual-Premium 5.64 % -1.34 % 65,129 0.09 9 0.3361 % 2,971.1
Perpetual-Discount 5.52 % 5.65 % 64,361 14.42 25 0.4358 % 3,085.2
FixedReset Disc 5.91 % 5.66 % 161,252 14.31 66 1.6048 % 1,967.1
Deemed-Retractible 5.35 % 6.24 % 67,266 7.91 27 0.3197 % 3,073.9
FloatingReset 4.67 % 7.32 % 69,071 8.00 3 2.3651 % 2,275.4
FixedReset Prem 5.21 % 5.00 % 179,279 1.85 21 0.4265 % 2,559.3
FixedReset Bank Non 1.98 % 4.11 % 89,917 2.35 3 0.2088 % 2,662.9
FixedReset Ins Non 5.66 % 8.31 % 106,812 7.96 21 2.1747 % 2,035.3
Performance Highlights
Issue Index Change Notes
NA.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.01 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.00
Evaluated at bid price : 20.00
Bid-YTW : 5.84 %
MFC.PR.R FixedReset Ins Non 1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.36
Bid-YTW : 5.86 %
SLF.PR.A Deemed-Retractible 1.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.40
Bid-YTW : 6.67 %
BNS.PR.I FixedReset Disc 1.11 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 19.11
Evaluated at bid price : 19.11
Bid-YTW : 5.25 %
RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc 1.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.20
Evaluated at bid price : 17.20
Bid-YTW : 5.63 %
GWO.PR.S Deemed-Retractible 1.15 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 23.30
Bid-YTW : 6.12 %
TD.PF.B FixedReset Disc 1.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.50
Evaluated at bid price : 16.50
Bid-YTW : 5.46 %
NA.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 18.11
Evaluated at bid price : 18.11
Bid-YTW : 5.56 %
CU.PR.G Perpetual-Discount 1.20 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 21.10
Evaluated at bid price : 21.10
Bid-YTW : 5.36 %
BAM.PF.A FixedReset Disc 1.25 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.82
Evaluated at bid price : 17.82
Bid-YTW : 6.27 %
BAM.PR.N Perpetual-Discount 1.27 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 19.99
Evaluated at bid price : 19.99
Bid-YTW : 6.06 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 1.28 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 11.85
Evaluated at bid price : 11.85
Bid-YTW : 5.97 %
BMO.PR.S FixedReset Disc 1.32 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.92
Evaluated at bid price : 16.92
Bid-YTW : 5.43 %
BIP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 1.35 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.80
Evaluated at bid price : 20.80
Bid-YTW : 6.02 %
BAM.PR.M Perpetual-Discount 1.37 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.02
Evaluated at bid price : 20.02
Bid-YTW : 6.05 %
IFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 1.38 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.35
Bid-YTW : 8.31 %
BMO.PR.D FixedReset Disc 1.38 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.55
Evaluated at bid price : 20.55
Bid-YTW : 5.40 %
TD.PF.E FixedReset Disc 1.39 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 18.25
Evaluated at bid price : 18.25
Bid-YTW : 5.66 %
BAM.PR.C Floater 1.40 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.14
Evaluated at bid price : 10.14
Bid-YTW : 6.95 %
BAM.PF.B FixedReset Disc 1.41 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.50
Evaluated at bid price : 16.50
Bid-YTW : 6.24 %
CM.PR.O FixedReset Disc 1.46 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.03
Evaluated at bid price : 16.03
Bid-YTW : 5.70 %
RY.PR.J FixedReset Disc 1.48 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.80
Evaluated at bid price : 17.80
Bid-YTW : 5.62 %
BIP.PR.B FixedReset Prem 1.49 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Call
Maturity Date : 2020-12-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.03
Bid-YTW : 5.06 %
NA.PR.G FixedReset Disc 1.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 18.89
Evaluated at bid price : 18.89
Bid-YTW : 5.67 %
IAF.PR.B Deemed-Retractible 1.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 21.65
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
NA.PR.W FixedReset Disc 1.58 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 14.75
Evaluated at bid price : 14.75
Bid-YTW : 5.99 %
TD.PF.J FixedReset Disc 1.62 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 19.40
Evaluated at bid price : 19.40
Bid-YTW : 5.35 %
HSE.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.69 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.25
Evaluated at bid price : 16.25
Bid-YTW : 6.87 %
EMA.PR.F FixedReset Disc 1.70 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.51
Evaluated at bid price : 15.51
Bid-YTW : 6.31 %
TD.PF.A FixedReset Disc 1.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.00
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
BMO.PR.T FixedReset Disc 1.73 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.92
Evaluated at bid price : 15.92
Bid-YTW : 5.51 %
BIP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 1.81 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 21.40
Evaluated at bid price : 21.73
Bid-YTW : 5.76 %
RY.PR.Z FixedReset Disc 1.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.67
Evaluated at bid price : 16.67
Bid-YTW : 5.31 %
BAM.PF.G FixedReset Disc 1.85 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.94
Evaluated at bid price : 15.94
Bid-YTW : 6.57 %
EMA.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.86 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.01
Evaluated at bid price : 17.01
Bid-YTW : 6.07 %
TD.PF.C FixedReset Disc 1.86 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.86
Evaluated at bid price : 15.86
Bid-YTW : 5.58 %
MFC.PR.J FixedReset Ins Non 1.93 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.45
Bid-YTW : 7.97 %
BMO.PR.C FixedReset Disc 1.95 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.90
Evaluated at bid price : 20.90
Bid-YTW : 5.49 %
MFC.PR.M FixedReset Ins Non 1.95 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.15
Bid-YTW : 9.71 %
RY.PR.H FixedReset Disc 1.96 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.65
Evaluated at bid price : 16.65
Bid-YTW : 5.29 %
HSE.PR.E FixedReset Disc 2.12 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.36
Evaluated at bid price : 17.36
Bid-YTW : 7.05 %
MFC.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 2.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 19.85
Bid-YTW : 7.20 %
MFC.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 2.18 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.37
Bid-YTW : 8.57 %
IAF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 2.26 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.10
Bid-YTW : 7.92 %
HSE.PR.G FixedReset Disc 2.41 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 7.14 %
MFC.PR.Q FixedReset Ins Non 2.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.02
Bid-YTW : 8.24 %
BMO.PR.Y FixedReset Disc 2.57 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.96
Evaluated at bid price : 17.96
Bid-YTW : 5.53 %
IAF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 2.60 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 18.27
Bid-YTW : 8.23 %
MFC.PR.N FixedReset Ins Non 2.65 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.09
Bid-YTW : 9.69 %
IFC.PR.C FixedReset Ins Non 2.72 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.00
Bid-YTW : 8.58 %
BAM.PF.E FixedReset Disc 2.80 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 14.70
Evaluated at bid price : 14.70
Bid-YTW : 6.64 %
BAM.PR.X FixedReset Disc 2.82 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 12.03
Evaluated at bid price : 12.03
Bid-YTW : 6.32 %
BAM.PF.F FixedReset Disc 2.87 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.15
Evaluated at bid price : 16.15
Bid-YTW : 6.48 %
TD.PF.I FixedReset Disc 2.94 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 20.33
Evaluated at bid price : 20.33
Bid-YTW : 5.35 %
BAM.PR.T FixedReset Disc 2.99 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 13.76
Evaluated at bid price : 13.76
Bid-YTW : 6.55 %
IFC.PR.A FixedReset Ins Non 3.17 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 14.01
Bid-YTW : 10.24 %
SLF.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 3.34 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.65
Bid-YTW : 8.15 %
TRP.PR.D FixedReset Disc 3.36 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.40
Evaluated at bid price : 15.40
Bid-YTW : 6.09 %
MFC.PR.K FixedReset Ins Non 3.45 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.81
Bid-YTW : 8.78 %
BAM.PR.B Floater 3.52 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.30
Evaluated at bid price : 10.30
Bid-YTW : 6.84 %
SLF.PR.G FixedReset Ins Non 3.56 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.51
Bid-YTW : 10.68 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc 3.80 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.40
Evaluated at bid price : 16.40
Bid-YTW : 5.77 %
MFC.PR.I FixedReset Ins Non 3.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 17.90
Bid-YTW : 8.33 %
TRP.PR.F FloatingReset 3.95 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 12.37
Evaluated at bid price : 12.37
Bid-YTW : 7.32 %
BAM.PR.K Floater 4.04 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.30
Evaluated at bid price : 10.30
Bid-YTW : 6.84 %
SLF.PR.J FloatingReset 4.16 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 12.52
Bid-YTW : 11.29 %
CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc 4.30 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.48
Evaluated at bid price : 16.48
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
TRP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 4.52 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 12.50
Evaluated at bid price : 12.50
Bid-YTW : 6.46 %
TRP.PR.G FixedReset Disc 4.55 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.55
Evaluated at bid price : 16.55
Bid-YTW : 6.35 %
SLF.PR.H FixedReset Ins Non 4.79 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 15.30
Bid-YTW : 9.11 %
TRP.PR.C FixedReset Disc 5.21 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.90
Evaluated at bid price : 10.90
Bid-YTW : 6.36 %
HSE.PR.A FixedReset Disc 5.83 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 11.25
Evaluated at bid price : 11.25
Bid-YTW : 6.57 %
TRP.PR.B FixedReset Disc 6.23 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.40
Evaluated at bid price : 10.40
Bid-YTW : 6.13 %
TRP.PR.E FixedReset Disc 6.33 % YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 14.45
Evaluated at bid price : 14.45
Bid-YTW : 6.30 %
Volume Highlights
Issue Index Shares
TRP.PR.B FixedReset Disc 389,564 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 10.40
Evaluated at bid price : 10.40
Bid-YTW : 6.13 %
TRP.PR.A FixedReset Disc 148,692 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 12.50
Evaluated at bid price : 12.50
Bid-YTW : 6.46 %
TD.PF.A FixedReset Disc 105,100 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.00
Evaluated at bid price : 16.00
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %
BAM.PF.G FixedReset Disc 92,855 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.94
Evaluated at bid price : 15.94
Bid-YTW : 6.57 %
PWF.PR.P FixedReset Disc 82,228 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 11.85
Evaluated at bid price : 11.85
Bid-YTW : 5.97 %
NA.PR.S FixedReset Disc 62,362 YTW SCENARIO
Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.40
Evaluated at bid price : 16.40
Bid-YTW : 5.77 %
There were 62 other index-included issues trading in excess of 10,000 shares.
Wide Spread Highlights
Issue Index Quote Data and Yield Notes
PWF.PR.L Perpetual-Discount Quote: 22.28 – 22.84
Spot Rate : 0.5600
Average : 0.3616

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 22.05
Evaluated at bid price : 22.28
Bid-YTW : 5.78 %

BMO.PR.T FixedReset Disc Quote: 15.92 – 16.37
Spot Rate : 0.4500
Average : 0.2890

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 15.92
Evaluated at bid price : 15.92
Bid-YTW : 5.51 %

RY.PR.M FixedReset Disc Quote: 17.20 – 17.60
Spot Rate : 0.4000
Average : 0.2391

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 17.20
Evaluated at bid price : 17.20
Bid-YTW : 5.63 %

GWO.PR.T Deemed-Retractible Quote: 22.70 – 23.23
Spot Rate : 0.5300
Average : 0.3884

Maturity Type : Hard Maturity
Maturity Date : 2030-01-31
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 22.70
Bid-YTW : 6.35 %

CU.PR.C FixedReset Disc Quote: 16.48 – 17.00
Spot Rate : 0.5200
Average : 0.3813

Maturity Type : Limit Maturity
Maturity Date : 2049-08-29
Maturity Price : 16.48
Evaluated at bid price : 16.48
Bid-YTW : 5.50 %

EIT.PR.A SplitShare Quote: 25.25 – 25.64
Spot Rate : 0.3900
Average : 0.2541

Maturity Type : Soft Maturity
Maturity Date : 2024-03-14
Maturity Price : 25.00
Evaluated at bid price : 25.25
Bid-YTW : 4.53 %