BCE Renews Real NCIB

BCE Inc. has announced:

that the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) has accepted a notice filed by BCE of its intention to renew its normal course issuer bid (“NCIB”) to purchase up to 10% of the public float of each series of BCE’s outstanding First Preferred Shares that are listed on the TSX (the “Preferred Shares”). The period of the NCIB will extend from November 9, 2023 to November 8, 2024, or an earlier date should BCE complete its purchases under the NCIB. BCE will pay the prevailing market price at the time of acquisition for any Preferred Shares purchased plus brokerage fees payable by BCE (except with respect to purchases made under an issuer bid exemption order, which will be at a discount to the prevailing market price), and all Preferred Shares acquired by BCE under the NCIB will be cancelled.

The actual number of Preferred Shares repurchased under the NCIB and the timing of such repurchases will be at BCE’s discretion and shall be subject to the limitations set out in the TSX Company Manual.

The NCIB will be conducted through a combination of discretionary transactions and purchases under an automatic securities purchase plan through the facilities of the TSX as well as alternative trading systems in Canada, if eligible, or by such other means as may be permitted by securities regulatory authorities, including pre-arranged crosses, exempt offers, private agreements under an issuer bid exemption order issued by securities regulatory authorities and block purchases of Preferred Shares. Purchases made under an issuer bid exemption order will be at a discount to the prevailing market price.

Under the NCIB, BCE is authorized to repurchase shares of each respective series of the Preferred Shares as follows:

Maximum Number of Shares Subject to Purchase
Series Ticker Issued and Outstanding Shares(1) Public Float(1) Average Daily Trading Volume(2) Total(3) Daily(4)
R BCE.PR.R 7,894,800 7,894,800 5,406 789,480 1,351
S BCE.PR.S 2,064,967 2,064,967 1,499 206,496 1,000
T BCE.PR.T 5,354,833 5,354,833 4,556 535,483 1,139
Y BCE.PR.Y 6,667,052 6,667,052 4,878 666,705 1,219
Z BCE.PR.Z 2,785,698 2,785,698 1,827 278,569 1,000
AA BCE.PR.A 11,604,661 11,604,661 9,332 1,160,466 2,333
AB BCE.PR.B 7,055,639 7,055,639 5,602 705,563 1,400
AC BCE.PR.C 6,505,774 6,505,774 5,029 650,577 1,257
AD BCE.PR.D 12,671,126 12,671,126 11,791 1,267,112 2,947
AE BCE.PR.E 6,097,913 6,097,913 5,653 609,791 1,413
AF BCE.PR.F 9,145,387 9,145,387 5,502 914,538 1,375
AG BCE.PR.G 8,636,930 8,636,930 4,969 863,693 1,242
AH BCE.PR.H 4,878,370 4,878,370 2,998 487,837 1,000
AI BCE.PR.I 9,362,540 9,362,540 4,724 936,254 1,181
AJ BCE.PR.J 4,279,960 4,279,960 1,509 427,996 1,000
AK BCE.PR.K 22,455,312 22,455,312 15,074 2,245,531 3,768
AL BCE.PR.L 1,761,188 1,761,188 795 176,118 1,000
AM BCE.PR.M 10,253,978 10,253,978 6,779 1,025,397 1,694
AN BCE.PR.N 1,042,322 1,042,322 741 104,232 1,000
AQ BCE.PR.Q 8,410,414 8,410,414 8,561 841,041 2,140
(1) As of October 31, 2023.
(2) For the 6 months ended October 31, 2023.
(3) Represents approximately 10% of the public float in respect of each series of Preferred Shares.
(4)Represents the maximum number of shares of each series of Preferred Shares that may be purchased over the TSX (or alternative trading systems in Canada, if eligible) during the course of one trading day. This amount is equal to the greater of (i) 25% of the average daily trading volume on the TSX calculated in accordance with the rules of the TSX, and (ii) 1,000 shares. This limitation does not apply to purchases made pursuant to block purchase exemptions.

BCE is making this NCIB because it believes that, from time to time, the Preferred Shares may trade in price ranges that do not fully reflect their value. BCE believes that, in such circumstances, the repurchase of its Preferred Shares represents an appropriate use of its available funds.

As of October 31, 2023, under its current normal course issuer bid that commenced on November 9, 2022 and will expire on November 8, 2023, and for which the company received approval from the TSX, BCE purchased, through the facilities of the TSX and alternative eligible trading systems, Preferred Shares as follows:

Series Ticker Maximum Number of Shares Subject to Purchase Number of Shares Purchased Weighted Average Price Paid per Security
R BCE.PR.R 799,890 104,100 $14.76
S BCE.PR.S 212,826 63,300 $18.05
T BCE.PR.T 587,013 515,300 $17.85
Y BCE.PR.Y 807,929 353,200 $17.76
Z BCE.PR.Z 191,850 191,850 $19.11
AA BCE.PR.A 1,230,766 703,000 $16.83
AB BCE.PR.B 768,873 633,100 $17.95
AC BCE.PR.C 1,002,799 238,500 $16.61
AD BCE.PR.D 996,320 575,800 $17.90
AE BCE.PR.E 651,291 415,800 $18.22
AF BCE.PR.F 948,148 336,100 $16.04
AG BCE.PR.G 897,953 342,600 $15.15
AH BCE.PR.H 501,757 139,200 $18.08
AI BCE.PR.I 953,504 172,500 $15.12
AJ BCE.PR.J 446,496 185,000 $18.22
AK BCE.PR.K 2,319,031 735,000 $14.22
AL BCE.PR.L 179,938 38,200 $16.25
AM BCE.PR.M 1,043,997 186,000 $14.71
AN BCE.PR.N 105,472 12,400 $17.16
AQ BCE.PR.Q 920,000 789,586 $20.50

BCE will enter into an automatic securities purchase plan (“ASPP”) with a designated broker in relation to the NCIB on or about the commencement date of the NCIB. The ASPP will allow for the purchase of Preferred Shares, subject to certain trading parameters, at times when BCE ordinarily would not be active in the market due to applicable regulatory restrictions or self-imposed trading black-out periods. Outside of these periods, the Preferred Shares will be repurchased by BCE at its discretion under the NCIB.

Geez, I hate these press releases with big tables in them – they take forever to format into HTML! But worth it, in this case – this is a really meaningful NCIB!

Thanks to Assiduous Reader Peculiar_Investor for bringing this to my attention!

3 Responses to “BCE Renews Real NCIB”

  1. Szeven says:

    Do BCE issues show any premium to non BCE issues that could be attributed to the NCIB?

  2. DR says:

    “geez i hate these press releases”

    me, i’m celebrating them and applauding BCE for being only issuer with any brains

    but your point is understood….

  3. jambr403 says:

    Artis Q3 looked pretty good. They are using their NCIB as well to buyback their preferred shares: “In Q3-23, Artis utilized the NCIB to purchase 1,698,736 common units for an aggregate market price of $11,749, and 35,600 Series E and 111,600 Series I preferred units for an aggregate market price of $2,666. The REIT has purchased the maximum number of common units allowed under the term of the NCIB.” I have a chunk of the E’s and am comfortable with holding these although higher on the risk spectrum.

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